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Hi. My name is Marwa, and I'm an architect.
翻訳: Yuko Yoshida 校正: Reiko Bovee
I was born and raised in Homs,
[ 2016年5月 シリアでの6年戦争で壊滅した ホムスからのインターネット通信を録画 ]
a city in the central western part of Syria,
私はマルワと言います 建築家です
and I've always lived here.
After six years of war,
シリア中西部の この街に
Homs is now a half-destroyed city.
My family and I were lucky; our place is still standing.
Although for two years, we were like prisoners at home.
ホムスは いまや半壊状態にあります
Outside there were demonstrations and battles and bombings and snipers.
幸運にも 私たち家族の住まいは なんとか もっていますが
My husband and I used to run an architecture studio
2年間 私たちは 自宅で軟禁状態でした
in the old town main square.
外では デモや争いが絶えず 爆発や狙撃もあったからです
It's gone, as is most of the old town itself.
かつて 私たち夫婦は 旧市街のメイン広場で
Half of the city's other neighborhoods
are now rubble.
それも もうありません 旧市街は ほぼ消え去りました
Since the ceasefire in late 2015,
large parts of Homs have been more or less quiet.
The economy is completely broken, and people are still fighting.
The merchants who had stalls in the old city market
ホムスの大部分は 多少なりとも落ち着きを見せ始め
now trade out of sheds on the streets.
完全に破たんした経済の中 人々は もがき続けています
Under our apartment, there is a carpenter,
旧市街の市場に 店を構えていた人たちは
sweetshops, a butcher, a printing house, workshops, among many more.
路上の掘っ立て小屋で 商売をしています
I have started teaching part-time,
and with my husband, who juggles several jobs,
大工、菓子屋、肉屋、印刷屋 作業場などがあります
we've opened a small bookshop.
私は パートタイムで教え始め
Other people do all sorts of jobs to get by.
When I look at my destroyed city, of course, I ask myself:
What has led to this senseless war?
誰もが 様々な仕事をし 何とか食いつないでいます
Syria was largely a place of tolerance,
この破壊された街を見ては こう自問自答します
historically accustomed to variety,
なぜ こんな無分別な戦争が起きたのか
accommodating a wide range of beliefs, origins, customs,
シリアは 概して寛容な場所で
goods, food.
歴史的にも 多様性を当然のこととし
How did my country --
異なる信仰、出自、慣習 物、食べ物を幅広く
a country with communities living harmoniously together
and comfortable in discussing their differences --
なぜ 私の国は
how did it degenerate into civil war, violence, displacement
様々な地域社会が 平和に共存し
and unprecedented sectarian hatred?
互いの違いを 語り合える関係であったのに
There were many reasons that had led to the war --
内戦、暴力で 避難民を生み 派閥同士が かつてないほど
social, political and economic.
憎みあうまでに なり下がってしまったのでしょう
They all have played their role.
この戦争が起きたのには 様々な理由があります
But I believe there is one key reason that has been overlooked
and which is important to analyze,
because from it will largely depend
でも ある重要な原因が 見落とされてきており
whether we can make sure that this doesn't happen again.
And that reason is architecture.
私たちが 同じ過ちを避けられるかを
Architecture in my country has played an important role
in creating, directing and amplifying conflict between warring factions,
その原因とは 「建築」です
and this is probably true for other countries as well.
私の国では 建築が 敵対勢力間の紛争を
There is a sure correspondence between the architecture of a place
生み出し動かし増幅させるのに 重要な役割を担ってきました
and the character of the community that has settled there.
おそらく 他の国においても そうでしょう
Architecture plays a key role in whether a community crumbles
その地域に根付いた社会の性格と そこにある建築には
or comes together.
Syrian society has long lived the coexistence
建築によって 地域社会が 散り散りになるか 結束するか
of different traditions and backgrounds.
Syrians have experienced the prosperity of open trade
and sustainable communities.
多様な伝統や歴史が 共存してきました
They have enjoyed the true meaning of belonging to a place,
シリア人は 自由貿易や 持続可能な地域社会による繁栄を
and that was reflected in their built environment,
in the mosques and churches built back-to-back,
また この地の者であることに 真の意義と喜びを感じ
in the interwoven souks and public venues,
それは建造環境にも 反映されてきていました
and the proportions and sizes based on principles of humanity and harmony.
モスクと教会が 背中合わせに建てられ
This architecture of mixity can still be read in the remains.
The old Islamic city in Syria was built over a multilayered past,
互いを尊重し調和を重んじる形で 割合や大きさが決まっていました
integrating with it and embracing its spirit.
こうした織り交ぜの建築は 今も残骸の中に見て取れます
So did its communities.
シリアの古きイスラム都市は 塗り重ねられた過去の上に建てられ
People lived and worked with each other
過去を取り入れ その精神を包み込んでいました
in a place that gave them a sense of belonging
and made them feel at home.
そこに住み 互いに協働することで
They shared a remarkably unified existence.
