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  • Cyndi Stivers: So, future of storytelling.

    翻訳: Moe Shoji 校正: Misato Noto

  • Before we do the future,

    (シンディ・スタイヴァーズ) ストーリーテリングの未来ですが

  • let's talk about what is never going to change about storytelling.


  • Shonda Rhimes: What's never going to change.

    ストーリーテリングで 決して変わらないものを考えましょう

  • Obviously, I think good stories are never going to change,

    (ションダ・ライムズ) 変わらないものですね

  • the need for people to gather together and exchange their stories

    明白なことですが 良い物語は変わりません

  • and to talk about the things that feel universal,

    人々が集まって 物語を語り合ったり—

  • the idea that we all feel a compelling need to watch stories,

    普遍的に思える事柄を 話したいと感じたりする欲求や

  • to tell stories, to share stories --

    物語を受容し 語ったり 共有したりしたいと

  • sort of the gathering around the campfire


  • to discuss the things that tell each one of us


  • that we are not alone in the world.

    自分は独りではないと 思えるような事柄を

  • Those things to me are never going to change.


  • That essence of storytelling is never going to change.

    こうしたことは 変わらないでしょう

  • CS: OK. In preparation for this conversation,

    ストーリーテリングの真髄は 変わらないと思います

  • I checked in with Susan Lyne,

    (シンディ)なるほど この対談に先駆けて

  • who was running ABC Entertainment


  • when you were working on "Grey's Anatomy" --

    ABCエンターテインメントの 元トップですね

  • SR: Yes.

    あなたが『グレイズ・アナトミー』を 手がけた当時の―

  • CS: And she said that there was this indelible memory she had


  • of your casting process,

    (シンディ)彼女には 忘れられない思い出があるそうで

  • where without discussing it with any of the executives,

    配役を決めた時の話を 教えてくれました

  • you got people coming in to read for your scripts,


  • and every one of them was the full range of humanity,

    役者を集めて 台本を読ませたそうですね

  • you did not type anyone in any way,


  • and that it was completely surprising.

    あなたは型にはめることを 一切しなかったために

  • So she said, in addition to retraining the studio executives,


  • you also, she feels,

    あなたはスタジオの上層部を 再教育しただけでなく

  • and I think this is -- I agree,

    彼女が言うには あなたは同時に―

  • retrained the expectations of the American TV audience.


  • So what else does the audience not yet realize that it needs?

    アメリカのテレビ視聴者の期待をも 再教育したと感じているそうです

  • SR: What else does it not yet realize?

    視聴者が必要としているのに まだ気づいていないことは何でしょう?

  • Well, I mean, I don't think we're anywhere near there yet.


  • I mean, we're still in a place

    そうですね まだその段階ですらないかと

  • in which we're far, far behind what looks like the real world in actuality.


  • I wasn't bringing in a bunch of actors

    現実世界の実際の様子から かけ離れていますから

  • who looked very different from one another


  • simply because I was trying to make a point,


  • and I wasn't trying to do anything special.


  • It never occurred to me that that was new, different or weird.

    特別なことをしようと 思ったわけでもありません

  • I just brought in actors because I thought they were interesting

    それが斬新だとか変わっているとか 変だとは思いもしませんでした

  • and to me, the idea that it was completely surprising to everybody --

    彼らを集めたのは 面白い役者だったからです

  • I didn't know that for a while.

    それが他の人たちには まったくの驚きだったなんて—

  • I just thought: these are the actors I want to see play these parts.


  • I want to see what they look like if they read.

    ただ この役者に この役を演じてほしい

  • We'll see what happens.


  • So I think the interesting thing that happens is


  • that when you look at the world through another lens,

    ですから 興味深いのは

  • when you're not the person normally in charge of things,


  • it just comes out a different way.

    つまり 普段は 決定権を持たない人物の場合

  • CS: So you now have this big machine that you run,


  • as a titan -- as you know, last year when she gave her talk --

    (シンディ)今やあなたは この大きな組織を動かしています

  • she's a titan.

    「巨人」とも言えますね 昨年トークをされた通り―

  • So what do you think is going to happen as we go on?


  • There's a huge amount of money involved in producing these shows.

    この先に何が待っていると 思われますか?

  • While the tools of making stories have gone and gotten greatly democratized,

    番組制作に巨額の予算が 組まれていますね

  • there's still this large distribution:

    物語を生み出す手法は 大きく民主化された一方で

  • people who rent networks, who rent the audience to advertisers


  • and make it all pay.

