字幕表 動画を再生する
According to the theories of human social development,
we're now living through the fourth great epoch
of technological advancement,
the Information Age.
Connectivity through digital technology is a modern miracle.
デジタル技術がもたらす接続性は 現代の奇跡です
We can say it has broken down barriers of time and space which separate people,
それは人々を隔てていた 時間と空間の障壁を崩し
and it's created a condition for an age
情報やアイデアが自由に 共有される時代の
where information, ideas can be shared freely.
But are these great accomplishments in digital technology
しかしそういったデジタル技術で 達成されたことが
really the endgame in terms of what can be achieved?
実際なし得ることの すべてなのでしょうか?
I don't think so,
and today I'd like to share with you
今日は デジタル技術が いかに私たちを
how I believe digital technology can take us to even greater heights.
さらなる高みへ連れて行けるか という話をします
I'm a surgeon by profession,
and as I stand here today talking to all of you,
私がここで皆さんに お伝えしたいのは
five billion people around the world lack access to safe surgical care.
世界には 外科医療を受けられない人々が 50億人いるという現実です
Five billion people.
That's 70 percent of the world's population,
この世界人口の 7割に当たる人々は
who according to the WHO's Lancet Commission
can't even access simple surgical procedures
必要なときに 簡単な手術を受けることさえ
as and when they need them.
Let's zoom in on Sierra Leone,
シエラレオネを 見てみましょう
a country of six million people,
最新の調査によると 人口6百万のこの国に
where a recent study showed that there are only 10 qualified surgeons.
資格ある外科医は たったの10人しかいません
That's one surgeon for every 600,000 people.
60万人に1人の外科医 ということです
The numbers are staggering,
and we don't even need to look that far.
別に私たちは遠くに 目を向ける必要はありません
If we look around us here in the US,
最新の研究によると ここアメリカでも
a recent study reported that we need an extra 100,000 surgeons by 2030
日常的な外科手術に 対応するためだけでも
to just keep up with the demand for routine surgical procedures.
2030年までに外科医がさらに 10万人必要とのことです
At the rate that we're going, we won't be meeting those numbers.
現状のままでは この数字を満たすことはできません
As a surgeon, this is a global issue that bothers me.
これは外科医として私が懸念する 世界的な問題です
It bothers me a lot,
because I've seen firsthand
安全で安価な医療が 得られないために
how lack of access to safe and affordable healthcare
人生を台無しに されてしまう人々を
can blight the lives of ordinary people.
私は目の当たりに してきたからです
If you're a patient that needs an operation
and there isn't a surgeon available,
診てくれる外科医の いない患者は
you're left with some really difficult choices:
難しい選択を 強いられます
to wait, to travel,
待つか 遠くまで行くか
or not to have an operation at all.
So what's the answer?
Well, part of you are carrying some of that solution with you today:
それを解決できる手段を 今皆さんは身に付けています
a smartphone, a tablet, a computer.
スマートフォンや タブレットや コンピューターです
Because for me,
digital communications technology has the power to do so much more
than just to allow us to shop online,
to connect through social media platforms and to stay up to date.
ソーシャルメディアで最新情報を得る という以上の力があります
It has the power to help us solve some of the key issues that we face,
外科医療を 受けられないといった
like lack of access to vital surgical services.
人々が直面する重要な問題のあるものを 解決する力があるのです
And today I'd like to share with you
それがどうやって 可能かという例を
an example of how I think we can make that possible.
これからご紹介しようと 思います
The history of surgery is filled with breakthroughs
in how science and technology was able to help the surgeons of the day
当時の外科医が 直面していた難問が
face their greatest challenges.
技術革新によって解決された という事例が沢山あります
If we go back several hundred years,
an understanding of microbiology
led to the development of antiseptic techniques,
which played a big role in making sure
patients were able to stay alive postsurgery.
Fast-forward a few hundred years
and we developed keyhole or arthroscopic surgery,
鍵穴手術 あるいは 関節鏡視下手術 と呼ばれる技術が開発され
which combines video technology and precision instruments
to make surgery less invasive.
手術をずっと侵襲性の 低いものにしました
And more recently, a lot of you will be aware of robotic surgery,
さらに最近では 皆さんお聞き及びと思いますが ロボット手術というのがあります
and what robotics brings to surgery is much like modern automated machinery,
ロボット工学が外科にもたらしたのは 現代の自動機械と同様
the ability to carry out procedures at the tiniest scales
人間の手を 超える正確さで
with a degree of accuracy that even surpasses the human hand.
微細な手術を 行うことができます
But robotic surgery also introduced something else to surgery:
でもロボット手術がもたらしたものは 他にもあります
the idea that a surgeon
doesn't actually have to be standing at the patient's bedside to deliver care,
that he could be looking at a screen
and instructing a robot through a computer.
We call this remote surgery.
