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I'm going to talk about consciousness.
翻訳: Kazunori Akashi 校正: Emi Kamiya
Why consciousness?
Well, it's a curiously neglected subject,
both in our scientific and our philosophical culture.
それは「意識」が 科学や哲学の世界で
Now why is that curious?
奇妙と言っていい位 軽視されたテーマだからです
Well, it is the most important aspect of our lives
for a very simple, logical reason,
意識は私達が生きる上で 最も重要なものだからです
namely, it's a necessary condition on anything
being important in our lives that we're conscious.
意識は 生きる上で大切な
You care about science, philosophy, music, art, whatever --
it's no good if you're a zombie or in a coma, right?
科学や哲学 音楽や 芸術などに関心があっても
So consciousness is number one.
ゾンビや昏睡状態の人には 意味がありません
The second reason is that when people do
get interested in it, as I think they should,
2つ目の理由は 人々が意識に ―
they tend to say the most appalling things.
And then, even when they're not saying appalling things
おかしなことを 主張しがちだからです
and they're really trying to do serious research,
たとえ そんなことは言わず
well, it's been slow. Progress has been slow.
When I first got interested in this, I thought, well,
it's a straightforward problem in biology.
私が初めて関心を持ったとき 意識とは 紛れもなく
Let's get these brain stabbers to get busy and figure out
how it works in the brain.
だから機械を使って 脳内部の機能を知ろうとしました
So I went over to UCSF and I talked to all
だから機械を使って 脳内部の機能を知ろうとしました
the heavy-duty neurobiologists there,
そこでカリフォルニア大学 サンフランシスコ校に行って
and they showed some impatience,
as scientists often do when you ask them embarrassing questions.
But the thing that struck me is, one guy said in exasperation,
厄介な質問を受けた 科学者にはありがちなことです
a very famous neurobiologist, he said, "Look,
中でも強く印象に残ったのは ある高名な神経生物学者が
in my discipline it's okay to be interested in consciousness,
but get tenure first. Get tenure first."
「我々の分野では 意識に関心を持ってもいいが
Now I've been working on this for a long time.
教授になって 終身在職権を得るのが先だ」
I think now you might actually get tenure
私は長い間 このテーマに取り組んでいます
by working on consciousness.
今なら意識の研究で 終身在職権を得られるかもしれません
If so, that's a real step forward.
今なら意識の研究で 終身在職権を得られるかもしれません
Okay, now why then is this curious reluctance
だとしたらこの分野も 進歩したものです
and curious hostility to consciousness?
では なぜ意識の研究に 奇妙な抵抗感や敵意を持つのか?
Well, I think it's a combination of two features
では なぜ意識の研究に 奇妙な抵抗感や敵意を持つのか?
of our intellectual culture
that like to think they're opposing each other
but in fact they share a common set of assumptions.
One feature is the tradition of religious dualism:
Consciousness is not a part of the physical world.
一つ目の特徴は 宗教的な二元論の伝統です
It's a part of the spiritual world.
つまり意識は物質世界に属さず ―
It belongs to the soul,
and the soul is not a part of the physical world.
意識は魂に宿り 魂は物質世界に 属さないという考え方です
That's the tradition of God, the soul and immortality.
意識は魂に宿り 魂は物質世界に 属さないという考え方です
There's another tradition that thinks it's opposed to this
これが神の教え 魂と不死の伝統です
but accepts the worst assumption.
一方 自らこれに 対立するとしながら ―
That tradition thinks that we are heavy-duty scientific materialists:
最悪の前提は容認する 伝統があります
Consciousness is not a part of the physical world.
Either it doesn't exist at all, or it's something else,
意識は物質世界に属さず そもそも存在しないか ―
a computer program or some damn fool thing,
but in any case it's not part of science.
And I used to get in an argument that really gave me a stomachache.
どちらにせよ科学の 対象ではないという見方です
Here's how it went.
よく胃が痛むような 議論になりました
Science is objective, consciousness is subjective,
therefore there cannot be a science of consciousness.
「科学は客観的で 意識は主観的である ―
Okay, so these twin traditions are paralyzing us.
したがって意識の科学は 存在しえない」
It's very hard to get out of these twin traditions.
私達はこの2つの伝統に縛られ 身動きができません
And I have only one real message in this lecture,
2つの伝統から逃れるのは とても難しいことです
and that is, consciousness is a biological phenomenon
今回 本当に伝えたい事は ただひとつ ―
like photosynthesis, digestion, mitosis --
意識が生物学的な 現象だということです
you know all the biological phenomena -- and once you accept that,
光合成や消化や 細胞分裂と同じです
most, though not all, of the hard problems
これらの生物学的現象を みなさんもご存じでしょう
about consciousness simply evaporate.
