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  • Two years ago, I set off from central London on the Tube

    翻訳: Misato Noto 校正: Eriko T

  • and ended up somewhere in the east of the city

    2年前の話です ロンドン中心部から地下鉄に乗って

  • walking into a self-storage unit


  • to meet a guy that had 2,000 luxury polo shirts for sale.


  • And as I made my way down the corridor,

    高級ポロシャツ2千枚を売る男と 会うのが目的でした

  • a broken, blinking light made it just like the cliche scene


  • from a gangster movie.

    壊れた照明が点滅していて ギャング映画のワンシーンみたいでした

  • Our man was early, and he was waiting for me

    約束の男は すでに私を待っており

  • in front of a unit secured with four padlocks down the side.

    4つの南京錠がかかった倉庫の前に 立っていました

  • On our opening exchange,


  • it was like a verbal sparring match


  • where he threw the first punches.


  • Who was I? Did I have a business card?

    名前は? 名刺はあるのか?

  • And where was I going to sell?


  • And then, he just started opening up,

    答えを聞き 心を開いてきたようです

  • and it was my turn.


  • Where were the polo shirts coming from?


  • What paperwork did he have?


  • And when was his next shipment going to arrive?

    そして 次はいつ入荷するのか?

  • I was treading the fine line


  • between asking enough questions to get what I needed


  • and not enough for him to become suspicious,


  • because what he didn't know is that I'm a counterfeit investigator,

    私が偽造品捜査官だと バレたらまずいからです

  • (Laughter)


  • and after 20 minutes or so of checking over the product

    20分程の時間を費やして 商品を注意深く確認し

  • for the telltale signs of counterfeit production --

    偽造品であるという 動かぬ証拠を探しました

  • say, badly stitched labels or how the packaging

    例えば タグの縫製が雑だったり

  • had a huge brand logo stamped all over the front of it --

    表にはべったりと 大きなロゴがあったりします

  • I was finally on my way out,


  • but not before he insisted on walking down to the street with me

    大通りまで送る と言って譲らない男と別れ

  • and back to the station.


  • And the feeling after these meetings is always the same:

    こういう現場から帰って来た後は いつも同じ気持ちです

  • my heart is beating like a drum,


  • because you never know if they've actually bought your story,

    彼らが本当に話を信じたのかどうか 分かりませんし

  • or they're going to start following you to see who you really are.

    正体を突き止めようと 尾行されるかもしれません

  • Relief only comes when you turn the first corner

    ホッとできるのは 最初の角を曲がって

  • and glance behind, and they're not standing there.

    振り返り 尾行されてないと 確認した時です

  • But what our counterfeit polo shirt seller certainly didn't realize

    それでも ポロシャツを売る男は 知る由もありませんでした

  • is that everything I'd seen and heard would result in a dawn raid on his house,

    私が行った調査の結果 夜明け前に彼は家宅捜索を受け

  • him being woken out of bed by eight men on his doorstep

    玄関先に立つ8名の職員に 叩き起こされて

  • and all his product seized.


  • But this would reveal that he was just a pawn

    でも 結果的に この男は単なる手下の一人で

  • at the end of a counterfeiting network spanning three continents,

    その背後には 3大陸に及ぶ 偽造品ネットワークが存在しており

  • and he was just the first loose thread that I'd started to pull on

    事件の全面解決を期待して 捕まえたのに

  • in the hope that it would all unravel.


  • Why go through all that trouble?

    なぜ こんなことをするのか?

  • Well, maybe counterfeiting is a victimless crime?

    偽造品販売なんて 被害者の出ない犯罪なのでは?

  • These big companies, they make enough money,

    大企業は 十分な利益を得ていますし

  • so if anything,


  • counterfeiting is just a free form of advertising, right?

    偽造品販売は ある意味 自由な宣伝のようなものですよね?

  • And consumers believe just that --

    消費者だって こう思っています

  • that the buying and selling of fakes is not that big a deal.

