字幕表 動画を再生する
Everyone needs a coach.
みんなコーチを 必要としています
It doesn't matter whether you're a basketball player,
バスケット選手も そうですし
a tennis player, a gymnast
テニス選手も 体操選手も
or a bridge player.
My bridge coach, Sharon Osberg,
私のブリッジのコーチの シャロン・オズバーグは
says there are more pictures of the back of her head
自分は世界の 誰よりも
than anyone else's in the world. (Laughter)
後頭部の写真が多いと ボヤいています (笑)
Sorry, Sharon. Here you go.
ごめんね シャロン たまには顔も出してあげましょう
We all need people who will give us feedback.
フィードバックを与えてくれる人は 誰にでも必要です
That's how we improve.
そうやって 上達していくんです
Unfortunately, there's one group of people
あいにくと ある職業の人たちには
who get almost no systematic feedback
上達のための 系統的なフィードバックが
to help them do their jobs better,
and these people
その人達は 世界で—
have one of the most important jobs in the world.
最も重要な仕事を しているというのに
I'm talking about teachers.
When Melinda and I learned
how little useful feedback most teachers get,
教師へのフィードバックが いかに少ないかを知って
we were blown away.
Until recently, over 98 percent of teachers
ごく最近まで 98%の教師が 受け取るフィードバックは
just got one word of feedback:
たった一言でしか ありませんでした
If all my bridge coach ever told me
もし私のブリッジの コーチが
was that I was "satisfactory,"
「十分」だったとしか 言ってくれないなら
I would have no hope of ever getting better.
上達できるとは とても思えません
How would I know who was the best?
一番うまくやったのは 誰だったのか
How would I know what I was doing differently?
その人と自分の違いは何か 知る由もないのです
Today, districts are revamping
現在 多くの学区で
the way they evaluate teachers,
教師の評価法の改革が 進められていますが
but we still give them almost no feedback
師が実際に上達できるような フィードバックは
that actually helps them improve their practice.
Our teachers deserve better.
教師はもっと大切に されてしかるべきです
The system we have today isn't fair to them.
現在の仕組みは 教師にとっても 生徒にとっても
It's not fair to students,
and it's putting America's global leadership at risk.
これでは世界のリーダーとしての アメリカの地位も危うくなります
So today I want to talk about how we can help all teachers
そこで今日は すべての教師が望み 与えられるべき—
get the tools for improvement they want and deserve.
上達のための道具を どうすれば 整えられるかお話しします
Let's start by asking who's doing well.
うまくやっているのはどこか 問うところから始めましょう
Well, unfortunately there's no international ranking tables
あいにく教師へのフィードバックの 仕組みに関する
for teacher feedback systems.
世界ランクというのは ありません
So I looked at the countries
whose students perform well academically,
and looked at what they're doing
その国では教師の 上達のために
to help their teachers improve.
何をしているのか 知りたかったからです
Consider the rankings for reading proficiency.
読解力のランキングを 見てみましょう
The U.S. isn't number one.
アメリカは1位では ありません
We're not even in the top 10.
トップ10にすら 入っていません
We're tied for 15th with Iceland and Poland.
アイスランドやポーランドと並んで 15位です
Now, out of all the places
that do better than the U.S. in reading,
アメリカより 上位の国で
how many of them have a formal system
教師の上達を助ける 正式な制度を
for helping teachers improve?
持っているところは いくつあるでしょう?
Eleven out of 14.
14カ国中 11カ国です
The U.S. is tied for 15th in reading,
アメリカは読解力では 15位ですが
but we're 23rd in science and 31st in math.
科学では23位 数学では31位です
So there's really only one area where we're near the top,
アメリカが上位に入る項目は たった1つ
and that's in failing to give our teachers
教師がスキルを 上げるために—
the help they need to develop their skills.
必要とする助けを 与え損ねている点です
Let's look at the best academic performer:
学業で最高の 成績を上げている
the province of Shanghai, China.
中国の上海を 見てみましょう
Now, they rank number one across the board,
読解力 数学 科学で
in reading, math and science,
and one of the keys to Shanghai's incredible success
is the way they help teachers keep improving.
教師の継続的な上達を 助ける仕組みにあります
They made sure that younger teachers
新米教師が 優れた教師の教え方を
get a chance to watch master teachers at work.
