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  • Hi friends, I'm Niharika and thanks for clicking. Well, in today's lesson, we are gonna look

  • at world currencies. Now different countries have different currencies. In fact there's

  • another word for currencies which is monetary units. In fact what kind of money you use

  • depends on where you are living or depends on where you are travelling to. So in this

  • lesson, we are gonna look at the major world currencies. Of course the most major world

  • currency that is traded is the US dollar and then the second place goes to the Euro but

  • there are 167 official currencies that are circulating around the world. That's quite

  • interesting. Now I haven't included all the 167 currencies because that's not quite possible

  • but I have included the most major world currencies.

  • So we are gonna start with Australia. Now in Australia, the currency that Australians

  • use is the Australian dollar. Now we also have an ISO code for each and every currency.

  • So for Australia, for the Australian dollar, it is AUD, okay.

  • Let's move on to another country which is, Austria. Well Austria is the part of Europe

  • and the currency that's used in Austria is euro and of course the ISO code is EUR, alright.

  • Then let's move to Brazil. Yes, well in Brazil, we use Brazilian Real and the ISO code is

  • BRL.

  • Let's move on to another country which is, Canada, the cold Canada. Now in Canada, the

  • currency that we use is dollar. Okay it's Canadian dollar to be specific

  • and the ISO code for Canadian dollar is CAD.

  • The next one is, Chile. Now in Chile, the currency that people use is Peso and the ISO

  • code is, CLP.

  • Let's move on to another one which is china. The great, big china. Now in china the currency

  • that we use is Yuan and the ISO code for the currency is CNY.

  • Alright, then we also have Egypt. In Egypt, we have the Egyptian Pound. Okay, to be specific

  • again, it is Egyptian pound and the ISO code for Egyptian pound is, EGP.

  • Let's move on to another country which is, France. Again a part of Europe. So, we have,

  • the currency that we use in France is, euro and of course the ISO code is, EUR. I haven't

  • included Germany here but again France, Germany, Spain. Okay so all these countries are a part

  • of Europe and the currency that is used is euro and the ISO code is EUR.

  • whereas the last one here is, Hong Kong and if you are going to Hong Kong Disney, then

  • yes, the currency that you would use is, dollar, Hong Kong dollars and the ISO code is HKD.

  • So these are a few countries and a few different currencies that are used in these countries.

  • Now let's have a look at some more major world currencies.

  • So here are some more major world currencies. We will start with the country, India and

  • the currency that is used in India is rupee, that's how it is pronounced. Whereas the ISO

  • code for rupee is INR.

  • Then let's move on to another country which is, Indonesia. Well the people of Indonesia

  • use the currency called rupiah. Okay, that's how it's pronounced and the monetary units

  • or the ISO code is, IDR.

  • Then we have Japan, the beautiful Japan. Well, the currency that's used in Japan is the Japanese

  • yen and the ISO code is JPY.

  • Let's move on to another country which is Kenya and the currency that's used by the

  • people of Kenya is Kenyan shilling. Okay so to be specific, it's Kenyan shilling and the

  • ISO code for Kenyan shilling is KES.

  • Let's move on to another country which is Kuwait. Well in Kuwait, the currency that

  • is used by the people of Kuwait is dinar. The ISO code for the currency dinar is KWD.

  • Then we have, Malaysia. In Malaysia, people use the currency called ringgit. Well yes,

  • that's quite an interesting name. Well that's how it's pronounced as ringgit and the ISO

  • code for the currency, ringgit is MYR.

  • Okay, let's move on to Mexico. Now in Mexico, the people of Mexico use the currency called

  • peso and the ISO code for peso is MXN.

  • Alright, then we have the beautiful Switzerland. Yes if you are visiting Switzerland, people

  • might think that the currency used in Switzerland is euro. Well it's not euro. In Switzerland

  • people use the currency called franc. Okay, that's how it's pronounced. It's the Switzerland

  • franc or the Swiss franc and the ISO code for Swiss franc is CHF.

  • Alright, then we have South Africa for you. In South Africa, the people of South Africa

  • use the currency called rand and the ISO code for this currency is ZAR.

  • Okay, then we have turkey. Yes turkey, the land of beautiful museums. Well in turkey,

  • the currency that people use is lira. Okay and the ISO code for lira is TRY.

  • Then the most common or the major world currency is UAE, of course. In UAE, we use dirham.

  • Okay that's how it's pronounced, dirham. The ISO code for dirham is AED.

  • Alright, so these are the most major world currencies. Do not forget the US dollar. Well

  • I haven't included it because yes we all know about the US dollar and of course about Euro.

  • So the US dollar and Euro are the most important currencies that are traded in the world.

  • So now wherever you're travelling or wherever you are living, I hope you know what currencies

  • are used. How exactly they are pronounced. Okay, so I hope this lesson is helpful to

  • you and I'll be back with a new lesson soon, till then you take care.

Hi friends, I'm Niharika and thanks for clicking. Well, in today's lesson, we are gonna look


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B1 中級

世界の主要20通貨の正しい発音を学ぶ (Learn Correct Pronunciation of 20 Major World Currencies)

  • 146 5
    Amanda Chang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日