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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Morton Bast

    翻訳: Hidehito Sumitomo 校正: Makoto Ikeo

  • Other people. Everyone is interested in other people.

    他人― 皆 他人に興味があります

  • Everyone has relationships with other people,


  • and they're interested in these relationships

    様々な理由から 人間関係に興味を持っています

  • for a variety of reasons.

    様々な理由から 人間関係に興味を持っています

  • Good relationships, bad relationships,

    良好な関係 険悪な関係 面倒な関係 不可解な関係

  • annoying relationships, agnostic relationships,

    良好な関係 険悪な関係 面倒な関係 不可解な関係

  • and what I'm going to do is focus on the central piece

    そして今回は 人間関係の中で生じる

  • of an interaction that goes on in a relationship.


  • So I'm going to take as inspiration the fact that we're all

    私は皆さんが他人との交流に 興味を持っていただけると思って話します

  • interested in interacting with other people,

    私は皆さんが他人との交流に 興味を持っていただけると思って話します

  • I'm going to completely strip it of all its complicating features,

    私は人間関係という 複雑な物を単純化し

  • and I'm going to turn that object, that simplified object,

    単純化したものを 科学的な測定器として使用しました

  • into a scientific probe, and provide the early stages,


  • embryonic stages of new insights into what happens


  • in two brains while they simultaneously interact.

    まだ初期段階ですが 新しい知見を提供します

  • But before I do that, let me tell you a couple of things

    まずは どうやってそれができるのか 説明したいと思います

  • that made this possible.

    まずは どうやってそれができるのか 説明したいと思います

  • The first is we can now eavesdrop safely

    今では 健康を害することなく 脳の活動が観察できます

  • on healthy brain activity.

    今では 健康を害することなく 脳の活動が観察できます

  • Without needles and radioactivity,


  • without any kind of clinical reason, we can go down the street

    医療目的なしに あなたの隣人や友人が

  • and record from your friends' and neighbors' brains


  • while they do a variety of cognitive tasks, and we use


  • a method called functional magnetic resonance imaging.

    使用するのは ”機能的磁気共鳴画像法”(fMRI)--

  • You've probably all read about it or heard about in some


  • incarnation. Let me give you a two-sentence version of it.


  • So we've all heard of MRIs. MRIs use magnetic fields

    MRIは聞いたことがありますよね 磁場と電磁波を利用し

  • and radio waves and they take snapshots of your brain

    MRIは聞いたことがありますよね 磁場と電磁波を利用し

  • or your knee or your stomach,

    貴方の脳や膝 胃の写真を撮ります

  • grayscale images that are frozen in time.


  • In the 1990s, it was discovered you could use

    90年代 MRIを違う形で 使えることがわかりました

  • the same machines in a different mode,

    90年代 MRIを違う形で 使えることがわかりました

  • and in that mode, you could make microscopic blood flow

    脳内の様々部分の 微妙な血流を

  • movies from hundreds of thousands of sites independently in the brain.


  • Okay, so what? In fact, the so what is, in the brain,

    だから何か? 脳内の神経活動は

  • changes in neural activity, the things that make your brain work,


  • the things that make your software work in your brain,


  • are tightly correlated with changes in blood flow.


  • You make a blood flow movie, you have an independent

    血流を見れば 脳の活動がわかります

  • proxy of brain activity.

    血流を見れば 脳の活動がわかります

  • This has literally revolutionized cognitive science.


  • Take any cognitive domain you want, memory,


  • motor planning, thinking about your mother-in-law,

    記憶 運動 姑のことを考える

  • getting angry at people, emotional response, it goes on and on,

    誰かに起こる 感情的な 反応 等々

  • put people into functional MRI devices, and


  • image how these kinds of variables map onto brain activity.

    人々をfMRI装置にかけることで わかるのです

  • It's in its early stages, and it's crude by some measures,

    fMRIは初期段階で 精度が荒いですが

  • but in fact, 20 years ago, we were at nothing.


