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In March 2017,
翻訳: Yukino Megan 校正: Shoko Takaki
the mayor of Cape Town officially declared Cape Town a local disaster,
as it had less than four months left of usable water.
ケープタウン市長は 貯水の使用可能期間が 残り4か月未満になった為
Residents were restricted to 100 liters of water per person, per day.
正式に 地域の非常事態を 宣言しました
But what does that really mean?
住民は水の利用が1日1人当たり 100リットルに制限されました
With 100 liters of water per day,
これは実際 どういうことでしょう?
you can take a five-minute shower,
wash your face twice
and probably flush the toilet about five times.
You still didn't brush your teeth,
おそらくトイレを5回ほど 流すことができるでしょう
you didn't do laundry,
しかし 歯は磨けないし
and you definitely didn't water your plants.
You, unfortunately, didn't wash your hands after those five toilet flushes.
当然 植物に水を与えることも できません
And you didn't even take a sip of water.
残念ながら5回トイレを流した後 手を洗うこともできません
The mayor described this as that it means
a new relationship with water.
これは水との新たな関係を 意味すると
Today, seven months later,
I can share two things about my second home with you.
First: Cape Town hasn't run out of water just yet.
この 私にとって第二の故郷について 2点 ご紹介します
But as of September 3rd,
第一にケープタウンの水は まだ底をついてはいません
the hundred-liter limit dropped to 87 liters.
The mayor defined the city's new normal as one of permanent drought.
100リットルの制限が 87リットルに引き下げられました
市長は 慢性的な水不足が 市の新たな常態だと説明しました
what's happening in Cape Town is pretty much coming to many other cities
and countries in the world.
ケープタウンで起きていることが 多くの他の都市や世界中の国々で
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
excluding countries that we don't have data for,
less than five percent of the world's population
is living in a country that has more water today than it did 20 years ago.
20年前より水の豊富な 国に住んでいる人々は
Everyone else is living in a country that has less water today.
And nearly one out of three are living in a country
他の人たちは皆 以前より 水の乏しい国に住んでいるのです
that is facing a water crisis.
I grew up in Jordan,
水不足危機に直面している国に 住んでいます
a water-poor country that has experienced absolute water scarcity since 1973.
And still, in 2017,
1973年以来 絶対的な水不足を 経験して来た国で育ちました
only 10 countries in the world have less water than Jordan.
So dealing with a lack of water is quite ingrained in my soul.
貯水量がヨルダンより少ないのは 世界で10か国だけです
As soon as I was old enough to learn how to write my name,
水不足に対応することは 私の魂に沁みついています
I also learned that I need to conserve water.
自分の名前の書き方を 覚える年になるとすぐに
My parents would constantly remind my siblings and I to close the tap
節水する必要があることも 覚えました
when we brushed our teeth.
両親は 兄妹や私に 歯を磨く時 蛇口を閉めるよう
We used to fill balloons with flour instead of water when we played.
It's just as much fun, though.
風船で遊ぶ時は 水の代わりに 小麦粉を入れました
And a few years ago,
when my friends and I were dared to do the Ice Bucket Challenge,
we did that with sand.
友達と私が アイスバケツチャレンジに臨んだ時は
And you might think that, you know, that's easy,
sand is not ice cold.
砂は氷水ではありませんので 大したことないと
I promise you, sand goes everywhere,
and it took ages to get rid of it.
実際のところ 体中 砂にまみれになり
But what perhaps I didn't realize
払い落とすのに 大変時間がかかるのです
as I played with flour balloons as a child,
しかし 子供の頃
and as I poured sand on my head as an adult,
小麦粉入りの風船で遊んだり 大人になって
is that some of the techniques that seem second nature to me
頭に砂をかけても 気づかなかったのですが
and to others who live in dry countries
乾燥した国に住む 国民や私にとっては習慣のような
might help us all address what is fast becoming a global crisis.
I wish to share three lessons today,
急速に広がる世界的危機に立ち向かう 手助けになるかもしれません
three lessons from water-poor countries
今日は3つの教訓を 紹介させてください
and how they survived and even thrived despite their water crisis.
水不足の国から学んだ 3つの教訓と
Lesson one:
そういう国がどうやって水不足危機を 生き延び 繁栄できているのかです
tell people how much water they really have.
In order to solve a problem,
「貯水量が実際どれ位あるかを 皆に知らせる」
we need to acknowledge that we have one.
And when it comes to water,
people can easily turn a blind eye,
pretending that since water is coming out of the tap now,
誰もが簡単に 見て見ぬふりをすることができ
everything will be fine forever.