見て学べるように しています
They have weekly study groups,
毎週 教師の 勉強会があって
where teachers get together and talk about what's working.
より良い教え方について 話し合っています
They even require each teacher to observe
さらに同僚の授業を見て フィードバックを
and give feedback to their colleagues.
与えるよう 求められています
You might ask, why is a system like this so important?
そのような仕組みが なぜ重要なのかというと
It's because there's so much variation
in the teaching profession.
Some teachers are far more effective than others.
一部の教師は 他の教師より はるかに効果的に教えています
In fact, there are teachers throughout the country
生徒を素晴らしく 伸ばしている先生が
who are helping their students make extraordinary gains.
If today's average teacher
could become as good as those teachers,
その先生達くらいに うまくやれたなら
our students would be blowing away the rest of the world.
アメリカの生徒達は 他の国の生徒達を 圧倒することでしょう
So we need a system that helps all our teachers
すべての先生が 最高の先生並になれるよう
be as good as the best.
助ける仕組みが 必要なんです
What would that system look like?
その仕組みは どんなものなのか?
Well, to find out, our foundation
それを見出すために ゲイツ財団では
has been working with 3,000 teachers
in districts across the country
on a project called Measures of Effective Teaching.
「効果的教育の評価」(MET) という プロジェクトを進めています
We had observers watch videos
of teachers in the classroom
and rate how they did on a range of practices.
For example, did they ask their students
たとえば「考えさせる 質問をしているか?」とか
challenging questions?
たとえば「考えさせる 質問をしているか?」とか
Did they find multiple ways to explain an idea?
「1つの概念を複数のやり方で 説明しているか?」とか
We also had students fill out surveys with questions like,
生徒にもアンケートを 取っています
"Does your teacher know
「先生は生徒が理解しているか 分かっているか?」
when the class understands a lesson?"
「先生は生徒が理解しているか 分かっているか?」
"Do you learn to correct your mistakes?"
「自分の間違いを 正せるようになったか?」
And what we found is very exciting.
First, the teachers who did well on these observations
第1に この観察で 成績の良い先生のクラスでは
had far better student outcomes.
生徒も素晴らしい結果を 出しています
So it tells us we're asking the right questions.
つまり私達は正しい質問を しているということです
And second, teachers in the program told us
第2に プログラムに 参加した先生達は
that these videos and these surveys from the students
このビデオや アンケートが
were very helpful diagnostic tools,
素晴らしい診断ツールだと 言っています
because they pointed to specific places
where they can improve.
I want to show you what this video component of MET
実際のビデオが どのようなものか
looks like in action.
(Video) Sarah Brown Wessling: Good morning everybody.
みんな おはよう
Let's talk about what's going on today.
To get started, we're doing a peer review day, okay?
A peer review day, and our goal by the end of class
お互いに評価しましょう 今日の目標は—
is for you to be able to determine
自分の小論文に 論理展開があるか
whether or not you have moves to prove in your essays.
見極められるように なることです
My name is Sarah Brown Wessling.
I am a high school English teacher
at Johnston High School in Johnston, Iowa.
ジョンストン高校の 国語教師です
Turn to somebody next to you.
Tell them what you think I mean when I talk about moves to prove. I've talk about --
「論理展開」とは何か 考えを伝えてください
I think that there is a difference for teachers
between the abstract of how we see our practice
教師が持つイメージと 現実との間には
and then the concrete reality of it.
Okay, so I would like you to please bring up your papers.
では みんな レポートを出してください
I think what video offers for us
is a certain degree of reality.
You can't really dispute what you see on the video,
そこに映し出されていることは 認めざるを得ませんし
and there is a lot to be learned from that,
そこから学ぶことも 沢山あります
and there are a lot of ways that we can grow
as a profession when we actually get to see this.
教師として成長する方法が いろいろ見つかるんです
I just have a flip camera and a little tripod
小型ビデオカメラと 三脚と
and invested in this tiny little wide-angle lens.
ちっちゃな広角レンズを 揃えました
At the beginning of class, I just perch it
授業前にこれを 教室の後ろに据えておきます
in the back of the classroom. It's not a perfect shot.
It doesn't catch every little thing that's going on.
But I can hear the sound. I can see a lot.
