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  • There's a man out there, somewhere,

    翻訳: Emi Kamiya 校正: nobuyuki umeji

  • who looks a little bit like the actor Idris Elba,


  • or at least he did 20 years ago.

    俳優のイドリス・エルバに ちょっと似ています

  • I don't know anything else about him,


  • except that he once saved my life


  • by putting his own life in danger.


  • This man ran across four lanes of freeway traffic in the middle of the night


  • to bring me back to safety

    彼が真夜中の高速道路を4車線 駆け足で横切ってくれたから

  • after a car accident that could have killed me.


  • And the whole thing left me really shaken up, obviously,

    死んでいてもおかしくない 事故の後のことです

  • but it also left me with this kind of burning, gnawing need

    その出来事で私は当然ながら 本当に動揺しましたが

  • to understand why he did it,

    同時に 頭から離れない 熱い思いも残りました

  • what forces within him caused him to make the choice


  • that I owe my life to,

    彼の何が 私の命の恩人になるという選択をさせ

  • to risk his own life to save the life of a stranger?


  • In other words, what are the causes of his or anybody else's capacity for altruism?

    見知らぬ他人の命を救ったのか 私には知る必要があるのです

  • But first let me tell you what happened.

    言い換えれば 彼のような人が持つ 利他主義の力のもとを知りたいのです

  • That night, I was 19 years old

    まず何が起きたか お話ししましょう

  • and driving back to my home in Tacoma, Washington,

    その夜 当時 私は19歳

  • down the Interstate 5 freeway,

    ワシントン州タコマの自宅に 車で帰る途中でした

  • when a little dog darted out in front of my car.


  • And I did exactly what you're not supposed to do,

    前を行く車から 小さな犬が飛び出して来ました

  • which is swerve to avoid it.

    私は絶対すべきでないことを してしまいました

  • And I discovered why you're not supposed to do that.


  • I hit the dog anyways,

    何故すべきでないか 思い知りました

  • and that sent the car into a fishtail,

    結局 犬を轢いてしまい

  • and then a spin across the freeway,


  • until finally it wound up in the fast lane of the freeway


  • faced backwards into oncoming traffic


  • and then the engine died.

    後続の車と向かい合わせに なったところで

  • And I was sure in that moment that I was about to die too,


  • but I didn't

    その瞬間 私も死ぬんだと 確信しましたが

  • because of the actions of that one brave man


  • who must have made the decision

    あの勇敢な男性がとった 行動のおかげです

  • within a fraction of a second of seeing my stranded car


  • to pull over and run across four lanes of freeway traffic

    彼はほんの一瞬のうちに 決断したに違いありません

  • in the dark

    車を止め 高速道路上を 4車線 走って渡り

  • to save my life.


  • And then after he got my car working again


  • and got me back to safety and made sure I was going to be all right,


  • he drove off again.

    私を安全な状態に戻し 私がもう大丈夫だと確認すると

  • He never even told me his name,

    車で 去っていきました

  • and I'm pretty sure I forgot to say thank you.


  • So before I go any further,

    私はきっと お礼を言い忘れました

  • I really want to take a moment


  • to stop and say thank you to that stranger.


  • (Applause)

    あの見ず知らずの人に 「ありがとう」と言わせてください

  • I tell you all of this


  • because the events of that night changed the course of my life to some degree.


  • I became a psychology researcher,

    あの夜の出来事が私の人生を 変えたとも言えるからです

  • and I've devoted my work to understanding the human capacity to care for others.


  • Where does it come from, and how does it develop,

    他者を思いやる人間の力を解明すべく 研究に勤しんでいます

  • and what are the extreme forms that it can take?

    どこから湧いてくるのか どう発達するのか

  • These questions are really important to understanding basic aspects

    極端な場合は どんな表れ方をするのか

  • of human social nature.

