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I'm an underwater explorer,
翻訳: Hiroe Humphreys 校正: Takamitsu Hirono
more specifically a cave diver.
I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a little kid,
but growing up in Canada as a young girl, that wasn't really available to me.
子どもの頃は宇宙飛行士に なりたかったのですが
But as it turns out, we know a lot more about space
カナダの女の子にとっては 実際には不可能でした
than we do about the underground waterways coursing through our planet,
the very lifeblood of Mother Earth.
母なる地球の生命線である 地下水路についてよりも
So I decided to do something that was even more remarkable.
Instead of exploring outer space,
だから もっと驚くべきことを することにしました
I wanted to explore the wonders of inner space.
Now, a lot of people will tell you
地球内部の驚異を 探検したかったのです
that cave diving is perhaps one of the most dangerous endeavors.
I mean, imagine yourself here in this room,
洞窟潜水は恐らく最も危険な 活動の一つだといいます
if you were suddenly plunged into blackness,
想像してみてください この部屋にいるあなたが
with your only job to find the exit,
sometimes swimming through these large spaces,
and at other times crawling beneath the seats,
following a thin guideline,
時には椅子の下を 這うようにして
just waiting for the life support to provide your very next breath.
Well, that's my workplace.
生命維持装置が次の息を 供給するのを待つのです
But what I want to teach you today
is that our world is not one big solid rock.
It's a whole lot more like a sponge.
地球は一つの大きな 硬い岩ではないということです
I can swim through a lot of the pores in our earth's sponge,
but where I can't,
私は地球のスポンジにある たくさんの穴の中を泳げますが
other life-forms and other materials can make that journey without me.
And my voice is the one that's going to teach you
他の生命体と物質が 私なしで旅しています
about the inside of Mother Earth.
There was no guidebook available to me
when I decided to be the first person to cave dive inside Antarctic icebergs.
In 2000, this was the largest moving object on the planet.
潜水を決心した時 ガイドブックはありませんでした
It calved off the Ross Ice Shelf,
2000年において これは地球最大の移動物体でした
and we went down there to explore ice edge ecology
and search for life-forms beneath the ice.
We use a technology called rebreathers.
氷の下の生命体を 探すために潜りました
It's an awful lot like the same technology that is used for space walks.
私たちはリブリーザー と呼ばれる技術を使います
This technology enables us to go deeper
宇宙遊泳に使われる技術と 非常に似ています
than we could've imagined even 10 years ago.
この技術で 10年前に想像したよりも
We use exotic gases,
and we can make missions even up to 20 hours long underwater.
I work with biologists.
It turns out that caves are repositories of amazing life-forms,
私は生物学者たちと 一緒に働いています
species that we never knew existed before.
Many of these life-forms live in unusual ways.
以前は存在を知らなかった 種の宝庫と分りました
They have no pigment and no eyes in many cases,
これらの生物の多くは 独特な方法で生活しています
and these animals are also extremely long-lived.
多くの場合 色素や目がなく
In fact, animals swimming in these caves today
are identical in the fossil record
実は今日洞窟で 泳いでいる動物は
that predates the extinction of the dinosaurs.
So imagine that: these are like little swimming dinosaurs.
What can they teach us about evolution and survival?
だから これらは小さな 泳ぐ恐竜だと想像してみて下さい
When we look at an animal like this remipede swimming in the jar,
彼らは進化と生存について 何を教えてくれるのでしょうか?
he has giant fangs with venom.
例えば この瓶の中で泳ぐ ムカデエビのような動物は
He can actually attack something 40 times his size and kill it.
If he were the size of a cat,
自分の40倍の大きさのものを 襲って殺せます
he'd be the most dangerous thing on our planet.
もしこれが 猫の大きさだとしたら
And these animals live in remarkably beautiful places,
地球上最も危険なもの になるでしょう
and in some cases, caves like this, that are very young,
こうした動物たちは とても美しい場所に住み
yet the animals are ancient.
