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  • Have you ever wondered what animals think and feel?

    翻訳: Yasushi Aoki 校正: Claire Ghyselen

  • Let's start with a question:

    動物が何を感じ 何を思っているのか 疑問に思ったことはありませんか?

  • Does my dog really love me, or does she just want a treat?


  • Well, it's easy to see that our dog really loves us,

    「私の犬は私のことが本当に好きなのか それとも単にご褒美がほしいだけなのか?」

  • easy to see, right,

    私たちの犬が 私たちを本当に好きなことは 簡単に分かります

  • what's going on in that fuzzy little head.

    あの小さなふかふかの頭の中で 何が起きているかは

  • What is going on?


  • Something's going on.


  • But why is the question always do they love us?


  • Why is it always about us?

    しかしなぜいつも「私たちを好きなのか」 と問うのでしょう?

  • Why are we such narcissists?


  • I found a different question to ask animals.

    なぜ我々はそんなに ナルシストなのか?

  • Who are you?

    私は動物に聞くべき 別の質問を見つけました

  • There are capacities of the human mind


  • that we tend to think are capacities only of the human mind.

    人間の心にしかない 資質があると

  • But is that true?


  • What are other beings doing with those brains?


  • What are they thinking and feeling?

    他の生き物たちは その脳で何をしているのか?

  • Is there a way to know?

    何を感じ 何を思っているのか?

  • I think there is a way in.


  • I think there are several ways in.


  • We can look at evolution, we can look at their brains


  • and we can watch what they do.

    進化に目を向けること 脳に目を向けること

  • The first thing to remember is: our brain is inherited.


  • The first neurons came from jellyfish.

    まず念頭に置くべきなのは 我々の脳は受け継いだものだということです

  • Jellyfish gave rise to the first chordates.

    神経細胞は最初 クラゲから来ました

  • The first chordates gave rise to the first vertebrates.


  • The vertebrates came out of the sea,


  • and here we are.


  • But it's still true that a neuron, a nerve cell, looks the same


  • in a crayfish, a bird or you.

    しかし神経細胞は ザリガニでも 鳥でも 人間でも

  • What does that say about the minds of crayfish?


  • Can we tell anything about that?

    そのことから ザリガニの心について

  • Well, it turns out that if you give a crayfish


  • a lot of little tiny electric shocks


  • every time it tries to come out of its burrow,


  • it will develop anxiety.


  • If you give the crayfish the same drug

    ザリガニも不安な状態になることが 分かっています

  • used to treat anxiety disorder in humans,


  • it relaxes and comes out and explores.


  • How do we show how much we care about crayfish anxiety?

    安心して巣穴から出て 探索するようになります

  • Mostly, we boil them.

    ザリガニの不安を 私たちはどう癒すのでしょう?

  • (Laughter)


  • Octopuses use tools, as well as do most apes


  • and they recognize human faces.

    タコは多くのサル同様に 道具を使い

  • How do we celebrate the ape-like intelligence of this invertebrate?


  • Mostly boiled.

    この無脊椎動物が持つ サルにも似た知性を 我々はどう称えるのでしょう?

  • If a grouper chases a fish into a crevice in the coral,


  • it will sometimes go to where it knows a moray eel is sleeping

    ハタは珊瑚礁の隙間へと 魚を追い込んだとき

  • and it will signal to the moray, "Follow me,"


  • and the moray will understand that signal.

    「一緒に来い」と 合図することがあり

  • The moray may go into the crevice and get the fish,

    ウツボは その合図を理解します

  • but the fish may bolt and the grouper may get it.

    ウツボが隙間に入り込んで 魚を捕まえることもあるし

  • This is an ancient partnership that we have just recently found out about.

    魚が飛び出して ハタが捕まえることもあります

  • How do we celebrate that ancient partnership?

    この太古からの協力関係は ごく最近になって分かりました

  • Mostly fried.

    この古くからの協力関係を 我々はどう祝福するのでしょう?

  • A pattern is emerging and it says a lot more about us


  • than it does about them.


  • Sea otters use tools

    その動物について以上に 人間について教えられます

  • and they take time away from what they're doing


  • to show their babies what to do, which is called teaching.

    そして時間を取って どうやるのか子供に見せてやります

  • Chimpanzees don't teach.