    こうした疑問は人間の社会的な性質の 基本的側面を理解する上で

  • A lot of people, and this includes everybody


  • from philosophers and economists to ordinary people

    哲学者や経済学者から 一般の人まで

  • believe that human nature is fundamentally selfish,

    多くの人は皆 こう信じています

  • that we're only ever really motivated by our own welfare.

    人間の本性というものは 基本的に利己的で

  • But if that's true, why do some people, like the stranger who rescued me,

    実のところ 自分の幸せのためにしか 心が動かないのだと

  • do selfless things, like helping other people

    でもそれが本当なら なぜ私を救ってくれた男性のように

  • at enormous risk and cost to themselves?

    自らを大きな危険にさらしてまで 他人を助けるなど

  • Answering this question

    無私の行為をする人が いるんでしょう?

  • requires exploring the roots of extraordinary acts of altruism,


  • and what might make people who engage in such acts


  • different than other people.

    こうした行為をする人々が 他の人と違う原因は

  • But until recently, very little work on this topic had been done.

    どこにあるのか 調べる必要があります

  • The actions of the man who rescued me

    最近まで これに関する研究は ほとんどありませんでした

  • meet the most stringent definition of altruism,


  • which is a voluntary, costly behavior

    最も厳密な意味での利他主義に 当たります

  • motivated by the desire to help another individual.


  • So it's a selfless act intended to benefit only the other.


  • What could possibly explain an action like that?

    他者にしか利益のない 無私の行為です

  • One answer is compassion, obviously,

    このような振る舞いを どうしたら説明できるでしょう

  • which is a key driver of altruism.

    答えの1つは もちろん慈悲の心です

  • But then the question becomes,


  • why do some people seem to have more of it than others?


  • And the answer may be that the brains of highly altruistic people

    なぜ それを他の人より多く 持つ人がいるのかです

  • are different in fundamental ways.

    その答えとなり得るのは 非常に利他的な人々の脳は

  • But to figure out how,


  • I actually started from the opposite end,


  • with psychopaths.


  • A common approach to understanding basic aspects of human nature,


  • like the desire to help other people,

    他者を助けたい気持ちなど 人間性の基本的な側面を

  • is to study people in whom that desire is missing,

    理解するために よく採られる手法は

  • and psychopaths are exactly such a group.

    その気持ちが欠けている人々を 研究することです

  • Psychopathy is a developmental disorder

    サイコパスは まさに打ってつけです

  • with strongly genetic origins,

    サイコパシー(精神病質)とは 発達障害の1つで

  • and it results in a personality that's cold and uncaring


  • and a tendency to engage in antisocial and sometimes very violent behavior.


  • Once my colleagues and I at the National Institute of Mental Health

    反社会的で 凶悪な行動をとる 傾向を生みます

  • conducted some of the first ever brain imaging research

    かつて私は 国立精神衛生研究所の仲間と共同で

  • of psychopathic adolescents,


  • and our findings, and the findings of other researchers now,


  • have shown that people who are psychopathic

    その研究結果や 現在 他の研究者が示しているのは

  • pretty reliably exhibit three characteristics.

    精神病質の人々は かなり確実に

  • First, although they're not generally insensitive to other people's emotions,

    ある3つの特徴を見せる ということです

  • they are insensitive to signs that other people are in distress.

    第1に 彼らは概して他者の感情が 理解できないわけではないのですが

  • And in particular,

    他者が窮地にいる兆候が 感知できないのです

  • they have difficulty recognizing fearful facial expressions like this one.


  • And fearful expressions convey urgent need and emotional distress,

    こちらのような 怯えた表情を 認知するのが困難です

  • and they usually elicit compassion and a desire to help

    怯えた表情は緊急性と 感情的な苦痛を伝えるもので

  • in people who see them,

    大抵は それを見た人に 慈悲の心と助けたいという

  • so it makes sense that people who tend to lack compassion


  • also tend to be insensitive to these cues.

    ですから 思いやりに欠ける傾向の人が こうしたサインに

  • The part of the brain

    鈍感でもあるというのは 理にかないます

  • that's the most important for recognizing fearful expressions


  • is called the amygdala.