    ネットワークを借りている人たちがいて 広告主に視聴者を提供して

  • How do you see the business model changing now that anyone can be a storyteller?


  • SR: I think it's changing every day.

    誰でもストーリーテラーになれる今 ビジネスモデルの変化はいかがですか?

  • I mean, the rapid, rapid change that's happening is amazing.

    (ションダ)日々 変化しています

  • And I feel -- the panic is palpable,

    非常に急速な変化には 目を見張るものがあります

  • and I don't mean that in a bad way.

    感じるのは― パニックが手に取るように分かるということ

  • I think it's kind of exciting.


  • The idea that there's sort of an equalizer happening,


  • that sort of means that anybody can make something, is wonderful.

    均一化のようなものが 起きているということ―

  • I think there's some scary in the idea that you can't find the good work now.

    誰もが何かを生み出せるというのは 素晴らしいことです

  • There's so much work out there.

    良い作品を見つけにくいというのは 少し恐ろしくもあります

  • I think there's something like 417 dramas on television right now


  • at any given time in any given place,

    現在テレビでは 417ものドラマが

  • but you can't find them.

    常時 どこでも見られますが

  • You can't find the good ones.


  • So there's a lot of bad stuff out there because everybody can make something.


  • It's like if everybody painted a painting.

    誰もが何かを生み出せるので ひどい作品が多くあります

  • You know, there's not that many good painters.


  • But finding the good stories, the good shows,


  • is harder and harder and harder.

    良い物語や良い番組を 見つけることは

  • Because if you have one tiny show over here on AMC


  • and one tiny show over here over there,

    あるチャンネルに 短い番組がひとつあったとして

  • finding where they are becomes much harder.

    それ以外にも 番組が点在していると

  • So I think that ferreting out the gems

    当たりを見つけるのが かなり難しくなります

  • and finding out who made the great webisode and who made this,


  • it's -- I mean, think about the poor critics

    素晴らしいウェブドラマの 制作者を見つけるのは―

  • who now are spending 24 hours a day


  • trapped in their homes watching everything.

    一日中 家に閉じこもって

  • It's not an easy job right now.

    すべてを見なければ ならないんですから

  • So the distribution engines are getting more and more vast,


  • but finding the good programming for everybody in the audience


  • is getting harder.

    視聴者全員にとって 良い番組構成は

  • And unlike the news,


  • where everything's getting winnowed down to just who you are,


  • television seems to be getting --

    どんな人であるかによって 選択肢を狭められますが

  • and by television I mean anything you can watch, television shows on --


  • seems to be getting wider and wider and wider.

    テレビというのは テレビ番組全般のことですが―

  • And so anybody's making stories,

    だんだん広範囲に なっているようです

  • and the geniuses are sometimes hidden.


  • But it's going to be harder to find,


  • and at some point that will collapse.


  • People keep talking about peak TV.

    ある時点で 崩壊するでしょうね

  • I don't know when that's going to happen.


  • I think at some point it'll collapse a little bit


  • and we'll, sort of, come back together.

    ある時点で ちょっと崩壊して

  • I don't know if it will be network television.


  • I don't know if that model is sustainable.

    その媒体がテレビになるのかは 分かりません

  • CS: What about the model

    そのモデルが持続可能か 分かりませんから

  • that Amazon and Netflix are throwing a lot of money around right now.


  • SR: That is true.

    AmazonやNetflixが 巨額の資金を投入していますね

  • I think it's an interesting model.


  • I think there's something exciting about it.


  • For content creators, I think there's something exciting about it.


  • For the world, I think there's something exciting about it.

    コンテンツ制作者にとっては わくわくするものがあります

  • The idea that there are programs now

    世界の人々にとっても わくわくするものがあります

  • that can be in multiple languages with characters from all over the world

    今や 多くの番組が

  • that are appealing and come out for everybody at the same time

    多言語で放送されて 魅力的な世界各地の登場人物が出てきて

  • is exciting.


  • I mean, I think the international sense that television can now take on


  • makes sense to me,

    テレビが国際的な感覚を 表現できるというのは

  • that programming can now take on.


  • Television so much is made for, like -- here's our American audience.


  • We make these shows,

    テレビ番組は 例えば アメリカの視聴者を想定して作られます

  • and then they shove them out into the world


  • and hope for the best,


  • as opposed to really thinking about the fact that America is not it.


  • I mean, we love ourselves and everything, but it's not i.

    アメリカがすべてではないと ちゃんと考えることをせずにね

  • And we should be taking into account the fact

    アメリカは好きであっても これがすべてではありません

  • that there are all of these other places in the world


  • that we should be interested in while we're telling stories.

