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  • I guess because I'm from Tanzania

    翻訳: Tomoyuki Suzuki 校正: Eriko T

  • I have a responsibility to welcome all of you once again.


  • Thank you for coming.

    このタンザニアに来られた皆さんを 今一度歓迎する務めがあります

  • So, first of all, before we start,


  • how many of you in the audience

    本題に入る前に まずお尋ねします

  • have been in the past a victim of this bug here?


  • We apologize on behalf of all the mosquito catchers.

    刺されたことがある方は どの位いらっしゃいますか?

  • (Laughter)

    蚊を駆除する者を代表して お詫び申し上げます

  • Ladies and gentlemen,


  • imagine getting seven infectious mosquito bites every day.


  • That's 2,555 infectious bites every year.

    毎日7匹の 病気を媒介する蚊に 刺されると想像してください

  • When I was in college, I moved to the Kilombero River valley

    毎年2,555回 病気を媒介する蚊に 刺されることになります

  • in the southeastern part of Tanzania.

    大学に在学中 タンザニアの南東部にある

  • This is historically one of the most malarious zones


  • in the world at that time.

    ここはその当時 歴史的にみても 世界で最もマラリア感染が

  • Life here was difficult.


  • In its later stages


  • malaria manifested with extreme seizures locally known as degedege.


  • It's killed both women and men, adults and children,

    マラリア特有の症状―この地域では デゲデゲと呼ばれる極度の発作が現れます

  • without mercy.

    老若男女問わず 死に至ります

  • My home institution, Ifakara Health Institute,


  • began in this valley in the 1950s

    私が所属する イファカラ健康研究所は

  • to address priority health needs for the local communities.


  • In fact, the name Ifakara refers to a place you go to die,

    地域社会の健康のケアに 重点が置かれました

  • which is a reflection of what life used to be here

    実は イファカラという名前には 死にゆく場所という意味があります

  • in the days before organized public health care.

    組織だった公共の健康ケアが なかった頃の

  • When I first moved here,


  • my primary role was to estimate


  • how much malaria transmission was going on across the villages


  • and which mosquitoes were transmitting the disease.


  • So my colleague and myself came

    どの種の蚊が病気を媒介するかを 評価することでした

  • 30 kilometers south of Ifakara town across the river.


  • Every evening we went into the villages with flashlights and siphons.

    イファカラの町の南30キロ 川を越えた場所に行きました

  • We rolled up our trousers,

    毎晩 懐中電灯とサイフォンを持って 村に入りました

  • and waited for mosquitoes that were coming to bite us


  • so we could collect them

    我々を刺そうとする蚊を待ち受けて それらの蚊がマラリアを

  • to check if they were carrying malaria.


  • (Laughter)


  • My colleague and myself selected a household,


  • and we started inside and outside, swapping positions every half hour.


  • And we did this for 12 hours every night for 24 consecutive nights.

    家の中と外で30分毎に場所を 交代する作業を始めました

  • We slept for four hours every morning

    これを24日間連続で 毎夜12時間行いました

  • and worked the rest of the day,


  • sorting mosquitoes, identifying them and chopping off their heads


  • so they could be analyzed in the lab

    蚊を分類し 同定を行い 頭部を切断して

  • to check if they were carrying malaria parasites


  • in their blood mouthparts.


  • This way we were able to not only know how much malaria was going on here


  • but also which mosquitoes were carrying this malaria.

    この方法により マラリアを媒介していた蚊の数だけでなく

  • We were also able to know

    マラリアを媒介する蚊の種類も 調べることができました

  • whether malaria was mostly inside houses or outside houses.


  • Today, ladies and gentlemen, I still catch mosquitoes for a living.

    マラリアの感染が屋内、屋外の どちらで起こりやすいかも分かりました

  • But I do this mostly to improve people's lives and well-being.

    皆さん 私は今でも 蚊の捕集で生計を立てています

  • This has been called by some people the most dangerous animal on earth --

    でも 人々の生活や健康の向上が 主な目的なんです

  • which unfortunately is true.

    蚊が この世で最も危険な 動物という人もいますが

  • But what do we really know about mosquitoes?