人々には 帰属意識が芽生え
But over the last century,
そこが自らの「家」に なっていたのです
gradually this delicate balance of these places has been interfered with;
そこには 素晴らしい一体感がありました
first, by the urban planners of the colonial period,
when the French went enthusiastically about,
これらの場所の微妙なバランスが 次第に くずれ始めたのです
transforming what they saw as the un-modern Syrian cities.
初めは 占領期の都市開発でした
They blew up city streets and relocated monuments.
They called them improvements,
「非現代的な都市」を 熱心に生まれ変わらせようとしました
and they were the beginning of a long, slow unraveling.
街の通りは破壊され 記念建造物も移設されました
The traditional urbanism and architecture of our cities
assured identity and belonging not by separation,
長く じんわりと 解体がされていったのです
but by intertwining.
私たちの街に昔から根付いていた 都市のあり方や建築は
But over time, the ancient became worthless, and the new, coveted.
分離ではなく 結びつけることで アイデンティティや帰属意識を
The harmony of the built environment and social environment
got trampled over by elements of modernity --
しかし次第に 古きものは価値を失い 新しさが求められるようになります
brutal, unfinished concrete blocks,
neglect, aesthetic devastation,
近代化の名のもとに 踏みにじられたのです
divisive urbanism that zoned communities by class, creed or affluence.
荒く作りかけの コンクリートブロックの建物
And the same was happening to the community.
手入れがされず 美観もなおざりで 対立を招く都市計画が
As the shape of the built environment changed,
階級、信条、富で分断された 様々な地域社会を生みました
so the lifestyles and sense of belonging of the communities
同じことは 地域社会の中でも 起こっていきます
also started changing.
From a register of togetherness, of belonging,
地域社会の生活様式や 帰属意識もまた
architecture became a way of differentiation,
and communities started drifting apart
連帯感や帰属意識を 確認する手段だった建築は
from the very fabric that used to unite them,
今や 他者を区別する手段となり
and from the soul of the place that used to represent their common existence.
While many reasons had led to the Syrian war,
we shouldn't underestimate the way in which,
共存を象徴していた その地の精神を 失い始めたのです
by contributing to the loss of identity and self-respect,
urban zoning and misguided, inhumane architecture
have nurtured sectarian divisions and hatred.
都市の区分けや 間違った非人間的な建築によって
Over time, the united city has morphed into a city center
with ghettos along its circumference.
宗派間の分裂や憎悪が 助長されてきたことです
And in turn, the coherent communities became distinct social groups,
時間が経つにつれ 街は 中心地と
alienated from each other and alienated from the place.
そのまわりに広がるスラム街に 姿を変えました
From my point of view,
一体感のあった地域社会は 個々の社会集団に分かれ
losing the sense of belonging to a place
お互いを退け合い 土地からも離れたものとなりました
and a sense of sharing it with someone else
has made it a lot easier to destroy.
The clear example can be seen in the informal housing system,
which used to host, before the war, over 40 percent of the population.
それは たちまち壊れやすくなります
Yes, prior to the war, almost half of the Syrian population
非公認の住宅街が その最たる例でしょう
lived in slums,
内戦前には人口の4割以上が そこに住んでいました
peripheral areas without proper infrastructure,
つまり 戦前は シリアの人口の約半分が
made of endless rows of bare block boxes
containing people,
インフラが整っていない郊外に 延々と並ぶ―
people who mostly belonged to the same group,
whether based on religion, class, origin or all of the above.
This ghettoized urbanism proved to be a tangible precursor of war.
たいていは 宗教、階級や出身などの
Conflict is much easier between pre-categorized areas --
where the "others" live.
こうした隔離的な都市計画は 戦争の火種を容易に生むこととなります
The ties that used to bind the city together --
区分けされた場所では 紛争はより生まれやすいのです
whether they were social, through coherent building,
or economic, through trade in the souk,
or religious, through the coexistent presence --
同じ建物で生活することによる 社会的なつながり
were all lost in the misguided and visionless modernization
同じ市場で商いをすることによる 経済的なつながり
of the built environment.
共存することで生まれた 宗教なつながりなど―
Allow me an aside.
それらのつながりは ビジョンのない間違った建造環境の近代化で
When I read about heterogeneous urbanism in other parts of the world,
involving ethnic neighborhoods in British cities
or around Paris or Brussels,
世界には ほかにも 異なる人たちを受け入れている街があります
I recognize the beginning of the kind of instability
イギリスの都市や パリ、ブリュッセルにおける
we have witnessed so disastrously here in Syria.
We have severely destroyed cities,
それらについて読むと ここシリアで目の当たりにしてきた
such as Homs, Aleppo, Daraa and many others,
ある種の不安定さが 生まれつつあるのを感じます
and almost half of the population of the country is now displaced.
私たちは 街をひどく壊しました
Hopefully, the war will end,
ホムス、アレポ、ダルアーなど 多くの都市を壊しました
and the question that, as an architect, I have to ask, is:
そして今や人口のほぼ半分は 避難民となっています
How do we rebuild?