  • You couldn't do people like this. You couldn't do healthy people.

    人を―健康な人を― 研究できなかったのです

  • That's caused a literal revolution, and it's opened us up

    fMRIにより 文字通り革命が起き

  • to a new experimental preparation. Neurobiologists,


  • as you well know, have lots of experimental preps,

    神経学者は研究で 色々な実験材料を使用します

  • worms and rodents and fruit flies and things like this.

    ミミズ ラット ハエ 等々

  • And now, we have a new experimental prep: human beings.

    そして新たな実験材料が 人間です

  • We can now use human beings to study and model

    今では人間の脳の機能を 調べるために

  • the software in human beings, and we have a few

    人間を使用でき いくつかの

  • burgeoning biological measures.


  • Okay, let me give you one example of the kinds of experiments that people do,

    さて ここで人々が行ってきた 実験の例を紹介しましょう

  • and it's in the area of what you'd call valuation.


  • Valuation is just what you think it is, you know?


  • If you went and you were valuing two companies against


  • one another, you'd want to know which was more valuable.


  • Cultures discovered the key feature of valuation thousands of years ago.

    "評価"の特徴は千年も 昔から知られています

  • If you want to compare oranges to windshields, what do you do?

    オレンジとフロントガラスを比べるには どうしますか?できませんよね?

  • Well, you can't compare oranges to windshields.

    オレンジとフロントガラスを比べるには どうしますか?できませんよね?

  • They're immiscible. They don't mix with one another.


  • So instead, you convert them to a common currency scale,

    この場合 それらを同じ尺度に変換し

  • put them on that scale, and value them accordingly.


  • Well, your brain has to do something just like that as well,

    こういう処理をするのが 脳の仕事です

  • and we're now beginning to understand and identify


  • brain systems involved in valuation,


  • and one of them includes a neurotransmitter system

    その一つが 神経伝達物質系です

  • whose cells are located in your brainstem


  • and deliver the chemical dopamine to the rest of your brain.

    ドーパミンという化学物質が 脳全体に放出されます

  • I won't go through the details of it, but that's an important


  • discovery, and we know a good bit about that now,


  • and it's just a small piece of it, but it's important because


  • those are the neurons that you would lose if you had Parkinson's disease,

    これらの神経細胞が パーキンソン病やドラッグの使用で

  • and they're also the neurons that are hijacked by literally


  • every drug of abuse, and that makes sense.


  • Drugs of abuse would come in, and they would change

    ドラッグを使用すると 評価の基準が変化し―

  • the way you value the world. They change the way

    ドラッグを使用すると 評価の基準が変化し―

  • you value the symbols associated with your drug of choice,

    ドラッグが 何よりも 大事なものになります

  • and they make you value that over everything else.

    ドラッグが 何よりも 大事なものになります

  • Here's the key feature though. These neurons are also

    しかし 神経伝達物質系の真の特徴は

  • involved in the way you can assign value to literally abstract ideas,

    抽象的な概念の 評価にも 関係していることです

  • and I put some symbols up here that we assign value to

    私たちは様々な理由から これらのような物に価値をつけます

  • for various reasons.

    私たちは様々な理由から これらのような物に価値をつけます

  • We have a behavioral superpower in our brain,


  • and it at least in part involves dopamine.


  • We can deny every instinct we have for survival for an idea,

    人間だけが概念のために ―それが些細なものでも―

  • for a mere idea. No other species can do that.

    生存本能までも 否定できてしまいます

  • In 1997, the cult Heaven's Gate committed mass suicide

    1997年 カルト宗教の 集団自殺がありました

  • predicated on the idea that there was a spaceship


  • hiding in the tail of the then-visible comet Hale-Bopp

    宇宙船が 魂を別世界に 連れて行ってくれるという

  • waiting to take them to the next level. It was an incredibly tragic event.