現在 蛇口から水が出ているので 今後もずっと
But some smart, drought-affected countries
問題ないかのように 振る舞っています
have adopted simple, innovative measures
しかし知識があり 干ばつの影響がある国々は
to make sure their citizens, their communities and their companies
国がどの程度 干ばつに瀕しているかを
know just how dry their countries are.
国民や地域社会、企業に 理解させるため 簡単で画期的な
When I was in Cape Town earlier this year,
I saw this electronic billboard on the freeway,
今年の初め ケープタウンにいた時
indicating how much water the city had left.
高速道路上で 市の貯水量を示す
This is an idea they may well have borrowed from Australia
when it faced one of the worst droughts of the country's history
これは1997年から 2009年まで
from 1997 to 2009.
国内史上最悪の干ばつに瀕した オーストラリアから
Water levels in Melbourne dropped to a very low capacity
of almost 26 percent.
But the city didn't yell at people.
非常に低い量まで 落ち込みましたが
It didn't plead with them not to use water.
They used electronic billboards to flash available levels of water
節水を嘆願したりは しませんでした
to all citizens across the city.
電光掲示板を利用し 全ての市民に向けて
They were honestly telling people how much water they really have,
and letting them take responsibility for themselves.
実際の水の貯留量を ありのままに人々に示し
By the end of the drought, this created such a sense of urgency
自分たちで責任を 取るよう促したのです
as well as a sense of community.
干ばつの終焉までに この措置は 緊急事態の意識と同時に
Nearly one out of three citizens in Melbourne had invested
in installing rainwater holding tanks for their own households.
メルボルン市民の ほぼ3人に1人が
Actions that citizens took didn't stop at installing those tanks.
自宅に雨水を貯留するタンクを 設置しました
With help from the city,
市民の取った行動は タンクの設置だけに留まりませんでした
they were able to do something even more impactful.
Taking me to lesson two:
さらに効果的な事が 実行できました
empower people to save water.
Melbourne wanted people to spend less water in their homes.
And one way to do that is to spend less time in the shower.
メルボルン市は市民に 家庭での節水を期待しました
However, interviews revealed that some people, women in particular,
節水方法の1つは シャワーの時間を短縮することです
weren't keen on saving water that way.
しかし調査によると ある人々 特に女性は
Some of them honestly said,
そういう節水法には 消極的でした
"The shower is not just to clean up.
It's my sanctuary.
「シャワーは 身体を洗うだけのものではありません
It's a space I go to relax, not just clean up."
So the city started offering water-efficient showerheads for free.
リラックスする場所でも あるのです」
And then, now some people complained that the showerheads looked ugly
そこで市は節水型のシャワーヘッドを 無料で配布し始めました
or didn't suit their bathrooms.
すると そのシャワーヘッドは 見た目が良くないとか
So what I like to call "The Showerhead Team"
風呂場に合わないと 不満を言う人もいました
developed a small water-flow regulator
そこで所謂 「シャワーヘッドチーム」の人々が
that can be fitted into existing showerheads.
既存のシャワーヘッドに 取り付けられる
And although showerhead beauty doesn't matter much to me,
小型の水流調整装置を 開発しました
I loved how the team didn't give up
シャワーヘッドの外見を気にしない私でも チームが諦めずに
and instead came up with a simple, unique solution
to empower people to save water.
簡単でユニークな解決方法を 生み出したことは
Within a span of four years,
more than 460,000 showerheads were replaced.
When the small regulator was introduced,
46万個以上のシャワーヘッドが 交換されました
more than 100,000 orders of that were done.
小型の水流調整装置が 市民に紹介された時は
Melbourne succeeded in reducing the water demands per capita
by 50 percent.
メルボルンは1人当たりの水需要を 50%も減らすことに
In the United Arab Emirates,
the second-most water-scarce country in the world,
officials designed what they called the "Business Heroes Toolkit" in 2010.
The aim was to motivate and empower businesses
2010年に「ビジネスヒーローツールキット」 というものをデザインしました
to reduce water and energy consumption.
その目的は 水やエネルギーの消費を減らす為
The toolkit practically taught companies
how to measure their existing water-consumption levels
ツールキットのお陰で 企業は
and consisted of tips to help them reduce those levels.
And it worked.
消費量を減らすアイディアを 得ることができました
Hundreds of organizations downloaded the toolkit.
And several of them joined
何百もの組織が このツールキットをダウンロードし
what they called the "Corporate Heroes Network,"
where companies can voluntarily take on a challenge
「企業ヒーローネットワーク」 というものに参加しました
to reduce their water-consumption levels to preset targets
それは企業が自主的に 1年以内の
within a period of one year.