    残念ながら そのとおりです

  • It turns out we actually know very little.

    しかし我々は蚊について 何を知っているのでしょうか?

  • Consider the fact that at the moment our best practice against malaria

    実はほとんど何も知らないのだと 分かりました

  • are bednets -- insecticide treated bednets.

    今のところ マラリアに対する 最善の対処法は 蚊帳 ―

  • We know now that across Africa

    殺虫剤で処理した蚊帳だけだという 事実を考えてみましょう

  • you have widespread resistance to insecticides.

    今や アフリカ中で

  • And these are the same insecticides,

    殺虫剤への耐性が 見られることが知られていますが

  • the pyrethroid class, that are put on these bednets.


  • We know now that these bednets protect you from bites


  • but only minimally kill the mosquitoes that they should.

    この蚊帳が 私たちを蚊から 守るのはご存知のとおりですが

  • What it means is that we've got to do more to be able to get to zero.


  • And that's part of our duty.

    だから 感染をゼロにするために もっとやるべきことがあります

  • At Ifakara Health Institute


  • we focus very much on the biology of the mosquito,


  • and we try to do this so we can identify new opportunities.

    特に蚊の生態の研究に 焦点を合わせています

  • A new approach.

    新たな対処法を見出すために このようなことを試みています

  • New ways to try and get new options


  • that we can use together with things such as bednets


  • to be able to get to zero.

    感染ゼロを達成し得る 新たな選択肢を試し

  • And I'm going to share with you a few examples


  • of the things that my colleagues and myself do.


  • Take this, for example.


  • Mosquitoes breed in small pools of water.


  • Not all of them are easy to find --

    蚊はちょっとした水たまりに 繁殖しますが

  • they can be scattered across villages,

    水たまりは 村の方々に

  • they can be as small as hoofprints.

    散在しているので 全てを見つけ出すのは困難です

  • They can be behind your house or far from your house.

    馬のひづめの跡のように 小さなものもありますから

  • And so, if you wanted to control mosquito larvae,

    家の裏側にも 遠く離れた所にも あるでしょう

  • it can actually be quite difficult to get them.

    ですから ボウフラの繁殖を 抑えようとしても

  • What my colleagues and I have decided to do

    現実には水たまりを見つけ出すのが とても難しいのです

  • is to think about what if we used mosquitoes themselves


  • to carry the insecticides from a place of our choice

    蚊そのものを 我々が選んだ場所から

  • to their own breeding habitats

    繁殖場所へと殺虫剤を運ぶ 運び屋として使う方法を

  • so that whichever eggs they lay there shall not survive.


  • This is Dickson Lwetoijera.

    そうすれば 産卵しても 卵は生き残ることはできません

  • This is my colleague who runs this show at Ifakara.


  • And he has demonstrated cleverly that you can actually get mosquitoes

    イファカラでこの試みを 指揮している同僚です

  • to come to the place where they normally come to get blood


  • to pick up a dose of sterilants or insecticide,

    いつも血を吸いにくる場所に 蚊をおびき寄せ

  • carry this back to their own breeding habitat

    不妊薬か殺虫剤を吸わせて 繁殖場所へと持ち帰るようにして

  • and kill all their progeny.

    子孫を全滅させることが 可能だということです

  • And we have demonstrated that you can do this

    我々は これは誰にでもできて

  • and crush populations very, very rapidly.

    個体群をとても短期間に 全滅できることを示しました

  • This is beautiful.


  • This is our mosquito city.


  • It is the largest mosquito farm


  • available in the world for malaria research.


  • Here we have large-scale self-sustaining colonies of malaria mosquitoes

    ここには マラリアを媒介する 蚊の群生を飼育する

  • that we rear in these facilities.


  • Of course, they are disease-free.

    もちろん 何ら感染症は持ちません

  • But what these systems allow us to do

    しかしこれらのシステムで 可能なことは

  • is to introduce new tools and test them immediately,

    新しいツールを導入して 直ちに 迅速に

  • very quickly,


  • and see if we can crush these populations or control them in some way.

