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Azim Khamisa: We humans have many defining moments in our lives.
翻訳: Takamasa Omata / 小俣貴雅 校正: Masaki Yanagishita
Sometimes these moments are joyous,
カミサ:私たち人間は 人生で決定的瞬間を多く経験します
and sometimes they are heartbreaking,
これらの瞬間は 楽しいときもあれば
But at these defining moments, if we are able to make the right choice,
we literally manifest a miracle
しかしこれらの決定的瞬間で 正しい選択ができれば
in us and others.
My only son Tariq, a university student,
自分にも 他者にもです
kind, generous, a good writer, a good photographer,
私の唯一の息子 タリクは大学生で
had aspirations to work for National Geographic,
優しくて人情が深く 物書きで写真が得意でした
engaged to a beautiful lady,
ナショナルジオグラフィックで 働くことを志し
worked as a pizza deliveryman on Fridays and Saturdays.
He was lured to a bogus address
金曜日と土曜日には ピザの配達員もしていました
by a youth gang.
彼は若いギャングに 偽りの配達先を使って
And in a gang initiation,
a 14-year-old shot and killed him.
The sudden, senseless death
14歳の少年に 撃ち殺されました
of an innocent, unarmed human being;
突然の 無意味な死です
the overwhelming grief of a family;
罪のない 無防備な 人間の死です
the total confusion as you try to absorb a new, hideous reality.
打ちのめされるような 家族の深い悲しみであり
Needless to say it brought my life to a crashing halt.
忌まわしい 新たな現実に直面 したときの 紛れもない錯乱です
One of the hardest things I've ever had to do
言うまでもありませんが 私の人生は崩壊しました
was to call his mother, who lived in a different city.
How do you tell a mother she's never going to see her son again,
違う町に住む母親に 電話で伝えることでした
or hear him laugh,
どう伝えたらいいのでしょう? 「もう二度と息子に会えない」
or give him a hug?
I practice as a Sufi Muslim.
I meditate two hours a day.
And sometimes,
in deep trauma and deep tragedy,
there is a spark of clarity.
So what I downloaded in my meditation
is that there were victims at both ends of the gun.
私が 瞑想の中で 思い巡らせていたものは
It's easy to see that my son was a victim of the 14-year-old,
a little bit complicated to see that he was a victim of American society.
息子が犠牲者だと 考えるのは簡単ですが
And that begs the question, well, who is American society?
14歳の彼が アメリカ社会の犠牲者とは なかなか気付きにくいです
Well, it's you and me,
では アメリカ社会とは 誰なのでしょうか?
because I don't believe that society is just happenstance.
I think we are all responsible for the society we've created.
私は 社会が単なる偶然で 出来たものとは思っていません
And children killing children is not a mark of a civil society.
自分たちが作った社会は 自分たち皆の責任です
So nine months after Tariq died,
子どもが子どもを殺すのは 市民社会のありようではありません
I started the Tariq Khamisa Foundation
and our mandate at the Tariq Khamisa Foundation
タリク・カミサ基金を 始めました
is to stop kids from killing kids
by breaking the cycle of youth violence.
若者による暴力の悪循環を 絶つことで
And essentially we have three mandates.
子ども同士の殺人を 食い止めることです
Our first and foremost is to save lives of children.
また 3つの責務があります
It's important to do. We lose so many on a daily basis.
最も大事な1つ目は 子どもたちの命を救うことです
Our second mandate
大切です 日々多くの命が失われています
is to empower the right choices so kids don't fall through the cracks
and choose lives of gangs and crime and drugs and alcohol and weapons.
子どもたちが過ちを犯し ギャングや犯罪 薬物 アルコール
And our third mandate is to teach the principles of nonviolence,
武器に手を染めないよう 正しい選択をさせることです
of empathy, of compassion,
3つ目は 非暴力や
of forgiveness.
共感 思い遣り―
And I started with a very simple premise
許しの原理を 教えることです
that violence is a learned behavior.
また とても単純な 前提から始めました
No child was born violent.
暴力は学習行動である ということです
If you accept that as a truism,
生まれつき暴力的な 子どもなんていません
nonviolence can also be a learned behavior,
もしそれを当然のこと として受け入れれば
but you have to teach it,
非暴力も 学習行動に なり得るのです
because kids are not going to learn that
でも 教えなくてはなりません
through osmosis.