    世界には他にも さまざまな場所があって

  • It makes the world smaller.

    物語を語る上で 関心を寄せるべきだということです

  • I don't know.

    そうすれば 世界が小さく感じられるでしょう

  • I think it pushes forward the idea that the world is a universal place,


  • and our stories become universal things.

    世界が普遍的な場所だという考えを 押し進められますし

  • We stop being other.


  • CS: You've pioneered, as far as I can see,


  • interesting ways to launch new shows, too.

    (シンディ)私の知る限り あなたは画期的な方法で

  • I mean, when you launched "Scandal" in 2012,

    新しい番組を生み出した 先駆けでもあります

  • there was this amazing groundswell of support on Twitter

    『スキャンダル 託された秘密』を 2012年に制作したときには

  • the likes of which nobody had seen before.

    Twitter 上で 前代未聞の 「いいね」を獲得して

  • Do you have any other tricks up your sleeve


  • when you launch your next one?


  • What do you think will happen in that regard?


  • SR: We do have some interesting ideas.

    その点では どうなっていくでしょう?

  • We have a show called "Still Star-Crossed" coming out this summer.


  • We have some interesting ideas for that.

    『Still Star-Crossed』という 今夏放送予定の番組です

  • I'm not sure if we're going to be able to do them in time.


  • I thought they were fun.

    放送までに間に合うかは 分かりませんが

  • But the idea that we would live-tweet our show


  • was really just us thinking that would be fun.

    番組中にTwitterで 実況ツイートをしたら

  • We didn't realize that the critics would start to live-tweet along with us.

    面白いんじゃないかと 思ったんです

  • But the fans -- getting people to be a part of it,

    予想外だったのは批評家まで 一緒に実況ツイートしだしたことです

  • making it more of a campfire --

    ファンたちは― 周りを巻き込むと

  • you know, when you're all on Twitter together


  • and you're all talking together,


  • it is more of a shared experience,


  • and finding other ways to make that possible


  • and finding other ways to make people feel engaged


  • is important.

    自分も参加していると 思える方法を

  • CS: So when you have all those different people making stories


  • and only some of them are going to break through

    (シンディ)多くのさまざまな人々が 物語を生み出す中で

  • and get that audience somehow,

    ヒットして 視聴者を獲得するのは

  • how do you think storytellers will get paid?


  • SR: I actually have been struggling with this concept as well.

    どうやってストーリーテラーは 身を立てているのでしょう?

  • Is it going to be a subscriber model?

    (ションダ)そのコンセプトについても 苦戦しています

  • Are people going to say, like, I'm going to watch this particular person's shows,


  • and that's how we're going to do it?

    視聴者は 誰の番組かで 見るかどうかを決めるのか―

  • CS: I think we should buy a passport to Shondaland. Right?


  • SR: I don't know about that, but yeah. That's a lot more work for me.

    (シンディ)ションダ・ワールドの パスポートが必要?

  • I do think that there are going to be different ways,

    (ションダ)どうでしょう 考える必要はありますね

  • but I don't know necessarily.


  • I mean, I'll be honest and say a lot of content creators


  • are not necessarily interested in being distributors,

    つまり 正直に言うと コンテンツのクリエイターの多くは

  • mainly because what I dream of doing


  • is creating content.

    クリエイターがやりたいことは コンテンツを作ること

  • I really love to create content.


  • I want to get paid for it


  • and I want to get paid the money that I deserve to get paid for it,


  • and there's a hard part in finding that.

    仕事に見合っただけの収入を 得たいと思います

  • But I also want it to be made possible


  • for, you know, the people who work with me,

    同時に 実現したいのは

  • the people who work for me,


  • everybody to sort of get paid in a way, and they're all making a living.


  • How it gets distributed is getting harder and harder.

    誰もが何らかの収入を得て 身を立てられるようにすることです

  • CS: How about the many new tools,

    どうやって分配するかは 困難になるばかりですけれど

  • you know, VR, AR ...

    (シンディ)多くの新しいツールは どうでしょう

  • I find it fascinating that you can't really binge-watch,

    VR(仮想現実)や AR(拡張現実)

  • you can't fast-forward in those things.

    私が興味深いと思うのは そういうものだと一気見ができないし

  • What do you see as the future of those for storytelling?


  • SR: I spent a lot of time in the past year

    そういったものは今後 ストーリーテリングでどうなるでしょう?

  • just exploring those,

    (ションダ)ここ1年間 多くの時間を使って

  • getting lots of demonstrations and paying attention.


