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I'd like to talk to you today
翻訳: Reiko Bovee 校正: Takako Sato
about a whole new way to think about sexual activity
今日 お話ししたい事は —
and sexuality education, by comparison.
性行為や性教育に関しての —
If you talk to someone today in America
about sexual activity,
もし今日アメリカで 性行為について —
you'll find pretty soon you're not just talking
about sexual activity.
話しているのは 性行為だけではない事に —
You're also talking about baseball.
Because baseball is the dominant cultural metaphor
それは野球について 話しているとも言えるのです
that Americans use to think about
アメリカで 性行為について話す時 —
and talk about sexual activity,
野球が例えとして —
and we know that because there's
all this language in English
that seems to be talking about baseball
but that's really talking about sexual activity.
So, for example, you can be a pitcher or a catcher,
and that corresponds to whether you
あなたがピッチャーか キャッチャーだとします
perform a sexual act or receive a sexual act.
それはあなたが性行為を —
Of course, there are the bases,
受ける側か与える側か の比喩です
which refer to specific sexual activities
明確な順序で —
that happen in a very specific order,
具体的な性行為を意味する —
ultimately resulting in scoring a run
or hitting a home run,
最終的に点を取ったり ホームランという —
which is usually having vaginal intercourse
to the point of orgasm,
通常それは膣性交で —
at least for the guy.
オーガズムに達する事を 意味しています
You can strike out, which means
you don't get to have any sexual activity.
And if you're a benchwarmer,
you might be a virgin or somebody who for
whatever reason isn't in the game,
maybe because of your age or because of your ability
or because of your skillset.
それは年齢によるものか 不能なのか —
A bat's a penis,
技術的問題が 原因なのかもしれません
and a nappy dugout is a vulva, or a vagina.
バットはペニスを意味し —
A glove or a catcher's mitt is a condom.
A switch-hitter is a bisexual person,
グローブやキャッチャーミットは コンドーム
and we gay and lesbian folks play for the other team.
スイッチヒッターは バイセクシュアル
And then there's this one:
ゲイやレスビアンは 相手チームの為にプレイします
"if there's grass on the field, play ball."
And that usually refers to
「野原があれば 野球をしよう」
if a young person, specifically often a young woman,
それは通常 こういうことです
is old enough to have pubic hair,
もし若者 特に若い女性で —
she's old enough to have sex with.
恥毛があるなら 十分に —
This baseball model is incredibly problematic.
性交可能な年齢だ という意味です
It's sexist. It's heterosexist.
この野球モデルには 驚くべき問題があります
It's competitive. It's goal-directed.
And it can't result in healthy sexuality
developing in young people or in adults.
それでは 若い人達や大人達の中に —
So we need a new model.
健全な性を 育てる事にはなりません
I'm here today to offer you that new model.
And it's based on
そのモデル紹介の為に 今日は来たのです
そのモデルは —
Now pizza is something that is universally understood
and that most people associate with a positive experience.
So let's do this.
殆どの人はピザから ポジティブなものを想像します
Let's take baseball and pizza and compare it
when talking about three aspects of sexual activity:
性行為の3つの点を 話し合うのに —
the trigger for sexual activity,
野球とピザを 比較してみましょう
what happens during sexual activity,
性行為を触発するもの —
and the expected outcome of sexual activity.
行為の間に起きる事 —
So when do you play baseball?
You play baseball when it's baseball season
and when there's a game on the schedule.
野球シーズン時や —
It's not exactly your choice.
So if it's prom night or a wedding night
必ずしも 自分で選べませんね
or at a party or if our parents aren't home,
プロムナイトか 結婚式の夜か —
hey, it's just batter up.
パーティの時か 親が留守の時です
Can you imagine saying to your coach,
"Uh, I'm not really feeling it today,
I think I'll sit this game out."
「今日は そんな気分になれないので
That's just not the way it happens.
And when you get together to play baseball,
immediately you're with two opposing teams,
野球をしようと集まれば —
one playing offense, one playing defense,
直ちに 相対する2チームが 集まります
somebody's trying to move deeper into the field.
1つのチームは防御 もう一方は攻撃
That's usually a sign to the boy.
Somebody's trying to defend people moving into the field.
That's often given to the girl.
グラウンドを突き進む人を 押さえようとする姿は
It's competitive.
We're not playing with each other.
We're playing against each other.
And when you show up to play baseball,
nobody needs to talk about what we're going to do
あなたが野球の試合に現れても —
or how this baseball game might be good for us.
何をするか 試合をどう進めて行くか
Everybody knows the rules.
You just take your position and play the game.
皆 ルールを知っています
But when do you have pizza?
ただ自分のポジションにつき 試合をするだけです
Well, you have pizza when you're hungry for pizza.
It starts with an internal sense, an internal desire, or a need.
ピザを食べたい時に 食べますね
"Huh. I could go for some pizza."
内から来る感覚 欲望 または 必要性からです
「そうね ピザでも食べようか」
And because it's an internal desire,
we actually have some sense of control over that.