It is incumbent on us
to find solutions that solve these answers in a cost-effective and scalable way,
コスト効率が良く スケーラブルなものにし
so that everyone, no matter where they are in the world,
世界のどこにいる誰であろうと 救えるようにするのは
can have these problems addressed.
So what if I told you
実は 遠隔手術の提供には
that you didn't really need a million-dollar robot
何百万ドルもするロボットは 必要ないと言ったら
to provide remote surgery?
That all you needed was a phone, a tablet, or a computer,
必要なのは 携帯かタブレットかパソコンと
an internet connection,
a confident colleague on the ground
向こう側にいる 自信を持った協力者
and one magic ingredient:
an augmented reality collaboration software.
Using this augmented reality collaboration software,
拡張現実協働支援ソフトウェアを 使うことにより
an expert surgeon can now virtually transport himself
専門の外科医が どのような医療現場へでも
into any clinical setting
携帯やタブレットや コンピューターを使って
simply by using his phone or tablet or computer,
自身を仮想的に 転送することができ
and he can visually and practically interact in an operation
その場にいるかのように 視覚的にやり取りしながら
from start to finish,
guiding and mentoring a local doctor through the procedure step by step.
現地の医者を指導し 手術を段階を追って進めることができます
Well, enough of me telling you about it.
I'd now like to show you.
We're now going to go live to Dr. Marc Tompkins,
これからミネソタ大学の 整形外科医である
an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Minnesota.
マーク・トンプキンス先生と 回線を繋ぎます
He's going to perform an arthroscopic surgery for us,
a keyhole surgery of the knee,
and I'd like to disclose
この患者さんは 手術がストリーミングされることに
that this patient has consented to having their operation streamed.
同意していることを 申し添えておきます
I'd also like to point out that in the interest of time,
we're just going to go through the first steps,
お見せするのは 最初のステップである
marking up the patient
and just identifying a few key anatomical landmarks.
解剖学的な目印となる部分の 特定に留めます
Hello, Dr. Tompkins, can you hear me?
トンプキンス先生 聞こえますか?
Dr. Mark Tompkins: Good morning, Nadine.
(トンプキンス) おはよう ナディーン
Nadine Hachach-Haram: Everyone from TED says hello.
(ナディーン) TED会場のみんなが 挨拶しています
Audience: Hi.
(聴衆) ハーイ
NHH: Alright, Dr. Tompkins, let's get started.
(ナディーン) ではトンプキンス先生 始めることにしましょう
So let's start with our incisions and where we're going to make these,
on either side of the patellar tendon.
So if you can make your incisions there and there,
ここと ここを切開したら
that should hopefully get us into the knee.
MT: All right, I'm going in.
(トンプキンス) 了解 中に入ります
NHH: Great.
(ナディーン) いいですね
So we're just getting inside the joint now.
関節の中に 入っているところです
So why don't we go around and have a quick look at the meniscus.
MT: Perfect.
(トンプソン) そうですね
NHH: Great, so we can see there's a small tear there on the meniscus,
(ナディーン) 半月板に 小さな断裂がありますが
but otherwise it looks alright.
And if you turn and head to this direction,
follow my finger,
let's have a quick look at the ACL and the PCL.
十字靭帯を ちょっと見てみましょう
That's your ACL there, that looks quite healthy,
no problems there.
So we've just identified that small meniscus tear there,
ここにさっき見た 小さな半月板断裂がありますが
but otherwise the fluid around the joint looks OK as well.
All right, thank you very much, Dr. Tompkins. Thank you for your time.
いいでしょう トンプキンス先生 時間を取っていただき ありがとうございました
I'll let you continue.
Have a good day. Bye.
So I hope through this simple demonstration
I was able to illustrate to you just how powerful this technology can be.
テクノロジーがいかに強力なものになり得るか お伝えできたことを望みます
And I'd like to point out that I wasn't using any special equipment,
また パソコンとウェブカムだけで
just my laptop and a really simple webcam.
特別なものは何も使っていないことも お分かりいただけたかと思います
We're so used to using digital technology
to communicate through voice and text and video,
音声やテキストやビデオで コミュニケーションすることに馴れていますが
but augmented reality can do something so much deeper.
拡張現実ではもっと 突っ込んだことが可能になります
It allows two people to virtually interact
人々が直接 会っているかのように
in a way that mimics how they would collaborate in person.
仮想的にやり取り することができます
Being able to show someone what you want to do,
やりたいことを描いたり やって見せたり
to illustrate and demonstrate and gesture,
身振りを使ったりして 示せるというのは
is so much more powerful than just telling them.
単に言葉で伝えるよりも はるかに強力なのです
And it can make for such a great learning tool,
そしてこれは優れた 教育の道具にもなります
because we learn better through direct experience.
人は直接の体験によって より良く学べるからです
So how is this making a difference around the world?