  • I find them fascinating,

    デモを試したり 注意を向けたりしました

  • mainly because I think that --


  • I think most people think of them for gaming,

    それというのも 主に―

  • I think most people think of them for things like action,

    それらはゲーム向きの技術だと 思われがちで

  • and I think that there is a sense of intimacy

    アクションを表現するのに 向いていると思われます

  • that is very present in those things,

    私はこれらの技術には ある種の親密感が

  • the idea that -- picture this,


  • you can sit there and have a conversation with Fitz,

    それというのも― 想像してみてください

  • or at least sit there while Fitz talks to you,

    そこに腰掛けて フィッツと話ができるんです

  • President Fitzgerald Grant III,

    座ってフィッツの話を聞く というのでもいいです

  • while he talks to you


  • about why he's making a choice that he makes,


  • and it's a very heartfelt moment.

    自分の選択について 説明するんです

  • And instead of you watching a television screen,


  • you're sitting there next to him, and he's having this conversation.


  • Now, you fall in love with the man

    登場人物の隣に座って 彼の話を聞けるんです

  • while he's doing it from a television screen.


  • Imagine sitting next to him,


  • or being with a character like Huck who's about to execute somebody.

    隣にいたら どうでしょう

  • And instead of having a scene

    誰かを暗殺しようとしている ハックのような登場人物でもいいでしょう

  • where, you know, he's talking to another character very rapidly,


  • he goes into a closet and turns to you and tells you, you know,

    他の登場人物に話しかけているシーンを 見るのではなく

  • what's going to happen and why he's afraid and nervous.

    クローゼットの中に入って あなたの方を見て

  • It's a little more like theater, and I'm not sure it would work,

    これから起こることや 緊張していると話してくれるんです

  • but I'm fascinating by the concept of something like that

    より演劇に近い感じで うまくいくかは分かりませんが

  • and what that would mean for an audience.

    そういうコンセプトや 視聴者がどう受け取るのかには

  • And to get to play with those ideas would be interesting,


  • and I think, you know, for my audience, the people who watch my shows,

    そういうアイデアを試してみるのは 面白いでしょうね

  • which is, you know, women 12 to 75,

    私の番組を見てくれる 視聴者の皆さんは

  • there's something interesting in there for them.


  • CS: And how about the input of the audience?


  • How interested are you in the things

    (シンディ)視聴者のインプットは どうですか?

  • where the audience can actually go up to a certain point

    ある程度まで物語を見てから どの展開を選ぶか

  • and then decide, oh wait, I'm going to choose my own adventure.

    視聴者に決定権を委ねることに 関心はありますか?

  • I'm going to run off with Fitz or I'm going to run off with --

    フィッツと逃げようか それとも―

  • SR: Oh, the choose- your-own-adventure stories.


  • I have a hard time with those,


  • and not necessarily because I want to be in control of everything,

    私がすべてをコントロールしたいから というわけではなくて

  • but because when I'm watching television or I'm watching a movie,

    自分がテレビや映画を 見ているときに

  • I know for a fact that a story is not as good

    他の登場人物がどうなるかを 自分で決められたら

  • when I have control over exactly what's going to happen

    そこまで物語は 面白くなることはないと

  • to somebody else's character.


  • You know, if I could tell you exactly what I wanted to happen to Walter White,

    ウォルター・ホワイトの身に 何が起きてほしいと思ったかは言えますが

  • that's great, but the story is not the same, and it's not as powerful.

    物語は変わってきますし そこまで力強くもならないでしょう

  • You know, if I'm in charge of how "The Sopranos" ends,

    『ザ・ソプラノズ 哀愁のマフィア』の結末を 私が書くとしたら

  • then that's lovely and I have an ending that's nice and satisfying,

    楽しいでしょうし 満足のいく結末になるでしょうが

  • but it's not the same story and it's not the same emotional impact.

    話が変わってきますし 同じ感情的な衝撃は受けないでしょう

  • CS: I can't stop imagining what that might be.

    (シンディ)あなたが書いていたら どうなったか想像してしまいますね

  • Sorry, you're losing me for a minute.

    ごめんなさい ちょっと ひと呼吸置かせて

  • SR: But what's wonderful is I don't get to imagine it,

    (ションダ)素晴らしいのは 私は想像させてもらえない分

  • because Vince has his own ending,


  • and it makes it really powerful to know that somebody else has told.

    他の誰かが語るからこそ 力強いものになるんです

  • You know, if you could decide that, you know,


  • in "Jaws," the shark wins or something,

    『ジョーズ』で サメが勝つことにでもしたら

  • it doesn't do what it needs to do for you.