内から来る欲望なので —
I could decide that I'm hungry
but know that it's not a great time to eat.
お腹が空いたと 解りはしますが —
And then when we get together with someone for pizza,
食べるべき時かそうでないか 判断出来ます
we're not competing with them,
それで誰かとピザを 一緒に食べる時 —
we're looking for an experience
その人とは 競争していません
that both of us will share
2人が満足出来る事 —
that's satisfying for both of us,
2人が分かち合う事 —
and when you get together for pizza with somebody,
そんな経験を 求めているのです
what's the first thing you do?
ピザを食べようと 集まったら —
You talk about it.
You talk about what you want.
You talk about what you like.
You may even negotiate it.
何を食べたいかを 話し合いますね
"How do you feel about pepperoni?" (Laughter)
交渉さえ するかもしれません
"Not so much, I'm kind of a mushroom guy myself."
"Well, maybe we can go half and half."
「あんまり好きじゃない マッシュルームの方がいい」
And even if you've had pizza with somebody
for a very long time,
たとえ 随分長い間
don't you still say things like,
"Should we get the usual?"
"Or maybe something a little more adventurous?"
Okay, so when you're playing baseball,
「それとも もう少し 何か冒険してみる?」
so if we talk about during sexual activity,
when you're playing baseball,
you're just supposed to round the bases
in the proper order one at a time.
正しい順に 1つずつ ベースを —
You can't hit the ball and run to right field.
That doesn't work.
ボールを打たずに 1塁には走れません
And you also can't get to second base and say,
"I like it here. I'm going to stay here."
2塁のベースに行って —
「ここが好きだから ここにいるよ」 とは言えません
And also, of course, with baseball, there's, like,
the specific equipment and a specific skill set.
野球は当然の事ながら —
Not everybody can play baseball. It's pretty exclusive.
特殊な道具 あらゆる技術 が必要で —
Okay, but what about pizza?
誰でも出来るわけではなく かなり限られてます
When we're trying to figure out what's good for pizza,
isn't it all about what's our pleasure?
ピザのいい点は と考えると —
There are a million different kinds of pizza.
喜び以外に 何もありませんね
There's a million different toppings.
あらゆる種類のピザ —
There's a million different ways to eat pizza.
あらゆる種類のトッピング —
And none of them are wrong. They're different.
And in this case, difference is good,
どれも間違いではなく 異なっているだけです
because that's going to increase the chance
that we're having a satisfying experience.
なぜなら それだけ満足できる経験の
And lastly, what's the expected outcome of baseball?
Well, in baseball, you play to win.
最後に 野球から どんな結果を期待出来ますか
You score as many runs as you can.
野球では勝とうと試合をし —
There's always a winner in baseball,
走者を多く出す程 点が上がります
and that means there's always a loser in baseball.
But what about pizza?
という事は 必ず敗者がいるという事です
Well, in pizza, we're not really --
there's no winning. How do you win pizza?
そうですね 勝利はありません
You don't. But you do look for,
"Are we satisfied?"
あり得ません 楽しむだけです
And sometimes that can be different amounts
over different times or with different people
時には 違った時に —
or on different days.
違った人と 違った日に —
And we get to decide when we feel satisfied.
If we're still hungry, we might have some more.
If you eat too much, though,
もしまだ空腹なら もっと食べるかもしれません
you just feel gross.
でも食べ過ぎたら —
So what if we could take this pizza model
and overlay it on top of sexuality education?
もしこのピザモデルを —
A lot of sexuality education that happens today
性教育に 取り入れてみたらどうでしょう
is so influenced by the baseball model,
今の性教育の多くは —
and it sets up education that can't help
野球のモデルに 影響されていて —
but produce unhealthy sexuality in young people.
若年層に不健全な性が 生まれざるを得ない —
And those young people become older people.
そんな教育を つくっているのです
But if we could create sexuality education
that was more like pizza,
でも もしピザの様な —
we could create education that invites people
性教育を作ったなら —
to think about their own desires,
人を受け入れる教育を 作れるでしょう
to make deliberate decisions about what they want,
to talk about it with their partners,
and to ultimately look for
パートナーと共に話し合い —
not some external outcome
最終的には 外的成果でなく —
but for what feels satisfying,
お互いの満足感を —
and we get to decide that.
You may have noticed
in the baseball and pizza comparison,
もう気がつかれた かもしれませんが
under the baseball, it's all commands.
野球とピザの比較で 言えることは —
They're all exclamation points.
野球では全てが感嘆符での —
But under the pizza model, they're questions.
And who gets to answer those questions?
You do. I do.
そんな質問に 答えられるのは誰でしょう?
So remember, when we're thinking about
あなたで そして私です
sexuality education and sexual activity,
baseball, you're out.
性教育と性行為に ついて考える時 —
Pizza is the way to think about healthy,
野球モデルは もう古いのです
satisfying sexual activity,
ピザモデルは 健全で満足な性行為を —
and good, comprehensive sexuality education.
Thank you very much for your time.