なぜなら 自然に 身に沁み込むことは
Soon after that, I reached out to my brother here,
with the attitude that we had both lost a son.
その後すぐ ここにいる 「兄弟」に連絡をしました
My son died.
お互い 息子を失った という態度で です
He lost his grandson to the adult prison system.
私の息子は 亡くなりましたが
And I asked him to join me.
彼も 成人刑務所というシステムに 孫を奪われました
As you see, 22 years later, we are still here together,
私は 一緒に活動するよう頼みました
because I can't bring Tariq back from the dead,
ご覧のように 22年経っても 私たちはまだ一緒にいます
you can't take Tony out of prison,
タリクを生き返らせることは できませんが
but the one thing we can do
トニー(プレスの孫)を刑務所から 戻すこともできません
is make sure no other young people in our community
でも私たちにできる 唯一のことは
end up dead or end up in prison.
これ以上 自分たちの地域で 死んだり 刑務所に行くような
With the grace of God,
the Tariq Khamisa Foundation has been successful.
We have a safe school model
タリク・カミサ基金は うまくいっています
which has four different programs.
The first one is a live assembly with Ples and me.
「安全な学校」モデルを 作りました
We are introduced,
1つ目はプレスと 私による集会です
this man's grandson killed this man's son,
and here they are together.
この人の孫が この人の息子を殺した
We have in-classroom curriculum.
そして一緒に活動している と紹介されます
We have an after school mentoring program, and we create a peace club.
And I'm happy to share with you
放課後の指導教育プログラムや 平和クラブも作りました
that besides teaching these principles of nonviolence,
そして お伝えできて嬉しいのが―
we are able to cut suspensions and expulsions by 70 percent,
which is huge.
停学や除籍を 70%減らすことができました
Which is huge.
Five years after Tariq died,
and for me to complete my journey of forgiveness,
I went to see the young man who killed my son.
私にとっては 「許し」の旅を完結するため
He was 19 years old.
私の息子を殺した 青年に会いに行きました
And I remember that meeting because we were --
he's 37, still in prison --
but at that first meeting, we locked eyeballs.
彼は37歳で今も 刑務所にいますが―
I'm looking in his eyes, he's looking in my eyes,
最初 目が合ったからです
and I'm looking in his eyes trying to find a murderer, and I didn't.
私は彼の目を見て 彼は私の目を見て―
I was able to climb through his eyes
私は彼の目を見て人殺しを 探そうとしましたが いませんでした
and touch his humanity that I got
that the spark in him was no different than the spark in me
or anybody else here.
自分のものと 何ら変わりませんでした
So I wasn't expecting that. He was remorseful.
He was articulate. He was well-mannered.
そんな予測していませんでした 彼は後悔していたんです
And I could tell that my hand of forgiveness had changed him.
はっきり話し 礼儀正しく振舞いました
So with that, please welcome my brother, Ples.
私が「許し」の手を差し伸べたことが 彼を変えたのです
では 私の兄弟プレスを お迎えください
Ples Felix: Tony is my one and only daughter's one and only child.
Tony was born to my daughter,
プレス:トニーは 唯一の娘の 唯一の子どもです
who was 15 when she gave birth to Tony.
Mothering is the toughest job on the planet.
娘が15歳のときに 生れました
There is no tougher job on the planet than raising another human being
育児というのは この世で 最も大変な仕事です
and making sure they're safe, secure
他の人間を育てる以上に 困難な仕事はありません
and well-positioned to be successful in life.
かつ彼らが安全で 守られていて
Tony experienced a lot of violence in his life as a young kid.
人生の成功というレールに 乗れるよう手助けします
He saw one of his favorite cousins
トニーは 幼い頃から 多くの暴力を経験しました
be murdered in a hail of automatic weapon fire
大好きな いとこの一人が
and gang involvement in Los Angeles.
He was very traumatized in so many different ways.
自動小銃で蜂の巣になって 亡くなるのを目撃しました
Tony came to live with me.
I wanted to make sure he had everything a kid needed
to be successful.
