字幕表 動画を再生する
So, I have an overlooked but potentially lucrative
翻訳: Kazunori Akashi 校正: Takafusa Kitazume
investment opportunity for you.
見過ごされがちですが 儲かりそうな
Over the past 10 years in the UK,
the return on burial plots has outperformed the UK property market
by a ratio of around three to one.
不動産市場における墓地の運用益が およそ3対1の割合で
There are private cemeteries being set up with plots for sale to investors,
and they start at around 3,900 pounds.
私営墓地ができつつあり 投資家向けの区画が
And they're projected to achieve about 40 percent growth.
およそ70万円から 販売されていて
The biggest advantage is that this is a market with continuous demand.
Now, this is a real proposition,
最大の利点は この市場には 常に需要があるということです
and there are companies out there that really are offering this investment,
さて この事業提案は本物ですし
but my interest in it is quite different.
このような投資を実際に提供する企業も 世の中にありますが
I'm an architect and urban designer,
私は 別のところに関心があります
and for the past year and a half,
私は建築家で 都市計画家です
I've been looking at approaches to death and dying
and at how they've shaped our cities and the buildings within them.
死そのもの 死を迎えることの捉え方 そして
So in the summer, I did my first exhibition
死が どのように私たちの街や建築物を 形作るのかを調べてきました
on death and architecture in Venice,
そこで 2014年の夏に 死と建築を扱った展覧会を
and it was called "Death in Venice."
初めて ベニスで開きました
And because death is a subject
that many of us find quite uncomfortable to talk about,
the exhibition was designed to be quite playful,
so that people would literally engage with it.
So one of our exhibits was an interactive map of London
which showed just how much of the real estate in the city
作品の1つが ロンドンのインタラクティブ・マップで
is given over to death.
この街の不動産のうち どの程度が
As you wave your hand across the map,
the name of the piece of real estate -- the building or the cemetery --
is revealed.
And those white shapes that you can see,
they're all of the hospitals and hospices
and mortuaries and cemeteries in the city.
In fact, the majority are cemeteries.
We wanted to show that, even though death and burial are things
ただ実際は 大部分が墓地です
that we might not think about,
私たちが明らかにしたかったのは 葬儀や死は
they're all around us, and they're important parts of our cities.
So about half a million people die in the UK each year,
私たちを取り巻く 重要な 街の一部だということです
and of those, around a quarter will want to be buried.
イギリスでは毎年 約50万人が亡くなりますが
But the UK, like many Western European countries,
そのうち4分の1ほどが 埋葬を希望します
is running out of burial space,
ところがイギリスは 他の西欧諸国と同様
especially in the major cities.
And the Greater London Authority has been aware of this for a while,
and the main causes are population growth,
大ロンドン庁は 以前から この事態を把握しています
the fact that existing cemeteries are almost full.
主な原因は人口増加で 今ある墓地は
There's a custom in the UK that graves are considered to be occupied forever,
and there's also development pressure -- people want to use that same land
イギリスでは慣例として 墓は永久に所有されるものとされますが
to build houses or offices or shops.
So they came up with a few solutions.
その土地を住宅や事務所や 商業地に利用したい人もいるのです
They were like, well, maybe we can reuse those graves after 50 years.
Or maybe we can bury people, like, four deep,
50年経過したら墓地を 再利用できないかとか
so that four people can be buried in the same plot,
and we can make more efficient use of the land that way,
同じ区画に4人 埋葬すれば
and in that way, hopefully London will still have space to bury people
in the near future.
しばらくは埋葬場所を 確保できるのではという
But, traditionally, cemeteries haven't been taken care of
by the local authority.
一方 地元当局は伝統的に 墓地の管理を
In fact, the surprising thing is that there's no legal obligation
on anyone in the UK to provide burial space.
意外にもイギリスでは 埋葬場所を確保する
Traditionally, it's been done by private and religious organizations,
like churches and mosques and synagogues.
伝統的に 埋葬場所の確保は 教会、モスク、シナゴーグといった
But there's also occasionally been a for-profit group
who has wanted to get in on the act.
ただ時折 一口乗ろうとする
And, you know, they look at the small size of a burial plot
and that high cost,
墓地の区画は小さい上に 価格が高いという点に
and it looks like there's serious money to be made.
So, actually, if you want to go out and start your own cemetery,
you kind of can.
There was this couple in South Wales,
できなくは ありません
and they had a farmhouse and a load of fields next to it,
and they wanted to develop the land.
この夫婦は農家で 自宅の隣に広がる土地を
They had a load of ideas.
They first thought about making a caravan park,
アイデアは 色々ありました
but the council said no.
最初はトレーラーパークに しようとしましたが
And then they wanted to make a fish farm
and again the council said no.
Then they hit on the idea of making a cemetery
and they calculated that by doing this,
そこで思いついたのが 墓地を作ることでした
they could increase the value of their land
そうすれば 計算上
from about 95,000 pounds to over one million pounds.
But just to come back to this idea of making profit from cemeteries,
1億8千万円以上になることが わかりました
like, it's kind of ludicrous, right?
ただ墓地で お金が儲かるなんて
The thing is that the high cost of those burial plots
is actually very misleading.
実は 墓地が一見 高額なのは
They look like they're expensive,
but that cost reflects the fact that you need to maintain the burial plot --
like, someone has to cut the grass for the next 50 years.
実際は 墓地の維持費が 価格に反映されているのです
That means it's very difficult to make money from cemeteries.
