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So whenever I visit a school and talk to students,
翻訳: Yuko Yoshida 校正: Masako Kigami
I always ask them the same thing:
Why do you Google?
Why is Google the search engine of choice for you?
Strangely enough, I always get the same three answers.
One, "Because it works,"
不思議と 返ってくる答えは 決まってこの3つです
which is a great answer; that's why I Google, too.
Two, somebody will say,
ご名答です 私も同じ理由でGoogleを使っています
"I really don't know of any alternatives."
It's not an equally great answer and my reply to that is usually,
"Try to Google the word 'search engine,'
ちょっと惜しい たいてい 私はこう返します
you may find a couple of interesting alternatives."
And last but not least, thirdly,
検索してごらん ほかにも面白いのがあるよ」
inevitably, one student will raise her or his hand and say,
そして トリとなる3つ目です
"With Google, I'm certain to always get the best, unbiased search result."
必ず 手を挙げて 満を持して言う子がいるんです
Certain to always get the best, unbiased search result.
「Googleを使うと 絶対に 常に最高で公正な検索結果が得られるから」
Now, as a man of the humanities,
絶対に 常に最高で公正な 検索結果が得られる―
albeit a digital humanities man,
これを耳にするたび デジタル世代とはいえ
that just makes my skin curl,
even if I, too, realize that that trust, that idea of the unbiased search result
is a cornerstone in our collective love for and appreciation of Google.
みんながGoogleを愛し 大事にしているからこそ
I will show you why that, philosophically, is almost an impossibility.
「公正な検索結果」と信じ 考えるのだと わかっていてもです
But let me first elaborate, just a little bit, on a basic principle
公正な結果など 哲学的にほぼありえません なぜかご説明しましょう
behind each search query that we sometimes seem to forget.
でも まず検索の基本原理について 少しだけお話しさせてください
So whenever you set out to Google something,
みんな 忘れてしまいがちなことです
start by asking yourself this: "Am I looking for an isolated fact?"
What is the capital of France?
まず考えるべきは 「個別の事実を知りたいのか?」
What are the building blocks of a water molecule?
Great -- Google away.
水分子の構成元素は何か といったものです
There's not a group of scientists who are this close to proving
この場合は ぜひGoogle検索しましょう
that it's actually London and H30.
科学者といえども 答えは「ロンドン」と「H30」だなんて
You don't see a big conspiracy among those things.
We agree, on a global scale,
what the answers are to these isolated facts.
But if you complicate your question just a little bit and ask something like,
世界全体で 答えが何か 一致しているのです
"Why is there an Israeli-Palestine conflict?"
でも 質問をほんの少し複雑にして こんな風にしたらどうでしょう
You're not exactly looking for a singular fact anymore,
you're looking for knowledge,
もはや 求めているのは ただ一つの「事実」ではなく
which is something way more complicated and delicate.
And to get to knowledge,
知識は はるかに複雑で繊細なものです
you have to bring 10 or 20 or 100 facts to the table
and acknowledge them and say, "Yes, these are all true."
10 、20 または100の事実を集め 自分のものにし
But because of who I am,
「これらは すべて真実だ」と 言えないといけません
young or old, black or white, gay or straight,
でも ひとは
I will value them differently.
And I will say, "Yes, this is true,
but this is more important to me than that."
ですから「確かに これは真実だけど
And this is where it becomes interesting,
because this is where we become human.
This is when we start to argue, to form society.
And to really get somewhere, we need to filter all our facts here,
私たちは互いに議論し 社会を形成し始めます
through friends and neighbors and parents and children
本当に答えを出すには まず事実をすべて ふるいにかけます
and coworkers and newspapers and magazines,
友だちやご近所さん 両親、子どもたち、同僚
to finally be grounded in real knowledge,
そして新聞や雑誌を通じて ふるいにかけ
which is something that a search engine is a poor help to achieve.
So, I promised you an example just to show you why it's so hard
ここで検索エンジンは あまり役に立ちません
to get to the point of true, clean, objective knowledge --
さきほど 真に純粋で客観的な知識を 手にするのが なぜ難しいか
as food for thought.
I will conduct a couple of simple queries, search queries.
We'll start with "Michelle Obama,"
まず いくつか簡単な検索をしてみます
the First Lady of the United States.
