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  • Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Thu-Huong Ha

    翻訳: Shigeto Oeda 校正: Yusuke Yanagita

  • Today, I'm going to talk to you about sketching electronics.

    今日は絵を描くように電子回路を作る という話をします

  • I'm, among several other things, an electrical engineer,

    私は様々なことに取り組んでいますが 主に電気の技術者です

  • and that means that I spend a good amount of time

    電気の技術者として 多くの時間を

  • designing and building new pieces of technology,

    新しいテクノロジーのデザインと その実現に当てています

  • and more specifically designing and building electronics.

    具体的には 電子回路の設計と作成です

  • And what I've found is that the process of designing


  • and building electronics is problematic in all sorts of ways.

    様々な課題があることが わかってきました

  • So it's a really slow process, it's really expensive,

    すなわち 電子回路の設計には 時間と費用が掛かり

  • and the outcome of that process,


  • namely electronic circuit boards,


  • are limited in all sorts of kind of interesting ways.


  • So they're really small, generally, they're square

    この回路基板は小さく 多くは四角形です

  • and flat and hard, and frankly, most of them

    平面的で固く ほとんどの回路基板は

  • just aren't very attractive, and so my team and I

    あまり魅力的なものではありません そこで私たちのチームは

  • have been thinking of ways to really change and mix up

    電子回路を作る作業と 出来上がった回路基板を

  • the process and the outcome of designing electronics.

    根本的に見直し 改善する方法を考えてきました

  • And so what if you could design and build electronics

    もし電子回路の設計と作成を より短時間で

  • like this? So what if you could do it extremely quickly,

    安く 楽しく

  • extremely inexpensively, and maybe more interestingly,

    様々なものに応用でき そして表現豊かに

  • really fluidly and expressively and even improvisationally?

    作ることができたら どうでしょう

  • Wouldn't that be so cool, and that wouldn't that open up

    素晴らしいと思いませんか? 新しい可能性を

  • all sorts of new possibilities?


  • I'm going to share with you two projects that are

    本日は 2つの プロジェクトを紹介します

  • investigations along these lines, and we'll start with this one.


  • (Video) Magnetic electronic pieces and ferrous paper.


  • A conductive pen from the Lewis lab at UIUC.

    イリノイ大学ルイス研究室で 開発された電気を通すペン

  • Sticker templates.


  • Speed x 4.


  • Making a switch.


  • Music: DJ Shadow.

    音楽:DJ Shadow

  • Adding some intelligence with a microcontroller.

    マイクロコントローラで 複雑な動きを加える

  • Sketching an interface.


  • (Music)


  • (Laughter)


  • (Applause)


  • Pretty cool, huh? We think so.

    面白いでしょう? 私たちもそう考えています

  • So now that we developed these tools

    私たちは このようなことを 可能にする装置の開発や

  • and found these materials that let us do these things,


  • we started to realize that, essentially, anything

    気付いたことがあります それは基本的には

  • that we can do with paper, anything that we can do


  • with a piece of paper and a pen


  • we can now do with electronics.

    電子回路でもできる ということです

  • So the next project that I want to show you is kind of a

    次のプロジェクトは この可能性を

  • deeper exploration of that possibility.


  • And I'll kind of let it speak for itself.


  • (Music)


  • (Applause)


  • So the next step for us in this process


  • is now to find a way to let all of you


  • build things like this,


  • and so the way that we're approaching that is by


  • teaching workshops to people where we explain


  • how they can use these kinds of tools, and then also


  • working to get the tools and the materials and techniques

    このようなツールや素材 技術が

  • out into the real world in a variety of ways.

    様々な形で実際の社会で 使われるよう支援しています

  • And so sometime soon, you'll be able to play and build

    近い将来 皆さんは このような全く新しい方法で

  • and sketch with electronics in this fundamentally new way.

    楽しみながら電子回路を 描けるようになります

  • So thank you very much. (Applause)


Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Thu-Huong Ha

翻訳: Shigeto Oeda 校正: Yusuke Yanagita


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B1 中級 日本語 TED 電子 設計 電気 様々 プロジェクト

TED】リア・ビューチリー:電子機器で「スケッチ」する方法(リア・ビューチリー:電子機器で「スケッチ」する方法 (【TED】Leah Buechley: How to "sketch" with electronics (Leah Buechley: How to "sketch" with electronics))

  • 25 3
    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日