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  • A few years ago, about seven years ago,

    翻訳: Riaki Poništ 校正: Mika Fukasawa

  • I found myself hiding in a festival toilet,

    数年前 だいたい7年くらい前ですが

  • a music festival toilet,

    気がつくと私はフェスの仮設トイレに 隠れていました

  • and if anyone's been to a music festival,


  • yeah, you'll know that by the third day,


  • it's pretty nasty.

    想像に難くないと思いますが 3日目にもなると

  • I was standing in the toilet because I couldn't even sit down,


  • because the toilet roll had run out,

    座れないくらいの惨状だったので 私は立ったままでした

  • there was mud everywhere,


  • and it smelled pretty bad.


  • And I stood there thinking,


  • "What am I doing? I don't even need the toilet."


  • But the reason I went

    「何してるんだろう 私 もよおしてもいないのに」

  • was because I was volunteering for a large charity on climate justice,


  • and it was seven years ago,

    当時 気候正義に取り組む大きな慈善団体で ボランティアをしていたからです

  • when lots of people didn't believe in climate change,


  • people were very cynical about activism,

    世間は社会運動に対し 非常に冷笑的で

  • and my role, with all of my teammates,

    私の役目は 仲間たちと一緒に

  • was to get people to sign petitions on climate justice

    気候正義を訴える運動に 署名を募ること

  • and educate them a bit more about the issue.

    問題についての人々の理解を 少しでも深めることでした

  • And I cared deeply about climate change and lots of inequality,

    私は気候変動と様々な不平等に 深い関心を持っていたので

  • so I'd go and I'd talk to lots of people,


  • which made me nervous and drained me of energy,

    どうしても緊張するうえ ひどく消耗する活動でしたが

  • but I did it because I cared,


  • but I would hide in the toilets, because I'd be exhausted,

    しかし とにかく疲れるので 時々トイレに隠れていました

  • and I didn't want my teammates doubting my commitment to the cause,

    気候変動に対して半端な気持ちだとか サボっているのだとか

  • thinking that I was slacking.


  • And we'd go and meet at the end of our shift,


  • and we'd count how many petitions had been signed,


  • and often I'd win the amount of petitions signed

    トイレでちょこちょこ 休んでいたにもかかわらず

  • even though I had my little breaks in the toilet.

    数では よく一番になっていました

  • But I was always very jealous of the other activists,

    でも いつも他のみんなを とても羨ましく思っていました

  • because either they had the same amount of energy


  • as they had when they began the shift of getting people to sign petitions,

    シフト始めと同じくらいの 元気が残っている人や

  • or often they had more energy,


  • and they'd be really excited about going to watch the bands in the evening

    夕方コンサートに行ったり 踊りに行ったりするのを

  • and having a dance.


  • And even if I loved the bands,

    私の場合 それが どんなに好きなバンドでも

  • all I wanted to do was to go back to my tent and have a sleep,

    自分のテントに戻って寝ることしか 考えられませんでした

  • because I'd just feel completely wiped out,

    本当に何の気力も 残っていなかったからです

  • and I was really jealous of people that had the energy

    ですからフェス会場で 遊びまくる元気のあるみんなが

  • to go and party hard at the festivals.


  • But it also made me really angry, as well, inside.

    同時に 内心は 怒りでいっぱいでした

  • I thought, "This isn't fair, I'm an introvert,

    「こんなの不公平だ 私は内向型なのに

  • and all of the offline campaigning seems to be favoring extroverts."

    オフラインでする活動はどれもが 外向型向けなんだもの」

  • I would go on marches which drained me.

    この他にも 抗議デモの行進に 加わっては疲弊していました

  • That was the other option.

    大使館や商業施設前での活動に 参加することもありましたが

  • Or I'd go and join campaigns outside embassies or shops.

    どれも 沢山の人と関わる活動で

  • The only thing that was on offer was around lots of people,


  • it was very loud activism,

    常に大勢の人が関わり パフォーマンス性の高いものでした

  • it always involved lots of people, it was performing.