音は聞き取れるし 沢山のことを見られ
And I'm able to learn a lot from it.
そこから多くのことを 学べます
So it really has been a simple
だからこれは シンプルだけど強力な
but powerful tool in my own reflection.
反省のための ツールなんです
All right, let's take a look at the long one first, okay?
じゃあ まず長い方を 見てください
Once I'm finished taping, then I put it in my computer,
録画したら パソコンに取り込んで
and then I'll scan it and take a peek at it.
If I don't write things down, I don't remember them.
書き留めないと 頭に残りません
So having the notes is a part of my thinking process,
メモするのは思考プロセスの 一部なんです
and I discover what I'm seeing as I'm writing.
メモしながら 映像から いろいろ発見していくんです
I really have used it for my own personal growth
私はこれを 自己の成長のため
and my own personal reflection on teaching strategy
また 教育戦略や方法論 教室の運営など
and methodology and classroom management,
and just all of those different facets of the classroom.
I'm glad that we've actually done the process before
このプロセスは 前にやってるから
so we can kind of compare what works, what doesn't.
うまくいく事いかない事が 区別できますね
I think that video exposes
so much of what's intrinsic to us as teachers
私達教師にとって 本質的なことで
in ways that help us learn and help us understand,
学び理解する 助けになります
and then help our broader communities understand
さらに周りの コミュニティに
what this complex work is really all about.
この難しい仕事の本質が何か 理解してもらうのにも役立ちま
I think it is a way to exemplify and illustrate
これが例示し 描き出してくれることは
things that we cannot convey in a lesson plan,
things you cannot convey in a standard,
things that you cannot even sometimes convey
in a book of pedagogy.
Alrighty, everybody, have a great weekend.
I'll see you later.
[Every classroom could look like that]
Bill Gates: One day, we'd like every classroom in America
いつの日か アメリカの すべての教室が
to look something like that.
このようになればと 思います
But we still have more work to do.
でも それだけでは足りません
Diagnosing areas where a teacher needs to improve
教師の改善すべき点を 診断するだけでは
is only half the battle.
We also have to give them the tools they need
その診断に応じて 教師が行動するための
to act on the diagnosis.
If you learn that you need to improve
the way you teach fractions,
you should be able to watch a video
世界最高の教師は 分数をどう教えているのか
of the best person in the world teaching fractions.
ビデオで見られる ようにすべきです
So building this complete teacher feedback
教師への フィードバックと
and improvement system won't be easy.
改善の仕組みを作り上げるのは 大変なことです
For example, I know some teachers
たとえば 授業の様子を
aren't immediately comfortable with the idea
of a camera in the classroom.
拒否反応を示す 先生もいます
That's understandable, but our experience with MET
気持ちは分かりますが このプロジェクトの経験から言えるのは
suggests that if teachers manage the process,
先生自身が このプロセスの運営を主導して
if they collect video in their own classrooms,
and they pick the lessons they want to submit,
提出するビデオを 自分で選べるなら
a lot of them will be eager to participate.
先生の多くは熱心に 参加するということです
Building this system will also require
a considerable investment.
Our foundation estimates that it could cost
ゲイツ財団では 50億ドルくらい
up to five billion dollars.
Now that's a big number, but to put it in perspective,
大きな額ですが 見方を変えれば
it's less than two percent
この額は 先生の給与として
of what we spend every year on teacher salaries.
毎年支出されている額の 2%未満なのです
The impact for teachers would be phenomenal.
先生に対して 絶大な効果が出ます
We would finally have a way to give them feedback,
先生にフィードバックと それに応じる手段を
as well as the means to act on it.
ついに与えることが できるのです
But this system would have
でも この仕組みは
an even more important benefit for our country.
私達の国に さらに大きな恩恵をもたらします
It would put us on a path to making sure
all our students get a great education,
find a career that's fulfilling and rewarding,
and have a chance to live out their dreams.
夢を実現できる道が 開かれるということです
This wouldn't just make us a more successful country.
It would also make us a more fair and just one, too.
I'm excited about the opportunity
すべての先生に 彼らが望み 受けるにふさわしい
to give all our teachers the support they want and deserve.
支援を与えられる この機会に ワクワクしています
I hope you are too.
皆さんも同じ気持ち であることを望みます
Thank you.