私は トニーが真っ当な人生を 歩むため できることを全て
But on this particular evening,
after years of being with me
でも あの日の夜―
and struggling mightily to try to be successful
and to live up to my expectations of being a successful person,
on this one particular day, Tony ran away from home that evening,
私の期待に応えようと 頑張った数年後
he went to be with people he thought were his friends,
あの日の夜に限って トニーは家をとび出て
he was given drugs and alcohol
and he took them
because he thought they would make him feel carefree.
But all it did was to make his anxiety go higher
彼はそれで 心配から 逃れられると思っていたんです
and to create a more ...
でも これらはさらに不安を募らせ
more deadly thinking on his part.
He was invited to a robbery,
he was given a 9mm handgun.
And at the presence of an 18-year-old who commanded him
and two 14-year-old boys he thought were his friends,
そして 彼のボスである 18歳の青年と
he shot and killed Tariq Khamisa,
友人だと思っていた 2人の14歳の男の子の前で
this man's son.
彼は タリク・カミサを 撃ち 殺害しました
There are no words, there are no words
that can express the loss of a child.
At my understanding that my grandson was responsible
for the murder of this human being,
I went to the prayer closet, like I was taught by my old folks,
殺人に関与していたと 知ったときは
and began to pray and meditate.
先代から教わったように 祈りの小部屋に入り
The one thing that Mr. Khamisa and I have in common,
and we didn't know this, besides being wonderful human beings,
私とカミサ氏との 一つの共通点は
is that we both meditate.
私たちは知らなかったのですが 素晴らしい人間という他に
It was very helpful for me
because it offered me an opportunity to seek guidance and clarity
about how I wanted to be of support of this man and his family in this loss.
なぜなら 子を失った カミサとその家族を
And sure enough, my prayers were answered,
支える手段への道しるべを 辿る機会を与えてくれたからです
because I was invited to a meeting at this man's house,
確かに祈りは 答えられました
met his mother, his father,
なぜなら 彼の家の 会合に招かれたからです
his wife, his brother, met their family
彼の母 父に会い
and had a chance to be in the presence of God-spirited people led by this man,
妻 兄弟といった家族に出会い
who in the spirit of forgiveness,
彼によって導かれた 神の精神が 宿った人々と会う機会を手にしました
made way, made an opportunity for me
to be of value and to share with him and to share with children
私に道を そして手段を与え
the importance of understanding the need to be with a responsible adult,
focus on your anger in a way that's healthy,
責任ある大人になる必要性 健全に怒るということ
learn to meditate.
瞑想をするということの 理解の大切さを共有する
The programs that we have in the Tariq Khamisa Foundation
provide so many tools for the kids to put in their toolkit
タリク・カミサ基金の いくつかのプログラムは
so they could carry them throughout their lives.
子どもたちが 一生を通して 持ち続けられるような
It's important that our children understand that loving, caring adults
たくさんのツールを 与えることです
care for them and support them,
子どもたちが 自分を愛し 思い遣る大人たちからの
but it's also important that our children learn to meditate,
ケアや支援を 理解することは大切ですが
learn to be peaceful,
我々の子どもが 瞑想することを身に付け
learn to be centered
and learn to interact with the other children
in a kind, empathetic
and wonderfully loving way.
優しく 共感し―
We need more love in our society
素晴らしく愛情溢れる方法で です
and that's why we are here to share the love with children,
社会にはもっと多くの 愛が必要ですし
because our children will lead the way for us,
子どもたちと愛を分かち合うために 私たちはここにいます
because all of us will depend on our children.
なぜなら 子どもたちは 私たちを導き
As we grow older and retire, they will take over this world for us,
私たちは皆 将来子どもたちに 頼るからです
so as much love as we teach them, they will give it back to us.
私たちが年老いて退職したとき 彼らが社会の主人公です
Blessings. Thank you.
私たちが愛を教えれば 必ず返ってきます
神のご加護を ありがとうございました
AK: So I was born in Kenya, I was educated in England,
and my brother here is a Baptist.
カミサ:私はケニヤで生まれ イギリスで学びました
I practice as a Sufi Muslim.
He's African American,
but I always tell him, I'm the African American in the group.
I was born in Africa. You were not.
でも いつも言うんです― 私がアフリカ系アメリカ人だと
私はアフリカで生まれたが あなたは違う と
And I naturalized as a citizen.
I'm a first-generation citizen.
