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What if I told you there was something that you can do right now
もし私が皆さんに あなたの脳の向上に
that would have an immediate, positive benefit for your brain
即効的な あなたの気分や集中力を高める
including your mood and your focus?
今すぐ出来ることがあると伝えたら どう思われますか?
And what if I told you that same thing could actually last a long time
そしてもし その同じことには 持続的な効果があり
and protect your brain from different conditions
うつ病 アルツハイマー病や 認知症等の病気から
like depression, Alzheimer's disease or dementia.
Would you do it?
I am talking about the powerful effects of physical activity.
私が話すのは 身体運動が生む パワフルな効果のことです
Simply moving your body,
has immediate, long-lasting and protective benefits for your brain.
あなたの脳に即効的で長続きし 保護的な影響を与えます
And that can last for the rest of your life.
その効果は生涯にわたり 持続することも可能です
So what I want to do today is tell you a story
そこで 今日はある話をしたいと思います
about how I used my deep understanding of neuroscience,
as a professor of neuroscience,
to essentially do an experiment on myself
in which I discovered the science underlying
why exercise is the most transformative thing
今日 あなたの脳にとって なぜ運動が
that you can do for your brain today.
Now, as a neuroscientist, I know that our brains,
神経科学の専門家として断言できるのは 私たちの脳ー
that is the thing in our head right now,
that is the most complex structure known to humankind.
But it's one thing to talk about the brain,
しかし 脳の話をするのと
and it's another to see it.
So here is a real preserved human brain.
そこでここに保存された 実物の人間の脳をお見せします
And it's going to illustrate two key areas that we are going to talk about today.
これをご覧になると 本日話す 二つの重要な部分がわかります
The first is the prefrontal cortex, right behind your forehead,
第1が額のすぐ後ろにある 前頭前皮質
critical for things like decision-making, focus, attention and your personality.
判断 集中 注意や性格を左右する 重要な働きをする部分です
The second key area is located in the temporal lobe, shown right here.
第2の重要な部分は ここ 側頭葉にあります
You have two temporal lobes in your brain, the right and the left,
人間の脳には 左右2つの側頭葉があります
and deep in the temporal lobe is a key structure
critical for your ability
to form and retain new long-term memories for facts and events.
形成し保持するのに 重要な構造があります
And that structure is called the hippocampus.
So I've always been fascinated with the hippocampus.
How could it be that an event that lasts just a moment,
say, your first kiss,
or the moment your first child was born,
can form a memory that has changed your brain,
どのようにして 一生の間続く脳の変化をもたらす
that lasts an entire lifetime?
That's what I want to understand.
I wanted to start and record the activity of individual brain cells
in the hippocampus
as subjects were forming new memories.
And essentially try and decode how those brief bursts of electrical activity,
which is how neurons communicate with each other,
how those brief bursts either allowed us to form a new memory, or did not.
短時間の電気活動バーストの意味を解明し、それがどのように新しい記憶を形成したり しなかったりするか解明したいと思いました
But a few years ago, I did something very unusual in science.
ところが私は数年前 科学の世界では珍しいことをしました
As a full professor of neural science,
I decided to completely switch my research program.
Because I encountered something that was so amazing,
多くの人々の生活を変える 可能性を秘める
with the potential to change so many lives
that I had to study it.
I discovered and I experienced the brain-changing effects of exercise.
運動に脳を変化させる機能があることを見つけ その効果を自ら体験したのです
And I did it in a completely inadvertent way.
それは 全く予期せぬ方法による出会いでした
I was actually at the height of all the memory work that I was doing --
私が以前から続けていた 記憶に関する研究は快調に進み
data was pouring in,
I was becoming known in my field for all of this memory work.
私の研究分野では 知られる存在になっていました
And it should have been going great. It was, scientifically.
全てがうまくいっているはずでした ―科学的にということでしたが
But when I stuck my head out of my lab door,
ところが閉された研究室から 頭をつき出して見ると
I noticed something.
I had no social life.
I spent too much time listening to those brain cells
私は暗い部屋で たった一人で
in a dark room, by myself.
I didn't move my body at all.
I had gained 25 pounds.
And actually, it took me many years to realize it,
実はそれに気付くまでに 何年もかかりましたが
I was actually miserable.
実際 みじめでした
And I shouldn't be miserable.
And I went on a river-rafting trip -- by myself, because I had no social life.
そこで川下りの旅に出ました— 社交生活がなかったので一人で
And I came back --
thinking, "Oh, my God, I was the weakest person on that trip."
「あの旅の参加者の中で 一番体力に欠けていた」と思い
And I came back with a mission.
I said, "I'm never going to feel like the weakest person
「川下りの旅で一番体力のない者だと 二度と思いたくない」と
on a river-rafting trip again."
And that's what made me go to the gym.
そのことで発奮し ジムに通うようになりました
And I focused my type-A personality
on going to all the exercise classes at the gym.
ジムが主催する全てのエクササイズに 参加することしました
I tried everything.