例えば 50年先まで 草刈りを続けなければなりません
And it's the reason that normally they're run by the council
つまり 墓地で収益を上げるのは とても難しいのです
or by a not-for-profit group.
だから墓地は主に 地方自治体や非営利団体が
But anyway, the council granted these people permission,
and they're now trying to build their cemetery.
So just to explain to you kind of how this works:
If I want to build something in the UK,
like a cemetery for example,
then I have to apply for planning permission first.
So if I want to build a new office building for a client
or if I want to extend my home
だから私がオフィスビルの 建築を請け負う場合や
or, you know, if I have a shop and I want to convert it into an office,
自分の家を増築する場合 —
I have to do a load of drawings,
店舗を事務所に改築する場合などには 認可してもらうために
and I submit them to the council for permission.
And they'll look at things like how it fits in the surroundings.
So they'll look at what it looks like.
自治体では 建造物が周辺環境に合うか といったことを確認し
But they'll also think about things like what impact is it going to have
on the local environment?
さらに自治体は その建造物が 地元の環境に
And they'll be thinking about things like,
is this thing going to cause pollution
それから 検討するのは
or is there going to be a lot of traffic
that wants to go to this thing that I've built?
But also good things.
Is it going to add local services like shops to the neighborhood
that local people would like to use?
その建造物は 住民が使用したいと思う 店舗などのサービスを
And they'll weigh up the advantages and the disadvantages
and they'll make a decision.
このように長所と短所を てんびんにかけて
So that's how it works if I want to build a large cemetery.
But what if I've got a piece of land
and I just want to bury a few people, like five or six?
では もし私がわずかな土地を持っていて
Well, then -- actually, I don't need permission from anyone!
ほんの5~6人埋葬したいだけなら どうしたらいいでしょう?
There's actually almost no regulation in the UK around burial,
そんな時 実は 許可は必要ありません
and the little bit that there is, is about not polluting water courses,
イギリスには埋葬に関する規制が ほとんどないのです
like not polluting rivers or groundwater.
唯一 存在する規制は 水路汚染 すなわち河川や地下水の
So actually, if you want to go and make your own mini-cemetery,
then you can.
だから 自分の小さな墓地を 作ろうと思えば
But I mean, like -- really, who does this? Right?
Well, if you're an aristocratic family and you have a large estate,
ただ 実際に作ろうとする人は いるでしょうか? やります?
then there's a chance that you'll have a mausoleum on it,
もし 皆さんが貴族で 広大な敷地を所有しているなら
and you'll bury your family there.
霊廟を建てて 一族を埋葬することも
But the really weird thing
is that you don't need to have a piece of land of a certain size
ところが 奇妙なことに
before you're allowed to start burying people on it.
埋葬の許可を受ける上で 一定の面積の土地を
And so that means that, technically,
this applies to, like, the back garden of your house in the suburbs.
つまり 理論上は
郊外の自宅の裏庭に 作ってもいいのです
So what if you wanted to try this yourself at home?
Well, there's a few councils that have guidance on their website
本気で作ろうとすると どうなるでしょう?
which can help you.
自治体によっては ウェブサイトに ガイドを掲載していていますから
So, the first thing that they tell you
is that you need to have a certificate of burial before you can go ahead --
you're not allowed to just murder people and put them under the patio.
実際に埋葬する前に 埋葬許可証が必要ということです
勝手に人を殺して テラスの下に埋めてはいけません
They also tell you that you need to keep a record of where the grave is.
But that's pretty much it for formal requirements.
それから 墓の位置を 記録に残す必要があります
Now, they do warn you that your neighbors might not like this,
でも 形式上の要件は これだけです
but, legally speaking, there's almost nothing that they can do about it.
近所から苦情が来る可能性は 指摘されていますが
And just in case any of you still had that profit idea in your mind
だからといって法律上 隣人にできることは ほとんどありません
about how much those burial plots cost
また仮に 埋葬地がいくらで どのくらい収益を上げられるかといった
and how much money you might be able to make,
they also warn that it might cause the value of your house
to drop by 20 percent.
Although, actually, it's more likely
that no one will want to buy your house at all after that.
ただ 実際には
So what I find fascinating about this
墓地を作ると 家を買う人は いなくなるでしょう
is the fact that it kind of sums up many of our attitudes towards death.
私が こういうことに関心があるのは
In the UK, and I think that the figures across Europe are probably similar,
私たちの死に対する態度を 端的に表しているからです
only about 30 percent of people have ever talked to anyone
おそらくヨーロッパならどこでも 似ているでしょうが イギリスでは
about their wishes around death,
自分が死ぬ時 どうしたいか 人に伝えた経験がある人は
and even for people over 75,
only 45 percent of people have ever talked about this.
And the reasons that people give ... you know,
they think that their death is far off
or they think that they're going to make people uncomfortable
by talking about it.
それを口にすると 周りの人が気まずくなるような
And you know, to a certain extent,
there are other people out there who are taking care of things for us.
ただ 私たちに代わって
The government has all this regulation and bureaucracy around things
ある程度 それを引き受けてくれる人々がいます
like burying a death, for example,
政府は 死者を葬ることなどに関する
and there's people like funeral directors
who devote their entire working lives to this issue.
また 職業人として 死の問題に
But when it comes to our cities
and thinking about how death fits in our cities,
でも 私たちの都市には
there's much less regulation and design and thought
街に死が どう調和するかを 考える場合
than we might imagine.
想像以上に 規制やデザインや思想が
So we're not thinking about this,
but all of the people we imagine are thinking about it --
私たちは このことを考えていませんし
they're not taking care of it either.
Thank you.