  • None of it was for introverts,

    まず 不公平だという 思いがありました

  • and I not only thought that that wasn't fair,

    世の中の人の3分の1から 半分は内向型ですから

  • because a third to a half of the world's population are introverts,


  • which isn't fair on them, because we burn out,

    社会運動は敷居が高いと 参加を諦めるのは不公平です

  • or we'd be put off by activism and not do it,

    この世界では誰もが 社会運動に関わるべきですから

  • and everyone needs to be an activist in this world.

    また そんな状況を 歯がゆく思っていました

  • And also, I didn't think it was particularly clever,


  • but I could see that a lot of the activism that worked

    成功している活動は 沢山あったからです

  • wasn't only extrovert activism.


  • It wasn't only the loud stuff.

    人々がパフォーマンスするもの だけでもありません

  • It wasn't about people performing all the time.

    必要な仕事の多くは 裏方のもので

  • A lot of the work that was needed was in the background,


  • was hidden, wasn't seen.

    私は結局 運動家になりました

  • And when I ended up just being a campaigner,

    仕事をするなら それしかなかったからです

  • because it's the only job I can do, really --


  • I was campaigning at university,

    過去10年間 大きな慈善団体で仕事として

  • and for the last 10 years, I've been a professional campaigner


  • for large charities,

    今は他の仕事の傍ら 様々な団体で

  • and now I'm a creative campaigner consultant for different charities

    クリエイティブ活動の コンサルタントをしています

  • as well as other work I do --

    でも 他の形の社会運動も必要だという 確信も持っていました

  • but I knew that there were other forms of activism that were needed.

    約7年前 手探りで

  • I started tinkering about seven years ago

    私にもできる もっと静かな形の 社会運動に挑戦し始めました

  • to see what quieter forms of activism I could engage with

    自分が運動で 燃え尽きてしまわないように

  • so I didn't burn out as an activist,

    そして 活動の問題点として 気になっていたことに目を向けるためでした

  • but also to look at some of the issues I was concerned about in campaigning.

    幸いにも オックスファムなど 大きな団体で働いていた時に

  • I was very lucky that, when I worked for Oxfam and other big charities,

    大規模な調査報告書を 沢山 読む機会がありました

  • I could read lots of big reports

    政治家や企業や一般市民を 動かすものは何かや

  • on what influenced politicians and businesses

    活動の成功例や失敗例などを まとめたものです

  • and the general public,

    私は凝り性なところがあるので そういう資料を全部読んで

  • what campaigns worked really well, which ones didn't.


  • And I'm a bit of a geek, so I look at all of that stuff,

    人々に従来とは違う形で社会変革に 関わってもらえる方法を探ろうと思いました

  • and I wanted to tinker around

    今よりも美しく 優しく 正しい世界を求めるのならば

  • to see how I could engage people in social change in a different way,

    社会運動自体も美しく 優しく 正しいものであるべきなのに

  • because I think if we want the world to be more beautiful, kind and just,


  • then our activism should be beautiful, kind and just,

    今日は 社会運動には

  • and often it's not.

    内向型人間が必要だという理由を 3つ お話します

  • And today, I just want to talk about three ways

    他にも理由は沢山ありますが 3つに絞って お話します

  • that I think activism needs introverts.

    1つめ 社会運動はしばしば 短時間で起こり

  • I think there's lot of other ways, but I'm just going to talk about three.


  • And the first one is: activism is often very quick,

    外向型の人が不正義を 目にした時にありがちなのが

  • and it's about doing,


  • so extroverts, often their immediate response to injustice is,


  • we've got to do stuff now,


  • we've got to react really quickly --


  • and yes, we do need to react,


  • but we need to be strategic in our campaigning,


  • and if we just act on anger,

    私は針仕事など 手芸という方法をとっています

  • often we do the wrong things.


  • I use craft, like needlework --

    外向型・行動型の人には 腰を据えて活動をする機会を与え

  • like this guy behind me is doing --

    引っ込み思案で物静かな内向型の人には 社会運動を始めてもらう手段となります

  • as a way to not only slow down those extrovert doers,


  • but also to bring in nervous, quiet introverts into activism.