    怯えた表情を認知するのに 最も重要な部分を

  • There are very rare cases of people who lack amygdalas completely,


  • and they're profoundly impaired in recognizing fearful expressions.

    非常にまれですが 扁桃体が完全に欠落している場合

  • And whereas healthy adults and children

    怯えた表情を認知する機能に 著しい障害があります

  • usually show big spikes in amygdala activity


  • when they look at fearful expressions,

    怯えた表情を見ると たいてい扁桃体が

  • psychopaths' amygdalas are underreactive to these expressions.


  • Sometimes they don't react at all,

    サイコパスの扁桃体は こうした表情に反応しにくいのです

  • which may be why they have trouble detecting these cues.


  • Finally, psychopaths' amygdalas are smaller than average

    それが表情のサインに気づきにくい 理由かもしれません

  • by about 18 or 20 percent.

    さらにサイコパスの扁桃体は 平均より

  • So all of these findings are reliable and robust,

    18~20% 小さいです

  • and they're very interesting.

    こうした発見は信頼性が高く 確実で

  • But remember that my main interest


  • is not understanding why people don't care about others.


  • It's understanding why they do.

    他者を気遣わない理由の解明では なかったですよね

  • So the real question is,


  • could extraordinary altruism,


  • which is the opposite of psychopathy


  • in terms of compassion and the desire to help other people,


  • emerge from a brain that is also the opposite of psychopathy?

    並外れた利他主義というのは サイコパスとは正反対のタイプの

  • A sort of antipsychopathic brain,

    脳から生まれてくるのか ということです

  • better able to recognize other people's fear,


  • an amygdala that's more reactive to this expression

    他者の恐怖を より深く認知することができ

  • and maybe larger than average as well?

    扁桃体は怯えた表情に より強く反応し

  • As my research has now shown,


  • all three things are true.

    私の研究の結果 この3点はどれも

  • And we discovered this


  • by testing a population of truly extraordinary altruists.


  • These are people who have given one of their own kidneys

    真に並外れた利他主義の人々を 調べました

  • to a complete stranger.

    自分の腎臓の1つを 赤の他人に

  • So these are people who have volunteered to undergo major surgery


  • so that one of their own healthy kidneys can be removed

    今までも 今後も きっと一度も会うことのない

  • and transplanted into a very ill stranger

    重い病気を患う 他人への移植のために

  • that they've never met and may never meet.


  • "Why would anybody do this?" is a very common question.


  • And the answer may be

    「なぜ そんなことを?」 それが一般的な疑問です

  • that the brains of these extraordinary altruists


  • have certain special characteristics.


  • They are better at recognizing other people's fear.


  • They're literally better at detecting when somebody else is in distress.

    彼らは他者の恐怖を より深く認知します

  • This may be in part because their amygdala is more reactive to these expressions.

    困っている人を 本当に敏感に察知します

  • And remember, this is the same part of the brain that we found

    理由の1つは 彼らの扁桃体が 表情に対し より強く反応するからです

  • was underreactive in people who are psychopathic.

    これと同じ部分が サイコパスの人の脳では

  • And finally, their amygdalas are larger than average as well,


  • by about eight percent.

    さらに彼らの扁桃体は サイズも平均より

  • So together, what these data suggest

    約8% 大きいのです

  • is the existence of something like a caring continuum in the world

    総合すると データが示すのは

  • that's anchored at the one end by people who are highly psychopathic,

    この世には 思いやりの連続体のような ものが存在し

  • and at the other by people who are very compassionate

    一方の端には 精神病質の強い人がいて

  • and driven to acts of extreme altruism.

    もう一方の端には 思いやりに溢れ

  • But I should add that what makes extraordinary altruists so different

    極端な利他的行為に駆られる人が いるのです

  • is not just that they're more compassionate than average.