    偽造品を売り買いしたって 大したことじゃないと

  • But I'm here to tell you that that is just not true.

    でも 今ここに立っているのは そうではないことを伝えるためです

  • What the tourist on holiday doesn't see about those fake handbags

    旅行先で目にする 偽物のハンドバッグを

  • is they may well have been stitched together

    まさか 人身売買で 家族と離れ離れになった子供が

  • by a child who was trafficked away from her family,


  • and what the car repair shop owner doesn't realize


  • about those fake brake pads


  • is they may well be lining the pockets of an organized crime gang

    麻薬や売春に関わる犯罪組織の 利益になっているとは気がつきません

  • involved in drugs and prostitution.

    こうした話は想像するだけでも 恐ろしいですが

  • And while those two things are horrible to think about,


  • it gets much worse,

    なぜなら 偽造品は テロの資金源にもなっているからです

  • because counterfeiting is even funding terrorism.


  • Let that sink in for a moment.

    テロリストは資金集めのために 偽造品を売り—

  • Terrorists are selling fakes to fund attacks,

    身近な街でテロが起これば 誰もが犠牲者になります

  • attacks in our cities that try to make victims of all of us.

    生きたサソリなんて 誰も買いませんよね

  • You wouldn't buy a live scorpion,

    持って帰るまでに 刺されるかもしれませんから

  • because there's a chance that it would sting you on the way home,


  • but would you still buy a fake handbag

    ハンドバッグの売り上げが 銃弾の資金源となり—

  • if you knew the profits would enable someone to buy bullets

    結果として あなたや無実の人々が 半年後に殺されると知っていたら?

  • that would kill you and other innocent people six months later?


  • Maybe not.


  • OK, time to come clean.


  • In my youth --

    ええ 若作りしているように 見えるかもしれませんが

  • yeah, I might look like I'm still clinging on to it a bit --

    カナリア諸島での旅行中に 偽物の腕時計を買ったことがあります

  • I bought fake watches while on holiday in the Canary Islands.


  • But why do I tell you this?


  • Well, we've all done it,


  • or we know someone that's done it.

    また ついさっきまでは 疑ったこともなかったでしょう

  • And until this very moment, maybe you didn't think twice about it,


  • and nor did I,

    謎めいた求人広告に応募して 知的財産捜査官になったのです

  • until I answered a 20-word cryptic advert

    『充実した研修と海外出張あり』 と広告に書かれていました

  • to become an intellectual property investigator.

    1週間も経たないうちに 最初の偽名を作り

  • It said "Full training given and some international travel."

    それから10年間 偽造品の調査に携わり 偽の自動車部品や

  • Within a week, I was creating my first of many aliases,

    タイヤホイール ペット用シェーバー

  • and in the 10 years since, I've investigated fake car parts,


  • alloy wheels, fake pet grooming tools,

    もちろん 偽造品の定番である—

  • fake bicycle parts,

    偽の高級革製品や衣類や靴を 取り扱ってきました

  • and, of course, the counterfeiter's favorite,

    この仕事に10年携わって 学んだことがあります

  • fake luxury leather goods, clothing and shoes.


  • And what I've learned in the 10 years of investigating fakes

    その完全に腐敗した深層まで 辿り着きます

  • is that once you start to scratch the surface,

    売人や犯罪組織は 大きな利益を手に入れています

  • you find that they are rotten to the core,

    彼らは とてつもなく大きな規模で 儲けているからです

  • as are the people and organizations that are making money from them,

    道端で麻薬を売って 得られる利益は たかだか100%から200%ですが

  • because they are profiting on a massive, massive scale.

    偽造品はインターネットで販売すれば 利益は 2,000%にもなり

  • You can only make around a hundred to 200 percent

    麻薬販売に比べて リスクや刑罰は軽く済みます

  • selling drugs on the street.


  • You can make 2,000 percent selling fakes online

    もっと深刻な犯罪の 資金に使われて

  • with little of the same risks or penalties.