こう考えれば 意識に関する厄介な問題は
And I'm going to go through some of them.
全てではないにせよ ほとんど解消します
Okay, now I promised you to tell you some
そんな問題を いくつか見ていきます
of the outrageous things said about consciousness.
さて 意識に関するおかしな主張を
One: Consciousness does not exist.
It's an illusion, like sunsets.
Science has shown sunsets and rainbows are illusions.
So consciousness is an illusion.
科学的に言えば 夕日も虹も錯覚だ
Two: Well, maybe it exists, but it's really something else.
It's a computer program running in the brain.
2「意識は在るかもしれないが 何か別のものである ―
Three: No, the only thing that exists is really behavior.
意識は脳の中で動く コンピュータ・プログラムだ」
It's embarrassing how influential behaviorism was,
but I'll get back to that.
行動主義のかつての影響力を思うと 恥ずかしくなりますが
And four: Maybe consciousness exists,
but it can't make any difference to the world.
How could spirituality move anything?
Now, whenever somebody tells me that, I think,
「心的なものが 何か動かせるとでも?」
you want to see spirituality move something?
誰かがこう言うたびに 「見せようか?」と聞きたくなります
Watch. I decide consciously to raise my arm,
誰かがこう言うたびに 「見せようか?」と聞きたくなります
and the damn thing goes up. (Laughter)
見てください 私が意識的に手を上げようとすれば
Furthermore, notice this:
こいつは上がるんです (笑)
We do not say, "Well, it's a bit like the weather in Geneva.
Some days it goes up and some days it doesn't go up."
私達はこうは言いません 「腕はジュネーブの天気みたいだ ―
No. It goes up whenever I damn well want it to.
上がる日もあれば 上がらない日もある」
Okay. I'm going to tell you how that's possible.
そうではなく 上げたい時には 上がるのです
Now, I haven't yet given you a definition.
You can't do this if you don't give a definition.
ああ 定義がまだでしたね
People always say consciousness is very hard to define.
I think it's rather easy to define
意識の定義は 難しいと言われます
if you're not trying to give a scientific definition.
We're not ready for a scientific definition,
but here's a common-sense definition.
科学的な定義は まだできませんが
Consciousness consists of all those states of feeling
常識的な定義なら こうです
or sentience or awareness.
意識とは 感情 感覚 認識の あらゆる状態から成るものです
It begins in the morning when you wake up from a dreamless sleep,
意識とは 感情 感覚 認識の あらゆる状態から成るものです
and it goes on all day until you fall asleep
意識は 夢を見なかった場合 朝 目覚めた時に始まり ―
or die or otherwise become unconscious.
Dreams are a form of consciousness on this definition.
終わるのは 眠るか 死ぬか 意識がなくなる時です
Now, that's the common-sense definition. That's our target.
夢は この定義では 意識の一種です
If you're not talking about that, you're not talking about consciousness.
これが常識的定義です 検討するのは この定義です
But they think, "Well, if that's it, that's an awful problem.
当てはまらないものは 意識ではないと考えます
How can such a thing exist as part of the real world?"
こう考える人もいるでしょう 「仮にその通りだとしても ―
And this, if you've ever had a philosophy course,
そんなものがどうやって 現実世界に存在できるのか?」
this is known as the famous mind-body problem.
哲学を学んだ方なら ご存じでしょう
I think that has a simple solution too. I'm going to give it to you.
これが かの有名な心身問題です
And here it is: All of our conscious states, without exception,
この問題の単純な 解決策はこうです
are caused by lower-level neurobiological processes in the brain,
私達の意識状態は 例外なくすべて ―
and they are realized in the brain
脳の低次の神経生物学的 プロセスから生じ
as higher-level or system features.
より高次の機能 または ―
It's about as mysterious as the liquidity of water.
Right? The liquidity is not an extra juice squirted out
意識にまつわる謎は 水の流動性に似ています
by the H2O molecules.
そうでしょう? 流動性は水分子が液体を ―
It's a condition that the system is in.
And just as the jar full of water can go from liquid to solid
depending on the behavior of the molecules,
ちょうど容器いっぱいの水が 分子の挙動に従って
so your brain can go from a state of being conscious
to a state of being unconscious,
depending on the behavior of the molecules.
意識がある状態から 無意識の状態へと変化します
The famous mind-body problem is that simple.