    または 何らかの方法で 繁殖の制御が可能かを見極めることです

  • And my colleagues have demonstrated


  • that if you just put two or three positions


  • where mosquitoes can go pick up these lethal substances,

    蚊が吸う場所2、3か所に 設置するだけで

  • we can crush these colonies in just three months.

    群生をわずか3か月で 全滅させられることです

  • That's autodissemination, as we call it.

    これを我々は 「伝播効果」と呼んでいます

  • But what if we could use

    しかし もし蚊の繁殖行動も

  • the mosquitoes' sexual behavior


  • to also control them?


  • So, first of all I would like to tell you

    まず 知っていただきたいことは

  • that actually mosquitoes mate in what we call swarms.


  • Male mosquitoes usually congregate

    オスの蚊はたいてい 日の入り後に

  • in clusters around the horizon, usually after sunset.


  • The males go there for a dance,

    オスはダンスを踊るために ここにやってきて

  • the females fly into that dance


  • and select a male mosquito of their choice,


  • usually the best-looking male in their view.

    たいていは 最もハンサムに見える オスを選びます

  • They clump together and fall down onto the floor.

    つがいは一緒になって 水面へと下りていきます

  • If you watch this, it's beautiful.

    これを見れば 美しいと感じるでしょう

  • It's a fantastic phenomenon.


  • This is where our mosquito-catching work gets really interesting.

    蚊の捕集作業が とても面白くなる瞬間です

  • What we have seen, when we go swarm hunting in the villages,

    村内で 蚊の群集狩りをする時に 我々が目撃してきたのは

  • is that these swarm locations tend to be at exactly the same location

    いつも正確に同じ場所に 群がる傾向があることです

  • every day, every week, every month,


  • year in, year out.

    いつでも そうなのです

  • They start at exactly the same time of the evening,

    夕方になると 正確に同じ時刻に

  • and they are at exactly the same locations.


  • What does this tell us?


  • It means that if we can map all these locations across villages,

    このような場所を示す村全体の地図を 作ることができれば

  • we could actually


  • crush these populations by just a single blow.

    これらの個体群を 一撃できるでしょう

  • Kind of, you know, bomb-spray them or nuke them out.

    まるで絨毯爆撃か 核攻撃をしかけるようなものです

  • And that is what we try to do with young men and women

    そんな試みを 男女問わず村中の若手と

  • across the villages.


  • We organize these crews, teach them how to identify the swarms,

    このようなチームを組織し 彼らに 群れを見分けて

  • and spray them out.


  • My colleagues and I believe we have a new window

    私と仲間たちは この峡谷から蚊を追い払う―

  • to get mosquitoes out of the valley.


  • But perhaps the fact that mosquitoes eat blood, human blood,

    しかしおそらく 人間の血を吸うという事実が

  • is the reason they are the most dangerous animal on earth.

    蚊がこの世で最も危険な 動物である理由なのです

  • But think about it this way --

    でも こう考えてみましょう

  • mosquitoes actually smell you.

    実は蚊は人々の匂いを 嗅いでいるのだと

  • And they have developed

    蚊は 驚くべき感覚器を

  • incredible sensory organs.


  • They can smell from as far sometimes as 100 meters away.

    なんと時には100メートル先から 匂いを嗅ぎ取れます

  • And when they get closer,


  • they can even tell the difference between two family members.

    同じ家族の異なる2人を 識別することもできます

  • They know who you are based on what you produce

    あなたの体が発する 呼気、肌、汗や体臭から

  • from your breath, skin, sweat and body odor.


  • What we have done at Ifakara


  • is to identify what it is in your skin, your body, your sweat or your breath

    これらの蚊が好む 肌、体、汗や呼気を

  • that these mosquitoes like.


  • Once we identified these substances, we created a concoction,


  • kind of a mixture, a blend of synthetic substances


  • that are reminiscent of what you produce from your body.

    体が発する匂いと思わせるような 合成物を混合したものです

  • And we made a synthetic blend


  • that was attracting three to five times more mosquitoes than a human being.

    3倍から5倍の蚊を引き寄せる 合成混合物を作りました

  • What can you do with this?


  • You put in a trap, lure a lot of mosquitoes and you kill them, right?