    考えに憑りつかれてのことでした 悲劇的な出来事です

  • More than two thirds of them had college degrees.

    彼らの3分の2は 大学を出ていました

  • But the point here is they were able to deny their instincts for survival

    しかし ここでの重要な点は 生存のために発達した―

  • using exactly the same systems that were put there

    神経伝達物質系を使い 生存本能が―

  • to make them survive. That's a lot of control, okay?

    否定されたことです これにはかなりのコントロールが必要です

  • One thing that I've left out of this narrative


  • is the obvious thing, which is the focus of the rest of my


  • little talk, and that is other people.


  • These same valuation systems are redeployed

    人間関係の 評価にも 先ほどと同じような

  • when we're valuing interactions with other people.

    評価システム―神経伝達物質系― が使われています

  • So this same dopamine system that gets addicted to drugs,

    このドーパミンシステムは 人をドラッグに溺れさせ

  • that makes you freeze when you get Parkinson's disease,


  • that contributes to various forms of psychosis,


  • is also redeployed to value interactions with other people

    そして 人間関係を評価するのに 使われるのです

  • and to assign value to gestures that you do

    誰かと交流している時の ジェスチャーに

  • when you're interacting with somebody else.


  • Let me give you an example of this.


  • You bring to the table such enormous processing power

    皆さんは知らず知らずのうちに この分野で―

  • in this domain that you hardly even notice it.

    かなりの処理能力を 発揮しています

  • Let me just give you a few examples. So here's a baby.


  • She's three months old. She still poops in her diapers and she can't do calculus.

    彼女は生後3ヶ月 オムツをして 微分積分はできません

  • She's related to me. Somebody will be very glad that she's up here on the screen.

    私の親族で ここに映っていることを 喜んでいる誰かがいます

  • You can cover up one of her eyes, and you can still read

    彼女の片方の目を 隠してみてください

  • something in the other eye, and I see sort of curiosity

    片方の目には好奇心が見え 逆の目には―

  • in one eye, I see maybe a little bit of surprise in the other.


  • Here's a couple. They're sharing a moment together,

    カップルの写真 楽しい時間を共有してます そして―

  • and we've even done an experiment where you can cut out

    実験により写真の一部を切り抜いても 楽しい時間を共有していることが

  • different pieces of this frame and you can still see

    実験により写真の一部を切り抜いても 楽しい時間を共有していることが

  • that they're sharing it. They're sharing it sort of in parallel.


  • Now, the elements of the scene also communicate this


  • to us, but you can read it straight off their faces,

    顔の表情から 最も簡単に読み取れます

  • and if you compare their faces to normal faces, it would be a very subtle cue.

    しかし 普段の表情との違いは微妙です

  • Here's another couple. He's projecting out at us,

    別のカップル 彼は私達に対し感情を映し出していて

  • and she's clearly projecting, you know,


  • love and admiration at him.


  • Here's another couple. (Laughter)

    そして また別のカップル(笑)

  • And I'm thinking I'm not seeing love and admiration on the left. (Laughter)

    左側には 愛と称賛は 見られないようです(笑)

  • In fact, I know this is his sister, and you can just see

    実際には 姉と弟です そして弟は多分

  • him saying, "Okay, we're doing this for the camera,


  • and then afterwards you steal my candy and you punch me in the face." (Laughter)

    ”この後 僕のアメを取り上げて 顔にパンチするんだろ”と言っています (笑)

  • He'll kill me for showing that.

    写真を見せたことには後で酷く怒るでしょう さて これらからわかることは―

  • All right, so what does this mean?

    写真を見せたことには後で酷く怒るでしょう さて これらからわかることは―

  • It means we bring an enormous amount of processing power to the problem.

    私たちは 評価にかなりの 処理能力を使うということです

  • It engages deep systems in our brain, in dopaminergic

    それには脳の深部にある ドーパミン系―

  • systems that are there to make you chase sex, food and salt.