これによって世界は どう変わるのでしょうか?
Well, back in my teaching hospital,
私の教育研究病院では これを使って
we've been using this to support local district general hospitals
地方総合病院での 皮膚癌手術や外傷治療の
and providing skin cancer surgery and trauma treatment.
Now, patients can access care at a local level.
これにより患者は 地元で治療を受けられるようになり
This reduces their travel time, improves their access,
移動時間を減らせ 通院しやすくなり
and saves money.
We've even started seeing its use in wound care management with nurses
私たちはこれを 看護師の創傷ケアや
and in outpatient management.
外来患者の診療にも 使い始めました
Most recently, and quite exciting,
最近の素晴らしい 事例として
it was used in supporting a surgeon through a cancer removal of a kidney.
腎臓癌手術の 支援というのがあります
And I'd like to just share with you a very quick video here.
映像で様子を ご覧に入れましょう
I apologize for some of the gruesome views.
少し気持ち悪いかもしれませんが ご容赦ください
(Video) Doctor 1: OK. Show me again.
(医師1) もう一度示してもらえますか
Doctor 2: If you see here,
(医師2) ここのところ
that's the upper part, the most outer part of your tumor.
これが上の部分 腫瘍の外側になります
Doctor 1: Yes.
(医師1) はい
Doctor 2: So it's three centimeters deep,
(医師2) 3センチの深さがあります
so this should be three centimeters.
Doctor 1: Yes, yes.
(医師1) はい
Doctor 2: OK, so you need to get a 3.5 margin.
(医師2) 余裕をもって 完全に取り除く必要があります
Doctor 1: I'm going to show you anyway
(医師1) お見せしますので
and tell me what you think about it.
NHH: We're also seeing the use of this technology at a global scale,
(ナディーン) この技術は世界的な 規模でも使われています
and one of the most heartwarming stories I can recall
私の心に残る 一番心温まる話は
is from the town of Trujillo in the north of Lima in Peru,
ペルーのリマの北にある トルヒーリョでのことです
where this technology was used to support the provision
健康保険のない 貧しい子供たちの
of cleft lip and palate surgery to children,
children from poor backgrounds who didn't have access to health insurance.
And in this town, there was a hospital with one surgeon
この町の ある病院では
working hard to provide this care,
外科医が1人で 必死に治療に当たっていました
Dr. Soraya.
Now, Dr. Soraya was struggling under the sheer demand
ソラヤ医師は 診るべき患者の多さや
of her local population,
この手術について 訓練を受けたことがないことで
as well as the fact that she wasn't specifically trained in this procedure.
And so, with the help of a charity,
we were able to connect her with a cleft surgeon in California,
and using this technology, he was able to guide her and her colleagues
through the procedure step by step,
guiding them, training them and teaching them.
トレーニングし 指導してもらうことができました
Within a few months,
they were able to perform 30 percent more operations
3割多くの手術を こなせるようになり
with less and less complications.
And now Dr. Soraya and her team can perform these operations
independently, competently and confidently.
この手術を自信を持って単独で 上手く行えるようになっています
And I remember one quote from a mother who said,
ある母親の言った言葉を 良く覚えています
"This technology gave my daughter her smile."
「この技術は娘に 笑顔を与えてくれました」
For me, this is the real power of this technology.
これこそ この技術の力だと 私は思います
The beauty is that it breaks boundaries.
境界を打ち壊せるのが 素晴らしいところです
It transcends all technological difficulties.
It connects people. It democratizes access.
人々を繋ぎ合わせ みんなが医療を受けられるようにします
Wi-Fi and mobile technology are growing rapidly,
Wi-Fiとモバイル技術は 急速に発展しています
and they should play a role in boosting surgical provision.
手術を提供できる地域を 広げるためにも一役買うべきです
We've even seen it used in conflict zones where there's considerable risk
これは専門医が赴くには 大きな危険を伴う
in getting specialist surgeons to certain locations.
紛争地帯でも 使われています
In a world where there are more mobile devices
人間の数より 携帯の数が多い
than there are human beings,
it truly has a global reach.
医療を世界の隅々まで 広げられます
Of course, we've still got a long way
もちろん50億の人々に 外科医療を提供できるまでには
before we can solve the problem of getting surgery to five billion people,
and unfortunately,
未だインターネットが 使えない人も
some people still don't have access to internet.
But things are rapidly moving in the right direction.
しかし物事は急速に 正しい方向に進んでいます
The potential for change is there.
My team and I are growing our global footprint,
私たちのチームは世界で 活動の範囲を広げていて
and we're starting to see the potential of this technology.
この技術の可能性が 見えてきています
Through digital technology,
through simple, everyday devices that we take for granted,
みんなが当たり前に思っている 日常的なデバイスによって
through devices of the future,
we can really do miraculous things.
私たちは本当に奇跡を 起こすことができるのです
Thank you.