  • Killer whales teach and killer whales share food.


  • When evolution makes something new,

    シャチは教え またみんなで食べ物を分け合います

  • it uses the parts it has in stock, off the shelf,


  • before it fabricates a new twist.


  • And our brain has come to us


  • through the enormity of the deep sweep of time.

    我々の脳は 長い歳月を経て

  • If you look at the human brain compared to a chimpanzee brain,


  • what you see is we have basically a very big chimpanzee brain.

    人間の脳とチンパンジーの脳を 比べたなら

  • It's a good thing ours is bigger, because we're also really insecure.

    我々の持っているのがチンパンジーの脳を 大きくしたものだと分かります

  • (Laughter)

    我々の方が大きいのは幸いでした ただでさえ不安なので

  • But, uh oh, there's a dolphin,


  • a bigger brain with more convolutions.


  • OK, maybe you're saying, all right, well, we see brains,

    人間より大きくて 皺の多い脳を持っています

  • but what does that have to say about minds?


  • Well, we can see the working of the mind

    「脳は見てわかるけど それで心について何が分かるの?」

  • in the logic of behaviors.


  • So these elephants, you can see,


  • obviously, they are resting.

    このゾウたちが 休憩していることは

  • They have found a patch of shade under the palm trees


  • under which to let their babies sleep,

    ヤシの木の下に 木陰を見つけて

  • while they doze but remain vigilant.

    子供たちを 寝かしつけ

  • We make perfect sense of that image

    自分たちも警戒しつつ まどろんでいます

  • just as they make perfect sense of what they're doing


  • because under the arc of the same sun on the same plains,

    彼らがしていることも 理解できます

  • listening to the howls of the same dangers,

    同じ太陽の下 同じ平原に住み

  • they became who they are and we became who we are.


  • We've been neighbors for a very long time.

    それぞれが それぞれのように なったからです

  • No one would mistake these elephants as being relaxed.

    我々は長い間 隣人だったのです

  • They're obviously very concerned about something.

    このゾウたちが くつろいでいると 思う人はいないでしょう

  • What are they concerned about?


  • It turns out that if you record the voices of tourists


  • and you play that recording from a speaker hidden in bushes,

    録音した観光客の声を 藪に隠したスピーカーで流しても

  • elephants will ignore it, because tourists never bother elephants.


  • But if you record the voices of herders

    観光客がゾウを煩わせることは ないからです

  • who carry spears and often hurt elephants in confrontations at water holes,

    しかし録音が 水場を取り合って 時にゾウを痛めつけることのある

  • the elephants will bunch up and run away from the hidden speaker.


  • Not only do elephants know that there are humans,

    ゾウは一団となって 隠しスピーカーから逃げ出します

  • they know that there are different kinds of humans,


  • and that some are OK and some are dangerous.

    大丈夫な人間と 危険な人間がいることを

  • They have been watching us for much longer than we have been watching them.


  • They know us better than we know them.

    ゾウたちは人間がゾウを見るよりもずっと長く 人間を見てきたのです

  • We have the same imperatives:

    人間がゾウを知るよりも良く ゾウは人間を知っています

  • take care of our babies, find food, try to stay alive.


  • Whether we're outfitted for hiking in the hills of Africa

    子供の面倒を見 食べ物を見つけ 生きようとします

  • or outfitted for diving under the sea, we are basically the same.

    アフリカの丘を 歩くのに向いているか

  • We are kin under the skin.

    海中を泳ぐのに向いているかといった違いはあれ 基本は同じです

  • The elephant has the same skeleton,

    一皮むけば 私たちは似通っており

  • the killer whale has the same skeleton,


  • as do we.


  • We see helping where help is needed.


  • We see curiosity in the young.


  • We see the bonds of family connections.


  • We recognize affection.

    家族の間には 絆があります

  • Courtship is courtship.


  • And then we ask, "Are they conscious?"


  • When you get general anesthesia, it makes you unconscious,

    「動物に意識はあるのか」と 人は問います

  • which means you have no sensation of anything.


  • Consciousness is simply the thing that feels like something.


  • If you see, if you hear, if you feel, if you're aware of anything,

    意識というのは単に 何かを感じられるということです

  • you are conscious, and they are conscious.

