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  • Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Morton Bast

    翻訳: Yuko Masubuchi 校正: Chieko Tamakawa

  • "My Air Jordans cost a hundred with tax.

    俺のエアジョーダンは 税込み100ドル

  • My suede Starters jacket says Raiders on the back.

    俺の革ジャンの背中には レイダースのロゴがある

  • I'm stylin', smilin', lookin' real mean,

    俺がスタイリッシュに笑顔で 外見を取り繕うのは

  • because it ain't about being heard, just being seen.

    聞いて欲しいからじゃない ただそう見られたいから

  • My leather Adidas baseball cap matches


  • my fake Gucci backpack. (Laughter)

    偽物のグッチのリュックが お似合いさ(笑)

  • Ain't nobody who looks as good as me,


  • but this costs money, it sure ain't free,


  • and I gots no job, no money at all,


  • but it's easy to steal all this from the mall.

    でもモールからは 何でも簡単に盗める

  • Parents say I shouldn't, but I knows I should.

    親は盗むなと言うが 他に手段はない

  • Got to do what I can to make sure I look good,

    見た目が肝心な俺には やるしかない

  • and the reason I have to look real good, well, to tell you the truth, man,

    俺が外見を取り繕う 本当の理由は―

  • I don't know why. Guess it makes me feel special inside.

    俺だって知らない 特別な気分になれるからかもしれない

  • When I'm wearing fresh gear I don't have to hide,

    最新のギアなら 堂々とできる

  • and I really must get some new gear soon


  • or my ego will pop like a 10-cent balloon.

    俺のエゴが安物の 風船みたく破裂しそう

  • But security is tight at all the shops. Every day there are more and more cops.

    でも店のセキュリティが厳しい 日ごとに警官は増える

  • My crew is laughing at me because I'm wearing old gear.


  • School's almost over. Summer is near.

    学校はそろそろ終わる 夏は目の前

  • And I'm sportin' torn Jordans.


  • I need something new. Only one thing left to do.

    新しい靴が要る やることは一つしかない

  • Cut school Friday, catch the subway downtown,

    金曜に学校をサボり 地下鉄でダウンタウンへ

  • check out my victims hangin' around.


  • Maybe I'll get lucky and find easy prey.


  • Got to get some new gear. There's no other way.

    最新のギアがいるんだ もうやるしかない

  • I'm ready and willing. I'm packing my gun.

    銃を仕込み やる気も十分

  • This is serious business. This ain't no fun.

    これはお遊びじゃない 何も楽しくない

  • And I can't have my posse laughin' at me.


  • I'mma cop something dope, just wait, you'll see.

    クールなシロモノを手に入れるんだ まあ見てなって

  • Come out of the station, West 4th near the park,

    駅を出て 公園付近の西4丁目

  • brothers shooting hoops and someone remarks,

    バスケをしている連中の一人に 目をつけた

  • 'Hey homes, where you get them Nik's?'

    「よお そのナイキの靴はどこで買った?」

  • I says to myself, 'Yeah. I likes 'em, I likes.'

    俺は内心思った 「よし 俺の好みだ」

  • They were Q-tip white, bright and blinding my eyes.

    Q-tip の白 まぶしくて目がくらむ

  • The red emblem of Michael looked as if it could fly.

    ジョーダンの赤いロゴが 空を飛んでるようだ

  • Not one spot of dirt. The Airs were brand new.

    シミ一つない 新品のエアジョーダン

  • Had my pistol and knew just what to do.


  • Waited until it was just the right time, followed him very closely behind.

    機会をうかがい 接近して後をつけた

  • He made a left turn on Houston, I pulled out my gun,

    ヒューストン通りを左折し 俺は銃を抜いた

  • and I said, 'Gimme them Jordans!'

    そして俺は言った 「エアジョーダンを渡せ!」

  • And the punk tried to run.


  • Took off fast, didn't get far. I fired,'Pow!'

    逃がすもんか さっさと奪うぞ 俺は打った「パン!」

  • Fool fell between two parked cars.


  • He was coughing, crying, blood spilled on the street.

    奴は咳をして泣きながら 地面に吐血していた

  • And I snatched them Air Jordans off of his feet.

    足元のエアジョーダンに つかみかかると

  • While laying there dying, all he could say

    奴は地面に横たえ 虫の息で言った

  • was, "Please man, don't take my Air Jordans away."

    「頼む 俺のエアジョーダンを 奪わないでくれ」

  • You'd think he'd be worried about staying alive.

    命の方が大事だろうと あんたは思うだろう

  • As I took off with his sneakers, there was tears in his eyes.

    靴を脱がせていると 奴の目に涙が見えた

  • Very next day, I bopped into school


  • with my brand new Air Jordans, man, I was cool.

    新品のエアジョーダンの 俺はキマッていた

  • I killed to get 'em, but hey, I don't care,

    靴のために 人を殺したけど 気にしてない

  • because now I needs a new jacket to wear."

