字幕表 動画を再生する
Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Morton Bast
翻訳: Takafusa Kitazume 校正: Ikumi Aihara
I was one of those kids that, every time I got in the car,
I basically had to roll down the window.
It was usually too hot, too stuffy or just too smelly,
どんなに暑くても 息苦しくても 臭くても
and my father would not let us use the air conditioner.
He said that it would overheat the engine.
エンジンがオーバーヒートするから ダメだと言うのです
And you might remember, some of you,
how the cars were back then, and it was
a common problem of overheating.
オーバーヒートする事が よくありました
But it was also the signal that capped the use,
or overuse, of energy-consuming devices.
Things have changed now. We have cars that we take across country.
状況は変わり 今の車は大陸を横断の運転で
We blast the air conditioning the entire way,
and we never experience overheating.
So there's no more signal for us to tell us to stop.
Great, right? Well, we have similar problems in buildings.
これって良いことなのでしょうか? 建物に関しても同様のことが言えます
In the past, before air conditioning, we had thick walls.
かつてエアコンがなかった時代 建物には厚い壁がありました
The thick walls are great for insulation. It keeps the interior
厚い壁には断熱効果があり 室内を夏季には涼しく
very cool during the summertime, and warm during the wintertime,
and the small windows were also very good because
it limited the amount of temperature transfer
between the interior and exterior.
Then in about the 1930s, with the advent of plate glass,
1930年代 板ガラスや圧延鋼板の発明
rolled steel and mass production, we were able
to make floor-to-ceiling windows and unobstructed views,
私たちは床から天井までの窓と 遮る物のない視界を手に入れました
and with that came the irreversible reliance on
引き換えに 太陽に温められた 室内を冷やすために
mechanical air conditioning to cool our solar-heated spaces.
私達はすっかりエアコンに 依存するようになりました
Over time, the buildings got taller and bigger,
刻々とビルは高く大きくなり 技術もさらに進化し
our engineering even better, so that the mechanical systems
were massive. They require a huge amount of energy.
They give off a lot of heat into the atmosphere,
and for some of you may understand the heat island effect
ご存じのとおり ヒートアイランド現象を引き起こします
in cities, where the urban areas are much more warm
都市部において 都会が
than the adjacent rural areas,
近接する郊外部より 暖かくなる現象のことです
but we also have problems that, when we lose power,
we can't open a window here, and so
停電すると 窓が開けられないので
the buildings are uninhabitable and have to be made vacant
until that air conditioning system can start up again.
エアコンのシステムが再起動するまで ビルは使えません
Even worse, with our intention of trying to make buildings
move towards a net-zero energy state, we can't do it
ネット・ゼロ・エネルギー・ビルを 目指していますが
just by making mechanical systems more and more efficient.
We need to look for something else, and we've gotten ourselves a little bit into a rut.
何か他の手段が必要ですが 現在 行き詰まりの状態です
So what do we do here? How do we pull ourselves and dig us
out of this hole that we've dug?
私たち自ら掘った穴から どうしたら抜け出せるでしょう?
If we look at biology, and many of you probably don't know,
I was a biology major before I went into architecture,
実は私は建築に関わる前に 生物学を専攻していました
the human skin is the organ that naturally regulates
the temperature in the body, and it's a fantastic thing.
That's the first line of defense for the body.
It has pores, it has sweat glands, it has all these things
そのために肌の毛穴や 汗腺などは
that work together very dynamically and very efficiently,
and so what I propose is that our building skins
should be more similar to human skin,
and by doing so can be much more dynamic, responsive
そうすれば 壁は場所に応じて より動的に
and differentiated, depending on where it is.
And this gets me back to my research.
What I proposed first doing is looking at a different material palette to do that.
私が最初に提案したことは 数多くの異なる素材を調査することです
I presently, or currently, work with smart materials,
最近研究しているのは スマートマテリアルと
and a smart thermo-bimetal.
First of all, I guess we call it smart because it requires
まずこれを「スマート(賢い)」と 称するのは
no controls and it requires no energy,
外部からの制御や エネルギーが一切不要で
and that's a very big deal for architecture.
What it is, it's a lamination of two different metals together.
これは二種の異なる金属を 貼り合せたたシートで
You can see that here by the different reflection on this side.
見ると表裏で光り方が 違いますね
And because it has two different coefficients of expansion,
それぞれの面が 二種の 異なる熱膨張率を持つため
when heated, one side will expand faster than the other
温められると一方の面が 他方の面より早く膨張し
and result in a curling action.
So in early prototypes I built these surfaces to try to see
how the curl would react to temperature and possibly allow
温度に応じてどのように 湾曲し
air to ventilate through the system,
and in other prototypes did surfaces where the multiplicity
また他の試作品では この素材の短冊状のものを
of having these strips together can try to make
何本も使い 温まった時に
bigger movement happen when also heated,
and currently have this installation at the Materials & Applications gallery
これはマテリアル&アプリケーション・ギャラリーに 展示されています
in Silver Lake, close by, and it's there until August, if you want to see it.