  • And this quick, easy money


  • then goes on to fund the more serious types of crime,


  • and it pays the way to making these organizations,


  • these criminal organizations, look more legitimate.

    今年初めに 一連の強制捜査を執行しました

  • So let me bring you in on a live case.


  • Earlier this year, a series of raids took place


  • in one of my longest-running investigations.

    トラックで数えると 16台分でした

  • Five warehouses were raided in Turkey,

    でも 彼らの手口は巧妙でした

  • and over two million finished counterfeit clothing products were seized,


  • and it took 16 trucks to take that all away.


  • But this gang had been clever.

    イタリアでヨットに乗って 写真撮影まで行っていました

  • They had gone to the lengths of creating their own fashion brands,

    大量の偽造品が入った コンテナ便の輸送に

  • complete with registered trademarks,

    聞いたこともない 疑われにくいブランド名を使って

  • and even having photo shoots on yachts in Italy.

    ヨーロッパ各地に設立した 架空会社に送っていました

  • And they would use these completely unheard-of and unsuspicious brand names


  • as a way of shipping container loads of fakes

    船積書類の偽装も 発覚しました

  • to shell companies that they'd set up across Europe.

    そのため 税関職員は これらの商品をそもそも誰が送ったのか

  • And documents found during those raids


  • found that they'd been falsifying shipping documents

    警察が入手した たった一口の銀行口座からは

  • so the customs officials would literally have no idea


  • who had sent the products in the first place.

    スペインからマネー・ロンダリング されていたのが見つかりました

  • When police got access to just one bank account,

    捜査から たった2日後

  • they found nearly three million euros

    彼らは 押収品の回収のため 法律事務所に賄賂を贈ろうとしていました

  • had been laundered out of Spain in less than two years,


  • and just two days after those raids,


  • that gang were trying to bribe a law firm to get their stock back.

    我々のような一般人の 利益にならないのは確実でしょう

  • Even now, we have no idea where all that money went,

    でも こういう集団は 街のチンピラとは訳が違います

  • to who it went to,

    ビジネスの専門家であり 飛行機はファースト・クラスに乗ります

  • but you can bet it's never going to benefit the likes of you or me.

    正規の取引先を相手に 本物そっくりの請求書や書類を使うので

  • But these aren't just low-level street thugs.


  • They're business professionals, and they fly first class.

    それから 取引相手の卸業者と 張り合うことを目的に

  • They trick legitimate businesses

    eBayとAmazonのアカウントも 作ります

  • with convincing fake invoices and paperwork,


  • so everything just seems real,

    数年間にわたり 自動車の見本市に 参加したことがあります

  • and then they set up eBay and Amazon accounts

    広い展示場で眩い照明に照らされる 高級車ブランドから離れて

  • just to compete with the people they've already sold fakes to.


  • But this isn't just happening online.

    カウンターには 普通のカタログもありますが

  • For a few years, I also used to attend automotive trade shows

    正しい質問をすれば カウンターの下にある 別のカタログをもらえます

  • taking place in huge exhibition spaces,


  • but away from the Ferraris and the Bentleys and the flashing lights,

    毎年 36,000件以上の死亡事故を 引き起こしていると推定されています

  • there'd be companies selling fakes:

    偽造品販売は2兆3千億ドル規模の 地下経済に成長する勢いです

  • companies with a brochure on the counter

    こうした資金が もたらすダメージは 非常に恐ろしいものです

  • and another one underneath, if you ask them the right questions.

    なぜなら 偽造品がテロを生むからです

  • And they would sell me fake car parts, faulty fake car parts


  • that have been estimated to cause over 36,000 fatalities,


  • deaths on our roads each year.


  • Counterfeiting is set to become a 2.3-trillion-dollar underground economy,

    すべて 軍事訓練キャンプへの 旅費を賄ったり

  • and the damage that can be done with that kind of money,

    武器や銃弾や爆弾の材料を 調達する資金源になりました

  • it's really frightening ...