    私たちが生きるために セックスや食べ物を

  • They keep you alive. It gives them the pie, it gives

    求めさせるシステムが関与しています そして―

  • that kind of a behavioral punch which we've called a superpower.

    それが私たちの 行動の原動力となります

  • So how can we take that and arrange a kind of staged

    ではどのように実験を組み立てれば このドーパミン系を―

  • social interaction and turn that into a scientific probe?

    人間関係の測定器として 使用できるのか?

  • And the short answer is games.


  • Economic games. So what we do is we go into two areas.

    経済ゲームをさせます 二つの分野に進出し―

  • One area is called experimental economics. The other area is called behavioral economics.

    一つは実験経済学 もう一つは行動経済学

  • And we steal their games. And we contrive them to our own purposes.

    彼らのゲームを拝借して 研究に利用しています

  • So this shows you one particular game called an ultimatum game.

    ゲームは”最後通牒ゲーム” と言います

  • Red person is given a hundred dollars and can offer

    赤は100ドル与えられ 青とどのように分割するか提案できます

  • a split to blue. Let's say red wants to keep 70,

    赤は100ドル与えられ 青とどのように分割するか提案できます

  • and offers blue 30. So he offers a 70-30 split with blue.

    赤の提案が 赤:70 青:30 だとしましょう

  • Control passes to blue, and blue says, "I accept it,"

    そして主導権は青に移り 青が"承諾"と言えば

  • in which case he'd get the money, or blue says,


  • "I reject it," in which case no one gets anything. Okay?

    青が”拒否”と言うと 両者は何も受け取れません

  • So a rational choice economist would say, well,


  • you should take all non-zero offers.


  • What do people do? People are indifferent at an 80-20 split.

    でも実際 80-20の提案で 選択は中立になります

  • At 80-20, it's a coin flip whether you accept that or not.

    80-20では 相手が ”受諾”するかは五分五分

  • Why is that? You know, because you're pissed off.

    なぜか? 分かりますよね?怒るからです

  • You're mad. That's an unfair offer, and you know what an unfair offer is.

    明らかに不公平な提案に 怒っているからです

  • This is the kind of game done by my lab and many around the world.

    この手の実験は 世界中で行われています

  • That just gives you an example of the kind of thing that

    これはこの手のゲームが どのような―

  • these games probe. The interesting thing is, these games

    測定器になれるかの一例です また面白いことに

  • require that you have a lot of cognitive apparatus on line.

    これらのゲームには 多くの認知能力が求められます

  • You have to be able to come to the table with a proper model of another person.

    まず 相手に関する 適切なモデルが必要です

  • You have to be able to remember what you've done.

    自分のしたことを記憶し 実行に移すためには少し勇気が必要です

  • You have to stand up in the moment to do that.

    自分のしたことを記憶し 実行に移すためには少し勇気が必要です

  • Then you have to update your model based on the signals coming back,

    そして相手の反応を受け モデルを更新し

  • and you have to do something that is interesting,

    興味を引くことを しなければいけない

  • which is you have to do a kind of depth of thought assay.

    これは非常に深い思考が必要です まずは―

  • That is, you have to decide what that other person expects of you.

    相手が期待していることを判断し 相手の中にある―

  • You have to send signals to manage your image in their mind.

    自分のイメージを管理するために シグナルを送ります

  • Like a job interview. You sit across the desk from somebody,

    就職面接に似ていますね 先入観を持った

  • they have some prior image of you,


  • you send signals across the desk to move their image

    その先入観が 自分が望むイメージに

  • of you from one place to a place where you want it to be.


  • We're so good at this we don't really even notice it.

    皆こういったことが上手すぎて 自分達では気づきませんが

  • These kinds of probes exploit it. Okay?

    私たちの測定器を使うことで 気づくことが出来るのです

  • In doing this, what we've discovered is that humans

    この研究で 人は社交的な場では カナリアだと気づきました

  • are literal canaries in social exchanges.

