字幕表 動画を再生する
The Khan Academy is most known
翻訳: Yasushi Aoki 校正: Satoshi Tatsuhara
for its collection of videos,
so before I go any further,
充実したビデオで 知られているので
let me show you a little bit of a montage.
最初に少し その一部を
(Video) Salman Khan: So the hypotenuse is now going to be five.
紹介ビデオで 見ていただきましょう
This animal's fossils are only found in this area of South America --
だから斜辺の長さは 5になります
a nice clean band here --
この動物の化石が見つかるのは 南アメリカのこの地域
and this part of Africa.
We can integrate over the surface,
それにアフリカの この地域だけです
and the notation usually is a capital sigma.
この曲面上で 積分できますが
National Assembly: They create the Committee of Public Safety,
記号としては ふつう大文字のΣを使います
which sounds like a very nice committee.
国民公会は 公安委員会を作りました
Notice, this is an aldehyde,
公安というと 聞こえはよいですね
and it's an alcohol.
ほら これがアルデヒドで
Start differentiating into effector and memory cells.
A galaxy. Hey, there's another galaxy.
エフェクターと記憶細胞に 分化し始めます
Oh look, there's another galaxy.
銀河だ ほら ここにも銀河
And for dollars, is their 30 million,
あ こっちにも銀河がある
plus the 20 million dollars from the American manufacturer.
金額としては 彼らの3千万ドルに加え
If this does not blow your mind,
アメリカの製造業者からの 2千万ドルがあります
then you have no emotion.
もしこれに心を 奪われないのだとしたら
きっと君には 感情がないのでしょう
SK: We now have on the order
of 2,200 videos
covering everything from basic arithmetic
all the way to vector calculus
and some of the stuff you saw there.
We have a million students a month using the site,
他にもご覧いただいた ようなものがあります
watching on the order of 100 to 200,000 videos a day.
But what we're going to talk about in this
1日に10万から20万回 ビデオが見られています
is how we're going to the next level.
今回は 私たちが 取り組んでいる
But before I do that,
次の段階について お話しします
I want to talk a little bit about really just how I got started.
しかし その前に
And some of you all might know,
これを始めた経緯について お話ししましょう
about five years ago I was an analyst at a hedge fund,
ご存じの方も いるかもしれませんが
and I was in Boston,
5年前 私はヘッジファンドの アナリストでした
and I was tutoring my cousins in New Orleans, remotely.
And I started putting the first YouTube videos up
ニューオリンズのいとこに 遠隔で家庭教師をしていました
really just as a kind of nice-to-have,
それから何かの 足しになればと思って
just a supplement for my cousins --
YouTubeにビデオを アップし始めました
something that might give them a refresher or something.
And as soon as I put those first YouTube videos up,
something interesting happened --
YouTubeビデオを アップしてすぐ
actually a bunch of interesting things happened.
The first was the feedback from my cousins.
They told me
いとこが感想を 聞かせてくれたんですが
that they preferred me on YouTube than in person.
私から直接習うより いいそうです
And once you get over the backhanded nature of that,
there was actually something very profound there.
They were saying
これはすごく 根本的なことです
that they preferred the automated version of their cousin
to their cousin.
At first, it's very unintuitive,
but when you actually think about it from their point of view, it makes a ton of sense.
一見直感に 反するようですが
You have this situation
彼らの立場になって考えると 理解できます
where now they can pause and repeat their cousin,
私に時間を割かせる 負い目なしに
without feeling like they're wasting my time.
If they have to review something
that they should have learned a couple of weeks ago,
何週間前とか 何年前とかに
or maybe a couple of years ago,
they don't have to be embarrassed and ask their cousin.
復習しなければ ならない時も
They can just watch those videos. If they're bored, they can go ahead.
恐縮しながら 頼む必要はありません
They can watch it at their own time, at their own pace.
単にビデオを見ればよく 退屈な部分は飛ばすこともできます
And probably the least appreciated aspect of this
好きなときに 自分のペースで見られます
is the notion that the very first time,
もう1つ ビデオには ありがたい利点があります
the very first time
that you're trying to get your brain around a new concept,
the very last thing you need
is another human being saying, "Do you understand this?"
And that's what was happening with the interaction with my cousins before,
他の人に「理解できたか?」と 聞かれることでしょう
and now they can just do it
直接教えていたときには 私もよく聞いていました
in the intimacy of their own room.
