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(electronic music)
- Hello everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy.
Today I've got a video for you.
It's a festive one as you can tell
by my mistletoe jumper.
It's all about 10 festive idioms.
No, they're not idioms.
10 festive phrasal verbs.
If you're not watching at Christmas time, don't worry,
these are phrasal verbs that can be used at any time
of the year, but I thought it would be nice
to give some festive context.
Before we get started, I would just like to thank my sponsor
of today's video.
It is Lingoda and oh my god, they have got
such a treat for you with the Lingoda Language Marathon.
I'm going to briefly introduce it now,
but there will be full details of exactly how to enter
at the end of the video.
Lingoda's an online language academy.
It provides lessons with real native qualified teachers.
You can learn English, Spanish, French and German,
but the Language Marathon
is what we want to talk about today.
You can basically get 567 euros worth
of language lessons, that's one hour every single day
for three months, the first three months of January
for free.
And that can take you up an entire English level.
This is a completely limited offer.
It closes on the 28th of January
and there are very limited places.
French and German are now closed, so if you want English,
you need to hurry.
For full information on how to enter,
you can click on this time of the video here,
that's when I will be explaining everything.
Let's get started with the lesson.
So the first festive phrasal verb is to look forward to.
To look forward to.
And this means to be excited or pleased
about something that is going to happen.
So I am really looking forward to eating brussels sprouts
on Christmas Day.
If you don't know what brussels sprouts are,
they are tiny, green, cabbage-like things?
And any day apart from Christmas, I find them disgusting.
But on Christmas Day, they are the most delicious thing
known to mankind and I will eat hundreds of them.
So yeah, I'm really looking forward to eating
brussels sprouts.
Number two: To put up.
I have already put up all of my decorations.
I have already put up all of my decorations.
To put up in this context means to fix something
to a wall or to a post.
So we put up our decorations.
Number three: To put off.
To put off.
I regret putting off buying presents this year,
because now tonight I have to go and buy them all.
So in this context to put off means to postpone
doing something that you don't really want to do.
I love buying presents if I already have a great idea.
But this year, I've found it so difficult to think of things
to buy people.
Normally, I have so many ideas, but this year,
it's been a bit busy and I found it really difficult,
so I've put off buying the presents
for days and days and days and now it's literally
my last chance.
So after filming this video, I'm going Christmas shopping.
To wrap up.
Today, I'm going to talk about two meanings of
"to wrap up".
The first one is the more obvious one.
To wrap up presents.
To cover presents in paper.
I always wrap my presents up,
in brown paper and white string,
because I think it's really traditional
and I think there's nothing more exciting
than receiving a package that's in brown paper.
Brown paper packages tied up with string.
Lucy von Trap.
The other meaning is to wrap up warm.
To dress in warm clothes.
That's a very wintery phrasal verb.
Every time I leave the house at the moment,
it's so cold, I have to wrap up warm
in a coat and a scarf.
Now number five, let's talk about Christmas Eve,
the 24th of December and the traditions
that my family and I have.
On Christmas Eve, I like to go out.
I like to go out.
So I normally go out to the pub
with all of my friends in my village.
To go out, in this context, means to leave the house
to attend a social event.
My family, however, prefer to stay in.
To stay in.
They prefer to remain indoors.
Number seven: To end up.
So my friends and I, after going to the pub,
we usually end up in another local town.
And this is the town where I went to school.
To end up, in this context, means to finally be
in a place or situation.
We always start off in my village,
but we end up in the neighbouring town.
And that brings me on to my next point.
Number eight: To bump into.
To bump into.
I always bump into people that I haven't seen
in 10 years.
People that I used to go to school with,
I bump into them in this neighbouring town.
To bump into somebody is to meet somebody
that you know without expecting to meet them.
And it's one of my favourite traditions,
because you see these people that you only see them
once a year on Christmas Eve when you all go out
to that town and then you don't see each other for a year.
So every year, we update each other.
I remember two Christmases ago,
I told a friend, "Yeah, I've started this YouTube channel,"
and then the year after that,
"Yeah, we hit 100,000 subscribers."
And then this year, I get to tell them all
that it's still going well.
And I love hearing what they're up to as well,
because they've taken more traditional career paths
and sometimes I feel quite envious (laughs).
Now let's move back to Christmas Day.
Number nine is to fall out with.
And this is a Christmas tradition.
It's traditional to fall out with your family.
Not really in my family, we get on quite well,
but in general, people fall out.
And to fall out with somebody is to fight, argue
or disagree with somebody and then,
for a period of time, be a little bit unfriendly.
But don't worry, its also a Christmas tradition
to make up as well.
So number 10 is to make up and to make up
is to forgive each other and be friendly
after a disagreement.
Alright guys, those were the 10 phrasal verbs
and now I'm going to explain to you exactly
how to enter into the Lingoda Language Marathon.
And this is a last call
for the Lingoda Language Marathon.
I mentioned it in a previous video, loads of you
have signed up and this is your last chance right now.
So Lingoda is an online language academy,
I work with them loads, I absolutely love the company,
I really, really do.
And they've set up this really cool campaign
called the Lingoda Language Marathon.
If you want to participate in this,
hurry because places are extremely limited,
French and German have closed.
The closing date is the 28th of December,
but I wouldn't wait til then if I were you.
I would go for it as soon as you can.
Starting on the first of January, 2018,
for the first three months of 2018,
every single day, you can do a one hour
Lingoda language class in very, very small groups
with real, native, qualified teachers for free.
What's the catch?
Well, you commit to paying for those three months
of language lessons, but if you complete
every single lesson, Lingoda refunds the whole lot
back to you.
So it's extremely important to only sign up
if you are completely committed.
The people who have signed up already
really need and want this opportunity
and they're completely dedicated
to completing this marathon,
so bear that in mind.
You do need to complete every single day.
But the first question I asked Lingoda
when they told me this was, "What if we miss one day?"
Well, they've generously given an extra day of give,
so if you're ill or you have family commitments,
technically, you could do two lessons on a Monday,
nothing on a Tuesday, two on a Wednesday, for example.
The full Language Marathon is 189 euros every month
for three months.
That's 567 euros in total.
At the end of the three months,
if you've completed all of the days,
those 565 euros are refunded back to you.
If you don't feel like you can commit
to that entire Language Marathon, you can also do
the Half Marathon.
That is 99 euros per month for three months.
And if you complete every day in a Half Marathon,
then Lingoda will refund 50% back to you,
so that's a really viable option for some people too.
Lingoda has very generously taken away
the sign up fee for my subscribers.
It was going to be five euros, but now all they need
is 50 cents.
Make sure you claim this by clicking on the link
in the description box and using my code "Marathon3".
Signups close on the 28th of December.
You won't be charged
until the 30th of December.
Before then, you can cancel, but afterwards,
you will have committed to those three months
of language learning.
It's an incredible opportunity,
you have the chance to have hours and hours and hours
of really, high quality English language lessons
for free if you participate correctly.
Right, that's it for me, guys.
I hope you enjoyed the lesson.
And to everyone who has decided
to participate in the Lingoda Language Marathon,
good luck, let me now how it's going,
because I really want you to do well.
Don't forget to connect with me on all of my social media.
I've got my Facebook, my Instagram, and my Twitter
and I will see you so for another lesson.
(electronic music)