    何かを見 聞き 感じ 気付くなら

  • Some people say

    人間であれ動物であれ 意識はあるのです

  • well, there are certain things that make humans humans,


  • and one of those things is empathy.


  • Empathy is the mind's ability to match moods with your companions.


  • It's a very useful thing.

    共感というのは 共にいる者と 感情を合わせる能力で

  • If your companions start to move quickly,


  • you have to feel like you need to hurry up.


  • We're all in a hurry now.


  • The oldest form of empathy is contagious fear.


  • If your companions suddenly startle and fly away,

    最も古い形態の共感は 恐怖の伝播です

  • it does not work very well for you to say,

    仲間達がみんな驚いて飛び去った時に 1人残って

  • "Jeez, I wonder why everybody just left."

    「なんでみんなどっか行っちゃったのかな?」 と思っていたら

  • (Laughter)


  • Empathy is old, but empathy, like everything else in life,


  • comes on a sliding scale and has its elaboration.


  • So there's basic empathy: you feel sad, it makes me sad.

    世の中の多くのものと同様に いろいろなレベルがあります

  • I see you happy, it makes me happy.

    基本的な共感というのは 「あなたが悲しいと私も悲しくなるし

  • Then there's something that I call sympathy,

    あなたが楽しいと私も楽しくなる」 というものです

  • a little more removed:


  • "I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother has just passed away.


  • I don't feel that same grief, but I get it; I know what you feel

    「お祖母様が亡くなられたそうで お気の毒です

  • and it concerns me."

    同じ悲しみを感じはしませんが あなたがどう感じているかは分かり

  • And then if we're motivated to act on sympathy,


  • I call that compassion.

    そして同情に基づいて 行動する気持ちが起きるとき

  • Far from being the thing that makes us human,


  • human empathy is far from perfect.

    共感は人間を人間たらしめているものとは ほど遠く

  • We round up empathic creatures, we kill them and we eat them.

    人間の共感は はなはだ不完全です

  • Now, maybe you say OK, well, those are different species.

    人間は共感を持つ生き物を集め 殺して食べます

  • That's just predation, and humans are predators.

    それは別種の生き物の場合だと 言うかもしれません

  • But we don't treat our own kind too well either.

    人間は肉食動物であり それは単なる捕食だと

  • People who seem to know only one thing about animal behavior

    しかし人間は同族もそんなに良く 扱っているわけではありません

  • know that you must never attribute human thoughts and emotions

    動物行動について 1つだけ言えることは

  • to other species.

    人間の思考や感情を 他の生き物に

  • Well, I think that's silly,

    当てはめてはいけないということだ と言う人もいますが

  • because attributing human thoughts and emotions to other species


  • is the best first guess about what they're doing and how they're feeling,

    人間の思考や感情を 他の種に当てはめてみるというのは

  • because their brains are basically the same as ours.

    その生き物がどう感じ どう行動するか 推測する 最初の手がかりになります

  • They have the same structures.

    我々の脳は 基本的には同じだからです

  • The same hormones that create mood and motivation in us


  • are in those brains as well.

    人間に気分や意欲を生じさせるのと 同じホルモンが

  • It is not scientific to say that they are hungry when they're hunting

    他の動物の脳でも 同様に作用しています

  • and they're tired when their tongues are hanging out,

    狩りをしているのを見て 腹が減っているんだと言い

  • and then say when they're playing with their children

    舌を垂らしているのを見て 疲れているんだと言いながら

  • and acting joyful and happy,


  • we have no idea if they can possibly be experiencing anything.

    子供と遊んで 楽しげにしている姿を見て

  • That is not scientific.

    彼らの体験がいかなるものか 知る由もないと言うのは

  • So OK, so a reporter said to me,


  • "Maybe, but how do you really know that other animals can think and feel?"

    ある記者に聞かれました 「しかし他の動物が

  • And I started to rifle through all the hundreds

    感じたり考えたりできると どうして分かるんですか?」

  • of scientific references that I put in my book


  • and I realized that the answer was right in the room with me.

    何百という科学文献を 見直し始め

  • When my dog gets off the rug and comes over to me --

    答えは自分の部屋の中にあったことに 気付きました

  • not to the couch, to me --

    私の犬が敷物から起き上がって 私のところへ —

  • and she rolls over on her back and exposes her belly,

    カウチではなく 「私」のところへ来て

  • she has had the thought, "I would like my belly rubbed.

