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  • Today we learn about movement inside of Counter-Strike. Time to die, terrorist scum!

  • Greetings, I, TheWarOwl greets you.

  • Today we're going to be talking about a very important topic inside of Counter-Strike

  • and that is movement. How the movement works, and how to apply it in game is probably the single most technically difficult

  • thing that you're going to be doing. It's something that takes hours and hours of practice to get right. That's something that you need to

  • understand to even play the game,

  • but you need to master in order to take your game to the next level - It's what separates good players from

  • not-so-good players. If you're coming from other shooters this may be a very foreign concept - in Overwatch for example,

  • there is no movement inaccuracy, and when you press the buttons to move your character,

  • it actually affects their velocity, not their acceleration like it does in Counter-Strike,

  • so it's like instantaneous

  • movements. For other games that are more similar to Counter-Strike in the movement, the other controls tend to be more clunky than

  • Counter-Strike which makes it very unique to Counter-Strike. Movement in Counter-Strike is one of the most uniquely

  • Counter-Strikey things that there is. What the movement variables should be is also the single most controversial

  • topic in Global Offensive in particular.

  • We see people post their ideal values all the time. Lots of tests have been ran.

  • Valve does read those and has responded to them, and has changed the movement slightly over the years, so how the movement worked four years

  • ago, at least the variables, is different than how it is now.

  • So instead of talking about what we think the movement should be,

  • let's look at what the movement is and how we can use that to own some noobs.

  • There are a number of different factors that affect your accuracy in Counter-Strike. There's the natural imprecision of the weapons,

  • there's the inaccuracy caused by shooting called recoil,

  • and then there's the movement inaccuracy which is the topic of this video.

  • The faster you're moving, the more

  • inaccurate you are going to be. If you move below a certain speed, your shots will be accurate. You want to shoot when you're in

  • this threshold. So how do you get there? Well,

  • you could just stand there like a socially awkward dummy at a party (or me my entire life),

  • but that makes you a massive target (and a massive target for bullying).

  • Movement in Counter-Strike is all about striking the perfect balance between being accurate when shooting and being difficult to hit.

  • We have a lot of tools to do this. The worst thing you can do is just outright run at your opponent,

  • you've made yourself inaccurate, and you're going to be in the same spot in his vision.

  • It's quite possibly the dumbest thing you can do, but still something I see

  • horrifyingly often in Matchmaking Academy demos for lower ranked players.

  • Strafing is the tool you'll use the most - "A" and "D" on your keyboard,

  • moving to the side.

  • It makes you a really difficult target to hit, and you can shoot accurately when you either stop or change directions.

  • So if I'm strafing left, and I want to stop to shoot some enemies, I can press "D" to stop faster.

  • This is called "Counter-Strafing". Using it over and over again predictably

  • is something we've pejoratively termed "ADAD". I take full responsibility for everyone doing this with my sidestep shooting tutorial from

  • 2012, that has 1.8 million views. This was early on when we were just learning Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and the movement values allowed you

  • to horribly abuse this. So does counter-strafing versus just letting your character stop

  • naturally slow your character down faster?

  • "Yes, it does. Pressing the movement buttons creates acceleration

  • so you are accelerating in the opposite direction of velocity so it slows you down faster." Movement inaccuracy

  • exists on its own separate from shooting inaccuracy. If you stand still and spray,

  • you can memorize the recoil pattern and then control for it. You can do the same thing while moving!

  • When your movement inaccuracy is high, there's no way to predict where the rounds will be going, but when it gets low,

  • it'll be the same, as if you were standing still the entire time, no matter where you are in the spray.

  • This means you can spray while ADAD and still get accurate shots when you change directions,

  • as long as you're controlling for recoil the entire time. If you ADAD very fast, it'll almost be like you'll never experience

  • movement inaccuracy at all. Doing this will help you avoid getting one tapped by aim players, while also being able to shoot accurately

  • yourself. You can begin to see how Counter-Strike is more

  • than just tapping heads. The vast majority of engagements in Counter-Strike however,

  • don't happen when you're in the open, so ADAD just isn't going to cut it - you're going to have to learn some techniques.

  • Most engagements are going to happen when you're at a corner.

  • You can counter-strafe a corner to peek your opponent to see what's going on without getting shot.

  • You can also use this the shoulder-peek your opponent. This is when you don't actually look around the corner,

  • you just strafe close enough to it that your shoulder is visible to the enemy. You can use this to bait out an enemy AWP-shot

  • and then repeek the corner and gain an advantage.

  • Counter-strafing a corner can also be used to pre-shoot

  • positions while keeping yourself safe. If you just step out into the open, and you miss your shot, you're a massive target.

  • You're gonna die. If you counter-strafe it, you have a much higher chance of getting away safely.

  • This takes a ton of practice. You'll have to strafe corners

  • over and over again and make sure you shoot at the common enemy positions.

  • This is something to do on your own time at a private server. Another really annoying technique

  • we see is counter-strafing corners and shooting every time you do it.

  • Something we call "jiggle-peeking". The opponent really has to be either

  • freakishly fast to hit you or time your movements and predict when you're going to peek. If you're really smart

  • you can erratically change up the pattern of how you peek an angle. To be the most difficult

  • target to hit you need to be the most unpredictable target. Most players get into a predictable pattern of

  • movement. After learning the basic mechanics try and break away from this and develop your own style of movement.

  • Because many players expect people to peek this way you can also catch your opponent's off-guard by wide-peeking

  • which is strafing out into the room away from the corner and

  • directly engaging your

  • opponent. This works best when the enemy doesn't have their own cover to escape behind and you know where they are. It's a power move.