The other thing that happened is --
くつろいで 勉強することができるのです
I put them on YouTube just --
それから こんなことも ありました
I saw no reason to make it private,
so I let other people watch it,
別に 非公開にすべき 理由もなかったので
and then people started stumbling on it,
誰でも見られるように していたんですが
and I started getting some comments and some letters
そうしたら ビデオを見た
and all sorts of feedback
世界中の人から コメントや手紙や
from random people from around the world.
And these are just a few.
This is actually from one of the original calculus videos.
And someone wrote just on YouTube --
これは最初の微積の ビデオに対して
it was a YouTube comment:
"First time I smiled doing a derivative."
「微分をしていて笑顔になったのは これが初めてです」
And let's pause here.
This person did a derivative
and then they smiled.
And then in a response to that same comment -- this is on the thread.
You can go on YouTube and look at these comments --
このコメントへのレスポンスとして 同じスレッドに
someone else wrote: "Same thing here.
I actually got a natural high and a good mood for the entire day.
Since I remember seeing
ナチュラルハイになって 1日良い気分でした
all of this matrix text in class,
and here I'm all like, 'I know kung fu.'"
『マトリックス』(行列)の教科書を 全部思い出して
And we get a lot of feedback all along those lines.
This clearly was helping people.
そういう反応が たくさんあります
But then, as the viewership kept growing and kept growing,
確かに人々の役に 立っていたのです
I started getting letters from people,
見る人の数は どんどん増えていき
and it was starting to become clear
that it was actually more than just a nice-to-have.
あのビデオは 「何かの足し」という
This is just an excerpt
以上のものなのだと 気づきました
from one of those letters.
"My 12 year-old son has autism
and has had a terrible time with math.
「12歳になる私の息子は 自閉症で
We have tried everything,
数学ではすごく 苦労していました
viewed everything, bought everything.
あらゆるものを 見て 買って 試す中で
We stumbled on your video on decimals and it got through.
Then we went on to the dreaded fractions. Again, he got it.
そこで初めて 小数を理解できたのです
We could not believe it.
その次の手強い分数も 理解できました
He is so excited."
And so you can imagine,
息子はもう 夢中になっています」
here I was an analyst at a hedge fund.
It was very strange for me to do something of social value.
私はヘッジファンドの アナリストだったんです
それが社会的に価値あることを やるなんて変な話です
But I was excited, so I kept going.
And then a few other things started to dawn on me.
私はとても嬉しくなって 続けました
That, not only would it help my cousins right now,
or these people who are sending letters,
私のビデオは いとこや 手紙を送ってくれた人たちに
but that this content will never go old,
今 役立つというだけでなく
that it could help their kids
教えている内容は 古くはならないので
or their grandkids.
If Isaac Newton
役立つかもしれない ということです
had done YouTube videos on calculus,
I wouldn't have to.
微積のYouTubeビデオを 残していたら
私がやる必要は なかったんです
Assuming he was good. We don't know.
まあ 彼がうまかったらの話ですが
The other thing that happened --
and even at this point, I said, "Okay, maybe it's a good supplement.
It's good for motivated students.
「きっといい補習教材に なってるんだ
It's good for maybe home schoolers."
やる気のある生徒や 親に教わる人には
But I didn't think it would be something
役立つのだろう」 と思っていました
that would somehow penetrate the classroom.
これが学校の教室に 入り込むとは
But then I started getting letters from teachers.
And the teachers would write, saying,
でも学校の先生から 手紙が来て
"We've used your videos to flip the classroom.
You've given the lectures, so now what we do ... " --
「私たちは あなたの ビデオを使って
and this could happen in every classroom in America tomorrow --
" ... what I do is I assign the lectures for homework,
これは将来アメリカ中の教室で 起きることかもしれません
and what used to be homework,
「・・・宿題としてビデオを見てくるように 指示しています
I now have the students doing in the classroom."
そして以前は 宿題にしていたことを
And I want to pause here for --
生徒たちは今や 教室でやっているのです」
I want to pause here for a second,
because there's a couple of interesting things.
・・・立ち止まって よく考えたいのです
One, when those teachers are doing that,
これにはとても 興味深い点があるからです
there's the obvious benefit --
the benefit that now their students
can enjoy the videos in the way that my cousins did.