  • The story is the story that is told,


  • and you can walk away angry and you can walk away debating

    見終わってから 怒りを感じたり 議論を交わしたり

  • and you can walk away arguing,


  • but that's why it works.


  • That is why it's art.


  • Otherwise, it's just a game,

    そうでなければ ゲームに過ぎません

  • and games can be art, but in a very different way.

    ゲームも芸術たりえますが また別の意味においてです

  • CS: Gamers who actually sell the right to sit there

    (シンディ)ゲーマーが 画面の前に座って

  • and comment on what's happening,

    内容にコメントすることを 売りにするというのは

  • to me that's more community than storytelling.

    ストーリーテリングというより 体験の共有に思えます

  • SR: And that is its own form of campfire.

    (ションダ)それも キャンプファイヤーですね

  • I don't discount that as a form of storytelling,

    ストーリーテリングではないとは 言いませんが

  • but it is a group form, I suppose.


  • CS: All right, what about the super-super --

    (シンディ)それでは とってもとっても―

  • the fact that everything's getting shorter, shorter, shorter.

    すべてがどんどん 短くなっていることについては?

  • And, you know, Snapchat now has something it calls shows

    Snapchat は今や 「番組」を持っていますが

  • that are one minute long.


  • SR: It's interesting.


  • Part of me thinks it sounds like commercials.

    私はどこかで CMみたいだとも思っています

  • I mean, it does -- like, sponsored by.

    そうでしょう 「なんとかの提供でお送りします」って

  • But part of me also gets it completely.


  • There's something really wonderful about it.


  • If you think about a world


  • in which most people are watching television on their phones,

    携帯電話で見ているところでは 素晴らしいでしょう

  • if you think about a place like India,


  • where most of the input is coming in


  • and that's where most of the product is coming in,

    商品が入ってくるのも 携帯電話経由です

  • shorter makes sense.


  • If you can charge people more for shorter periods of content,

    より短いコンテンツに より多くお金を払わせられれば

  • some distributor has figured out a way to make a lot more money.

    配信側の中には 儲けを出せるところもあるでしょう

  • If you're making content,


  • it costs less money to make it and put it out there.


  • And, by the way,


  • if you're 14 and have a short attention span, like my daughter,

    私の娘みたいに14歳で 集中が短時間しか続かないなら

  • that's what you want to see, that's what you want to make,

    短いものを見たいでしょうし 作りたいと思うでしょう

  • that's how it works.


  • And if you do it right and it actually feels like narrative,

    上手く作ることができ 物語だと感じさせられれば

  • people will hang on for it no matter what you do.

    どんな形態であっても 人々は見るものです

  • CS: I'm glad you raised your daughters,

    (シンディ)娘さんたちを お持ちで何よりです

  • because I am wondering how are they going to consume entertainment,

    若い世代はエンターテイメントを どう消費するのかをお尋ねしたいんです

  • and also not just entertainment,


  • but news, too.


  • When they're not -- I mean, the algorithmic robot overlords

    彼らは― 過剰なまでのアルゴリズムによって

  • are going to feed them what they've already done.

    自分が見たものしか 見せられないのだとすれば

  • How do you think we will correct for that and make people well-rounded citizens?

    それをどう矯正して 偏りのない市民を育めるでしょう?

  • SR: Well, me and how I correct for it

    (ションダ)私の考えと 私の矯正方法は

  • is completely different than how somebody else might do it.

    他の人とは大きく 違っているかもしれません

  • CS: Feel free to speculate.


  • SR: I really don't know how we're going to do it in the future.

    (ションダ)将来どうしていくのかは 正直分かりません

  • I mean, my poor children have been the subject of all of my experiments.

    かわいそうに うちの子たちは 私の実験台になっていますから

  • We're still doing what I call "Amish summers"

    「アーミッシュ式夏休み」を 実践しています

  • where I turn off all electronics


  • and pack away all their computers and stuff


  • and watch them scream for a while until they settle down

    しばらく子供たちは大騒ぎしますが そのうち落ち着いて

  • into, like, an electronic-free summer.


  • But honestly, it's a very hard world

    正直言って かなり厳しい世界です

  • in which now, as grown-ups,


  • we're so interested in watching our own thing,

    自分の見たいものを 見ることに関心が向きすぎて

  • and we don't even know that we're being fed, sometimes,

    自分の意見だと考えているものさえ 与えられているのだと

  • just our own opinions.