    わなを仕掛けて大量の蚊をおびき出し 殺すことですね?

  • And of course, you can also use it for surveillance.

    もちろん 調査にも使えます

  • At Ifakara


  • we wish to expand our knowledge on the biology of the mosquito;

    我々は 蚊の生態に関する知識を 広げたいと望んでいます

  • to control many other diseases, including, of course, the malaria,

    他の多くの病気 ― マラリアはもちろんのこと

  • but also those other diseases that mosquitoes transmit

    蚊が媒介するその他の病気を 制御するための知識です

  • like dengue, Chikungunya and Zika virus.

    デング熱、チクングニア熱や ジカ熱のウィルスなどが含まれます

  • And this is why my colleagues, for example --

    同僚たちが 例えば

  • we have looked at the fact


  • that some mosquitoes like to bite you on the leg region.

    刺す習性をもった蚊がいることに 注目した理由はここにあります

  • And we've now created these mosquito repellent sandals

    そして私たちは 蚊よけサンダルを作りました

  • that tourists and locals can wear when they're coming.

    旅行者や地域の人が 蚊のいる場所に近づくときに履きます

  • And you don't get bitten --


  • this gives you 'round the clock protection


  • until the time you go under your bednet.


  • (Applause)


  • My love-hate relationship with mosquitoes continues.


  • (Laughter)


  • And it's going to go a long way, I can see.


  • But that's OK.

    でも それは構いません

  • WHO has set a goal of 2030 to eliminate malaria from 35 countries.

    WHOは35の国でマラリアを2030年までに 絶滅させる目標を掲げています

  • The African Union has set a goal


  • of 2030 to eliminate malaria from the continent.

    アフリカ大陸からマラリアを 絶滅させる目標を掲げています

  • At Ifakara we are firmly behind these goals.

    イファカラでは 目標達成には ほど遠い状態にあります

  • And we've put together a cohort of young scientists,

    我々は若い科学者たちを 集結させました

  • male and female,


  • who are champions,


  • who are interested in coming together to make this vision come true.

    この目標の実現に向け 集結することに関心を持った人たちです

  • They do what they can

    実現に向け 彼らが

  • to make it work.


  • And we are supporting them.


  • We are here to make sure that these dreams come true.

    確実に夢を実現するために 我々はここにいるのです

  • Ladies and gentlemen,


  • even if it doesn't happen in our lifetime,

    もし 我々が生きている間に 実現しなくても

  • even if it doesn't happen


  • before you and me go away,


  • I believe that your child and my child

    皆さんや私の子供たちは きっと

  • shall inherit a world free of malaria transmitting mosquitoes

    マラリアを媒介する蚊も マラリアもない世界を

  • and free of malaria.


  • Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.

    皆さん ありがとうございました

  • (Applause)


  • Thank you.


  • Kelo Kubu: OK, Fredros.


  • Let's talk about CRISPR for a bit.

    CRISPRについて 少しお話ししましょう

  • (Laughter)


  • It's taken the world by storm,


  • it promises to do amazing things.


  • What do you think of scientists using CRISPR to kill off mosquitoes?

    蚊を絶滅させるために科学者が CRISPRを使うことをどうお考えですか?

  • Fredros Okumu: To answer this question, let's start from what the problem is.

    (フレドロス・オクム)質問に答えるために 問題の確認から始めましょう

  • First of all, we're talking about a disease that still kills --

    まず第一に 今もなお人命を奪っている 病気について我々は議論しています

  • according to the latest figures we have from WHO --


  • 429,000 people.

    [2015年に] 42万9千人の命が 奪われています

  • Most of these are African children.


  • Of course, we've made progress,

    もちろん 進展もあります

  • there are countries that have achieved


  • up to 50-60 percent reduction in malaria burden.

    最大で50~60%抑制できた 国々もあります

  • But we still have to do more to get to zero.

    しかし 感染をゼロにするために まだすべきことがあります

  • There is already proof of principle


  • that gene-editing techniques, such as CRISPR,


  • can be used effectively

    効果的に利用できることが 証明されています

  • to transform mosquitoes so that either they do not transmit malaria --

    蚊を遺伝子改変してマラリアを 媒介できないようにする―

  • we call this population alteration --


  • or that they no longer exist,


  • population suppression.