つまり 生徒たちは 私のいとこ同様に
They can pause, repeat at their own pace,
ビデオを楽しむことが できるのです
at their own time.
一時停止し 繰り返し再生し
But the more interesting thing is --
自分のペースで 進められます
and this is the unintuitive thing when you talk about technology in the classroom --
by removing the one-size-fits-all lecture from the classroom
教室でのテクノロジー利用の話としては 直感に反するでしょうが
and letting students have a self-paced lecture at home,
一律的な講義を 教室からなくし
and then when you go to the classroom, letting them do work,
生徒に家で自分のペースで 講義を受けさせ
having the teacher walk around,
その後 教室で 先生のいるところで
having the peers actually be able to interact with each other,
these teachers have used technology
先生や他の生徒と 交流できようにすることで
to humanize the classroom.
先生たちは教室を テクノロジーによって
They took a fundamentally dehumanizing experience --
より人間的なものに 変えたのです
30 kids with their fingers on their lips,
教室というのは これまで非人間的な場でした
not allowed to interact with each other.
30人の子どもたちは 口を閉じ
A teacher, no matter how good,
互いにおしゃべり することができず
has to give this one-size-fits-all lecture
to 30 students --
blank faces, slightly antagonistic --
30人の無表情で 少し反抗的な生徒相手に
and now it's a human experience.
Now they're actually interacting with each other.
それが今や 人間的な体験へと変わり
So once the Khan Academy --
I quit my job
and we turned into a real organization --
we're a not-for-profit --
the question is, how do we take this to the next level?
How do we take what those teachers are doing
問題は これを どう次の段階へと進めるかです
to their natural conclusion?
どうすればあの先生たちの やっていることが
And so what I'm showing you over here,
当然の帰結に なるのでしょう?
these are actual exercises
that I started writing for my cousins.
私がいとこのために 作るようになった
The ones I started were much more primitive.
This is a more competent version of it.
最初のはもっと 素朴なものでしたが
But the paradigm here is, we'll generate as many questions as you need
これはずっと 改良されています
until you get that concept,
課題を理解して 10問連続で正解するまで
until you get 10 in a row.
And the Khan Academy videos are there.
You get hints, the actual steps for that problem,
カーンアカデミーの ビデオもあるし
if you don't know how to do it.
But the paradigm here, it seems like a very simple thing:
ヒントを見られるように なっています
10 in a row, you move on.
But it's fundamentally different than what's happening in classrooms right now.
10問連続で解けたら 先に進みます
In a traditional classroom,
これは今教室で行われていることとは 根本的に異なります
you have a couple of homework,
homework, lecture, homework, lecture,
and then you have a snapshot exam.
宿題 授業 宿題 授業
And that exam, whether you get a 70 percent, an 80 percent,
a 90 percent or a 95 percent,
理解できたのが70%だろうと 80%だろうと
the class moves on to the next topic.
90%だろうと 95%だろうと
And even that 95 percent student,
授業は先へと 進められます
what was the five percent they didn't know?
Maybe they didn't know what happens when you raise something to the zero power.
分からなかった5%は どうなるのか?
And then you go build on that in the next concept.
0乗が何になるのか 知らなくとも
That's analogous to
それを基礎にした 次の概念を学ぶのです
imagine learning to ride a bicycle,
自転車の乗り方を そんな風に
and maybe I give you a lecture ahead of time,
and I give you that bicycle for two weeks.
And then I come back after two weeks,
それから2週間ほど 自転車で実習させ
and I say, "Well, let's see. You're having trouble taking left turns.
その2週間が終わったら 言うのです
You can't quite stop.
「チェックするぞ 左折に難があるな
You're an 80 percent bicyclist."
So I put a big C stamp on your forehead
君は自転車乗りとしては 80点だ」
and then I say, "Here's a unicycle."
そして大きな「可」のスタンプを 額に押すと
But as ridiculous as that sounds,
「じゃあ次は一輪車だ」 と言うのです
that's exactly what's happening
馬鹿げた話に 聞こえるでしょうが
in our classrooms right now.