  • You know, the way it's working now,


  • you're watching a feed,


  • and the feeds are being corrected


  • so that you're only getting your own opinions

    自分の意見だけを 目にするようになるわけです

  • and you're feeling more and more right about yourself.

    自分の意見が正しいのだと より強く思うことになります

  • So how do you really start to discern?

    ではどうやって 峻別すればいいのか?

  • It's getting a little bit disturbing.


  • So maybe it'll overcorrect, maybe it'll all explode,

    修正が過度になるのか 全部めちゃめちゃになるのか

  • or maybe we'll all just become --

    あるいは 私たちはただ―

  • I hate to be negative about it,


  • but maybe we'll all just become more idiotic.

    私たちはただ馬鹿に なっていくのかもしれません

  • (Cyndi laughs)

    (シンディ 笑)

  • CS: Yeah, can you picture any corrective that you could do

    (シンディ)そうですね 脚本のあるフィクションで

  • with scripted, fictional work?

    どう矯正しうるか 想像できますか?

  • SR: I think a lot about the fact that television has the power

    (ションダ)テレビが 大きな影響力を持って 人々を

  • to educate people in a powerful way,

    教育できることについては よく考えます

  • and when you're watching television --


  • for instance, they do studies about medical shows.

    例えば 医療ドラマについての 研究が行われました

  • I think it's 87 percent, 87 percent of people

    確か 87%の人々が

  • get most of their knowledge about medicine and medical facts


  • from medical shows,


  • much more so than they do from their doctors,

    お医者さんからでも 論文からでもなく

  • than from articles.


  • So we work really hard to be accurate, and every time we make a mistake,

    だから正確であるよう努力しますし 誤りを伝えてしまう度に

  • I feel really guilty, like we're going to do something bad,

    悪いことをしてしまったような 罪悪感を覚えます

  • but we also give a lot of good medical information.

    でも有益な医学的情報も 伝えています

  • There are so many other ways to give information on those shows.

    そうした番組で情報を伝える術は 他にもたくさんあります

  • People are being entertained


  • and maybe they don't want to read the news,


  • but there are a lot of ways to give fair information out on those shows,

    そういった番組で公正で偏りのない情報を 伝える方法はたくさんあります

  • not in some creepy, like, we're going to control people's minds way,

    人々を洗脳するといったような 気味の悪いやり方ではなくて

  • but in a way that's sort of very interesting and intelligent

    ある意味 とても興味深くて 知的な方法で

  • and not about pushing one side's version or the other,

    これが真実だというように ある一面的な情報を

  • like, giving out the truth.


  • It would be strange, though,


  • if television drama was how we were giving the news.

    ニュースを伝えるのは 奇妙に思えるでしょうね

  • CS: It would be strange,


  • but I gather a lot of what you've written as fiction

    フィクションとして あなたが描いた事柄の多くが

  • has become prediction this season?


  • SR: You know, "Scandal" has been very disturbing for that reason.

    (ションダ)だからこそ『スキャンダル』は ちょっと恐ろしいですね

  • We have this show that's about politics gone mad,

    政治がおかしくなるという ドラマを作り

  • and basically the way we've always told the show --

    ドラマの作り方としては 基本的に

  • you know, everybody pays attention to the papers.

    制作陣はみんな 新聞を読んでいました

  • We read everything. We talk about everything.

    あらゆる記事を読み 話題にしました

  • We have lots of friends in Washington.


  • And we'd always sort of done our show as a speculation.

    ドラマをある種の推測として 作りはしました

  • We'd sit in the room and think,

    頭を付き合わせて 考えるんです

  • what would happen if the wheels came off the bus

    バスから車輪が外れて すべてがおかしくなったら

  • and everything went crazy?


  • And that was always great,


  • except now it felt like the wheels were coming off the bus

    ただ今となっては 当時 車輪が実際に外れかけていて

  • and things were actually going crazy,

    物事がおかしくなっていたと 分かるので

  • so the things that we were speculating were really coming true.

    推測でしかなかったものが 現実のものになったと感じます

  • I mean, our season this year


  • was going to end with the Russians controlling the American election,

    ロシアがアメリカの選挙を コントロールするというはずでした

  • and we'd written it, we'd planned for it,

    脚本も書いて 撮影の準備もして

  • it was all there,


  • and then the Russians were suspected of being involved in the American election

    ロシアが実際にアメリカの選挙に 関与しているという疑いが起き

  • and we suddenly had to change what we were going to do for our season.

    急にシーズンの結末を 変えざるを得ませんでした

  • I walked in and I was like,

    出勤して 言いました

  • "That scene where our mystery woman starts speaking Russian?