  • This is already proven in the lab.


  • There is also modeling work


  • that has demonstrated that even if you were to release


  • just a small number of these genetically modified mosquitoes,


  • that you can actually achieve elimination very, very quickly.

    とても短時間で全滅可能なことが 示されています

  • So, CRISPR and tools like this offer us some real opportunities --

    CRISPRやこういったツールは いくつかの本当の機会

  • real-life opportunities to have high-impact interventions

    現実に大きな効果を 自然界にもたらす機会を提供し

  • that we can use in addition to what we have now

    我々が既に手している手段と共に 最終的に感染を

  • to eventually go to zero.


  • This is important.


  • Now, of course people always ask us --

    もちろん 人々がいつも尋ねる―

  • which is a common question,


  • I guess you're going to ask this as well --


  • "What happens if you eliminate mosquitoes?"

    「もし蚊を全滅させたら 何が起こるのか?」

  • KK: I won't ask then, you answer.


  • FO: OK. In respect to this, I would just like to remind my colleagues

    (フレドロス)この点に関し 皆さんには覚えておいて欲しいことがあります

  • that we have 3,500 mosquito species in this world.


  • Maybe more than that.


  • About 400 of these are Anophelenes,


  • and only about 70 of them have any capacity to transmit malaria.

    さらにその内の約70種だけが マラリアを媒介する能力があります

  • In Africa, we're having to deal with three or four of these as the major guys.

    アフリカで 我々は主な 3、4種と対峙しており

  • They carry most -- like 99 percent of all the malaria we have.

    これらはマラリアのほぼ全数 約99%をカバーしています

  • If we were to go out with gene editing like CRISPR,

    もしCRISPRのような 遺伝子改変を実施したり

  • if we were to go out with gene drives to control malaria,

    マラリアの制御に 遺伝子ドライブを実施したりすれば

  • we would be going after only one or two.


  • I don't see a diversity problem with that.


  • But that's personal view.

    でも これは個人的な見解です

  • I think it's OK.


  • And remember, by the way,

    ところで ここ数年

  • all these years we've been trying to eliminate these mosquitoes effectively

    薬の散布によって これらの蚊を 効率的に撲滅する方法を試しているんです

  • by spraying them -- our colleagues in America have sprayed with --

    アメリカから来た同僚たちが 村からこの虫を追放するために

  • really bomb-spraying these insects out of the villages.

    薬品散布の 絨毯爆撃を仕掛けています

  • In Africa we do a lot of household spraying.

    アフリカでは多くの世帯で 殺虫剤が散布されています

  • All these are aimed solely at killing the mosquitoes.

    これらは全て蚊を殺すだけの目的で 行われています

  • So there's really no problem if we had a new tool.

    だから新しいツールを用いても 全く問題ないのです

  • But having said that, I have to say


  • we also have to be very, very responsible here.

    我々はとても大きな責任を 自覚し行動するべきです

  • So there's the regulatory side, and we have to partner with our regulators

    規制に関しても 当局と協力する必要があり

  • and make sure that everything that we do is done correctly,

    我々が行う全ての処置は 正しい方法で 責任をもって

  • is done responsibly


  • and that we also have to do independent risk assessments,


  • to just make sure


  • that all these processes do not fall into the wrong hands.

    絶対に悪者の手に渡らないように しなければなりません

  • Thank you very much.


  • KK: Thank you.


  • (Applause)


I guess because I'm from Tanzania

翻訳: Tomoyuki Suzuki 校正: Eriko T


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語 TED マラリア 全滅 殺虫 蚊帳 感染

TED】フレドロス・オカム。なぜ私は地球上で最も危険な動物を研究するのか -- 蚊 (なぜ私は地球上で最も危険な動物を研究するのか -- 蚊) (【TED】Fredros Okumu: Why I study the most dangerous animal on earth -- mosquitoes (Why I study the most dangerous animal on earth -- mosquitoes | Fredros Okumu))

  • 94 6
    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日