    素早くできることではなく じっくり取り組まないといけません

  • By doing repetitive actions,


  • like handicraft, you can't do it fast, you have to do it slowly.

    社会変革における 複雑で もつれた スケールの大きな問題に考えを巡らせ

  • And those repetitive stitches

    自分にできることを 探るのにもってこいです

  • help you meditate on the big, complex, messy social change issues

    市民として 消費者として 有権者としてなど

  • and figure out what we can do


  • as a citizen, as a consumer, as a constituent,

    ひたすら縫い続けていると 批判的に分析する助けになりますし

  • and all of those different things.

    自分の動機をしっかり 見つめ直すこともできます

  • It helps you think critically while you're stitching away,

    専門スキルもないのに 現地に駆けつけたいだけなのか

  • and it helps you be more mindful of what are your motives.


  • Are you that Barbie aid worker that was mentioned before?

    救い主を気取りたいという やや不純な動機なのか などです

  • Are you about joining people in solidarity,

    それから 針仕事を一緒にすると

  • or do you want to be the savior, which often isn't very ethical?


  • But doing needle work together, as well,

    誰もが同じ土俵の中で それぞれ居場所ができ

  • extroverts and introverts and ambivert --

    静かで ゆっくりとした形の 社会運動なので

  • everyone's on the scale in different places --

    普段なら 内向型の声が 届きにくいような話題でも

  • because it's a quiet, slow form of activism,

    周りに話を 聞いてもらいやすいのです

  • it really helps introverts be heard


  • in other areas, where they are often not heard.

    縫い物をしている間は 人と目を合わせる必要がありません

  • It sounds odd,

    引っ込み思案な 内向型にしてみれば

  • but while you're stitching, you don't need eye contact with people.

    誰かと または数人で肩を並べて ひたすら縫い物をしつつ

  • So, for nervous introverts,

    思っていることを 質問できるわけです

  • it means that you can stitch away next to someone or a group of people

    普段は 訊く暇がなかったり

  • and ask questions that you're thinking

    目が合うと 訊くのを 躊躇してしまうような質問です

  • that often you don't get time to ask people,

    だから物事を抽象的に 深く考える内向型も

  • or you're too nervous to ask if you give them eye contact.


  • So you can get introverts, who are those big, deep thinkers,

    「誰かを非難したり パッと出かけたりする外向型の活動も

  • saying, "That's really interesting that you want to do


  • that extrovert form of activism that's about shaming people

    誰に訴えたいの? どうやって実行するの?

  • or quickly going out somewhere,


  • but who are you trying to target and how,

    こういった会話を 腰を据えてじっくりできるので

  • and is that the best way to do it?"

    外向型には行動ペースを落として 深く考える良い機会になり

  • So it means you could have these discussions in a very slow way,

    一方 内向型にとっても 意見を聴いてもらえて

  • which is great for the extrovert to slow down and think deeply,

    変革を目指す運動に 加わっている実感が持てるという

  • but it's really good for the introvert as well,


  • to be heard and to feel part of that movement for change,


  • in a good way.

    自分たちの社会運動で一貫している 価値観を厚紙に縫うというものもあり

  • Some ways we do it is stitch cards

    不適切な行動に走ってしまうのを 防ぐ目的があります

  • about what values we thread through our activism,

    一例が 芸術機関との共同企画です

  • and making sure that we don't just react in unethical ways.

    ロンドンのV&A美術館に 150人以上が集まり

  • One, sometimes we work with art institutions

    何時間でも ゆっくり座って

  • where we will get over 150 people at the V&A

    気になる社会問題について メッセージを縫った後

  • who can come for hours,

    写真のように自分の考えや参加報告を ツイートするというものです

  • sit and stitch together on a particular issue,

    さらに 社会運動には内向型人間が 必要だというのが私の持論です

  • and then tweet what they're thinking or how it went, like this one.

    深く関わる形の社会運動が 得意なタイプだからです

  • Also, I always think that activism needs introverts


  • because we're really good at intimate activism.

