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  • Hey dad I am going pro

  • I am going pro

  • Okay

  • Yeah

  • I don't know ... you know

  • You will probably be about as good I was

  • That's kinda the way it works you know

  • I was below average

  • So, you will probably ultimately rank somewhere around there you know

  • You will excel in a lot of things Just not this

  • So I don't want you out here shooting this ball around all day and night

  • Alright ?

  • Alight

  • Hey

  • Don't ever let somebody tell you: "You can't do something" !

  • Not even me

  • Alright ?

  • Alright

  • You got a dream ...

  • You gotta protect it

  • People can't do something themselves ... They wanna tell you: "You can't do it"

  • You want something ... Go get it period

  • Let's go

Hey dad I am going pro


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

しあわせの追求 (The Pursuit of Happiness)

  • 3105 190
    Jeng-Wei Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日