意識がある状態から 無意識の状態へと変化します
All right? But now we get into some harder questions.
有名な心身問題も こんなに単純なのです
Let's specify the exact features of consciousness,
次に もっと難しい問題に 取りかかりましょう
so that we can then answer those four objections
意識の様々な特徴 そのものを特定することで
that I made to it.
先ほどあげた4つの意見に 反論していきましょう
Well, the first feature is, it's real and irreducible.
先ほどあげた4つの意見に 反論していきましょう
You can't get rid of it.
意識の第一の特徴は 実在していて 他のものに還元できない点です
You see, the distinction between reality and illusion
is the distinction between how things
consciously seem to us and how they really are.
It consciously seems like there's --
I like the French "arc-en-ciel" —
フランス語で "arc-en-ciel"(虹) と言うように 意識の中では
it seems like there's an arch in the sky,
フランス語で "arc-en-ciel"(虹) と言うように 意識の中では
or it seems like the sun is setting over the mountains.
虹は 空にかかるアーチのように見え
It consciously seems to us, but that's not really happening.
太陽は 山の向こうに 沈んでいくように見えます
But for that distinction between
意識の中では そう見えても 実際に起きている事とは違います
how things consciously seem and how they really are,
you can't make that distinction for the very existence of consciousness,
because where the very existence of consciousness is concerned,
同様の区別を意識の存在に対して 当てはめることはできません
if it consciously seems to you that you are conscious,
なぜなら意識の存在自体を 問題にする場合 ―
you are conscious.
I mean, if a bunch of experts come to me and say,
"We are heavy-duty neurobiologists and we've done a study
専門家が次々にやってきて 私にこう言ったとします
of you, Searle, and we're convinced you are not conscious,
you are a very cleverly constructed robot,"
研究の結果 君には 意識がないという結論に至った
I don't think, "Well, maybe these guys are right, you know?"
I don't think that for a moment, because, I mean,
でも「そうかも知れない」 などとは考えません
Descartes may have made a lot of mistakes, but he was right about this.
そんなことを 少しも考えないのは
You cannot doubt the existence of your own consciousness.
この件に限っては デカルトが正しく ―
Okay, that's the first feature of consciousness.
自分の意識の存在は 自分では疑えないからです
It's real and irreducible.
You cannot get rid of it by showing that it's an illusion
in a way that you can with other standard illusions.
意識は錯覚であると 指摘したところで
Okay, the second feature is this one
普通の錯覚のように 無視することはできません
that has been such a source of trouble to us,
and that is, all of our conscious states
私達にとって厄介な 問題の種になっています
have this qualitative character to them.
There's something that it feels like to drink beer
それぞれ固有の質感を 備えているという点です
which is not what it feels like to do your income tax
or listen to music, and this qualitative feel
automatically generates a third feature,
音楽を聴くときの感覚とは 違った何かがあります
namely, conscious states are by definition subjective
in the sense that they only exist as experienced
すなわち意識状態とは 人間や動物といった主体 ―
by some human or animal subject,
つまり意識状態を経験する 何らかの自己の
some self that experiences them.
Maybe we'll be able to build a conscious machine.
当然 主観的なものです
Since we don't know how our brains do it,
意識を持つ機械が できる可能性はあっても
we're not in a position, so far, to build a conscious machine.
人間の脳が意識を持つ 仕組みが不明なので
Okay. Another feature of consciousness
今のところ そんな機械を 作れる状況ではありません
is that it comes in unified conscious fields.
So I don't just have the sight of the people in front of me
統合された意識の場として 現れることです
and the sound of my voice and the weight of my shoes
私は単に 目の前にいる人々の映像と
against the floor, but they occur to me
自分の声と 床を踏む自分の靴の重さとを
as part of one single great conscious field
that stretches forward and backward.
これらの知覚は前後に広がる 1つの大きな意識の場の
That is the key to understanding
the enormous power of consciousness.
And we have not been able to do that in a robot.
The disappointment of robotics derives from the fact
まだロボットで 実現するのは不可能なことです
that we don't know how to make a conscious robot,
残念ながら ロボット工学の分野で
so we don't have a machine that can do this kind of thing.
意識を与える方法が 発見されるまで
Okay, the next feature of consciousness,
意識の場を持つ機械は 手に入らないのです
after this marvelous unified conscious field,
この統合した意識の場という ―
is that it functions causally in our behavior.
すごい特徴に続くのは 意識が 私達の行動の
I gave you a scientific demonstration by raising my hand,
but how is that possible?