  • It's also great when you think you've effectively flashed the opponent.

  • It's a way to take a position. When flashed some players will spam the close angle, assuming

  • you're going to peek. If you wide-peek you're going to avoid that. This kind of movement isn't just for the attackers.

  • Defenders will want to stay at a corner and use the same techniques on their opponent. There is a huge peekers advantage

  • inside of Counter-Strike and most combat in Counter-Strike is going to happen this way.

  • So that's strafing the most common technique that you should already be using and you're going to use every single time you engage an opponent.

  • Now let's talk about crouching. Press "control" to crouch. Like the

  • tutorial section at the start of a game you know where it tells you what buttons to press,

  • anyway, please don't set crouch to "toggle" in Counter-Strike. That's dumb.

  • You'll need to be able to very quickly control your crouching. This is a skill-based game guys this ain't Call of Duty

  • I often see people ask me about the accuracy benefits of crouching. In my opinion the lack of mobility that crouching gives you far

  • outweighs the accuracy benefit. At most distances your gun is precise enough.

  • You'll want to strafe-shoot! Crouching should be used to trick your opponent.

  • Good players go for headshots. If you crouch

  • the enemy won't get the headshot, it'll whiz over your head. You can crouch very close to corners to make your head a

  • difficult target to hit. Keep in mind:

  • They can still headshot you through the corner itself

  • but it is worth it when holding certain long distances. You can also incorporate

  • crouching into your peeking. If you strafe to peek and then you crouch as you do so, you'll slide out into the open and get

  • a chance to kill your opponent.

  • I personally tend to do this when repeeking with the AWP. If I shoot an enemy with the AWP the enemy now knows where I am

  • so if I want to quickly repeek,

  • I duck peek.

  • Their crosshair is usually going to be at head level where I am. It's a dumb idea to just walk out there. If I crouch-peek

  • they have to move their crosshair down and in that time I get one accurate shot

  • which of course is perfect if you're going to be AWPing. Because you only need one...

  • You only need that one perfect shot to take them down.

  • Crouching can also be used to get around the map using crouch jump

  • Certain positions require the player to pull their goofy legs up under them as they jump. Remember: If you shift walk and crouch jump up

  • to a higher elevation,

  • you won't make a sound.

  • You will make a sound if you go from a higher elevation to a lower elevation though in any case.

  • Oh, yeah, it is a movement tutorial. We got to talk about walking.

  • I'm sure this is all repetitive information,

  • but if you hold "shift", you'll walk and you don't make a sound. This is highly, highly, highly important inside of Counter-strike,

  • so you don't give your position away. Here's a little quick tip: If you see your teammate walking, please also walk!

  • He's walking for a reason. You have no idea

  • how annoying it is to walk all the way to a position only to have all your efforts ruined by a

  • doofus of a teammate clumping up behind you! Walk-peeking an angle is very dangerous because you're a massive target.

  • If someone is holding that angle you have a very low likelihood of living but you can walk-peek an angle in certain

  • situations to abuse perspective. Check out my perspective tutorial as a

  • prerequisite. If an enemy is close to an angle, you can walk peek far from the angle, allowing you to see your opponent

  • while they can't see you or at least see them first. Killing them while doing this will make them rage harder than...

  • me during a subscriber game on my Twitch stream. The last movement technique

  • we have to talk about is jumping. How nuanced jumping is. Normally jumping is really stupid because you make yourself inaccurate,

  • immobile and predictable. Jumping during combat will most definitely get you killed.

  • However, there are ways you can use complicated jumping techniques to your advantage. In Counter-strike, you can strafe in mid-air.

  • You can control your flight using your mouse pointing it in the direction you're facing so that your strafe makes you go in a circular

  • motion. This is called "air-strafing".

  • It's not very pronounced in Global Offensive,

  • but it still is pretty useful. When escaping an enemy, you can air-strafe around a corner,

  • It makes you a difficult target to hit and you don't lose any speed.

  • If your character is in the air the friction of the ground can't slow him down,

  • so you're going to be going at the same speed you were when you jumped. If you jump at just the right moment your character

  • hits the ground, the friction doesn't have a chance to slow him down, so you can preserve your momentum.

  • This is called "Bunnyhopping". Bunnyhopping is an entire topic on its own,

  • so we're not gonna be covering it fully,

  • but it is useful if you can do it

  • reliably. It's not easy though. Another useful technique for jumping is to jump up to a higher elevation

  • and then shoot as soon as you hit the ground. You can do this with a duck jump. When you hit the ground you'll get

  • an accurate shot so it's a little bit tough to deal with because it's hard to hit a player when they're jumping. There are very

  • specific angles where you can peek while doing this as well,

  • which is

  • incredibly difficult to deal with if you're on the receiving end because you don't expect it. All of a sudden someone is going to be

  • peeking and shooting immediately from a strange position. When thinking about movements inside of Counter-Strike don't think about how a human

  • walks around in the real world. A video game movement isn't even close to the complexity of real-world-movements.

  • In fact we have difficulty simulating real-world-movement at all

  • with computers. You have to abstract what you see going on in the screen into what's actually going on inside of the code.

  • Decompile the false reality with your mind.

  • With enough practice you'll develop a feel for the movements inside of the games. It's very jarring for new players, It's like learning a new language.

  • Be patient, your brain is amazing!

  • It will adapt if you train it properly. And as always: I'm TheWarOwl and I still

  • have no closer.

  • Why is this recording? I didn't s...

Today we learn about movement inside of Counter-Strike. Time to die, terrorist scum!


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CS:GOムーブメントガイド (CS:GO Movement Guide)

  • 68 5
    黃威詮 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日