And the idea is you fast forward
まさに そういうことなのです
and good students start failing algebra all of a sudden
先へ進んでいくと できる生徒でも
and start failing calculus all of a sudden,
代数で急に 分からなくなったり
despite being smart, despite having good teachers,
微積で急に 分からなくなったりします
and it's usually because they have these Swiss cheese gaps
生徒や先生が ちゃんとしていてもです
that kept building throughout their foundation.
その理由は 基礎の部分に
So our model
スイスチーズみたいな 穴があるためです
is learn math the way you'd learn anything,
like the way you would learn a bicycle.
Stay on that bicycle. Fall off that bicycle.
Do it as long as necessary until you have mastery.
The traditional model,
乗りこなせるようになるまで 必要なだけ続けます
it penalizes you for experimentation and failure,
but it does not expect mastery.
実験して失敗したら 罰を与えられますが
We encourage you to experiment. We encourage you to failure.
それは上達への道では ありません
But we do expect mastery.
私たちは実験すること 失敗することを勧め
This is just another one of the modules.
そしてマスターすることを 期待しています
This is trigonometry.
This is shifting and reflecting functions.
And they all fit together.
これは関数の平行移動と 対称移動
We have about 90 of these right now.
And you can go to the site right now. It's all free. Not trying to sell anything.
そういうグループが 90ほどあります
But the general idea is that they all fit into this knowledge map.
無料でご覧いただけます 何かを売ろうというのではありません
That top node right there, that's literally single digit addition.
すべてがこの知識マップに 当てはまるようになっています
It's like one plus one is equal to two.
一番上にあるのは 文字通り1桁の足し算です
And the paradigm is, once you get 10 in a row on that,
1足す1は2みたいなことを 学びます
it keeps forwarding you to more and more advanced modules.
そして10問連続で 解けるようになったら
So if you keep further down the knowledge map,
だんだんと難しい題材に 進んでいきます
we're getting into more advanced arithmetic.
この知識マップを 下へと進んでいくと
Further down, you start getting into pre-algebra and early algebra.
Further down, you start getting into algebra one, algebra two,
さらに進むと 小学校や 中学校の代数があり
a little bit of precalculus.
さらに進むと 代数I 代数II
And the idea is, from this we can actually teach everything --
well, everything that can be taught
ここからすべてのことを 教えようと考えています
in this type of a framework.
まあ このような枠組みで
So you can imagine -- and this is what we are working on --
教えられることは ということですが
is from this knowledge map
you have logic, you have computer programming,
you have grammar, you have genetics,
論理学や プログラミングや
all based off of that core of,
文法や 遺伝学を
if you know this and that,
now you're ready for this next concept.
これとこれが分かれば 次にこれを学べると
Now that can work well for an individual learner,
and I encourage, one, for you to do it with your kids,
これは個人で学ぶ人に 最適です
but I also encourage everyone in the audience to do it yourself.
皆さんも お子さんと やってみてください
It'll change what happens at the dinner table.
皆さん自身も ぜひやってみてください
But what we want to do
きっと夕食のテーブルでの会話が 変わるでしょう
is to use the natural conclusion of the flipping of the classroom
先ほどの先生が メールしてくれた
that those early teachers had emailed me about.
And so what I'm showing you here,
当然のことに変えるのが 私たちの目指していることです
this is actually data from a pilot in the Los Altos school district,
where they took two fifth grade classes and two seventh grade classes
試験的に行っている データです
and completely gutted their old math curriculum.
5年生のクラス2つと 7年生のクラス2つで
These kids aren't using textbooks,
数学のカリキュラムを 刷新しました
they're not getting one-size-fits-all lectures.
子どもたちは 教科書を使いません
They're doing Khan Academy, they're doing that software,
for roughly half of their math class.
And I want to make it clear, we don't view this as the complete math education.
カーンアカデミーの ソフトウェアを使っています
What it does is -- and this is what's happening in Los Altos --
これが完結した数学教育だと 思っているわけではありません
it frees up time.
This is the blocking and tackling,
時間を作り出す ということです
making sure you know how to move through a system of equations,
つまずき 体当たりすることで
and it frees up time for the simulations, for the games,
連立方程式を しっかり身に付けられ
for the mechanics, for the robot building,
一方でシミュレーションや ゲームをやり
for the estimating how high that hill is based on its shadow.
And so the paradigm is the teacher walks in every day,
影の長さで丘の高さを測るための 時間を作り出せるのです
every kid works at their own pace --
基本としては 先生が毎日やってきて
and this is actually a live dashboard from Los Altos school district --
子どもたちは 自分のペースでやります
and they look at this dashboard.