先ほど私は手を上げることで 科学的に示しましたが
How can it be that this thought in my brain
can move material objects?
脳の中で考えたことが どういう仕組みで
Well, I'll tell you the answer.
I mean, we don't know the detailed answer,
but we know the basic part of the answer, and that is,
there is a sequence of neuron firings,
and they terminate where the acetylcholine
is secreted at the axon end-plates of the motor neurons.
運動ニューロンの軸索末端に 信号が到達すると
Sorry to use philosophical terminology here,
but when it's secreted at the axon end-plates of the motor neurons,
a whole lot of wonderful things happen in the ion channels
運動ニューロンの軸索末端で アセチルコリンが分泌されると
and the damned arm goes up.
イオンチャンネルで すごいことが次々起こって
Now, think of what I told you.
One and the same event,
ここまでの話を 考えてみてください
my conscious decision to raise my arm
has a level of description where it has all of these
touchy-feely spiritual qualities.
別のレベルでは 感覚的で心的な性質があると
It's a thought in my brain, but at the same time,
it's busy secreting acetylcholine
意識的な決定とは 脳内の思考であると同時に
and doing all sorts of other things
アセチルコリンを せっせと分泌することや
as it makes its way from the motor cortex
down through the nerve fibers in the arm.
腕の神経線維までの間に生じる ―
Now, what that tells us is that our traditional vocabularies
その他の様々な 現象でもあるのです
for discussing these issues are totally obsolete.
ここからわかるのは 私達が意識の問題を
One and the same event has a level of description
語る時の表現は 時代遅れだということです
where it's neurobiological, and another level of description
同一の事象を 神経生物学的にも
where it's mental, and that's a single event,
心的にも説明できますが それでも事象は一つです
and that's how nature works. That's how it's possible
for consciousness to function causally.
Okay, now with that in mind,
with going through these various features of consciousness,
let's go back and answer some of those early objections.
Well, the first one I said was, consciousness doesn't exist,
先ほどの反論の いくつかに答えていきましょう
it's an illusion. Well, I've already answered that.
最初の反論は 「意識は錯覚で存在しない」です
I don't think we need to worry about that.
これにはもう答えたので 気にしなくていいでしょう
But the second one had an incredible influence,
これにはもう答えたので 気にしなくていいでしょう
and may still be around, and that is,
2つ目は驚くほど影響力があって 今でも耳にするかも知れません
"Well, if consciousness exists, it's really something else.
2つ目は驚くほど影響力があって 今でも耳にするかも知れません
It's really a digital computer program running in your brain
「意識が存在するとしても 本当は何か別のものである
and that's what we need to do to create consciousness
それは脳の中で動く コンピュータ・プログラムで
is get the right program.
意識を作るには 適切なプログラムを手に入れればいい
Yeah, forget about the hardware. Any hardware will do
意識を作るには 適切なプログラムを手に入れればいい
provided it's rich enough and stable enough to carry the program."
ハードウェアは気にするな プログラムを持てる位 ―
Now, we know that that's wrong.
豊かで 安定していれば どんなものでもいい」
I mean, anybody who's thought about computers at all
これが誤りなのは はっきりしています
can see that that's wrong, because computation
コンピュータについて 少しでも考えたことがある人なら
is defined as symbol manipulation,
usually thought of as zeros as ones, but any symbols will do.
情報処理の定義は 記号を操作することだからです
You get an algorithm that you can program
普通は0 と 1 ですが どんな記号でも使えます
in a binary code, and that's the defining trait
あるアルゴリズムを 2進コードでプログラムできることが
of the computer program.
コンピュータ・プログラムを 定義する特徴です
But we know that that's purely syntactical. That's symbolic.
コンピュータ・プログラムを 定義する特徴です
We know that actual human consciousness has something more than that.
でもこれは純粋に文法的 記号的なものです
It's got a content in addition to the syntax.
実際の人間の意識には それ以上のものがあります
It's got a semantics.
意識は文法に加えて 内容も持っています
Now that argument, I made that argument 30 --
oh my God, I don't want to think about it —
私がこの議論をしたのは ―
more than 30 years ago,
考えるのもイヤになりますが 30年以上前のことです
but there's a deeper argument implicit in what I've told you,
考えるのもイヤになりますが 30年以上前のことです
and I want to tell you that argument briefly, and that is,
consciousness creates an observer-independent reality.