    ただし 並外れた利他主義の人々が 大きく異なるのは

  • They are,

    平均以上に思いやりがある というだけではありません

  • but what's even more unusual about them


  • is that they're compassionate and altruistic


  • not just towards people who are in their own innermost circle

    思いやりや利他的な行為を 向ける相手が

  • of friends and family. Right?

    自分の家族や友人など 最も身近な人々だけに

  • Because to have compassion for people that you love and identify with


  • is not extraordinary.

    愛する人や親近感のある相手に対して 思いやりを持つのは

  • Truly extraordinary altruists' compassion extends way beyond that circle,


  • even beyond their wider circle of acquaintances

    真に特別な利他主義者の思いやりは その枠をはるかに越え

  • to people who are outside their social circle altogether,


  • total strangers,

    自分の所属する世界の 完全に外にいる人々―

  • just like the man who rescued me.


  • And I've had the opportunity now to ask a lot of altruistic kidney donors


  • how it is that they manage to generate such a wide circle of compassion

    大勢の利他的な腎臓ドナーに 質問する機会がありました

  • that they were willing to give a complete stranger their kidney.

    どうしたら その広範囲にわたる 思いやりを生み出せて

  • And I found it's a really difficult question for them to answer.

    見ず知らずの他人に 自ら腎臓をあげる気になるのか

  • I say, "How is it that you're willing to do this thing

    彼らにとって 実に答えにくい質問だったようです

  • when so many other people don't?

    こう尋ねました 「他の多くの人がしないのに

  • You're one of fewer than 2,000 Americans

    あなたは なぜ進んでするの?

  • who has ever given a kidney to a stranger.


  • What is it that makes you so special?"

    アメリカ国民の2千人未満 あなたは その1人

  • And what do they say?


  • They say, "Nothing.


  • There's nothing special about me.


  • I'm just the same as everybody else."


  • And I think that's actually a really telling answer,


  • because it suggests that the circles of these altruists don't look like this,

    実はその答えにこそ 多くのことが表れていると思うのです

  • they look more like this.

    その答えから伝わるのは 彼ら利他主義者の世界が こうではなく

  • They have no center.


  • These altruists literally don't think of themselves


  • as being at the center of anything,

    利他主義者は自分のことを 何かの中心だとか

  • as being better or more inherently important than anybody else.


  • When I asked one altruist why donating her kidney made sense to her,

    そもそも重要だとか いっさい思っていません

  • she said, "Because it's not about me."

    ある利他主義者に 腎臓の提供が当然と思える理由を尋ねると

  • Another said,

    答えはこうでした 「自分のことじゃないから」

  • "I'm not different. I'm not unique.


  • Your study here is going to find out that I'm just the same as you."

    「私はどこも違わないし 特別じゃない

  • I think the best description for this amazing lack of self-centeredness

    あなたと同じ人間でしたって 研究結果が出るよ」

  • is humility,

    この驚くべき自己中心性の欠落に 最もふさわしい表現は

  • which is that quality that in the words of St. Augustine


  • makes men as angels.

    アウグスティヌスの言葉にある 人間を天使たらしめる

  • And why is that?


  • It's because if there's no center of your circle,


  • there can be no inner rings or outer rings,

    自分を取り囲む世界に 中心がなかったら

  • nobody who is more or less worthy of your care and compassion


  • than anybody else.

    誰かと誰かの間で 自分の心配や思いやりを向ける価値を

  • And I think that this is what really distinguishes extraordinary altruists

    比べることも ありません

  • from the average person.

    まさにここが 並外れた利他主義者と 普通の人とを

  • But I also think that this is a view of the world that's attainable by many


  • and maybe even most people.

    でも この世界観が持てる人は大勢いて もしかしたら ほとんどの人が

  • And I think this because at the societal level,


  • expansions of altruism and compassion are already happening everywhere.