これはロスアルトス学区の ダッシュボードで
Every row is a student.
Every column is one of those concepts.
Green means the student's already proficient.
Blue means they're working on it -- no need to worry.
緑色は生徒が 既に理解していること
Red means they're stuck.
青は学習中で 問題がないこと
And what the teacher does is literally just say,
赤は行き詰まっていることを 示しています
"Let me intervene on the red kids."
Or even better, "Let me get one of the green kids
「ひとつ赤い子を見てやろう」 ということです
who are already proficient in that concept
to be the first line of attack
「この課題を もう理解している緑の子に
and actually tutor their peer."
クラスメートを 教えてもらおう」
Now I come from a very data-centric reality,
so we don't want that teacher to even go and intervene
私はデータを駆使する 世界にいたので
and have to ask the kid awkward questions:
"Oh, what do you not understand?" or "What do you do understand?"
子どもたちに ばつの悪い質問を させたくありません
and all of the rest.
So our paradigm is to really arm the teachers with as much data as possible --
really data that, in almost any other field, is expected,
先生たちには 可能な限り 情報の武器を渡します
if you're in finance or marketing or manufacturing --
金融やマーケティングや 製造のような分野同様
and so the teachers can actually diagnose what's wrong with the students
so they can make their interaction as productive as possible.
先生は生徒の抱えている 問題を把握して
So now the teachers know exactly what the students have been up to,
生徒との対話を 効果的に行えます
how long they have been spending every day, what videos have they been watching,
これによって それぞれの生徒が 何をやっているかわかり
when did they pause the videos, what did they stop watching,
毎日の勉強時間 見ているビデオ
what exercises are they using,
いつ止めたか やめたのは何か
what have they been focused on?
The outer circle shows what exercises they were focused on.
どこに集中しているかが わかります
The inner circle shows the videos they're focused on.
外側の輪は やっている 練習問題の範囲を示し
And the data gets pretty granular
内側の輪は 見ているビデオの 範囲を示しています
so you can see the exact problems that the student got right or wrong.
Red is wrong, blue is right.
生徒ができる問題 できない問題が正確にわかります
The leftmost question is the first question that the student attempted.
赤は間違いで 青は正解です
They watched the video right over there.
一番左は 最初にやった問題で
And then you can see, eventually, they were able to get 10 in a row.
It's almost like you can see them learning over those last 10 problems.
そして最後には 10問連続で解けました
They also got faster.
生徒がその10問を解いているのを 実際に見ているかのようです
The height is how long it took them.
So when you talk about self-paced learning,
高さはかかった時間を 表しています
it makes sense for everyone -- in education-speak, differentiated learning --
マイペースの学習というのは みんなに有用なものです
but it's kind of crazy when you see it in a classroom.
教育用語では「個別化学習」と 呼んでいますが
Because every time we've done this,
実際教室でやると すごいものがあります
in every classroom we've done,
over and over again, if you go five days into it,
there's a group of kids who've raced ahead
and there's a group of kids who are a little bit slower.
競って上がっていく 子どもたちと
And in a traditional model, if you did a snapshot assessment,
もっと遅い子どもたちとに 分かれます
you say, "These are the gifted kids, these are the slow kids.
今までは ある時点で 評価をして
Maybe they should be tracked differently.
「この子はできる子 この子はできない子だ」 と言っていました
Maybe we should put them in different classes."
But when you let every student work at their own pace --
and we see it over and over and over again --
you see students who took a little bit [of] extra time
これは何度も目にしている ことなのですが
on one concept or the other,
最初のいくつかの課題を 学ぶときに
but once they get through that concept,
時間のかかっていた 子どもたちが
they just race ahead.
And so the same kids that you thought were slow six weeks ago,
you now would think are gifted.
6週間前には できない子と思っていた子が
And we're seeing it over and over and over again.
今やできる子に なっているのです
And it makes you really wonder
そういうことは 何度もあります
how much all of the labels maybe a lot of us have benefited from
were really just due to a coincidence of time.
Now as valuable as something like this is
実際は 偶然にもたらされた ものかと思います
in a district like Los Altos,
our goal is to use technology
to humanize, not just in Los Altos, but on a global scale,
what's happening in education.