水の消費削減目標値を 掲げて挑戦する
Companies which completed the challenge saved on average 35 percent of water.
And one company, for example,
挑戦を達成した企業は 平均35%の節水をしました
implemented as many water-saving tips as they could in their office space.
例えば ある企業では
They replaced their toilet-flushing techniques, taps, showerheads --
オフィスで 節水のアイディアを できるだけ多く実行しました
you name it.
彼らはトイレの流し方や 蛇口やシャワーヘッドなど様々なものを
If it saved water, they replaced it,
eventually reducing their employees' water consumption by half.
可能な限り 節水できるものに交換し
Empowering individuals and companies to save water is so critical,
結果的に社員の水使用量を 半分に削減したのです
yet not sufficient.
個人や企業による節水の応援は 非常に重要なことですが
Countries need to look beyond the status quo
and implement country-level actions
国は現状を越えて 問題を見据え
to save water.
Taking me to lesson three:
look below the surface.
Water savings can come from unexpected places.
Singapore is the eighth most water-scarce country in the world.
It depends on imported water for almost 60 percent of its water needs.
シンガポールは 世界で8番目に 水不足が深刻な国です
It's also a very small island.
水の需要のおよそ60%を 輸入に頼っています
As such, it needs to make use of as much space as possible
to catch rainfall.
よって 雨水を貯留するために 可能な限り多くの土地を
So in 2008,
they built the Marina Barrage.
そこで 2008年に
It's the first-ever urban water reservoir built in the middle of the city-state.
It's the largest water catchment in the country,
市街地の中心に建設された 初の都市貯水池です
almost one-sixth the size of Singapore.
What's so amazing about the Marina Barrage
シンガポールの面積の 6分の1近くです
is that it has been built to make the maximum use of its large size
マリーナバラージが とても素晴らしいのは
and its unexpected yet important location.
It brings three valuable benefits to the country:
意外で 実はとても重要な場所に 建設されたことです
it has boosted Singapore's water supply by 10 percent;
国に3つの貴重な メリットをもたらします
it protects low areas around it from floods
シンガポールの水供給量は 10%増加しました
because of its connection to the sea;
and, as you can see,
標高の低い土地を 洪水から守るのです
it acts as a beautiful lifestyle attraction,
hosting several events,
それは美しく生活に密着した 観光スポットとなり
from art exhibitions to music festivals,
attracting joggers, bikers, tourists all around that area.
Now, not all initiatives need to be stunning
ジョギングしたり 自転車に乗る人 旅行者を その周辺に惹きつけます
or even visible.
その全ての取り組みが 素晴らしく しかも目に見える
My first home, Jordan, realized that agriculture is consuming
the majority of its fresh water.
私の故郷 ヨルダンは 真水の大半を
They really wanted to encourage farmers
農業で消費していることに 気づきました
to focus on growing low water-intensive crops.
そこで 少ない水で育つ作物の
To achieve that,
the local agriculture is increasing its focus on date palms and grapevines.
Those two are much more tolerant to drought conditions
地元の農家は ナツメヤシとブドウを 増産しました
than many other fruits and vegetables,
これら2つの作物は 他の多くの果物や野菜より
and at the same time,
they are considered high-value crops, both locally and internationally.
Locals in Namibia,
地元でも 国際的にも 価値の高い作物とされています
one of the most arid countries in Southern Africa,
have been drinking recycled water since 1968.
最も乾燥した国の1つである ナミビアの地元民は
Now, you may tell me many countries recycle water.
1968年以降 再生水を飲んでいます
I would say yes.
皆さんは多くの国が 水を再利用していると言うでしょう
But very few use it for drinking purposes,
mostly because people don't like the thought
しかし飲料用として再生水を使うのは ほんのわずかで
of water that was in their toilets going to their taps.
それはトイレの水が 水道水になるのを
But Namibia could not afford to think that way.
They looked below the surface to save water.
しかしナミビアでは そう言ってはいられませんでした
They are now a great example
節水の為に 問題の水面下に 注目したのです
of how, when countries purify waste water to drinking standards,
これは他の国々が 排水を飲料基準まで 浄化する際
they can ease their water shortages,
水不足を解消し どの様に実施するかという
and in Namibia's case,
provide drinking water for more than 300,000 citizens in its capital city.
As more countries which used to be more water rich
首都圏で30万人以上の市民に 飲料水を供給しています
are becoming water scarce,
I say we don't need to reinvent the wheel.
If we just look at what water-poor countries have done,
ここで新たな解決法を 見つける必要はありません
the solutions are out there.
水不足の国々が 達成してきたことを見れば
Now it's really just up to all of us
to take action.
Thank you.