字幕表 動画を再生する
Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Morton Bast
翻訳: Naoki Funahashi 校正: Takahiro Shimpo
B.J. was one of many fellow inmates
BJ は将来に大きなプランをもつ
who had big plans for the future.
He had a vision. When he got out,
彼にはビジョンがあり 釈放されたら
he was going to leave the dope game for good and fly straight,
麻薬生活に別れを告げ 正しく生きようとしていました
and he was actually working on merging his two passions into one vision.
実際 自分の2つの情熱を融合させ ビジョンを作っていました
He'd spent 10,000 dollars
to buy a website that exclusively featured women
having sex on top of or inside of luxury sports cars. (Laughter)
高級スポーツカーでセックスする女性を 独占特集するサイトです (笑)
It was my first week in federal prison,
これが私の経験した 連邦刑務所 第1週目です
and I was learning quickly that it wasn't what you see on TV.
テレビで見るものとは全然違うと すぐに分かりました
In fact, it was teeming with smart, ambitious men
実際 刑務所にいたのは 利口で 熱意を抱く男たちでした
whose business instincts were in many cases
しかも多くの場合 ビジネス界のリーダーにも劣らない
as sharp as those of the CEOs
who had wined and dined me six months earlier
when I was a rising star in the Missouri Senate.
入獄もする前に ワインや食事を 楽しんだCEOたちと遜色なかったのです
Now, 95 percent of the guys that I was locked up with
一緒に閉じ込められていた 囚人の95%が
had been drug dealers on the outside,
but when they talked about what they did,
they talked about it in a different jargon,
私たちのとは異なる 隠語を使いました
but the business concepts that they talked about
しかし ビジネスコンセプトの面では
weren't unlike those that you'd learn in a first year MBA class at Wharton:
ペンシルベニア大学のMBAの1年目で 学ぶものと大差なかったのです
promotional incentives, you never charge a first-time user,
販促インセンティブ 無料お試し商品
focus-grouping new product launches,
新製品導入のための フォーカスグループ法
territorial expansion.
市場拡大 などです
But they didn't spend a lot of time reliving the glory days.
しかし 彼らには過去の栄光を 取り戻す時間など全然なく
For the most part, everyone was just trying to survive.
ほとんどの場合 みんな生きるために必死です
It's a lot harder than you might think.
Contrary to what most people think,
people don't pay, taxpayers don't pay, for your life
when you're in prison. You've got to pay for your own life.
You've got to pay for your soap, your deodorant,
スープ デオドラント 歯ブラシ 歯磨き粉など
toothbrush, toothpaste, all of it.
全部 自腹で払わなければなりません
And it's hard for a couple of reasons.
First, everything's marked up 30 to 50 percent
第一に 全てのものが 外の世界での価格に対し
from what you'd pay on the street,
and second, you don't make a lot of money.
第二に 大金を稼ぐことはできません
I unloaded trucks. That was my full-time job,
unloading trucks at a food warehouse,
for $5.25, not an hour, but per month.
収入は5.25ドルでした 時給ではなく月給ですよ
So how do you survive?
Well, you learn to hustle, all kinds of hustles.
There's legal hustles.
You pay everything in stamps. Those are the currency.
You charge another inmate to clean his cell.
同僚の房室を掃除して お金を請求するのです
There's sort of illegal hustles, like you run a barbershop out of your cell.
自分の房室外で理容室を営む等の グレーな稼ぎ方もあります
There's pretty illegal hustles: You run a tattoo parlor out of your own cell.
房室外でタトゥーパーラーを営むのは もちろん違法です
And there's very illegal hustles, which you smuggle in,
そして 完全に違法なのは
you get smuggled in, drugs, pornography,
麻薬 ポルノ雑誌 携帯電話など 外の世界で手に入るものを
cell phones, and just as in the outer world,
there's a risk-reward tradeoff, so the riskier the enterprise,
ここにはリスクとリターンの トレードオフがあり リスクが高いほど
the more profitable it can potentially be.
You want a cigarette in prison? Three to five dollars.
刑務所でタバコが欲しければ 1本 3~5ドルです
You want an old-fashioned cell phone that you flip open
昔のフリップタイプで 開くと 頭くらいの長さになる携帯でさえ
and is about as big as your head? Three hundred bucks.
You want a dirty magazine?
Well, it can be as much as 1,000 dollars.
So as you can probably tell, one of the defining aspects
皆さんがお考えの通り 刑務所生活では
of prison life is ingenuity.
Whether it was concocting delicious meals
from stolen scraps from the warehouse,
食料倉庫から盗んだ残り物で 美味しい料理を作ったり
sculpting people's hair with toenail clippers,
or constructing weights from boulders in laundry bags
石詰めの洗濯袋を木の大枝に吊るして トレーニング用品を作ったりして
tied on to tree limbs, prisoners learn how to make do with less,
囚人たちは 費用を抑えたやりくりの仕方を学びます
and many of them want to take this ingenuity
that they've learned to the outside
and start restaurants, barber shops,
personal training businesses.
But there's no training, nothing to prepare them for that,
しかし 職業訓練も無く 彼らに準備させる方法がありません
no rehabilitation at all in prison,
no one to help them write a business plan,
figure out a way to translate the business concepts
彼らが直感的に掴んだ ビジネスコンセプトを
they intuitively grasp into legal enterprises,
合法的事業に落とし込むのを 手助けする人はいません
no access to the Internet, even.
インターネットの アクセスさえありません
And then, when they come out, most states
さらに 彼らが外の世界に出ても
don't even have a law prohibiting employers
from discriminating against people with a background.
犯罪歴のある人の差別を 禁止する法律がありません
So none of us should be surprised
だから 元犯罪者の3分の2が
that two out of three ex-offenders re-offend
出所5年以内に 再び罪を犯すと聞いても
within five years.
Look, I lied to the Feds. I lost a year of my life from it.
いいですか 私は連邦政府に嘘をつき 人生から1年間を失いました
But when I came out, I vowed that I was going to do
しかし出所して 誓いました
whatever I could to make sure
that guys like the ones I was locked up with
didn't have to waste any more of their life than they already had.
私にできることなら 何でもすると誓ったのです
So I hope that you'll think about helping in some way.
皆さんにも何か支援していただけたら 嬉しいです
The best thing we can do is figure out ways
to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit
and the tremendous untapped potential in our prisons,
未開発の可能性を育てるための 方法を見つけることです
because if we don't, they're not going to learn any new skills
そうしなければ 彼らは役立つ新しいスキルを学べず
that's going to help them, and they'll be right back.
All they'll learn on the inside is new hustles.
刑務所内では 「稼ぎ方」しか学べないのです
Thank you. (Applause)