    「謎の女がロシア語を 話し出すシーンだけど

  • We have to fix that and figure out what we're going to do."

    そこを修正して どう変更するか考えなくちゃ」って

  • That just comes from extrapolating


  • out from what we thought was going to happen,


  • or what we thought was crazy.


  • CS: That's great.


  • So where else in US or elsewhere in the world do you look?

    アメリカやそれ以外で 注目しているのはどこですか?

  • Who is doing interesting storytelling right now?

    面白いストーリーテリングを している人はいますか?

  • SR: I don't know, there's a lot of interesting stuff out there.

    (ションダ)さあ 面白いものは たくさんあります

  • Obviously British television is always amazing

    もちろん イギリスのテレビは 常に素晴らしいですし

  • and always does interesting things.


  • I don't get to watch a lot of TV,


  • mainly because I'm busy working.


  • And I pretty much try not to watch very much television at all,

    それにアメリカのテレビであっても シーズンが終わるまで

  • even American television, until I'm done with a season,

    テレビはあまり 見ないようにしています

  • because things start to creep into my head otherwise.

    そうでないと 変に影響を受けてしまいますから

  • I start to wonder, like,


  • why can't our characters wear crowns and talk about being on a throne?

    登場人物が王冠をかぶったり 玉座に就いたらどうかしらって

  • It gets crazy.


  • So I try not to watch much until the seasons are over.

    シーズンを終えるまでは なるべく見ないようにしています

  • But I do think that there's a lot of interesting European television out there.

    でもヨーロッパのテレビには 面白いものがたくさんあります

  • I was at the International Emmys


  • and looking around and seeing the stuff that they were showing,

    辺りを見回して いろいろ見てみましたが

  • and I was kind of fascinated.


  • There's some stuff I want to watch and check out.

    見てみたいと思わせられるものが ありましたね

  • CS: Can you imagine --


  • I know that you don't spend a lot of time thinking about tech stuff,

    技術的な事柄を考えすぎるのは お好みでないにせよ

  • but you know how a few years ago we had someone here at TED

    数年前 このTEDの舞台で 視覚体験について話した人が

  • talking about seeing,


  • wearing Google Glass and seeing your TV shows essentially in your eye?

    あなたの番組を自分の目の中で 見られると話していたんです

  • Do you ever fantasize when, you know --


  • the little girl who sat on the pantry floor

    ご実家の食料庫の床に 座り込んでいた―

  • in your parents' house,


  • did you ever imagine any other medium?

    他の媒体を使ってみることを 考えたことは?

  • Or would you now?


  • SR: Any other medium.


  • For storytelling, other than books?

    ストーリーテリングに? 本以外の媒体?

  • I mean, I grew up wanting to be Toni Morrison, so no.

    トニ・モリソンみたいに なりたかった私には ありません

  • I mean, I didn't even imagine television.

    テレビすら 頭にありませんでした

  • So the idea that there could be some bigger world,

    より大きな世界があり得る という考えや

  • some more magical way of making things ---

    もっと魔法みたいに ものを作れるという考えは―

  • I'm always excited when new technology comes out

    新しい技術が生まれると いつも興奮しますし

  • and I'm always the first one to want to try it.


  • The possibilities feel endless and exciting right now,

    わくわくする可能性は 今 無限にあって

  • which is what excites me.


  • We're in this sort of Wild West period, to me, it feels like,

    私に言わせれば 開拓時代に生きているようなものです

  • because nobody knows what we're going to settle on.

    どこに行き着くか 誰も分からないんですから

  • You can put stories anywhere right now


  • and that's cool to me,


  • and it feels like once we figure out how to get the technology

    いったんテクノロジーと ストーリーテリングの創造性が

  • and the creativity of storytelling to meet,


  • the possibilities are endless.


  • CS: And also the technology has enabled the thing I briefly flew by earlier,

    (シンディ)テクノロジーによって 先ほど言及した事柄も可能になりました

  • binge-viewing, which is a recent phenomenon,


  • since you've been doing shows, right?

    あなたがドラマを 制作し始めてからですね?

  • And how do you think does that change the storytelling process at all?

    ストーリーテリングの過程は それによって変化しますか?

  • You always had a bible for the whole season beforehand, right?

    シーズンが始まる前に 物語はできているんでしょう?

  • SR: No, I just always knew where we were going to end.

