字幕表 動画を再生する
So ... we're in a real live war at the moment,
翻訳: Shoko Takaki 校正: Masaki Yanagishita
and it's a war that we're truly losing.
さて…私達は今 正に 本物の戦争の只中にいます
It's a war on superbugs.
それは私達が負けを 喫しつつある闘い
So you might wonder,
if I'm going to talk about superbugs,
why I'm showing you a photograph of some soccer fans --
Liverpool soccer fans celebrating a famous victory
何故サッカーファン達の写真を 見せるのだろうとお思いかも知れません
in Istanbul, a decade ago.
リバプールのファンが イスタンブール戦での
In the back, in the red shirt,
勝利を祝っている 10年前の写真です
well, that's me,
and next to me in the red hat, that's my friend Paul Rice.
So a couple of years after this picture was taken,
私の隣で赤い帽子を被っているのが 友人のポール・ライスです
Paul went into hospital for some minor surgery,
and he developed a superbug-related infection,
ポールは ある小手術を 受ける為に入院し
and he died.
超耐性菌に関連した 感染症に罹り
And I was truly shocked.
He was a healthy guy in the prime of life.
So there and then,
彼は働き盛りの 健康な男でした
and actually with a lot of encouragement from a couple of TEDsters,
I declared my own personal war on superbugs.
2、3人のTED関係者から 多くの激励を受けました
So let's talk about superbugs for a moment.
私は超耐性菌に対する 自分なりの 私的な宣戦布告をしました
The story actually starts in the 1940s
では 少しばかり超耐性菌について お話ししましょう
with the widespread introduction of antibiotics.
And since then,
drug-resistant bacteria have continued to emerge,
and so we've been forced to develop newer and newer drugs
薬に耐性のあるバクテリアが 出現し続け
to fight these new bacteria.
私達はこれらのバクテリアと 闘う為に 次々と
And this vicious cycle actually is the origin of superbugs,
which is simply bacteria for which we don't have effective drugs.
そして この悪循環が 結局 超耐性菌を生み出す原因になったのです
I'm sure you'll recognize at least some of these superbugs.
超耐性菌とはそのバクテリアに対し 効果的な薬剤がないもののことです
These are the more common ones around today.
皆さんも 少なくとも この超耐性菌の いくつかをご存知だと思います
Last year, around 700,000 people died
これらは 今日あるものの中で より一般的なものです
from superbug-related diseases.
昨年 超耐性菌に関連した疾病で
Looking to the future,
およそ70万人が 亡くなりました
if we carry on on the path we're going,
which is basically a drugs-based approach to the problem,
このまま この問題に対して基本的に
the best estimate by the middle of this century
薬剤をベースにしたアプローチを 続けて行くならば
is that the worldwide death toll from superbugs will be 10 million.
最も確かな見積りでは 今世紀の中頃迄に
10 million.
世界中で耐性菌による死者数が 1000万人になるというのです
Just to put that in context, that's actually more
than the number of people that died of cancer worldwide last year.
So it seems pretty clear that we're not on a good road,
昨年全世界で がんで 亡くなった人の数を上回ります
and the drugs-based approach to this problem is not working.
我々の進んでいる道は酷い状況で この問題に対し
I'm a physicist,
薬剤ベースのアプローチが 機能していない事はかなり明白です
and so I wondered, could we take a physics-based approach --
a different approach to this problem.
この問題に対し 物理学としてのアプローチ つまりこれまでとは
And in that context,
異なるアプローチが出来ればと 思っています
the first thing we know for sure,
is that we actually know how to kill every kind of microbe,
確かだと まず分かっているのは
every kind of virus,
実際にあらゆる種類の微生物 ウイルス、バクテリアを
every kind of bacteria.
And that's with ultraviolet light.
We've actually known this for more than 100 years.
I think you all know what ultraviolet light is.
実に100年以上前から 分かっていた事です
It's part of a spectrum that includes infrared,
皆さん 紫外線とはどんなものか ご存知ですね
it includes visible light,
赤外線 可視光線を含む
and the short-wavelength part of this group is ultraviolet light.
光スペクトラムの 短波長の部分が紫外線です
The key thing from our perspective here
私達の観点からして重要な事は 紫外線はバクテリアを死滅させ
is that ultraviolet light kills bacteria by a completely different mechanism
そのメカニズムは 薬剤がバクテリアを死滅させるのとは
from the way drugs kill bacteria.