    深く関わる形の社会運動が 向いているのです

  • So we're good at slow activism,

    今年 私たちが 学んだことがあるとすれば

  • and we're really good at intimate activism,

    力を持つ人々に働きかける時 何をすべきかについてです

  • and if this year has told us anything,

    自分と意見が合わない人に 耳を傾け

  • it's told us that we need to, when we're engaging power holders,

    壁を作ったり争ったりせずに 橋を築き

  • we need to engage them by listening to people we disagree with,

    攻撃的な敵ではなく 厳しい助言をする友人になるべきです

  • by building bridges not walls --

    私が内向型の人々と大勢で 活発に取り組んでいること—

  • walls or wars --

    それは 権力者に贈るものを作ることです

  • and by being critical friends, not aggressive enemies.


  • And one example that I do a lot with introverts,

    例えば メッセージ入りハンカチを 贈ることです

  • but with lots of people,


  • is make gifts for people in power,


  • so not be outside screaming at them,

    あなたのように力のある立場だと 苦労も多いでしょう

  • but to give them something like a bespoke handkerchief


  • saying, "Don't blow it.


  • Use your power for good.

    こういう贈り物を作りながら 手紙を書けることです

  • We know you've got a difficult job in your position of power.

    例えば マークス&スペンサーを相手に

  • How can we help you?"

    生活賃金の導入を訴える 活動を計画していた時

  • And what's great is, for the introverts,

    同社の取締役員14名に贈る ハンカチを手作りしました

  • we can write letters while we're making these gifts,


  • so for us, Marks and Spencer,

    年次総会に出向いて 贈り物を手渡しました

  • we tried to campaign to get them to implement the living wage.


  • So we made all the 14 board members bespoke handkerchiefs.


  • We wrote them letters, we boxed them up,

    最高だったのは 取締役会長に声をかけられた時のことです

  • and we went to the AGM to hand-deliver our gifts


  • and to have that form of intimate activism


  • where we had discussions with them.

    取締役員の マーサ・L・フォックスのように

  • And what was brilliant was that the chair of the board

    ツイッターに何十万人も フォロワーがいて

  • told us how amazing our campaign was,


  • how heartfelt it was.

    本当に感動したと ツイートしてくれました

  • The board members, like Martha Lane Fox,


  • who has hundreds of thousands of followers on Twitter,

    マークス&スペンサーと 何回も会議を行い

  • and highly influential in business,

    「生活賃金を企業が保障するのは なかなか難しいですよね

  • tweeted how impressed she was,

    でも もし御社がやれたら

  • and within 10 months,


  • we'd had meetings with Marks and Spencer

    それに 御社の優秀な従業員たちが フルタイムで働いていながら

  • to say, "We know this is difficult to be a living wage employer,

    生活費が足りないというのは おかしいでしょう

  • but if you can be one,


  • the rest of the sector will look at it,

    私たちの理想のロールモデルに なってほしい」と伝えました

  • and it's not right that some of your amazing workers are working full time

    これが 深い交流を持つ形の 社会運動です

  • and still can't pay their bills.

    同社とは 何度も会議を繰り返し

  • And we love Marks and Spencer.

    クリスマスやバレンタインには こんなカードを贈りました

  • How can you be the role model that we want you to be?"

    「ぜひ 生活賃金の導入を 考えていただけませんか」

  • So that was that intimate form of activism.

    すると10ヶ月と経たないうちに 公式発表がありました

  • We had lots of meetings with them.

    マークス&スペンサーが 生活賃金導入に踏み切ったのです

  • We then gave them Christmas cards and Valentine's cards to say,


  • "We really want to encourage you to implement the living wage,


  • and within 10 months, they'd announced to the media

    現在は 同社が生活賃金適正導入企業として 認証される手続に協力中です

  • that they were going to pay the independent living wage, and now --


  • (Applause)

    去る6月には 再び年次総会に出向き

  • Thank you.