What are the principles that we should adopt
in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes?
From my point of view, the main focus should be on creating places
that make their people feel they belong.
Architecture and planning need to recapture
some of the traditional values that did just that,
人々が帰属意識を持てる場所を 作ることです
creating the conditions for coexistence and peace,
建築と計画は かつて そうした意識を育んだ―
values of beauty that don't exhibit ostentation,
伝統的な価値観を 取り戻すものでなくてはなりません
but rather, approachability and ease,
moral values that promote generosity and acceptance,
真の美の価値を 生み出しながらも
architecture that is for everyone to enjoy, not just for the elite,
just as used to be in the shadowed alleys of the old Islamic city,
寛容と受容を促す道徳観を 醸成するのです
mixed designs that encourage a sense of community.
エリートだけのためでなく 誰もがその恩恵を享受する建築
There is a neighborhood here in Homs that's called Baba Amr
つまり 古いイスラムの街の 奥まった路地にあったような
that has been fully destroyed.
地域社会の一体感を生む 複合的なデザインを作るのです
Almost two years ago, I introduced this design
ホムスには ババアムルと呼ばれる
into a UN-Habitat competition for rebuilding it.
The idea was to create an urban fabric inspired by a tree,
約2年前にこの地区再建に向け 国連ハビタットで
capable of growing and spreading organically,
コンペが行われ 私は このデザインを出しました
echoing the traditional bridge hanging over the old alleys,
and incorporating apartments, private courtyards, shops,
樹木のように育ち 有機的に広がり
workshops, places for parking and playing and leisure,
昔の路地にかかっていた 伝統的な橋をよみがえらせ
trees and shaded areas.
アパートや 個人の庭、店 作業場、駐車場
It's far from perfect, obviously.
I drew it during the few hours of electricity we get.
And there are many possible ways to express belonging and community
これは 完ぺきにはほど遠いものです
through architecture.
電気がきた数時間で 描きあげたものですから
But compare it with the freestanding, disconnected blocks
建築を通じて帰属意識や地域社会を 表現する方法は 他にも
proposed by the official project for rebuilding Baba Amr.
Architecture is not the axis around which all human life rotates,
でも 独立、分断された区画からなる街と 比べてみてください
but it has the power to suggest and even direct human activity.
これはババアムル地区再建の 公式プロジェクトで提案されたものです
In that sense, settlement, identity and social integration
人々の生活が 建築を中心に回るわけではありません
are all the producer and product of effective urbanism.
でも 建築には人を動機づけ 行動に導く力さえあります
The coherent urbanism of the old Islamic city
その意味では 定住 アイデンティティ、社会統合はすべて
and of many old European towns, for instance,
効果的な都市様式を生むと同時に それから生まれるものでもあります
promote integration,
while rows of soulless housing or tower blocks,
古いヨーロッパの街などの 一体感ある都市様式は
even when they are luxurious,
tend to promote isolation and "otherness."
一方で 多数の無機質な住宅や 高層ビルは
Even simple things
たとえ それが豪華であっても
like shaded places or fruit plants or drinking water inside the city
孤立と「他人であること」を 深める傾向にあります
can make a difference in how people feel towards the place,
and whether they consider it a generous place that gives,
例えば 街にある 日陰や果樹、飲み水でさえ
a place that's worth keeping, contributing to,
人々がその場所に馳せる思いは 変わります
or whether they see it as an alienating place,
full of seeds of anger.
In order for a place to give, its architecture should be giving, too.
ほかとは違う 怒りの種がある場所なのか
Our built environment matters.
The fabric of our cities is reflected in the fabric of our souls.
そこを「与える場所」とするには 建築も与えなければいけません
And whether in the shape of informal concrete slums
or broken social housing
私たちの街の建築は 人々の心をも作ります
or trampled old towns
or forests of skyscrapers,
the contemporary urban archetypes
that have emerged all across the Middle East
林立する高層ビル どの形であろうと
have been one cause of the alienation and fragmentation of our communities.
We can learn from this.
典型的な 現代の都市建築は
We can learn how to rebuild in another way,
私たちの地域社会を隔て 分解する一つの原因となっています
how to create an architecture that doesn't contribute only
to the practical and economic aspects of people's lives,
別の方法で再建する方法 すなわち
but also to their social, spiritual and psychological needs.
人々の生活の 実際的、経済的な側面だけでなく
Those needs were totally overlooked in the Syrian cities before the war.
社会的、精神的、心理的なニーズにも 訴えかける建築を
We need to create again cities that are shared
by the communities that inhabit them.
戦前 シリアの都市では こうしたニーズが蔑ろにされていました
If we do so, people will not feel the need
私たちはそこに根を下ろす 様々な地域社会が
to seek identities opposed to the other identities all around,
because they will all feel at home.
そうすれば 人々は まわりの「他人」に対抗して
Thank you for listening.
自らのアイデンティティを探す 必要もありません