    仰向けになって お腹を見せる時には

  • I know that I can go over to Carl,

    こう思っています 「お腹なでてほしいな

  • he will understand what I'm asking.


  • I know I can trust him because we're family.

    私が何してほしいか 分かってくれる

  • He'll get the job done, and it will feel good."


  • (Laughter)

    ちゃんと役目を果たして 私は気持ちよくなれる」

  • She has thought and she has felt,


  • and it's really not more complicated than that.

    私の犬は感じ 考えています

  • But we see other animals and we say, "Oh look, killer whales,


  • wolves, elephants:

    しかし他の動物を指して 言うかもしれません

  • that's not how they see it."

    「シャチや オオカミや ゾウなんかは

  • That tall-finned male is L41.


  • He's 38 years old.

    背びれがひときわ高いオスは L41で

  • The female right on his left side is L22.


  • She's 44.

    すぐ左にいるメスは L22で

  • They've known each other for decades.


  • They know exactly who they are.


  • They know who their friends are.


  • They know who their rivals are.


  • Their life follows the arc of a career.


  • They know where they are all the time.

    彼らはずっと生活を 共にしてきました

  • This is an elephant named Philo.

    彼らは相手がどこにいるか いつも分かっています

  • He was a young male.


  • This is him four days later.


  • Humans not only can feel grief, we create an awful lot of it.


  • We want to carve their teeth.

    人間は悲しみを感じられるだけでなく 多くの悲しみを生み出しもします

  • Why can't we wait for them to die?


  • Elephants once ranged from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea

    なぜ彼らが死ぬまで 待てないのでしょうか?

  • all the way down to the Cape of Good Hope.

    かつては地中海沿岸から 喜望峰に到るまで

  • In 1980, there were vast strongholds of elephant range


  • in Central and Eastern Africa.

    1980年には中央および 東アフリカに

  • And now their range is shattered into little shards.

    ゾウたちの住む 広大な領域がありました

  • This is the geography of an animal that we are driving to extinction,


  • a fellow being, the most magnificent creature on land.

    これは地上で最も大きな 仲間である生き物を

  • Of course, we take much better care of our wildlife in the United States.

    人間が絶滅へと 追い込んでいる様を示す地図です

  • In Yellowstone National Park, we killed every single wolf.

    もちろんアメリカでは 野生生物はずっと大切にされていることでしょう

  • We killed every single wolf south of the Canadian border, actually.

    イエローストーン国立公園で 人間はオオカミを殺し尽くしました

  • But in the park, park rangers did that in the 1920s,

    実のところカナダ国境以南のオオカミを すべて殺し尽くしたんです

  • and then 60 years later they had to bring them back,

    イエローストーンでは 公園管理者が1920年代にそうしました

  • because the elk numbers had gotten out of control.

    それから60年後 彼らはオオカミを 連れ戻さなければならなくなりました

  • And then people came.


  • People came by the thousands to see the wolves,


  • the most accessibly visible wolves in the world.

    何千という人が オオカミを見にやってきました

  • And I went there and I watched this incredible family of wolves.

    世界でも最もオオカミを 見やすい場所になったのです

  • A pack is a family.

    私はある素晴らしいオオカミの群れを 見に行きました

  • It has some breeding adults and the young of several generations.


  • And I watched the most famous, most stable pack in Yellowstone National Park.

    子を産む何匹かの大人と 何代かの若い世代です

  • And then, when they wandered just outside the border,

    イエローストーン国立公園でも 最も安定しよく知られた群れを観察していました

  • two of their adults were killed,


  • including the mother,


  • which we sometimes call the alpha female.


  • The rest of the family immediately descended into sibling rivalry.

    アルファ・フィーメールと呼ばれる 母親でした

  • Sisters kicked out other sisters.

    残った家族は兄弟同士で 争うようになりました

  • That one on the left tried for days to rejoin her family.

    メス達が他の姉妹を 追い出しました

  • They wouldn't let her because they were jealous of her.

    左の写真のメスは 何日も群れに戻ろうと試みましたが

  • She was getting too much attention from two new males,

    嫉妬されて 入れてもらえませんでした

  • and she was the precocious one.