And we'll click for pictures.
It works really well, as you can see.
It's a perfect search result, more or less.
ご覧のとおり うまく行っていますね
It's just her in the picture, not even the President.
まあ 完ぺきな検索結果です
How does this work?
写真には ミシェル一人だけ 大統領さえいません
Quite simple.
Google uses a lot of smartness to achieve this, but quite simply,
they look at two things more than anything.
Googleは 色々頭を使っていますが 簡単に言うと
First, what does it say in the caption under the picture on each website?
Does it say "Michelle Obama" under the picture?
1つは 各ウェブサイトの写真の下にある キャプションの内容です
Pretty good indication it's actually her on there.
Second, Google looks at the picture file,
the name of the file as such uploaded to the website.
つぎにGoogleが見るのは 写真ファイル
Again, is it called "MichelleObama.jpeg"?
ウェブサイトにアップロードされた ファイルの名前です
Pretty good indication it's not Clint Eastwood in the picture.
So, you've got those two and you get a search result like this -- almost.
クリント・イーストウッドの写真 ということはないでしょう
Now, in 2009, Michelle Obama was the victim of a racist campaign,
この2つを手がかりにすると こんな検索結果になるんです―普通は
where people set out to insult her through her search results.
さて2009年 ミシェル・オバマに 人種差別攻撃の矛先が向きました
There was a picture distributed widely over the Internet
where her face was distorted to look like a monkey.
ある写真がばらまかれ インターネットを席巻します
And that picture was published all over.
彼女の顔が サルのように ゆがめられた写真です
And people published it very, very purposefully,
写真は インターネット上の あらゆるところに掲載されました
to get it up there in the search results.
しかも 検索結果の上位に表示されるよう
They made sure to write "Michelle Obama" in the caption
and they made sure to upload the picture as "MichelleObama.jpeg," or the like.
キャプションには必ず 「ミシェル・オバマ」と書かれ
You get why -- to manipulate the search result.
ファイル名も 「MichelleObama.jpeg」などとされたのです
And it worked, too.
そう 検索結果を操作するためです
So when you picture-Googled for "Michelle Obama" in 2009,
確かに それは成功し
that distorted monkey picture showed up among the first results.
Googleで「ミシェル・オバマ」を 画像検索すると
Now, the results are self-cleansing,
2009年当時 サル顔に変形された写真が 結果上位に表示されました
and that's sort of the beauty of it,
さて 検索結果には自浄作用があります
because Google measures relevance every hour, every day.
However, Google didn't settle for that this time,
Googleは 毎日 毎時間 関連度を測っているのです
they just thought, "That's racist and it's a bad search result
でも このときGoogleは 黙ってはいませんでした
and we're going to go back and clean that up manually.
「これは人種差別的で 悪い検索結果だから
We are going to write some code and fix it,"
自らの手で きれいにしないといけない
which they did.
And I don't think anyone in this room thinks that was a bad idea.
Me neither.
皆さんのなかで これが悪いことと 思う方はいないでしょう
But then, a couple of years go by,
私も そう思いません
and the world's most-Googled Anders,
Anders Behring Breivik,
did what he did.
This is July 22 in 2011,
and a terrible day in Norwegian history.
This man, a terrorist, blew up a couple of government buildings
ノルウェー史上 悲惨な日となったこの日
walking distance from where we are right now in Oslo, Norway
この男―テロリストは 政府庁舎を爆破しました
and then he traveled to the island of Utøya
ここ ノルウェー・オスロの会場から 徒歩圏内の場所です
and shot and killed a group of kids.
その後 彼はウトヤ島に渡り
Almost 80 people died that day.
And a lot of people would describe this act of terror as two steps,
その日 80人近くの命が失われました
that he did two things: he blew up the buildings and he shot those kids.
多くの場合 このテロ行為には 2つの段階があったと語られます
It's not true.
つまり 建物爆破と 子どもの銃殺 という2つの段階です
It was three steps.
He blew up those buildings, he shot those kids,
and he sat down and waited for the world to Google him.
彼は建物を爆破し 子どもたちを銃殺し
And he prepared all three steps equally well.