    だって 今度は 新しいジャケットが要るんだ

  • Thank you. (Applause)


  • For the last 15 years that I have been performing,

    僕が過去15年間の活動で ずっと願っていたことは

  • all I ever wanted to do was transcend poetry to the world.

    詩の域を超えて 世の中に知ってもらうことです

  • See, it wasn't enough for me to write a book.

    ほら 本を書くだけでは 不十分でしょう

  • It wasn't enough for me to join a slam competition,


  • and while those things hold weight,

    そういうことに 重点を置いている間は

  • it wasn't the driving force that pushes the pen to the pad.

    ペンを握っても 言葉が出てきませんでした

  • The hunger and thirst was, and still remains:

    飢え渇きのような こんな思いを今も覚えています

  • How do I get people who hate poetry

    「詩を嫌う人たちに 僕を愛してもらうには

  • to love me?


  • Because I'm an extension of my work,


  • and if they love me, then they will love my work,

    僕が愛されれば 僕の仕事も愛され

  • and if they love my work, then they will love poetry,

    僕の仕事が愛されれば 彼らは詩を愛し

  • and if they love poetry, then I will have done my job,

    そして彼らが詩を愛せば 詩の域を超えて伝えるという

  • which is to transcend it to the world.


  • And in 1996, I found the answer in principles

    1996年に 僕はスポークン・ワードの名人

  • in a master spoken-word artist named Reg E. Gaines,

    レッグ・E・ゲインズに 答えを見出しました

  • who wrote the famous poem, "Please Don't Take My Air Jordans."


  • And I followed this guy everywhere until I had him in the room,

    彼が同じ部屋に入れてくれるまで どこに行くにもついていき

  • and I read him one of my pieces,

    僕のお気に入りの作品を 彼に読み聞かせました

  • and you know what he told me?

    すると彼に 何て言われたと思います?

  • "Yo' wack.


  • You know what the problem is with you, homie?


  • You don't read other people's poetry,


  • and you don't got any subordination for verbal measures

    言葉に韻を踏むための 熟慮された音色が

  • to tonal consideration." (Laughter)


  • Now he kept on rambling


  • about poetry and styles and Nuyorican Friday nights.

    詩やスタイルそして ニューヨリカン・カフェの金曜の夜の話を続けました

  • Now I could have quit. I should have quit.

    そこで僕はやめることもできたはず やめるべきでした

  • I mean, I thought poetry was just self-expression.

    というのも詩は単なる 自己表現だと思っていました

  • I didn't know you actually have to have creative control.

    クリエイティブ・コントロールが必要とは 知りませんでした

  • So instead of quitting, I followed him everywhere.

    そこで詩をあきらめる代わりに 彼について回りました

  • When he was writing a Broadway show, I would be outside of the door.

    彼がブロードウェイ作品を書いている時 僕はドアの外にいました

  • I would wake him up at, like, 6:30 in the morning


  • to ask him who's the best poet.


  • I remember eating the eyes of a fish right out of the sea

    獲れたての魚の目玉は 頭が良くなる食べ物だと

  • because he told me it was brain food.

    彼に言われて食べたことを 覚えています

  • Then one day I told him,


  • "Reg E., what is subordination for verbal measures to tonal consideration?" (Laughter)

    「レッグ・E 言葉に韻を踏むための 熟慮された音色って何ですか?」(笑)

  • And he handed me a black-and-white printed out thesis

    彼は モノクロ印刷の論文を僕に渡しました

  • on a poet named Etheridge Knight


  • and the oral nature of poetry,

    「口頭詩の特性」 という論文です

  • and from that point,


  • Reggie stopped becoming the best to me,

    僕の頂点はレッグ・Eでは なくなりました

  • because what Etheridge Knight taught me

    エザーリッジ・ナイトが 教えてくれたのは

  • was that I could make my words sound like music,

    言葉は音楽のように 奏でることができて

  • even my small ones, the monosyllables,

    短い 単音節の単語 たとえば

  • the ifs, ands, buts, whats,

    if, and, but, what だって

  • the gangsta in my slang could fall right on the ear,

    gangstaのようなスラングでも うまく響く音にできること

  • and from then on, I started chasing Etheridge Knight.

    それ以降僕は エザーリッジ・ナイトを追いかけました

  • I wanted to know which poet he read,

    彼がどんな詩を読むのか 探し求めていると

  • and I landed on a poem called ["Dark Prophecy: Sing of Shine"],


  • a toast signifying that got me on the biggest stage

    この「トースト」は詩人として 僕が最高の舞台を手にする

  • a poet could ever be:


  • Broadway, baby.


  • And from that point, I learned how to pull the mic away

    その時以来 マイクから離れることを覚え

  • and attack the poetry with my body.

    全身で詩に 攻め込むようになりました

  • But that wasn't the biggest lesson I ever learned.

    でもこれが僕が学んだ 最大の教訓ではありません

  • The biggest lesson I learned was many years later


  • when I went to Beverly Hills and I ran into a talent agent

    ビバリーヒルズで偶然出会った あるタレント・エージェントに

  • who looked at me up and down


  • and said I don't look like I have any experience


  • to be working in this business.