    この研究で 人は社交的な場では カナリアだと気づきました

  • Canaries used to be used as kind of biosensors in mines.

    カナリアは炭鉱では 感知器として使用されました

  • When methane built up, or carbon dioxide built up,

    メタンが増加したり 二酸化炭素が増加したり

  • or oxygen was diminished, the birds would swoon

    酸素が減少すると この鳥は人よりも早く気絶し

  • before people would -- so it acted as an early warning system:


  • Hey, get out of the mine. Things aren't going so well.

    ”このままだとやばい 炭鉱から出るんだ”と

  • People come to the table, and even these very blunt,

    人々はテーブルに座り 数字をやり取りするだけの 単純で―

  • staged social interactions, and they, and there's just

    人々はテーブルに座り 数字をやり取りするだけの 単純で―

  • numbers going back and forth between the people,

    手順が決まった 交流をするだけで

  • and they bring enormous sensitivities to it.


  • So we realized we could exploit this, and in fact,


  • as we've done that, and we've done this now in

    実際に実験をしてきました 何千人―

  • many thousands of people, I think on the order of

    きっと5~6,000人に 実験したと思います

  • five or six thousand. We actually, to make this

    でも データを生物学的な測定とするには もっとたくさんの数が必要です

  • a biological probe, need bigger numbers than that,

    でも データを生物学的な測定とするには もっとたくさんの数が必要です

  • remarkably so. But anyway,

    かなりの数が必要です しかし 何はともあれ

  • patterns have emerged, and we've been able to take


  • those patterns, convert them into mathematical models,

    そのパターンを 数学的モデルに変換し そこから―

  • and use those mathematical models to gain new insights


  • into these exchanges. Okay, so what?

    得られてきました だから 何か?

  • Well, the so what is, that's a really nice behavioral measure,

    つまり これは有効な 行動の測定方法だということです

  • the economic games bring to us notions of optimal play.

    ゲームは私たちに最適な 手段について教えてくれます

  • We can compute that during the game.

    それをゲームの間 計算し

  • And we can use that to sort of carve up the behavior.


  • Here's the cool thing. Six or seven years ago,

    6,7年前 我々はチームを作りました

  • we developed a team. It was at the time in Houston, Texas.


  • It's now in Virginia and London. And we built software


  • that'll link functional magnetic resonance imaging devices

    そしてfMRI装置を インターネットでつなげる

  • up over the Internet. I guess we've done up to six machines

    ソフトを開発しました 当時は6台接続出来ましたが

  • at a time, but let's just focus on two.

    まず 2台に着目しましょう

  • So it synchronizes machines anywhere in the world.

    つまり 世界中の機械が接続できるので

  • We synchronize the machines, set them into these

    接続したうえで 中の人を交流させ

  • staged social interactions, and we eavesdrop on both


  • of the interacting brains. So for the first time,


  • we don't have to look at just averages over single individuals,

    初めて 個々の平均や コンピューターを相手にした―

  • or have individuals playing computers, or try to make

    人を調べ そこから推論を導くのではなく

  • inferences that way. We can study individual dyads.

    二人一組で調べられる ようになりました

  • We can study the way that one person interacts with another person,

    人が他人と交流する様を より多くの―

  • turn the numbers up, and start to gain new insights

    被験者で調べ 認知能力に関する―

  • into the boundaries of normal cognition,


  • but more importantly, we can put people with

    もっと重要な実験として 精神疾患や―

  • classically defined mental illnesses, or brain damage,

    脳障害を持つ患者に 先ほどのような交流をさせて

  • into these social interactions, and use these as probes of that.

    交流に必要な能力とは何かを 測定できます

  • So we've started this effort. We've made a few hits,

    実験は始まったばかりですが 初期段階の発見がいくつか出てきました

  • a few, I think, embryonic discoveries.