    取締役員たちと一対一でお会いして 実りある会話ができました

  • And now we're trying to work with them to be accredited,


  • which is really important,

    私たちの活動に 心を揺さぶられたと言われ

  • and we went back to the last AGM this June


  • and we had these amazing one-to-one discussions with the board members,

    もしも私たちが外に立って罵声を上げ 乱暴な形の抗議運動をしていたら

  • who told us how much they loved their hankies


  • and how it really moved them, what we were doing,

    対話など実現しなかっただろう と言いました

  • and they all told us that if we were standing outside screaming at them

    内向型人間は深く関わりを持つ形の 社会運動にとても向いています

  • and not being gentle in our protest,


  • they wouldn't have even listened to us,


  • never mind had those discussions with us.


  • And I think introverts are really good at intimate activism

    話題にするなら スケールが大きくて 取り組み甲斐のある問題を好み

  • because we like to listen,


  • we like one-to-ones,


  • we don't like small talks,

    衝突を避ける性質は 力を持つ人々と関わる際に非常に重要です

  • we like those big, juicy issues to discuss with people,

    毎回ぶつかっていくわけには いかないのですから

  • we don't like conflict,

    社会運動に内向型人間を 招き入れないと

  • so we avoid it at all costs,


  • which is really important when we're trying to engage power holders,

    さっきも言ったように おそらく 世界人口の半分が内向型人間であり

  • not to be conflicting with them all the time.

    そのうち ほとんどは 内向型だと自称はしないし

  • The third way I think activists are really missing out

    何かに気圧されてしまうことを 人に言うことを恥ずかしがります

  • if they don't engage introverts

    私の場合 数年前のことですが

  • is that introverts, like I said, can be half of the world's population,

    母のメールは全部大文字 (大声と同じ)でした

  • and most of us won't say that we're introvert,

    今でこそ 絵文字を使ったりと 改善されましたが

  • or we get embarrassed by saying what overwhelms us.

    当時は 母のメールを見るなり げんなりしました

  • So for me, a few years ago,

    「うわっ 全部大文字だ 見たくない」

  • my mom used to send me texts in capital letters --

    中身は優しい言葉なので 大文字なのには目をつぶって読みました

  • and she can now do emojis and everything, she's fine --


  • but as soon as I'd see this text,


  • I'd wince and think, "Ooh, it's capital letters, it's too much."

    でも 内向型を遠ざけるのではなく 惹きつけるような

  • And I'd have to ignore it to read the lovely text she sent me.

    魅力のある社会運動をするには 内向型人間の協力が必要なのです

  • And that's a bit embarrassing,

    内向型は 巨大で ど派手なポスターとか

  • to tell people that capital letters overwhelm you,

    大文字や「!」マークには 興ざめしてしまいます

  • but we really need introverts to help us do intriguing activism

    ああしろこうしろと指図したり こちらの注意を惹くのに必死だからです

  • that attracts them rather than puts them off.

    私が 世界中の参加者と取り組んでいる 活動の一つが

  • We're put off by big and brash giant posters

    インパクトのある 小さなストリートアート作りです

  • and capital letters and explanation marks


  • telling us what to do and vying for our attention.

    歩行者の目線に ちょこんとぶら下げるのです

  • So some of the things I do with people around the world who take part

    人に向かって説教や指図するような 内容ではありません

  • is make small bits of provocative street art

    趣旨は 人々に 様々な形での関わりを誘いかけ

  • which are hung off eye level, very small,


  • and they're provocative messages.


  • They're not preaching at people or telling them what to do.

    自分が好きなものを 緑色のハートに書いて袖口につけ

  • They're just getting people to engage in different ways,

    気候変動にどんな悪影響を受けるのか 語るという活動もあります

  • and think for themselves,


  • because we don't like to be told what to do.

    そして もし人に

  • It might be wearing a green heart on your sleeve

    なぜ「チョコレート」と書かれた 緑色のハートをつけているのか

  • saying what you love and how climate change will affect it,

    聞かれたら 一対一の深い会話をして

  • and we'll wear it,


  • and if people say,


  • "Why are you wearing a green heart with the word 'chocolate' on?"