And actually, that kind of brings an interesting point.
教育の場を 人間的にすることです
A lot of the effort in humanizing the classroom
これは興味深い視点を もたらします
is focused on student-to-teacher ratios.
教室をより人間的な ものにする努力は
In our mind, the relevant metric
もっぱら「生徒あたりの先生の数」に 向けられています
is student-to-valuable-human-time-
私たちから見ると 重要な指標は
with-the-teacher ratio.
「生徒あたりの 貴重で人間的な先生の時間」
So the traditional model, most of the teacher's time
is spent doing lectures and grading tests and whatnot.
従来のやり方では 先生の時間のほとんどは
Maybe five percent of their time is actually sitting next to students
講義したり成績をつけたりすることに 費やされます
and actually working with them.
生徒の横について 一緒に取り組む時間は
Now 100 percent of their time is.
せいぜい5% といったものでしょう
So once again, using technology, not just flipping the classroom,
今や100%の時間を そこに充てられます
you're humanizing the classroom, I'd argue,
テクノロジーを使うことで 教室をひっくり返すだけでなく
by a factor of five or ten.
教室を人間的にすることが できるのです
And as valuable as that is in Los Altos,
それも5倍 10倍 という割合でです
imagine what that does to the adult learner
これはロスアルトスで 有効でしたが
who's embarrassed to go back and learn stuff
that they should have before, before going back to college.
当然の知識を 勉強し直そうとして
Imagine what it does
戸惑っている大人にも 役立ちます
to a street kid in Calcutta
日中は家族のため 働かなければならず
who has to help his family during the day,
そのため学校に 行くことができない
and that's the reason why he or she can't go to school.
カルカッタの 路上の子どもにも
Now they can spend two hours a day and remediate,
or get up to speed and not feel embarrassed
今や彼らは毎日2時間使って みんなに追いつき
about what they do or don't know.
Now imagine what happens where --
恥ずかしい思いを せずにすむのです
we talked about the peers teaching each other
inside of a classroom.
クラスメートが 教え合うところを
But this is all one system.
There's no reason why you can't have
これは同じ1つの システムですから
that peer-to-peer tutoring
beyond that one classroom.
Imagine what happens if that student in Calcutta
all of a sudden can tutor your son,
カルカッタの生徒が 突如皆さんのお子さんを教えはじめ
or your son can tutor that kid in Calcutta?
And I think what you'll see emerging
カルカッタの子どもに教えるところを 想像してみてください
is this notion of a global one-world classroom.
And that's essentially what we're trying to build.
全世界が1つの教室になる ということです
Thank you.
それが私たちの 作ろうとしているものです
Bill Gates: I've seen some things you're doing in the system
that have to do with motivation and feedback --
energy points, merit badges.
モチベーションや フィードバックに関すること
Tell me what you're thinking there.
ポイントやバッジといったものを 見せてもらったけど
SK: Oh yeah. No, we have an awesome team working on it.
どんなことを考えているのか 教えてもらえる?
And I have to make it clear, it's not just me anymore.
ええ すごいチームが 取り組んでいます
I'm still doing all the videos,
もう私1人でやっているわけでは ありません
but we have a rockstar team doing the software.
ビデオは今もすべて 私が作っていますが
Yeah, we've put a bunch of game mechanics in there
ソフトウェアを作っている 最高のチームがいます
where you get these badges,
いろんなゲームの要素を 組み込んでいて
we're going to start having leader boards by area, and you get points.
It's actually been pretty interesting.
バッジがもらえたり ポイントがついたりします
Just the wording of the badging or how many points you get for doing something,
we see on a system-wide basis,
バッジの名前や 何をやったら 何ポイントもらえるということで
like tens of thousands of fifth graders or sixth graders
何万という5年生 6年生たちが
going one direction or another,
depending what badge you give them.
あっちに向かったり しています
あのバッジがもらえるぞ ということで
BG: And the collaboration you're doing with Los Altos,
how did that come about?
ロスアルトスでやっている 共同作業は
SK: Los Altos, it was kind of crazy.
Once again, I didn't expect it to be used in classrooms.
Someone from their board came and said,
教室で使われることになるなんて 元々考えてなかったんですが
"What would you do if you had carte blanche in a classroom?"