    実験は始まったばかりですが 初期段階の発見がいくつか出てきました

  • We think there's a future to this. But it's our way

    私たちはこの研究の 将来に期待しています

  • of going in and redefining, with a new lexicon,


  • a mathematical one actually, as opposed to the standard

    従来とは違う 数学的な新しい定義を

  • ways that we think about mental illness,


  • characterizing these diseases, by using the people

    これらの疾患の特性を 人々を―

  • as birds in the exchanges. That is, we exploit the fact

    カナリアとして使い 調べるのです すなわち―

  • that the healthy partner, playing somebody with major depression,

    うつ病 自閉症 注意欠陥多動性障害の患者と―

  • or playing somebody with autism spectrum disorder,

    うつ病 自閉症 注意欠陥多動性障害の患者と―

  • or playing somebody with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,


  • we use that as a kind of biosensor, and then we use

    健常者を感知器として利用し プログラムを使い

  • computer programs to model that person, and it gives us


  • a kind of assay of this.


  • Early days, and we're just beginning, we're setting up sites

    まだ始めたばかりですが 世界中に施設を開設しています

  • around the world. Here are a few of our collaborating sites.

    まだ始めたばかりですが 世界中に施設を開設しています

  • The hub, ironically enough,


  • is centered in little Roanoke, Virginia.

    バージニアの小さな町 ロアノークにあります

  • There's another hub in London, now, and the rest


  • are getting set up. We hope to give the data away

    残りも開設中です いつかはデータを世界中に―

  • at some stage. That's a complicated issue

    公開したいのですが それには複雑な問題があります

  • about making it available to the rest of the world.

    しかし 私たちの研究は 私たち人間を―

  • But we're also studying just a small part


  • of what makes us interesting as human beings, and so


  • I would invite other people who are interested in this

    ですので 興味があれば研究に―

  • to ask us for the software, or even for guidance

    参加して頂きたい ソフトウェアとその使用方法は

  • on how to move forward with that.


  • Let me leave you with one thought in closing.


  • The interesting thing about studying cognition


  • has been that we've been limited, in a way.

    興味深いのは 我々は常に 限定されていたことです

  • We just haven't had the tools to look at interacting brains

    最近まで 交流する人の脳を 同時に見る術はありませんでした

  • simultaneously.

    最近まで 交流する人の脳を 同時に見る術はありませんでした

  • The fact is, though, that even when we're alone,

    しかし 実際 私たち人間は

  • we're a profoundly social creature. We're not a solitary mind

    一人の時でも社会的な生き物です 私たちの脳は―

  • built out of properties that kept it alive in the world

    他人と関わりない世界で発達した 孤独な存在では―

  • independent of other people. In fact, our minds

    ありません 実際 私たちの脳は―

  • depend on other people. They depend on other people,

    他人に依存します 脳は他人に依存し―

  • and they're expressed in other people,


  • so the notion of who you are, you often don't know

    自己が表現されます 他人との交流があるまでは―

  • who you are until you see yourself in interaction with people

    それが味方であれ 敵対する人であれ

  • that are close to you, people that are enemies of you,


  • people that are agnostic to you.


  • So this is the first sort of step into using that insight

    この洞察に基づき それを道具として使い

  • into what makes us human beings, turning it into a tool,

    人間とは何かを 明らかにし 精神疾患を解明する

  • and trying to gain new insights into mental illness.

    この研究は その最初の一歩です

  • Thanks for having me. (Applause)


  • (Applause)


Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Morton Bast

翻訳: Hidehito Sumitomo 校正: Makoto Ikeo


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B1 中級 日本語 TED 交流 評価 実験 関係 他人

TED】モンタギューを読む。私たちが5,000人の脳から学んでいること (Read Montague: What we're learn from 5,000 brains) (【TED】Read Montague: What we're learning from 5,000 brains (Read Montague: What we're learning from 5,000 brains))

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日