    他にも悪影響を受けるものは 沢山あると思うから

  • and we can have those one-to-one intimate conversations and say,

    その原因ではなく改善策の 一環となりたい」と伝えることができます

  • "I love chocolate.

    そして 内向型は注目を嫌うので 話題を変えて こんな風に返します

  • Climate change is going to affect it,

    「あなたが好きなものは何? 気候変動にどんな影響を受ける?」

  • and I think there's lot of other things that climate change will affect,

    お店で物を「盗む」のではなく 「置いていく」活動もあります

  • and I really want to make sure I'm part of the solution, not the problem."

    その服が出来るまでの背景を 素敵な物語として綴った—

  • And then we deflect, because we don't like to be the center of attention,


  • and say, "What do you love and how will climate change affect it?"

    楽しい話でしょうか 目を覆いたくなるような話でしょうか

  • Or it might be shop-dropping instead of shop-lifting,

    そんな巻物を お店で 小さなポケットに忍ばせます

  • where we'll make little mini-scrolls with lovely stories on

    すべて小文字で すべて手書きで

  • about what's the story behind your clothes.

    キスマークや顔文字を入れて リボンで結んで

  • Is it a joyful story of how it's made, or is it a torturous one?

    そうすると 見つけた人は ワクワクするんです

  • And we'll just drop them in little pockets in shops,

    社会的課題に配慮のない店に 置いてきたり

  • all lowercase, all handwritten,

    前ポケットに 忍ばせることが多いです

  • with kisses and smiley faces in ribbon,


  • and then people are excited that they found it.


  • And we often drop them in unethical shops

    同時に 他の人々をオンラインでも オフラインでも巻き込む方法でもあります

  • or in front pockets,

    さてここで2点 提言したいと思います

  • and it's a way that we can do offline campaigning

    内向型の人と外向型の人 両方に対してです

  • that engages us and doesn't burn us out,


  • but also engages other people in an intriguing way online and offline.


  • So I've got two calls to action,

    外向型の人は 活動を計画する時

  • for the introverts and for the extroverts.


  • For the ambivert,

    私たち内向型が持つスキルは 外向型と同じくらい重要なのです

  • you're involved in all of it.

    内向型は じっくりと 物事を深く考えることに長けており

  • For the extroverts, I want to say that when you're planning a campaign,

    細かい問題点を洗い出すのは 内向型の得意技です

  • think about introverts.

    深く関わる形の社会運動が向いているので そういう使い方をしてください

  • Think about how valuable our skills are, just as much as extroverts'.

    内向型は 会話や思考を創出するような

  • We're good at slowing down and thinking deeply,

    細々とした 変わった行動をとることで 人の興味を惹くのも得意なのです

  • and the detail of issues, we're really good at bringing them out.


  • We're good at intimate activism, so use us in that way.

    あなたは 独りが好きで

  • And we're good at intriguing people

    頭の中の世界に 浸っているのが好き

  • by doing strange little things that help create conversations and thought.

    でも 社会運動には あなたが必要だから

  • Introverts, my call to action for you is,

    時々は自分の殻から 出てきてほしい

  • I know you like being on your own,

    それは 外向型に転向して 燃え尽きなさいという意味ではない

  • I know you like being in your head,


  • but activism needs you,


  • so sometimes you've got to get out there.

    社会運動が必要とする あなたのスキルや特性には

  • It doesn't mean that you've got to turn into an extrovert and burn out,


  • because that's no use for anyone,


  • but what it does mean

    外向型でも内向型でも 両向型でも

  • is that you should value the skills and the traits that you have

    未だかつてないほど 世界に必要とされているのです

  • that activism needs.

    関わらないための言い訳は 通用しません

  • So for everyone in this room,


  • whether you're an extrovert or an introvert or an ambivert,


  • the world needs you now more than ever,

  • and you've got no excuse not to get involved.

  • Thanks.

  • (Applause)

A few years ago, about seven years ago,

翻訳: Riaki Poništ 校正: Mika Fukasawa


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