    2014年6月 フランスの治安当局は

  • because fakes fund terror.

    テロの監視リストに載っていた サイードとシェリフ・クアシ兄弟について

  • Fake trainers on the streets of Paris,

    3年にわたる調査の後 通信の傍受を終了させました

  • fake cigarettes in West Africa,

    同年夏 中国から偽スニーカーを 輸入するシェリフの情報だけが

  • and pirate music CDs in the USA


  • have all gone on to fund trips to training camps,

    彼はイスラム過激派テロの 監視を外されて

  • bought weapons and ammunition, or the ingredients for explosives.

    巷で言う 軽犯罪者と判断されました

  • In June 2014, the French security services


  • stopped monitoring the communications of Said and Cherif Kouachi,


  • the two brothers who had been on a terror watch list for three years.

    シャルリー・エブド新聞社に 足を踏み入れた クアシ兄弟は

  • But that summer, they were only picking up that Cherif was buying


  • fake trainers from China,

    死者12人と 11人以上の負傷者を出しました

  • so it signaled a shift away from extremism

    いずれにせよ 偽造品販売は 中国で起こる対岸の火事ではありません

  • into what was considered a low-level petty crime.


  • The threat had gone away.


  • Seven months later,

    遡ること10年前 2004年には マドリードで通勤列車が爆破テロに遭い

  • the two brothers walked into the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine


  • and killed 12 people, wounded 11 more,

    アメリカで販売された海賊版CDが テロの資金源の一部でした

  • with guns from the proceeds of those fakes.

    そのさらに2年前には アル・カイーダの訓練マニュアルで

  • So whatever you think, this isn't a faraway problem happening in China.

    偽造品販売が テロ組織の資金援助になると

  • It's happening right here.


  • And Paris is not unique.

    しかし このようにテロと偽造品の関係には 証拠があるにも関わらず

  • Ten years earlier, in 2004, 191 people lost their lives


  • when a Madrid commuter train was bombed.

    需要は増えるばかりで トルコには

  • The attack had been partly funded by the sale of pirate music CDs in the US.

    「正真正銘の偽造品が大好き」 という名の店まであります

  • Two years prior to that, an Al Qaeda training manual

    トリップアドバイザーには 店先でポーズを取る観光客の写真が掲載され

  • recommended explicitly selling fakes


  • as a good way of supporting terror cells.

    でも 店名が違ったら 観光客は集まったでしょうか?

  • But despite this, despite the evidence connecting terrorism and counterfeiting,


  • we do go on buying them, increasing the demand


  • to the point where there's even a store in Turkey


  • called "I Love Genuine Fakes."

    組織犯罪やテロに対して 我々には打つ手がないと

  • And you have tourists posing with photographs on TripAdvisor,


  • giving it five-star reviews.


  • But would those same tourists have gone into a store

    でも 私はそう思いません

  • called "I Love Genuine Fake Viagra Pills"


  • or "I Genuinely Love Funding Terrorism"?

    資金源を断ち 犯罪ネットワークを滅ぼすのです

  • I doubt it.

    つまり 偽造品を買うのをやめて

  • Many of us think that we're completely helpless

    偽造品販売は被害者を生む犯罪だと 考えを改めること

  • against organized crime and terrorism,


  • that we can do nothing about the next attack,


  • but I believe you can.

    それでは 偽造品を見分けるのに 早速使えるコツをご紹介します

  • You can by becoming investigators, too.


  • The way we cripple these networks is to cut their funding,

    ここに 典型的な偽造品の オンラインショップがあります

  • and that means cutting the demand


  • and changing this idea that it's a victimless crime.

    サングラスやカメラのレンズを 探している時に

  • Let's all identify counterfeiters,

    「医療-保険-破綻.com」のような ウェブサイトに出会ったら

  • and don't give them our money.


  • So here's a few tips from one investigator to another


  • to get you started.