時にはこのように とても新しい洞窟ですが
How did they get there?
I also work with physicists,
どうやってそこに 行ったのでしょうか?
and they're interested oftentimes in global climate change.
They can take rocks within the caves,
彼らは大抵地球の 気候変動に関心があります
and they can slice them and look at the layers within with rocks,
much like the rings of a tree,
薄切りにして 岩の内部の層を調査します
and they can count back in history
and learn about the climate on our planet at very different times.
The red that you see in this photograph
全く異なる時代の 地球の気候が分ります
is actually dust from the Sahara Desert.
So it's been picked up by wind, blown across the Atlantic Ocean.
It's rained down in this case on the island of Abaco in the Bahamas.
風に拾われて大西洋を越えて 飛んできました
It soaks in through the ground
この場合 バハマのアバコ島に 大量に降り注ぎました
and deposits itself in the rocks within these caves.
And when we look back in the layers of these rocks, we can find times
when the climate was very, very dry on earth,
and we can go back many hundreds of thousands of years.
地球の気候が非常に乾燥していた 時代について分り
Paleoclimatologists are also interested
in where the sea level stands were at other times on earth.
Here in Bermuda, my team and I embarked
地球の海面がどこにあったのかに 関心を持っています
on the deepest manned dives ever conducted in the region,
ここバミューダで 私はチームと共に
and we were looking for places
この地域で最も深く 有人潜水を行いました
where the sea level used to lap up against the shoreline,
many hundreds of feet below current levels.
I also get to work with paleontologists and archaeologists.
In places like Mexico, in the Bahamas, and even in Cuba,
古生物学者と考古学者とも 仕事を始めました
we're looking at cultural remains and also human remains in caves,
メキシコ バハマ キューバなどのいくつかの場所で
and they tell us a lot
洞窟に残された文化遺跡と 人骨を調査しています
about some of the earliest inhabitants of these regions.
But my very favorite project of all was over 15 years ago,
初期の地域住民について いろいろなことが分ります
when I was a part of the team that made the very first
私のお気に入りの プロジェクトは15年以上前
accurate, three-dimensional map of a subterranean surface.
This device that I'm driving through the cave
初めて作るチームの 一員だったものです
was actually creating a three-dimensional model as we drove it.
We also used ultra low frequency radio
運転している最中に 3Dモデルを作成していました
to broadcast back to the surface our exact position within the cave.
So I swam under houses and businesses and bowling alleys and golf courses,
地上に伝えるために 超低周波無線機も使いました
and even under a Sonny's BBQ Restaurant,
Pretty remarkable, and what that taught me
ソニーズBBQレストランの 下さえも泳ぎました
was that everything we do on the surface of our earth
will be returned to us to drink.
それで学んだのは 地球の表面での行いは
Our water planet is not just rivers, lakes and oceans,
飲料水として自分に 返ってくるということです
but it's this vast network of groundwater that knits us all together.
私たちの水惑星は 川、湖、海だけでなく
It's a shared resource from which we all drink.
私たちを結び付ける地下水の 広大なネットワークなのです
And when we can understand our human connections with our groundwater
それは私たち皆が飲む 共有資源です
and all of our water resources on this planet,
then we'll be working on the problem
that's probably the most important issue of this century.
So I never got to be that astronaut that I always wanted to be,
but this mapping device, designed by Dr. Bill Stone, will be.
私はずっとなりたかった 宇宙飛行士になれませんでした
It's actually morphed.
でも ビル・ストーン博士が設計した この地図作製装置はなれるでしょう
It's now a self-swimming autonomous robot,
artificially intelligent,
今や自泳式 自律型ロボットとなり
and its ultimate goal is to go to Jupiter's moon Europa
and explore oceans beneath the frozen surface of that body.
その究極の目的は 木星の月のエウロパに行き
And that's pretty amazing.
凍結した表面下にある海を 探検することです