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  • I remember my aunt brushing my hair when I was a child.

    翻訳: Takamasa Omata / 小俣貴雅 校正: Mari Arimitsu

  • I felt this tingling in my stomach,

    子どもの頃 おばに髪を とかしてもらっていたのを覚えています

  • this swelling in my belly.

    お腹で広がる そのくすぐったい感覚を

  • All her attention on me,


  • just me.


  • My beautiful Aunt Bea,


  • stroking my hair with a fine-bristled brush.


  • Do you have a memory like that that you can feel in your body right now?

    上等な硬いブラシで 私の髪をとかしました

  • Before language,

    皆さんも そんな思い出ありますよね まさに今も感じられるような

  • we're all sensation.


  • As children, that's how we learn


  • to differentiate ourselves in the world -- through touch.

    子どもたちは 感触を通して

  • Everything goes in the mouth, the hands, on the skin.


  • Sensation --

    口から 手から 肌から

  • it is the way that we first experience love.


  • It's the basis of human connection.

    初恋だって 感覚なんです

  • We want our children to grow up to have healthy intimate relationships.

    他者との繋がりは ここから生まれます

  • So as parents,

    私たちは子どもたちに 健全な人間関係を育むよう願います

  • one of the things that we do is we teach our children about sex.


  • We have books to help us,


  • we have sex ed at school for the basics.


  • There's porn to fill in the gaps --

    基本的なことは 学校でも教わります

  • and it will fill in the gaps.


  • (Laughter)


  • We teach our children "the talk" about biology and mechanics,


  • about pregnancy and safe sex,

    でも私たちは 妊娠や 安全なセックスについて

  • and that's what our kids grow up thinking that sex is pretty much all about.


  • But we can do better than that.

    子どもはセックスとは そういうものだと思って育ちます

  • We can teach our sons and daughters about pleasure and desire,

    でも 違いますよね

  • about consent and boundaries,

    男の子や女の子たちに 喜びや 欲求

  • about what it feels like to be present in their body

    同意にもとづく セックスや許容範囲

  • and to know when they're not.

    身体の中でその瞬間を感じるとは どんなことなのか

  • And we do that in the ways that we model touch, play,

    そうでない時と何が違うのか 教えられるはずです

  • make eye contact --

    私たちは こういったことを 触ったり じゃれ合ったり

  • all the ways that we engage their senses.


  • We can teach our children not just about sex,


  • but about sensuality.


  • This is the kind of talk that I needed as a girl.

    体が受ける快い感覚についても 教えられるはずです

  • I was extremely sensitive,

    このような話は 私が女の子として 必要だったたものです

  • but by the time I was an adolescent,

    私は 極度に敏感な子どもでした

  • I had numbed out.


  • The shame of boys mocking my changing body

    無理矢理 感じないようにしていました

  • and then girls exiling me for,


  • ironically, my interest in boys,


  • it was so much.

    皮肉にも 私の男子への興味からです

  • I didn't have any language for what I was experiencing;


  • I didn't know it was going to pass.


  • So I did the best thing I could at the time

    消え去るかどうかも わからなかったんです

  • and I checked out.


  • And you can't isolate just the difficult feelings,


  • so I lost access to the joy, the pleasure, the play,

    嫌な気持ちだけを消すことなんて できませんよね

  • and I spent decades like that,

    だから私はセックスの喜び 快感 遊び心を失いました

  • with this his low-grade depression,

    これが大人になる道なんだ という

  • thinking that this is what it meant to be a grown-up.


  • For the past year,


  • I've been interviewing men and women about their relationship to sex

    この1年間 私は

  • and I've heard my story again and again.

    男性と女性にセックスについて インタビューしてきました

  • Girls who were told they were too sensitive, too much.


  • Boys who were taught to man up --


  • "don't be so emotional."


  • I learned I was not alone in checking out.


  • It was my daughter who reminded me of how much I used to feel.

    苦しんでいるのは 私だけじゃないと知ったんです

  • We were at the beach.


  • It was this rare day.


  • I turned off my cell phone,


  • put in the calendar, "Day at the beach with the girls."


  • I laid our towels down just out of reach of the surf

    カレンダーに「娘たちと遊ぶ日」 と書いていました

  • and fell asleep.

    タオルを敷いて 打ち寄せる波のすぐそばで

  • And when I woke up,


  • I saw my daughter drizzling sand on her arm like this,


  • and I could feel that light tickle of sand on her skin

    娘が腕に砂を振りかけていたんです こんな感じに

  • and I remembered my aunt brushing my hair.


  • So I curled up next to her


  • and I drizzled sand on her other arm and then her legs.


  • And then I said, "Hey, you want me to bury you?"

    もう片方の腕や脚にも 砂を振りかけてあげました

  • And her eyes got really big and she was like, "Yeah!"

    そして私は言いました 「ねえ 私に埋めてほしい?」

  • So we dug a hole

    娘は目を見開いて 「うん!」って言ったんです

  • and I covered her in sand and shells


  • and drew this little mermaid tail.


  • And then I took her home and lathered her up in the shower


  • and massaged her scalp

    家に帰ると 娘の頭を 泡立ったシャンプーで

  • and I dried her off in a towel.