    このメスが2匹の新入りのオスの関心を 引いたためです

  • That was too much for them.


  • She wound up wandering outside the park and getting shot.

    他のメス達は 我慢ならなかったのです

  • The alpha male wound up being ejected from his own family.

    このメスもまた公園からさまよい出て 撃ち殺されました

  • As winter was coming in,

    アルファ・メールも自分の群れから はじき出されてしまいました

  • he lost his territory, his hunting support,


  • the members of his family and his mate.

    このオスは自分の縄張りと 狩りの仲間と

  • We cause so much pain to them.

    家族と 妻をみんな失ったのです

  • The mystery is, why don't they hurt us more than they do?

    私たちは彼らにそれほどの 苦痛を与えているのです

  • This whale had just finished eating part of a grey whale

    不思議なのは なぜ彼らは もっと人間を傷つけないのかということです

  • with his companions who had killed that whale.

    このシャチは 仲間と一緒に殺した コククジラを

  • Those people in the boat had nothing at all to fear.


  • This whale is T20.

    小舟に乗った人たちは 恐れる必要はまったくありません

  • He had just finished tearing a seal into three pieces with two companions.


  • The seal weighed about as much as the people in the boat.

    2頭の仲間と共に アザラシを3等分したところです

  • They had nothing to fear.

    アザラシの体重は ボートの人たちと同じくらいありましたが

  • They eat seals.


  • Why don't they eat us?


  • Why can we trust them around our toddlers?


  • Why is it that killer whales have returned to researchers lost in thick fog

    なぜ私たちは シャチが子供の側にいても 安心していられるのでしょう?

  • and led them miles until the fog parted

    なぜシャチは 深い霧で迷った研究者たちを

  • and the researchers' home was right there on the shoreline?

    霧の晴れるところまで 何キロも案内して

  • And that's happened more than one time.

    海岸の家のすぐ近くまで 連れて行ったのでしょう?

  • In the Bahamas, there's a woman named Denise Herzing,

    そのようなことは 幾度となく起きています

  • and she studies spotted dolphins and they know her.

    バハマでデニース・ ハージングという女性が

  • She knows them very well. She knows who they all are.

    マダライルカの調査をしていて イルカたちは彼女を知っていたし

  • They know her. They recognize the research boat.

    彼女もイルカたちの一匹一匹を よく知っていました

  • When she shows up, it's a big happy reunion.

    イルカたちには 彼女の船が分かっていて

  • Except, one time showed up and they didn't want to come near the boat,

    彼女が現れると みんな喜びました

  • and that was really strange.

    ところがある時 彼女が現れても イルカたちがボートに近寄って来ないことがありました

  • And they couldn't figure out what was going on


  • until somebody came out on deck


  • and announced that one of the people onboard had died


  • during a nap in his bunk.


  • How could dolphins know that one of the human hearts

    亡くなっていたことが 分かりました

  • had just stopped?

    なぜイルカたちは 船にいる 人間の心臓が止まったことを

  • Why would they care?


  • And why would it spook them?


  • These mysterious things just hint at all of the things that are going on


  • in the minds that are with us on Earth

    これらの不思議な現象は 人間がほとんど考えることのない

  • that we almost never think about at all.

    地球に住む生き物の 心の中にあるものについて

  • At an aquarium in South Africa


  • was a little baby bottle-nosed dolphin named Dolly.

    南アフリカの水族館に ドリーという名の

  • She was nursing, and one day a keeper took a cigarette break

    まだ乳を飲んでいる バンドウイルカの赤ちゃんがいました

  • and he was looking into the window into their pool, smoking.

    ある時 飼育係が 休憩を取って

  • Dolly came over and looked at him,

    窓から水槽を眺めながら 煙草を吸っていました

  • went back to her mother, nursed for a minute or two,

    ドリーがやってきて 彼を見ると

  • came back to the window

    お母さんのところに行って 1分か2分ほど乳を飲み

  • and released a cloud of milk that enveloped her head like smoke.


  • Somehow, this baby bottle-nosed dolphin

    頭の上に煙のような ミルクの雲を作りました

  • got the idea of using milk to represent smoke.