そして世界が彼を Google検索するのを待ったのです
And if there was somebody who immediately understood this,
彼は この3つの段階すべてを 周到に準備していました
it was a Swedish web developer,
a search engine optimization expert in Stockholm, named Nikke Lindqvist.
He's also a very political guy
検索エンジン適正化の専門家 ストックホルムのニック・リンドクヴィストです
and he was right out there in social media, on his blog and Facebook.
And he told everybody,
ブログやFacebookなど ソーシャルメディアを通じて
"If there's something that this guy wants right now,
it's to control the image of himself.
Let's see if we can distort that.
Let's see if we, in the civilized world, can protest against what he did
みんなで それを崩そうじゃないか
through insulting him in his search results."
文明社会のみんなの力をあわせて 彼の行為に対して抗議するんだ
And how?
He told all of his readers the following,
でも どうやって?
"Go out there on the Internet,
find pictures of dog poop on sidewalks --
find pictures of dog poop on sidewalks --
publish them in your feeds, on your websites, on your blogs.
Make sure to write the terrorist's name in the caption,
それをフィードやウェブサイト ブログに掲載するのです
make sure to name the picture file "Breivik.jpeg."
そのとき必ず キャプションにはテロリストの名前を書き
Let's teach Google that that's the face of the terrorist."
And it worked.
Googleに これがテロリストの顔だと 教えるのです
Two years after that campaign against Michelle Obama,
this manipulation campaign against Anders Behring Breivik worked.
If you picture-Googled for him weeks after the July 22 events from Sweden,
アンネシュ・ベーリン・ブレイヴィークの 検索結果が操作されました
you'd see that picture of dog poop high up in the search results,
7月22日事件以降の数週間 スウェーデンから彼をGoogleで画像検索すると
as a little protest.
検索結果の上位に犬のフンの写真が 表示されるに至りました
Strangely enough, Google didn't intervene this time.
They did not step in and manually clean those search results up.
奇妙なことに このとき Googleは介入しませんでした
So the million-dollar question,
人為的に検索結果をきれいにしようとは しなかったのです
is there anything different between these two happenings here?
さて ここで難しい質問です
Is there anything different between what happened to Michelle Obama
and what happened to Anders Behring Breivik?
Of course not.
It's the exact same thing,
yet Google intervened in one case and not in the other.
でも Googleは片方には介入し 他方にはしませんでした
Because Michelle Obama is an honorable person, that's why,
and Anders Behring Breivik is a despicable person.
それはミシェル・オバマが 尊敬に値する人物である一方
See what happens there?
アンネシュ・ベーリン・ブレイヴィークが 卑劣な人間だからです
An evaluation of a person takes place
and there's only one power-player in the world
ここには 人に対する評価が介在しています
with the authority to say who's who.
世界には 重要人物を決める権力を持つ―
"We like you, we dislike you.
We believe in you, we don't believe in you.
「君は好き 君は嫌い
You're right, you're wrong. You're true, you're false.
君は信じる 君は信じない
You're Obama, and you're Breivik."
君は正しい 君は間違っている 君は真実 君は嘘
That's power if I ever saw it.
君はオバマで 君はブレイヴィーク」
So I'm asking you to remember that behind every algorithm
is always a person,
ですから覚えておいてください どんなアルゴリズムでも
a person with a set of personal beliefs
その後ろには 必ず人間がいるんです
that no code can ever completely eradicate.
人間は それぞれ価値観を持っていて プログラムで
And my message goes out not only to Google,
その影響を 完全に消し去ることはできません
but to all believers in the faith of code around the world.
私はこのメッセージを Googleだけではなく
You need to identify your own personal bias.
プログラムに信頼を寄せる 世界中のすべての人に伝えたい
You need to understand that you are human
and take responsibility accordingly.
And I say this because I believe we've reached a point in time
when it's absolutely imperative
このことを伝えたいのは 結束を今一度
that we tie those bonds together again, tighter:
the humanities and the technology.
そんなときが来ていると 信じているからです
Tighter than ever.
And, if nothing else, to remind us that that wonderfully seductive idea
この結束を 今以上に強くするのです
of the unbiased, clean search result
少なくとも 心地よい魅惑的に聞こえる―
is, and is likely to remain, a myth.
公正で きれいな検索結果というものは
Thank you for your time.
神話に過ぎず これからもそうだと 心に留めるべきです