I went to kickbox, dance, yoga, step class,
キックボクシング ダンス ヨガ ステップ運動
and at first it was really hard.
But what I noticed is that after every sweat-inducing workout that I tried,
I had this great mood boost and this great energy boost.
気分とエネルギーの昂揚を 感じることに気付きました
And that's what kept me going back to the gym.
Well, I started feeling stronger.
I started feeling better, I even lost that 25 pounds.
気分も良くなり 11kg増えた体重も減りました
And now, fast-forward a year and a half into this regular exercise program
and I noticed something that really made me sit up and take notice.
I was sitting at my desk, writing a research grant,
机に座り 研究費の申請を書いていると
and a thought went through my mind
that had never gone through my mind before.
今まで頭に浮かんだことが 一度もないことでした
And that thought was,
"Gee, grant-writing is going well today."
「今日は研究費申請を書くのが うまくいっている」
And all the scientists --
yeah, all the scientists always laugh when I say that,
そう言うといつも 科学者はみんな笑うの—
because grant-writing never goes well.
研究費の申請を書くのは 決してうまくいかないからです
It is so hard; you're always pulling your hair out,
本当に大変で いつも頭を抱えたくなります
trying to come up with that million-dollar-winning idea.
百万ドルの助成金をもらえる アイデアを考えるのは大変です
But I realized that the grant-writing was going well,
ところがスムーズに 申請が書けたのです
because I was able to focus and maintain my attention
for longer than I had before.
And my long-term memory -- what I was studying in my own lab --
seemed to be better in me.
And that's when I put it together.
Maybe all that exercise that I had included and added to my life
was changing my brain.
Maybe I did an experiment on myself without even knowing it.
私は気付かずに 自分を実験台にしていたのでは
So as a curious neuroscientist,
I went to the literature to see what I could find about what we knew
about the effects of exercise on the brain.
And what I found was an exciting and a growing literature
そこで発見したのが 興味深い 日々発表される研究結果が
that was essentially showing everything that I noticed in myself.
私自身も気付いたことを 裏付けていることでした
Better mood, better energy, better memory, better attention.
気分の改善 やる気の増強 記憶力や集中力の増強
And the more I learned,
the more I realized how powerful exercise was.
運動のパワフルな効果に 気付きました
Which eventually led me to the big decision
そのことが私の大きな決断の きっかけとなり
to completely shift my research focus.
And so now, after several years of really focusing on this question,
そして今このテーマに 集中するようになって数年経ち
I've come to the following conclusion:
that exercise is the most transformative thing
運動はあなたの脳に 今すぐに
that you can do for your brain today
for the following three reasons.
Number one: it has immediate effects on your brain.
第1に 即効的な効果を脳に与えます
A single workout that you do
will immediately increase levels of neurotransmitters
ドーパミンやセロトニン ノルアドリナリン等の
like dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline.
That is going to increase your mood right after that workout,
それがワークアウト直後の あなたの気分を高めます
exactly what I was feeling.
My lab showed, that a single workout
また 私の研究室は 1回のワークアウトだけで
can improve your ability to shift and focus attention,
注目の対象を素早く変え 集中する能力が高まり
and that focus improvement will last for at least two hours.
その効果は最低2時間持続することを 示しました
And finally, studies have shown
そして最後に いくつもの研究から
that a single workout will improve your reaction times
1回のワークアウトで 反応時間が 短縮することが明らかになりました
which basically means
that you are going to be faster at catching that cup of Starbucks
スターバックスのコーヒーカップが カウンターから落ちるとき
that falls off the counter,
あなたは素早くカップを つかむことできるということです
which is very, very important.
But these immediate effects are transient, they help you right after.
しかしながらこれらの効果は 運動直後のことで一時的です
What you have to do is do what I did,
あなたがするべきことは 私が実践したことです
that is change your exercise regime, increase your cardiorespiratory function,
あなたの運動習慣を変え 心肺機能を高め
to get the long-lasting effects.
And these effects are long-lasting
because exercise actually changes the brain's anatomy,
運動は脳の構造 生理や機能を
physiology and function.
Let's start with my favorite brain area, the hippocampus.
それでは私の一番のお気に入り 海馬から始めてみましょう
The hippocampus --
or exercise actually produces brand new brain cells,
運動が新しい脳細胞を 実際に作り出します
new brain cells in the hippocampus, that actually increase its volume,
海馬の新しい脳細胞が 実際その容積を増やします
as well as improve your long-term memory, OK?
そして同時に長期記憶も改善します いいですね?
And that including in you and me.
それは あなたも私も同じです
Number two: the most common finding in neuroscience studies,
looking at effects of long-term exercise,
is improved attention function dependent or your prefrontal cortex.
You not only get better focus and attention,
but the volume of the hippocampus increases as well.
And finally, you not only get immediate effects of mood with exercise
最後に 運動によって 即効的に気分が改善するだけでなく
but those last for a long time.
So you get long-lasting increases in those good mood neurotransmitters.
気分を向上させる 神経伝達物質の増加が長続きします
But really, the most transformative thing that exercise will do
ところが 運動が与える 一番大きな変化は
is its protective effects on your brain.