So ultraviolet light is just as capable of killing a drug-resistant bacteria
紫外線は他のどんなバクテリアとも同様に 薬剤に耐性のあるバクテリアを
as any other bacteria,
and because ultraviolet light is so good at killing all bugs,
紫外線はすべての菌を 死滅させるのに長けており
it's actually used a lot these days to sterilize rooms,
最近では 部屋や作業面を消毒するのに
sterilize working surfaces.
What you see here is a surgical theater
こちらは 殺菌紫外線で 消毒された手術室です
being sterilized with germicidal ultraviolet light.
しかし今ご覧の この写真には実際
But what you don't see in this picture, actually,
is any people,
それには はっきりとした 理由があるのです
and there's a very good reason for that.
紫外線は実際 健康に害をもたらします
Ultraviolet light is actually a health hazard,
so it can damage cells in our skin,
cause skin cancer,
it can damage cells in our eye,
白内障のような目の疾患を 引き起こす可能性があります
cause eye diseases like cataract.
だから周囲に人がいる時は 従来の殺菌紫外線を
So you can't use conventional, germicidal, ultraviolet light
when there are people are around.
And of course,
大抵 人がいる時に 消毒をしたいものです
we want to sterilize mostly when there are people around.
So the ideal ultraviolet light
超耐性菌を含む 全てのバクテリアを
would actually be able to kill all bacteria,
including superbugs,
かつ 人が浴びても 安全なものであるべきでしょう
but would be safe for human exposure.
ここで物理学者のバックグラウンドを持つ 私がこの話に関わります
And actually that's where my physics background kicked into this story.
Together with my physics colleagues,
ある特定の波長の紫外線なら 全てのバクテリアを死滅させ
we realized there actually is a particular wavelength of ultraviolet light
人にとって 安全であるはずだと
that should kill all bacteria,
but should be safe for human exposure.
その波長とは 遠紫外線(UV-C波)と 呼ばれるもので
That wavelength is called far-UVC light,
紫外部スペクトルの 短波長部分です
and it's just the short-wavelength part of the ultraviolet spectrum.
ではどのように機能するか 見てみましょう
So let's see how that would work.
ここでご覧に入れるのは 皮膚の表面です
What you're seeing here is the surface of our skin,
皮膚上部の空気中に バクテリアを浮遊させて
and I'm going to superimpose on that some bacteria in the air above the skin.
Now we're going to see what happens
when conventional, germicidal, ultraviolet light impinges on this.
So what you see is,
殺菌紫外線はバクテリアを 死滅させるのに長けていますが
as we know, germicidal light is really good at killing bacteria,
but what you also see
is that it penetrates into the upper layers of our skin,
and it can damage those key cells in our skin
結局そのダメージが 皮膚がんを引き起こす可能性があります
which ultimately, when damaged, can lead to skin cancer.
So let's compare now with far-UVC light --
same situation,
皮膚上部の空気中に バクテリアがいます
skin and some bacteria in the air above them.
So what you're seeing now
今回も 遠紫外線が完璧なまでに上手く バクテリアを死滅させますが
is that again, far-UVC light's perfectly fine at killing bacteria,
遠紫外線は 皮膚の中まで透過出来ません
but what far-UVC light can't do is penetrate into our skin.
それには 十分な確固たる 物理的根拠があるのです
And there's a good, solid physics reason for that:
遠紫外線は 非常に強く 全ての生体物質に吸収される為
far-UVC light is incredibly, strongly absorbed by all biological materials,
単純に あまり遠くまでは 届かないのです
so it simply can't go very far.
さてウイルスやバクテリアは非常に 微小なものです
Now, viruses and bacteria are really, really, really small,
遠紫外線は確かに それらを透過し死滅させますが
so the far-UVC light can certainly penetrate them and kill them,
but what it can't do is penetrate into skin,
皮膚表面にある 死滅した細胞層さえ
and it can't even penetrate the dead-cell area
right at the very surface of our skin.
So far-UVC light should be able to kill bacteria,
安全に 死滅させられるのです
but kill them safely.
So that's the theory.
It should work, should be safe.
What about in practice?
Does it really work?
Is it really safe?