すぐ近くのシルバーレイクで 8月まで展示しているので 是非 御覧下さい
It's called "Bloom," and the surface is made completely
タイトルは「Bloom」 その表面は全て
out of thermo-bimetal, and its intention is to make this canopy
サーモバイメタルで作っています それによりこの覆いは
that does two things. One, it's a sun-shading device, so that
二つの機能を持っています 一つ目は 日傘の機能
when the sun hits the surface, it constricts the amount of sun passing through,
太陽が表面に当たる部分では 太陽光の透過を防ぎます
and in other areas, it's a ventilating system,
また他の場所は 風通しを良くする役目を担い
so that hot, trapped air underneath can actually
move through and out when necessary.
You can see here in this time-lapse video that the sun,
as it moves across the surface, as well as the shade,
each of the tiles moves individually.
Keep in mind, with the digital technology that we have today,
実は 現代のデジタル技術を駆使し
this thing was made out of about 14,000 pieces
1万4千枚の金属片から 作られています
and there's no two pieces alike at all. Every single one is different.
金属片は一つとして同じものはなく 全て異なります
And the great thing with that is the fact that we can calibrate
素晴らしいことに それぞれの金属片は
each one to be very, very specific to its location,
配置される場所や 太陽の角度 湾曲率に合うよう
to the angle of the sun, and also how the thing actually curls.
一枚一枚を 正確に調整できるのです
So this kind of proof of concept project
has a lot of implications
to actual future application in architecture,
and in this case, here you see a house,
例えば この家は
that's for a developer in China,
and it's actually a four-story glass box.
It's still with that glass box because we still want that visual access,
視界が妨げられないよう ガラスのままですが
but now it's sheathed with this thermo-bimetal layer,
it's a screen that goes around it, and that layer can actually
open and close as that sun moves around on that surface.
In addition to that, it can also screen areas for privacy,
so that it can differentiate from some of the public areas
時間によって プライベートな空間を
in the space during different times of day.
And what it basically implies is that, in houses now,
we don't need drapes or shutters or blinds anymore
カーテン 雨戸 ブラインドなどは不要になり
because we can sheath the building with these things,
as well as control the amount of air conditioning you need inside that building.
同時に建物内の空調の量も コントロールできるわけです
I'm also looking at trying to develop some building components for the market,
市場に向けた建築資材の開発も 視野に入れています
and so here you see a pretty typical
double-glazed window panel, and in that panel,
between those two pieces of glass, that double-glazing,
I'm trying to work on making
サーモバイメタルシステムを 組み込むことに挑戦しています
a thermo-bimetal pattern system
サーモバイメタルシステムを 組み込むことに挑戦しています
so that when the sun hits that outside layer
and heats that interior cavity, that thermo-bimetal
will begin to curl, and what actually will happen then
is it'll start to block out the sun
そして建物の ある部分だけ
in certain areas of the building,
and totally, if necessary.
And so you can imagine, even in this application, that
想像してください これが実用化されれば
in a high-rise building where the panel systems go
from floor to floor up to 30, 40 floors, the entire surface
このシステムを設置すれば 外壁全体が
could be differentiated at different times of day
depending on how that sun moves across and hits that surface.
And these are some later studies that I'm working on
right now that are on the boards, where you can see,
in the bottom right-hand corner, with the red, it's actually
右下隅の 赤いものは
smaller pieces of thermometal, and it's actually going to,
we're trying to make it move like cilia or eyelashes.
これを睫毛や繊毛のように 動かそうとしています
This last project is also of components.
The influence -- and if you have noticed, one of my
お気付きかもしれませんが これも生物学から影響を受けました
spheres of influence is biology -- is from a grasshopper.
And grasshoppers have a different kind of breathing system.
They breathe through holes in their sides called spiracles,
気門と呼ばれる 身体側面の孔で呼吸します
and they bring the air through and it moves through their system to cool them down,
空気がその孔を通過し 身体を冷却するのです
and so in this project, I'm trying to look at how we can
consider that in architecture too, how we can bring
air through holes in the sides of a building.
どのように建物側面の穴に空気を通すか それを調べています
And so you see here some early studies of blocks,
where those holes are actually coming through,
and this is before the thermo-bimetal is applied,
and this is after the bimetal is applied. Sorry, it's a little
こちらはバイメタルを 使用していないものです
hard to see, but on the surfaces, you can see these red arrows.
すこし見え難いですが 表面に赤い矢印が見えるでしょう
On the left, it's when it's cold and the thermo-bimetal
左側は低温時 サーモバイメタルは平らで
is flat so it will constrict air from passing through the blocks,
ブロック内の 空気の通過を遮断しています
and on the right, the thermo-bimetal curls
右側の サーモバイメタルは湾曲し
and allows that air to pass through, so those are two different
components that I'm working on, and again,
これが私が現在取り組んでいる 二つの構成要素です
it's a completely different thing, because you can imagine
また これらはとても特別な物です
that air could potentially be coming through the walls
instead of opening windows.
窓を開ける代わりに 自動的に空気が壁を通するのです
So I want to leave you with one last impression about
the project, or this kind of work and using smart materials.
When you're tired of opening and closing those blinds
day after day, when you're on vacation
and there's no one there on the weekends to be turning off and on the controls,
or when there's a power outage, and you have
no electricity to rely on, these thermo-bimetals
will still be working tirelessly, efficiently
and endlessly. Thank you. (Applause)
永遠に動き続けるのです ありがとうございました