    偽造品業者は 期限切れのドメイン名を登録して

  • Number one:

    古いサイトのページランクを Google上で維持しようとします

  • here's a typical online counterfeiter's website.


  • Note the URL.

    ウェブサイトでは 全商品が100%本物と謳っているのに

  • If you're shopping for sunglasses or camera lenses, say,

    今シーズンのコレクションが 75%引きになっていませんか?

  • and you come across a website like,

    「オリジナル」や「在庫処分品」 「工場直送」などの言葉を探してください

  • start to get very suspicious.

    わざとダサいフォントで 書いてもいいほどの冗談でしょう

  • (Laughter)


  • Counterfeiters register expired domain names


  • as a way of keeping up the old website's Google page ranking.


  • Number two:

    URLの隣にhttpsや南京錠マークが 見当たらなければ

  • is the website screaming at you that everything is 100 percent genuine,

    ページを閉じることを 本当に考えなければなりません

  • but still giving you 75 percent off the latest collection?

    これらは個人情報や カード番号などを保護する―

  • Look for words like "master copy,"

    セキュリティ対策の有無を 示すものだからです

  • "overruns," "straight from the factory."


  • They could write this all in Comic Sans, it's that much of a joke.


  • (Laughter)


  • Number three:

    企業名や電話番号、メールアドレス 住所などの記載がない場合

  • if you get as far as the checkout page,

    これが決め手となり 調査終了です

  • and you don't see "https" or a padlock symbol next to the URL,


  • you should really start thinking about closing the tab,

    残念ながら Googleの検索エンジンに戻って

  • because these indicate active security measures

    また一から買い物を やり直す羽目になりますが

  • that will keep your personal and credit card information safe.

    詐欺に遭わなかったのが 不幸中の幸いでしょう

  • OK, last one:

    世界一有名な探偵は こう言ったものです

  • go hunting for the "Contact Us" page.

    「ワトソン君 ゲームは進行中だ」と

  • If you can only find a generic webform,

    みなさん この件に限っては

  • no company name, telephone number, email address, postal address --


  • that's it, case closed.

    今度 オンラインショッピングをする時や

  • You found a counterfeiter.


  • Sadly, you're going to have to go back to Google

    よく目を凝らし 厳しく疑いの目を向け 自分自身に問いかけてください

  • and start your shopping search all over again,

    現金を渡す前や 「購入」ボタンをクリックする前に

  • but you didn't get ripped off, so that's only a good thing.


  • As the world's most famous fictional detective would say,

    偽の腕時計を購入していた 友達に伝えてください

  • "Watson, the game is afoot."

    その行為で 次のテロが 1日早まったかもしれないと

  • Only this time, my investigator friends,

    Instagramで 偽造品の広告を見かけたら

  • the game is painfully real.


  • So the next time you're shopping online,


  • or perhaps wherever it is,

    ありふれた日常に潜む 偽造販売の闇を暴きましょう

  • look closer, question a little bit deeper, and ask yourself --

    この話を広めて 捜査を続けてください

  • before you hand over the cash or click "Buy,"


  • "Am I sure this is real?"


  • Tell your friend that used to buy counterfeit watches

  • that he may just have brought the next attack one day closer.

  • And, if you see an Instagram advert for fakes,

  • don't keep scrolling past,

  • report it to the platform as a scam.

  • Let's shine a light on the dark forces of counterfeiting

  • that are hiding in plain sight.

  • So please, spread the word

  • and don't stop investigating.

  • Thank you.

  • (Applause)

Two years ago, I set off from central London on the Tube

翻訳: Misato Noto 校正: Eriko T


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語 TED 偽造 テロ 販売 資金 捜査

TED】アラステア・グレイ: How fake handbags fund terrorism and organized crime (How fake handbags fund terrorism and organized crime | アラステア・グレイ) (【TED】Alastair Gray: How fake handbags fund terrorism and organized crime (How fake handbags fund terrorism and organize

  • 134 14
    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日