    どのようにしてか この赤ちゃんイルカは

  • When human beings use one thing to represent another,

    ミルクで煙を表現するというアイデアを 思いついたのです

  • we call that art.

    人間が何かを使って 別のものを表現するとき

  • (Laughter)


  • The things that make us human


  • are not the things that we think make us human.


  • What makes us human is that,

    私たちがそうだと思っているものでは ないのです

  • of all these things that our minds and their minds have,


  • we are the most extreme.

    動物が共通して持っている ある種のものが

  • We are the most compassionate,

    人間では極端に発達している ということです

  • most violent, most creative


  • and most destructive animal that has ever been on this planet,

    最も思いやりがあり 最も凶暴で

  • and we are all of those things all jumbled up together.

    最もクリエイティブで 最も破壊的な動物なのです

  • But love is not the thing that makes us human.

    人間はそれらをすべて 併せ持っているのです

  • It's not special to us.

    しかし愛が人間を人間たらしめて いるのではありません

  • We are not the only ones who care about our mates.


  • We are not the only ones who care about our children.

    配偶者を気遣うのは 人間に限ったことではありません

  • Albatrosses frequently fly six, sometimes ten thousand miles

    子供のことを気遣うのは 人間に限ったことではありません

  • over several weeks to deliver one meal, one big meal,

    1つの大きな餌を 雛鳥に持ち帰るために

  • to their chick who is waiting for them.

    アホウドリは 何週間もかけて

  • They nest on the most remote islands in the oceans of the world,

    1万キロから ときに1万6千キロも 飛ぶことがあります

  • and this is what it looks like.

    アホウドリは大海の孤島に 巣を作ります

  • Passing life from one generation to the next is the chain of being.


  • If that stops, it all goes away.

    1つの世代から次の世代へと 命を継いでいくのは 存在の鎖です

  • If anything is sacred, that is, and into that sacred relationship

    それが途切れたら 消えてしまうのです

  • comes our plastic trash.

    この世に神聖なものが何かあるとすれば まさにこれがそうでしょう

  • All of these birds have plastic in them now.

    この神聖な関係に プラスチックのゴミが入り込んでいます

  • This is an albatross six months old, ready to fledge --

    こういった鳥はみんな 体内にプラスチックを持っています

  • died, packed with red cigarette lighters.

    これは羽根が生えそろおうとしている 6ヶ月のアホウドリの雛ですが

  • This is not the relationship we are supposed to have

    いくつもの赤いライターを 体に詰まらせて死にました

  • with the rest of the world.

    これは私たちが 他の生き物たちと持つべき

  • But we, who have named ourselves after our brains,


  • never think about the consequences.

    人間は自らをその知性によって 名付けながら

  • When we welcome new human life into the world,

    物事の帰結について 考えずにきたのです

  • we welcome our babies into the company of other creatures.


  • We paint animals on the walls.

    私たちは他の生き物たちを伴って それを歓迎します

  • We don't paint cell phones.


  • We don't paint work cubicles.

    携帯電話の絵を 描きはしません

  • We paint animals to show them that we are not alone.

    間仕切りのある職場の絵を 描きはしません

  • We have company.

    我々は世界で孤独ではなく 仲間がいることを示すために

  • And every one of those animals in every painting of Noah's ark,


  • deemed worthy of salvation is in mortal danger now,

    ノアの箱船の絵に描かれた すべての動物

  • and their flood is us.

    救うべき価値があると見なされた動物がみな 今生存の危機にあり

  • So we started with a question:

    彼らにとっての洪水は 我々人間なのです

  • Do they love us?

    「動物たちは 私たちのことを好きか?」

  • We're going to ask another question.


  • Are we capable of using what we have


  • to care enough to simply let them continue?


  • Thank you very much.

    動物たちが生きながらえられるようにするだけの 気遣いを示すことはできるか?」

  • (Applause)


Have you ever wondered what animals think and feel?

翻訳: Yasushi Aoki 校正: Claire Ghyselen


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B1 中級 日本語 TED ゾウ 動物 シャチ イルカ オオカミ

TED】カール・サフィナ:動物たちは何を考え、何を感じているのか?(動物たちは何を考え、何を感じているのか|カール・サフィナ) (【TED】Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling? (What are animals thinking and feeling? | Carl Safina))

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