    (ションダ)いいえ 終わり方が分かっているだけです

  • So for me,

    ですから 私にとっては

  • the only way I can really comment on that


  • is that I have a show that's been going on for 14 seasons

    私のドラマには 14シーズン続いているものがあって

  • and so there are the people who have been watching it for 14 seasons,

    14シーズン 見続けている人たちもいれば

  • and then there are the 12-year-old girls I'd encounter in the grocery store

    食料品店で行き会うような 12歳の女の子の中には

  • who had watched 297 episodes in three weeks.

    297話を3週間で 見尽くした子もいるでしょう

  • Seriously, and that's a very different experience for them,

    本当ですよ それは非常に質の異なる体験です

  • because they've been inside of something


  • really intensely for a very short period of time

    非常に短い期間に 集中的にとても強烈なやり方で

  • in a very intense way,


  • and to them the story has a completely different arc

    そういう見方をする人にとって 物語はまったく違う形をしていて

  • and a completely different meaning


  • because it never had any breaks.


  • CS: It's like visiting a country and then leaving it. It's a strange --

    (シンディ)ある国を訪れて離れる といったような奇妙な―

  • SR: It's like reading an amazing novel and then putting it down.

    (ションダ)すごい小説を 一気に読み終える感じですね

  • I think that is the beauty of the experience.


  • You don't necessarily have to watch something for 14 seasons.

    何かを14シーズン 見続けなくてもいいんです

  • It's not necessarily the way everything's supposed to be.

    必ずしも そうである必要は ありません

  • CS: Is there any topic that you don't think we should touch?

    (シンディ)触れるべきでないトピックは 何かあると思いますか?

  • SR: I don't think I think of story that way.

    (ションダ)私は物語を そのように考えていません

  • I think of story in terms of character and what characters would do

    物語を登場人物と 彼らの行動を軸に考えていて

  • and what characters need to do in order to make them move forward,

    前へ進めるために 彼らが何をすべきかを考えています

  • so I'm never really thinking of story in terms of just plot,

    物語は単なるプロットだとは 考えておらず

  • and when writers come into my writer's room and pitch me plot,

    作家が私のもとに来て プロットだけをプレゼンしても

  • I say, "You're not speaking English."


  • Like, that's the thing I say.


  • We're not speaking English. I need to hear what's real.

    「ちゃんと話してちょうだい 本当の中身が知りたい」と

  • And so I don't think of it that way.


  • I don't know if there's a way to think there's something I wouldn't do

    こういうことは書かないと 考えるようなことはしません

  • because that feels like I'm plucking pieces of plot off a wall or something.

    それはプロットの一部を 間引きするようなものです

  • CS: That's great. To what extent do you think you will use --

    (シンディ)なるほど どの程度使うつもりですか―

  • You know, you recently went on the board of Planned Parenthood

    最近 Planned Parenthood の 役員に名を連ねて

  • and got involved in the Hillary Clinton campaign.

    ヒラリー・クリントンの 選挙活動に関わりましたね

  • To what extent do you think you will use your storytelling

    変化を起こすために どのくらいストーリーテリングを

  • in the real world


  • to effect change?


  • SR: Well, you know, there's --


  • That's an intense subject to me,


  • because I feel like the lack of narrative


  • that a lot of people have is difficult.

    物語を持っていないということが 難しいと感じているからです

  • You know, like, there's a lot of organizations

    組織にとって役に立つ 肯定的な物語を欠いているところは

  • that don't have a positive narrative that they've created for themselves


  • that would help them.


  • There's a lot of campaigns

    もっと上手くいくであろう キャンペーンが多くあります

  • that could be helped with a better narrative.


  • The Democrats could do a lot

    民主党はもっと 躍進できるでしょう

  • with a very strong narrative for themselves.


  • There's a lot of different things that could happen


  • in terms of using storytelling voice,


  • and I don't mean that in a fiction way,

    スピーチ原稿の執筆者の 語りであってもです

  • I mean that in a same way that any speechwriter would mean it.


  • And I see that,

    私のすべき仕事であるかは 分かりません

  • but I don't necessarily know that that's, like, my job to do that.


  • CS: All right.

    ションダに拍手を (ションダ)ありがとう

  • Please help me thank Shonda. SR: Thank you.


  • (Applause)

Cyndi Stivers: So, future of storytelling.

翻訳: Moe Shoji 校正: Misato Noto


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TED】Shonda Rhimes and Cyndi Stivers.ストーリーテリングの未来 (The future of storytelling | Shonda Rhimes and Cyndi Stivers) (【TED】Shonda Rhimes and Cyndi Stivers: The future of storytelling (The future of storytelling | Shonda Rhimes and Cyndi Stivers))

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