  • And I said to him, "Listen, punk fool,

    僕は彼に言いました 「いいか 腰抜け

  • you're a failed actor who became an agent,

    あんたは俳優業に失敗して エージェントになった

  • and you know why you failed as an actor?


  • Because people like me took your job.

    俺のような人間が 俳優になるんだよ

  • I've traveled all the way from Cleveland and Essex

    クリーブランドからはるばる ニューヨークのエセックスに来て

  • in East New York, took the local 6 line up to the hookers of Hunt's Point

    各停の6番線に乗り ハンツ・ポイントの商売女と

  • who were in my way on my way to master the art of space,


  • and the one-to-infinite amount of man, woman and child


  • you can fit in there only so I can push them


  • to the back of the wall with my experience.

    俺の経験として 背負うことだってできるんだ

  • People have bought tickets to my experience

    俺の経験談の チケットを買った人たちは

  • and used them as refrigerator magnets to let them know

    それを冷蔵庫に貼り付けて こんなことを知らせる

  • that the revolution is near, so stock up.

    革命は目前だ 買いだめをしておけ

  • I'm so experienced that when you went

    お前が「ソネット集」を習いに 一流の学校に通ってる間に

  • to a privileged school to learn a Shakespearean sonnet,


  • I was getting those beats kicked and shoved into me.

    いろんなビートを打って 体に刻み込んできたんだ

  • I can master shock of "The Crying Game" with the awe

    「クライング・ゲーム」の衝撃も お手の物だ

  • of a child being called an AIDS victim by a bully who didn't know

    母親にエイズをうつした男の息子に そうと知らずに

  • that it was his father who gave it to my mother,

    エイズの犠牲者と呼ばれていじめられる少年の 恐怖も俺には分かる

  • and that's a double entendre.


  • I'm so experienced that when you went to the Fell School

    俺は経験豊富だ フェル・スクールに行った時

  • and all the rich little fairy boys decided to sponsor a child

    裕福な家庭の子供たちが その中の一人を支援すると決め

  • in it, that was me, but kicked me out when I was caught

    それは俺だったけど 俺がその少年たちに

  • teaching the fairy boys how to rob the PATS off a pair of Lee Jeans

    ジーンズで擦って 精力をつける方法を教えていると

  • and bring them to VIM. Let me see Chekhov pull that off.

    見つかって追い出されたんだ チェーホフを見せてくれ

  • Sanford Meisner was my Uncle Artie yelling silently to himself,

    サンフォード・マイズナーは 心の中で静かに声を上げ

  • "Something's always wrong when nothing's always right."

    「上手くいかないのは どこかに不具合があるからだ」

  • Method acting is nothing but a mixture

    メソッド演技法なんて 単なる人格の混合物で

  • of multiple personalities, believing your own lies are reality,


  • like in high school cool Kenny telling me he wanted to be a cop.

    高校の時のケニーが 警官になりたいと言うのと同じ

  • Dude, you go to Riker's Island Academy.


  • I could make David Mamet


  • psychoanalyze my attack on dialogue,


  • Stanislavski be as if he were Bruce Lee

    スタニスラフスキーは ブルース・リーの如く

  • kicking your roster of talentless students up and down Crenshaw.

    お前んとこの無能な生徒たちを 蹴散らすだろう

  • So what, your actors studied guerrilla theater at the London Rep?

    ロンドンでゲリラ演劇を 学んで何ができる?

  • Let me tell you an ancient Chinese Saturday afternoon

    俺なら土曜の午後の カンフー番組で

  • kung fu secret.


  • Boards don't hit back.


  • You think black entertainers have it hard finding work

    黒人はこの業界で 仕事を見つけるのが難しい

  • in this business? I'm a suspicious mulatto,

    と思ってるのか? 俺は曖昧なムラートだ

  • which means I'm too black to be white and too white to be doing it right.

    つまり黒過ぎて白人でいられないが 白過ぎて正しいこともできないんだ

  • Forget the American ghetto. I've cracked stages in Soweto,

    アメリカのスラム街も知ってる ソウェトに立ち寄った時

  • buried abortion babies in potter's field and still managed to keep a smile on my face,

    中絶児を無縁墓地に埋葬しても 俺は何とか笑顔を繕っていた

  • so whatever you curse at me to your caddyshack


  • go-for-this, go-for-that assistant when I walk out that door,


  • whatever slander you send my way,


  • your mother.


  • Thank you. (Applause)


Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Morton Bast

翻訳: Yuko Masubuchi 校正: Chieko Tamakawa


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語 TED ナイト 詩人 愛さ ジョーダン 経験

TED】レモン・アンダーセン。Please don't take my Air Jordans (Lemon Andersenが「Please don't take my Air Jordans」を演奏) (【TED】Lemon Andersen: Please don't take my Air Jordans (Lemon Andersen performs "Please don't take my Air Jordans"))

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日