重大な論点があるので 簡単にお話しします
It creates a reality of money, property, government,
意識が作る現実は 観察者から独立しているという考えです
marriage, CERN conferences,
意識は お金とか資産とか政府 ―
cocktail parties and summer vacations,
結婚 CERNでの会合 カクテル・パーティーや ―
and all of those are creations of consciousness.
Their existence is observer-relative.
これらはすべて 意識が作り出すものです
It's only relative to conscious agents that a piece of paper
その存在は観察者の 捉え方に依存します
is money or that a bunch of buildings is a university.
Now, ask yourself about computation.
紙切れが お金になったり 建物群が大学になるのです
Is that absolute, like force and mass and gravitational attraction?
ここで情報処理について 考えてみてください
Or is it observer-relative?
それは力や質量や重力のように 絶対的なものでしょうか?
Well, some computations are intrinsic.
I add two plus two to get four.
That's going on no matter what anybody thinks.
But when I haul out my pocket calculator
誰がどう考えようと 変わりはありません
and do the calculation, the only intrinsic phenomenon
is the electronic circuit and its behavior.
計算する場合 本質的な事象は
That's the only absolute phenomenon.
電気回路と その挙動だけです
All the rest is interpreted by us.
Computation only exists relative to consciousness.
Either a conscious agent is carrying out the computation,
情報処理は意識による 解釈なしには存在しません
or he's got a piece of machinery that admits of a computational interpretation.
意識を持つ行為者が 処理を実行するか ―
Now that doesn't mean computation is arbitrary.
解釈可能な処理をする 機器を持つかのどちらかです
I spent a lot of money on this hardware.
処理自体はいいかげんな ものではありません
But we have this persistent confusion
機器には お金をかけているんですから
between objectivity and subjectivity as features of reality
一方 混同しがちなのが
and objectivity and subjectivity as features of claims.
「現実」が備える特徴としての 主観性・客観性と ―
And the bottom line of this part of my talk is this:
「主張」の特徴としての 主観性・客観性です
You can have a completely objective science,
ここでの話の要点は こうです
a science where you make objectively true claims,
客観的に真である主張をする ―
about a domain whose existence is subjective,
whose existence is in the human brain
たとえそれが 主観的な存在である領域 ―
consisting of subjective states of sentience
つまり人間の脳内に存在する 感覚や感情 認識といった ―
or feeling or awareness.
主観からなる領域が 対象であってもです
So the objection that you can't have an objective science of consciousness
主観からなる領域が 対象であってもです
because it's subjective and science is objective, that's a pun.
したがって「意識は主観的で 科学は客観的だから
That's a bad pun on objectivity and subjectivity.
客観的な 意識の科学は不可能」 と言うのは冗談みたいな話です
You can make objective claims
客観性と主観性に関する できの悪い冗談です
about a domain that is subjective in its mode of existence,
and indeed that's what neurologists do.
I mean, you have patients that actually suffer pains,
事実 神経科医はやっています
and you try to get an objective science of that.
Okay, I promised to refute all these guys,
その痛みを客観的 科学的に捉えようとします
and I don't have an awful lot of time left,
さて 全て論破すると 約束しましたが
but let me refute a couple more of them.
I said that behaviorism ought to be
one of the great embarrassments of our intellectual culture,
私は先程 こう言いました
because it's refuted the moment you think about it.
「行動主義は 少し考えれば間違いだとわかる ―
Your mental states are identical with your behavior?
私達の知的文化における 最大級の恥である」
Well, think about the distinction between feeling a pain
だって 精神状態と行動が イコールだと思いますか?
and engaging in pain behavior.
例えば 痛みを感じることと 痛みに対する反応との
I won't demonstrate pain behavior, but I can tell you
I'm not having any pains right now.
So it's an obvious mistake. Why did they make the mistake?
The mistake was — and you can go back and read
だからこれは明らかな誤りです なぜこんな間違いをしたのか?
the literature on this, you can see this over and over —
間違いの元は ―
they think if you accept the irreducible existence
過去の文献を読むと 繰り返し登場しますが
of consciousness, you're giving up on science.
行動主義者の考えでは意識を 他のものに還元できない存在と認めたら
You're giving up on 300 years of human progress
and human hope and all the rest of it.
過去300年間の 人類の進歩も希望も すべて ―
And the message I want to leave you with is,
consciousness has to become accepted
皆さん 覚えておいてください
as a genuine biological phenomenon,
意識は 純然たる生物学的な現象で
as much subject to scientific analysis
as any other phenomenon in biology,
or, for that matter, the rest of science.
意識を 科学的な分析の 対象として認めるべきです
Thank you very much.
意識を 科学的な分析の 対象として認めるべきです