    と言うのも 社会レベルでは

  • The psychologist Steven Pinker and others have shown

    すでに利他主義や思いやりが 広がりつつあるからです

  • that all around the world people are becoming less and less accepting

    心理学者スティーブン・ピンカーらが 示しているとおり

  • of suffering in ever-widening circles of others,

    世界中の人々は他者の苦難を 放っておけなくなってきており

  • which has led to declines of all kinds of cruelty and violence,

    その対象となる範囲は ますます広がってきています

  • from animal abuse to domestic violence to capital punishment.

    それが動物虐待やDVから 死刑に至るまで

  • And it's led to increases in all kinds of altruism.

    あらゆる残虐行為や暴力の減少に つながっており

  • A hundred years ago, people would have thought it was ludicrous

    あらゆる利他的行為の増加に つながっているのです

  • how normal and ordinary it is

    百年前だったら 馬鹿げていると思われたでしょうが

  • for people to donate their blood and bone marrow

    現在では 人々が

  • to complete strangers today.

    血液や骨髄を 見ず知らずの人に提供するというのは

  • Is it possible that a hundred years from now


  • people will think that donating a kidney to a stranger

    今から百年後 他人に腎臓を提供することは

  • is just as normal and ordinary


  • as we think donating blood and bone marrow is today?


  • Maybe.

    考えられるように なっているでしょうか

  • So what's at the root of all these amazing changes?


  • In part it seems to be

    こうした素晴らしい変化の根は どこにあるのでしょう

  • increases in wealth and standards of living.

    どうやら それは

  • As societies become wealthier and better off,

    富の拡大と生活水準の向上に あるようです

  • people seem to turn their focus of attention outward,

    社会が豊かになり 暮らしが良くなると

  • and as a result, all kinds of altruism towards strangers increases,

    人々は自分の外へ 注意を向け始めるようで

  • from volunteering to charitable donations and even altruistic kidney donations.

    その結果 ボランティアや寄付から 腎臓の提供まで

  • But all of these changes also yield

    他者に対する 利他的な行為が増えるのです

  • a strange and paradoxical result,

    しかし このような変化は一方で

  • which is that even as the world is becoming a better and more humane place,

    ある奇妙で矛盾した結果を もたらします

  • which it is,

    世の中は良くなりつつあり より人道的になってきているのに

  • there's a very common perception that it's becoming worse


  • and more cruel, which it's not.

    悪くなりつつあり より悲惨になってきているという

  • And I don't know exactly why this is,


  • but I think it may be that we now just know so much more


  • about the suffering of strangers in distant places,

    ひょっとしたら それは 今の私たちが

  • and so we now care a lot more

    遠く離れた他者の苦難を 以前よりずっとよく知っていて

  • about the suffering of those distant strangers.


  • But what's clear is the kinds of changes we're seeing show


  • that the roots of altruism and compassion

    はっきりしているのは 実際に起きている変化が示すとおり

  • are just as much a part of human nature as cruelty and violence,

    利他主義や思いやりの根は 残虐さや暴力と同じく

  • maybe even more so,

    人間の本質の一部だということで むしろ そちらの方が

  • and while some people do seem to be inherently more sensitive


  • to the suffering of distant others,

    そして 遠く離れた他人の苦難に対し もともと敏感な人が

  • I really believe that the ability to remove oneself


  • from the center of the circle

    世界の中心に自分を置くという 考えを取り払い

  • and expand the circle of compassion outward to include even strangers


  • is within reach for almost everyone.

    他人をも対象にしてしまう能力は ほとんどの人が手に入れられると

  • Thank you.


  • (Applause)


There's a man out there, somewhere,

翻訳: Emi Kamiya 校正: nobuyuki umeji


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語 TED 他者 思いやり サイコパス 扁桃 腎臓

TED】アビゲイル・マーシュなぜある人は他の人よりも利他的なのか (なぜある人は他の人よりも利他的なのか|アビゲイル・マーシュ) (【TED】Abigail Marsh: Why some people are more altruistic than others (Why some people are more altruistic than others | Abigail Marsh))

  • 48 2
    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日