あるとき委員の人たちが来て 聞きました
And I said, "Well, I would just, every student work at their own pace
「教室を白紙委任すると言ったら どうしますか?」
on something like this and we'd give a dashboard."
「私ならただ生徒たちに 自分のペースでやらせ
And they said, "Oh, this is kind of radical. We have to think about it."
ダッシュボードを用意します」 と答えました
And me and the rest of the team were like,
すると「それは過激ですね 考えさせてください」と言いました
"They're never going to want to do this."
But literally the next day they were like, "Can you start in two weeks?"
「やりましょうとはまず言わないだろうね」 と思っていたのに
次の日に「2週間後から始めていただけますか」 と言われたんです
BG: So fifth grade math is where that's going on right now?
SK: It's two fifth grade classes and two seventh grade classes.
今やっているのは 5年生の数学だったよね?
And they're doing it at the district level.
5年生のクラス2つと 7年生のクラス2つです
I think what they're excited about is they can now follow these kids.
地区というレベルで やっています
It's not an only-in-school thing.
先生たちが喜んでいるのは 子どもたちを追跡できる点です
We've even, on Christmas, we saw some of the kids were doing it.
学校の中だけでは ありません
And we can track everything.
クリスマスだろうと 勉強している子どもたちがいます
So they can actually track them as they go through the entire district.
あらゆることを 追跡できます
Through the summers, as they go from one teacher to the next,
地区全体で子どもたちを 追跡できるのです
you have this continuity of data
年度の区切りで 先生が変わっても
that even at the district level they can see.
BG: So some of those views we saw
地区というレベルで データを見られます
were for the teacher
to go in and track actually what's going on with those kids.
子どもたちが どういう具合か
So you're getting feedback on those teacher views
先生が追いかけられるように するためのものだね
to see what they think they mean?
だからこれを見た 先生たちから
SK: Oh yeah. Most of those were specs by the teachers.
フィードバックを 得られるわけだね?
We made some of those for students so they could see their data,
ええ この多くは 先生たちの要望で作ったものです
but we have a very tight design loop with the teachers themselves.
子どもたちが自分のデータを見られるように 作ったものもありますけど
And they're literally saying, "Hey, this is nice, but ... "
先生たちとしっかり 連携してやっています
Like that focus graph, a lot of the teachers said,
「これはいいんだけど ここのところを・・・」 と要望が来ます
"I have a feeling that a lot of the kids are jumping around
and not focusing on one topic."
「どうもみんな あちこち飛び回っていて
So we made that focus diagram.
集中していないようだ」 と言うので
So it's all been teacher-driven.
あのフォーカスダイアグラムを 作りました
It's been pretty crazy.
だから先生主導で やっています
BG: Is this ready for prime time?
Do you think a lot of classes next school year should try this thing out?
大々的に使われる準備が できていると思う?
SK: Yeah, it's ready.
来年度にはたくさんのクラスが これを試すべきだと思う?
We've got a million people on the site already,
ええ 準備できています
so we can handle a few more.
すでに百万という ユーザがいます
少しばかり増えても どうってことありません
No, no reason why it really can't happen
in every classroom in America tomorrow.
アメリカ中の教室が 明日使うようになって
BG: And the vision of the tutoring thing.
The idea there is, if I'm confused about a topic,
教え合うという ビジョンだけど
somehow right in the user interface
そのアイデアは 僕の勘違いでなければ
I'd find people who are volunteering,
maybe see their reputation,
and I could schedule and connect up with those people?
SK: Absolutely. And this is something
予定を入れたり 連絡を取ったり できるということかな?
that I recommend everyone in this audience to do.
Those dashboards the teachers have, you can go log in right now
そしてそれを この場の皆さんに おすすめしたいのです
and you can essentially become a coach
先生用のダッシュボードは 今すぐログインして見に行くことができ
for your kids, or nephews, or cousins,
自分の子どもや 甥や いとこや
or maybe some kids at the Boys and Girls Club.
And yeah, you can start becoming a mentor, a tutor,
really immediately.
相談相手や 先生に
But yeah, it's all there.
BG: Well, it's amazing.
I think you just got a glimpse of the future of education.
Thank you. (SK: Thank you.)
教育の未来を 垣間見せてもらった気がするよ
(ゲイツ) どうもありがとう (カーン) ありがとうございます