  • And I thought,


  • "Ah. How many times had I done that --

    すると こう思ったんです

  • bathed her and dried her off --

    「何回も 娘とお風呂に入っては

  • but had I ever stopped and paid attention


  • to the sensations that I was creating for her?"


  • I'd been treating her like she was on some assembly line


  • of children needing to be fed and put to bed.

    私は娘に対して 何かを組み立てる工場のように

  • And I realized

    食事を与え 寝かしつけていたんです

  • that when I dry my daughter off in a towel tenderly the way a lover would,


  • I'm teaching her to expect that kind of touch.

    愛情を込めて 優しく タオルで髪を乾かすときに

  • I'm teaching her in that moment about intimacy.

    私は 娘に触れられることの 喜びを教えている

  • About how to love her body and respect her body.

    愛情行為について 教えているんだ ということ

  • I realized there are parts of the talk that can't be conveyed in words.

    自分の身体を愛し 大事にすることを教えているんだと

  • In her book, "Girls and Sex,"

    これが言葉では伝えられない 部分なんだと気付きました

  • writer Peggy Orenstein finds

    『Girls & Sex』という本で

  • that young women are focusing on their partner's pleasure,


  • not their own.

    若い女性は 自分よりも パートナーが性的に喜ぶことに

  • This is something I'm going to talk about with my girls when they're older,

    努めている と言います

  • but for now, I look for ways to help them identify what gives them pleasure

    これは 娘が大きくなったら 教えるつもりです

  • and to practice articulating that.

    でも今は 自分の喜びを見つけ それを実践することの

  • "Rub my back," my daughter says when I tuck her in.


  • And I say, "OK, how do you want me to rub your back?"

    寝かしつけているときに 娘が「背中をこすって」と言ったら

  • "I don't know," she says.

    「いいわよ どうやってこすってほしい?」 と答えます

  • So I pause, waiting for her directions.


  • Finally she says, "OK, up and to the right,

    止まって 指示があるまで待ちます

  • like you're tickling me."

    すると「じゃあ 上の方の右側で

  • I run my fingertips up her spine.

    くすぐるみたいにやって」 と言います

  • "What else?" I ask.

    そのとおりに 指でくすぐります

  • "Over to the left, a little harder now."


  • We need to teach our children how to articulate their sensations

    「左側にかけて 今度はちょっと強く」

  • so they're familiar with them.

    私たちは子どもたちに 感覚に慣れてもらうために

  • I look for ways to play games with my girls at home to do this.


  • I scratch my fingernails on my daughter's arm and say,

    これを家で遊びながら できないかと模索中です

  • "Give me one word to describe this."

    娘たちの腕をくすぐりながら こう言うんです

  • "Violent," she says.


  • I embrace her, hold her tight.


  • "Protected," she tells me.


  • I find opportunities to tell them how I'm feeling,


  • what I'm experiencing,

    私自身も自分がどう感じているか 何を感じているのかを

  • so we have common language.


  • Like right now,


  • this tingling in my scalp down my spine means I'm nervous and I'm excited.


  • You are likely experiencing sensations in response to me.

    緊張していて ワクワクしているから 頭から背中にかけてチクチクしています

  • The language I'm using,

    おそらく皆さんは 私への返事として 感覚を体験しているでしょう

  • the ideas I'm sharing.


  • And our tendency is to judge these reactions


  • and sort them into a hierarchy:


  • better or worse,


  • and then seek or avoid them.


  • And that's because we live in this binary culture

    それを求めたり 排除しようとします

  • and we're taught from a very young age to sort the world into good and bad.

    なぜなら 私たちは二択の文化の中で暮らし

  • "Did you like that book?"

    小さい頃から 世の中を善し悪しで分けるよう 教わってきたからです

  • "Did you have a good day?"


  • How about, "What did you notice about that story?"


  • "Tell me a moment about your day.

    それよりも「この本について 何が印象的だった?」

  • What did you learn?"


  • Let's teach our children to stay open and curious about their experiences,


  • like a traveler in a foreign land.

    子どもたちが 常に心を開き 好奇心を持てるように教えましょう

  • And that way they can stay with sensation without checking out --


  • even the heightened and challenging ones --

    そうすることで 私や私たちの多くが経験した

  • the way I did,


  • the way so many of us have.


  • This sense education,


  • this is education I want for my daughters.


  • Sense education is what I needed as girl.


  • It's what I hope for all of our children.

    感覚の教育は 私が 女子として必要なものでした

  • This awareness of sensation,


  • it's where we began as children.


  • It's what we can learn from our children


  • and it's what we can in turn remind our children

    それは 子どもたちから学ぶものであり

  • as they come of age.


  • Thank you.


  • (Applause)


I remember my aunt brushing my hair when I was a child.

翻訳: Takamasa Omata / 小俣貴雅 校正: Mari Arimitsu


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B1 中級 日本語 TED 感覚 子ども セックス 教え 感じ

TED】Sue Jaye Johnson: What we don't teach kids about sex (What we don't teach kids about sex | Sue Jaye Johnson) (【TED】Sue Jaye Johnson: What we don't teach kids about sex (What we don't teach kids about sex | Sue Jaye Johnson))

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日