And I felt that, as an American citizen,
I must take my share of the responsibility
私は思いました― アメリカ国民として
for the murder of my son.
Why? Because it was fired by an American child.
共有しなければ と
You could take the position, he killed my one and only son,
なぜか?なぜなら アメリカの 子どもに撃たれたんですから
he should be hung from the highest pole.
How does that improve society?
一番高い木から吊るし首になるべきだと 考えたとしても
And I know you are probably wondering what happened to that young man.
He's still in prison. He just turned 37 on September 22,
あの若者が今何をしているか 皆さん気になっていることでしょう
but I have some good news.
彼はまだ服役中で 9月22日に37歳になりました
We've been trying to get him out for 12 years.
He finally will join us a year from now.
12年間 彼を取り戻そうと 活動してきましたが
来年の今頃は ついに 私たちの活動に参加します
And I'm very excited to have him join us,
because I know we've saved him,
私は彼を迎えられて とても嬉しいです
but he will save tens of thousands of students
なぜなら 私たちが彼を救ったと 知っているからです
when he shares his testimony
でも 彼が 普段私たちが 訪れる学校で
in schools that we are present at on a regular basis.
When he says to the kids, "When I was 11, I joined a gang.
何万もの生徒を 救うことでしょう
When I was 14, I murdered Mr. Khamisa's son.
彼が 子どもたちに 「11歳のとき ギャングに参加し
I've spent the last umpteen years in prison.
14歳のとき カミサ氏の 息子を殺しました
I'm here to tell you: it's not worth it,"
刑務所で何年間も 過ごしてきました
do you think the kids will listen to that voice?
私はあなたたちに伝えたいー そんなことに価値はない」と言うんです
Yes, because his intonations
子どもたちは耳を 傾けるでしょうか?
will be of a person that pulled the trigger.
もちろんです なぜなら彼の言葉は
And I know that he wants to turn the clock back.
引き金を引いた人間の 言葉なのですから
Of course, that's not possible.
時計の針を元に戻したいと 思っていることでしょう
I wish it was. I would have my son back.
もちろん そんなことは 不可能です
My brother would have his grandson back.
私だって 息子に生き還ってほしい
So I think that demonstrates the power of forgiveness.
私の兄弟も 孫に戻ってきてほしい
So what's the big takeaway here?
この体験は 許しの力が よく表れていると感じています
So I want to end our session with this quote,
which is the basis of my fourth book,
私は この講演を ある引用で終えたいと思います
which incidentally,
私の4冊目の本に 書かれているものです
the foreword for that book was written by Tony.
So it goes like this: sustained goodwill creates friendship.
序文はトニーによって 書かれました
You don't make friends by bombing them, right?
こう述べられます― 「長きにわたる善意は友情を生む」
You make friends by extending goodwill.
爆撃で友達は 出来ません
That ought to be obvious.
善意を広げることによって 友達を作ります
So sustained goodwill creates friendship,
sustained friendship creates trust,
sustained trust creates empathy,
sustained empathy creates compassion,
and sustained compassion creates peace.
I call this my peace formula.
長きにわたる思い遣りは 平和を生みます
It starts with goodwill, friendship, trust, empathy, compassion and peace.
But people ask me, how do you extend goodwill
善意から始まり 友情 信頼 共感 思い遣り そして最後は平和が来ます
to the person who murdered your child?
でも人々は私に尋ねます― 「あなたの子どもを殺した人に
I tell them, you do that through forgiveness.
どうやって善意を 示せるのですか?」と
As it's evident it worked for me.
私は 許すことで 広げられる と言います
It worked for my family.
What's a miracle is it worked for Tony,
it worked for his family,
奇跡だったのは トニーにも響いたこと
it can work for you and your family,
for Israel and Palestine, North and South Korea,
だから あなたも あなたの家族も実践できます
for Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Syria.
イスラエルとパレスチナ 北朝鮮と韓国
It can work for the United States of America.
イラク、アフガニスタン イラン、シリアなども同様です
So let me leave you with this, my sisters,
and a couple of brothers --
最後にお伝えします― ここにいる女性の皆さん
that peace is possible.
How do I know that?
Because I am at peace.
Thank you very much. Namaste.
なぜなら 私は今 平和を感じているからです
どうもありがとう ナマステ