その事に 私達の研究室では
So that's actually what our lab has been working on
過去5、6年に渡って 取り組んでいます
the past five or six years,
私は両方の質問に対し 喜んで 声を大にして
and I'm delighted to say the answer to both these questions
is an emphatic yes.
そうです 機能もするし
Yes, it does work,
but yes, it is safe.
So I'm delighted to say that,
私はそう言える事が 当然だと思っています
but actually I'm not very surprised to say that,
それは純粋に 物理法則によるものだからです
because it's purely the laws of physics at work.
So let's look to the future.
私達は今 全く新しい兵器を手にし ワクワクしています
I'm thrilled that we now have a completely new weapon,
and I should say an inexpensive weapon,
in our fight against superbugs.
For example,
I see far-UVC lights in surgical theaters.
I see far-UVC lights in food preparation areas.
ウイルスの拡散を防ぐ という観点から
And in terms of preventing the spread of viruses,
I see far-UVC lights in schools,
preventing the spread of influenza,
preventing the spread of measles,
遠紫外線が空港や 飛行機に設置され
and I see far-UVC lights in airports or airplanes,
H1N1ウイルスのようなものが 世界的に拡散するのを防いでいます
preventing the global spread of viruses like H1N1 virus.
私の友人ポール・ライスに 話を戻しましょう
So back to my friend Paul Rice.
彼は私達の故郷である リバプールでは 有名で
He was actually a well-known and well-loved local politician
in his and my hometown of Liverpool,
リバプールの中心部に彼を 記憶しておく為 像が建立されました
and they put up a statue in his memory in the center of Liverpool,
and there it is.
But me,
超耐性菌との闘いでの大きな前進を ポールの遺産にしたいと願っています
I want Paul's legacy to be a major advance in this war against superbugs.
Armed with the power of light,
それは実に私達の 手の届く所にあるのです
that's actually within our grasp.
Thank you.
クリス:ちょっと待って デイビッド 質問があります
Chris Anderson: Stay up here, David, I've got a question for you.
デイビッド どこまで開発が 進んでいて
David, tell us where you're up to in developing this,
これを公開して 夢を実現するにあたって
and what are the remaining obstacles to trying to roll out
and realize this dream?
デイビッド:これがどんなバクテリアも 死滅させる事は皆さんご存知ですが
David Brenner: Well, I think we now know that it kills all bacteria,
私達は始める前から そうだろうと思っていました
but we sort of knew that before we started,
でも もちろんその点を 実験で確かめました
but we certainly tested that.
安全に関して 本当に沢山の 試験をしなければなりません
So we have to do lots and lots of tests about safety,
効果に関してというより 安全に関しての試験を
and so it's more about safety than it is about efficacy.
And we need to do short-term tests,
何年も経って悪性黒色腫に ならないことを確かめる為に
and we need to do long-term tests
長期的な検査の双方が 必要とされます
to make sure you can't develop melanoma many years on.
現時点では これらの研究は かなり上手くいっています
So those studies are pretty well done at this point.
勿論 FDAへの対応も 必要な事ですが
The FDA of course is something we have to deal with,
and rightly so,
FDAの承認無しでは 現実には 絶対使えないのですから
because we certainly can't use this in the real world without FDA approval.
クリス:最初はアメリカで 始めようと計画していますか?
CA: Are you trying to launch first in the US,
それとも どこか他の国で?
or somewhere else?
DB: Actually, in a couple of countries.
In Japan and in the US, both.
クリス:これが安全な手法だという点で 生物学者や医者を納得させられましたか?
CA: Have you been able to persuade biologists, doctors,
デイビッド:そうですね 想像通り 懐疑的な考えもありますが
that this is a safe approach?
誰もが 紫外線は安全でないと 知っていますからね
DB: Well, as you can imagine, there is a certain skepticism
だから 誰かがここに登場して
because everybody knows that UV light is not safe.
「この特定の紫外線は安全ですよ」と 言うには
So when somebody comes along and says,
"Well, this particular UV light is safe,"
there is a barrier to be crossed,
それを主張しようと 思っているのです
but the data are there,
and I think that's what we're going to be standing on.
これは潜在的に 非常に重要なものですからね
CA: Well, we wish you well.
皆に 話をして頂き どうもありがとうございました
This is potentially such important work.
ありがとう デイビッド
Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Thank you, David.