Here you can think about the brain like a muscle.
The more you're working out,
the bigger and stronger your hippocampus and prefrontal cortex gets.
海馬と前頭前皮質が 大きく 強くなります
Why is that important?
Because the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus
are the two areas that are most susceptible to neurodegenerative diseases
各種の神経変性疾患や 老化現象による通常の認知機能の低下で
and normal cognitive decline in aging.
So with increased exercise over your lifetime,
you're not going to cure dementia or Alzheimer's disease,
but what you're going to do is you're going to create
the strongest, biggest hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
so it takes longer for these diseases to actually have an effect.
これらの病いの進行が見られるまでの 時間を引き延ばします
You can think of exercise, therefore,
すなわち 運動とは 脳のために高額を払い込んだ
as a supercharged 401K for your brain, OK?
401K(米国の確定拠出個人年金制度)と 考えてみてください わかりますか?
And it's even better, because it's free.
実はそれよりもっと優れています 一切お金がかからないからです
So this is the point in the talk where everybody says,
トークでこのポイントに到達すると いつも聞かれることが
"That sounds so interesting, Wendy,
「ウェンディー 素晴らしい話ね
but I really will only want to know one thing.
だけど本音を言うと 知りたいのはたったひとつのことだけ
And that is, just tell me the minimum amount of exercise
I need to get all these changes."
And so I'm going to tell you the answer to that question.
First, good news: you don't have to become a triathlete to get these effects.
まず1番に トライアスロン選手でなくても その効果は得られます
The rule of thumb is you want to get three to four times a week exercise
minimum 30 minutes an exercise session,
and you want to get aerobic exercise in.
That is, get your heart rate up.
要するに 心拍数を増やしてください
And the good news is, you don't have to go to the gym
嬉しいことに 高い入会費を払って
to get a very expensive gym membership.
Add an extra walk around the block in your power walk.
早足で歩くパワーウォーキングを 日課の散歩に一周足して見てください
You see stairs -- take stairs.
階段があれば 階段を使ってください
And power-vacuuming can be as good as the aerobics class
掃除機をかける際は パワフルに掃除すれば
that you were going to take at the gym.
ジムでエアロビクスをするのと 同じぐらいの効果です
So I've gone from memory pioneer
to exercise explorer.
From going into the innermost workings of the brain,
to trying to understand how exercise can improve our brain function,
運動が脳の機能を改善させる仕組みを 理解する方向へと進みました
and my goal in my lab right now
研究室での 現在の私の目標は
is to go beyond that rule of thumb that I just gave you --
今 お伝えした 週3~4回 最低30分という
three to four times a week, 30 minutes.
I want to understand the optimum exercise prescription
for you, at your age, at your fitness level,
for your genetic background,
to maximize the effects of exercise today
今日やった運動の 効果を最大にして
and also to improve your brain and protect your brain the best
for the rest of your life.
脳を最大限 保護できるように したいと考えています
But it's one thing to talk about exercise, and it's another to do it.
運動の話をするのと 実際にするのとでは違います
So I'm going to invoke my power as a certified exercise instructor,
そこで「認可エクササイズ インストラクター」の権限を使い
to ask you all to stand up.
We're going to do just one minute of exercise.
1分間の体操をしてもらいます 呼びかけに応える形式です
It's call-and-response, just do what I do, say what I say,
私がすることを真似して 言うことを繰り返してください
and make sure you don't punch your neighbor, OK?
隣の人にパンチしないように いいですか?
(Upbeat music)
Five, six, seven, eight, it's right, left, right, left.
5、6、7、8 そこで右、左、右、左
And I say, I am strong now.
ではいきますよ 力が満ちてきた
Let's hear you.
さあ どうぞ
Audience: I am strong now.
Wendy Suzuki: Ladies, I am Wonder Woman-strong.
(ウェンディー)みなさん ワンダーウーマンみたいに強く
Let's hear you!
Audience: I am Wonder Woman-strong.
WS: New move -- uppercut, right and left.
(ウェンディー)動きを変えて— アッパーカット 右、左
I am inspired now. You say it!
元気が出た どうぞ!
Audience: I am inspired now.
WS: Last move -- pull it down, right and left, right and left.
(ウェンディー)最後の動き— 引っ張りましょう 右から左、右から左
I say, I am on fire now! You say it.
私はやる気に燃える! どうぞ
Audience: I am on fire now.
WS: And done! OK, good job!
(ウェンディー)はい終わり 上出来でした!
Thank you.
I want to leave you with one last thought.
終わりに 一つの想いを 残したいと思います
And that is, bringing exercise in your life
それは 運動を生活の中に取り入れることが
will not only give you a happier, more protective life today,
もっと幸せな 安心できる人生に 導いてくれるだけではなく
but it will protect your brain from incurable diseases.
あなたの脳を不治の病から守る 備えとなります
And in this way it will change the trajectory of your life
そうすることで あなたが歩む人生の軌跡を
for the better.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.