字幕表 動画を再生する
Translator: Morton Bast Reviewer: Thu-Huong Ha
翻訳: Masami Mutsukado and Kacie Wright 校正: Riaki Poništ
As an architect, I often ask myself,
建築家の私は しばしば自問します
what is the origin of the forms that we design?
我々が設計する形の 起源は何だろう
What kind of forms could we design
過去の建築を 参照しないとしたら
if we wouldn't work with references anymore?
If we had no bias, if we had no preconceptions,
偏見も先入観も なかったとしたら
what kind of forms could we design
どんな形を 作りだせるだろう
if we could free ourselves from
our experience?
If we could free ourselves from our education?
今まで受けてきた教育に 囚われないとしたら?
What would these unseen forms look like?
見たこともない形が 造り出されるだろうか
Would they surprise us? Would they intrigue us?
びっくりするような形? 魅力的な形?
Would they delight us?
If so, then how can we go about creating something that is truly new?
どうやったら全く新しいものを 創れるでしょうか
I propose we look to nature.
Nature has been called the greatest architect of forms.
自然は最も偉大な建築家である と言われています
And I'm not saying that we should copy nature,
自然をそのままコピーしたり 生物そのものを模倣せよと
I'm not saying we should mimic biology,
instead I propose that we can borrow nature's processes.
過程を借りたらどうかと 提案しているのです
We can abstract them and to create something that is new.
自然のプロセスにならい 新しいものを創るのです
Nature's main process of creation, morphogenesis,
自然の主な創造過程である 形態形成とは
is the splitting of one cell into two cells.
一つの細胞が 2つに分裂することを指しますが
And these cells can either be identical,
or they can be distinct from each other
through asymmetric cell division.
If we abstract this process, and simplify it as much as possible,
この過程を採用し 出来るだけ単純化してみるなら―
then we could start with a single sheet of paper,
one surface, and we could make a fold
and divide the surface into two surfaces.
We're free to choose where we make the fold.
And by doing so, we can differentiate the surfaces.
Through this very simple process,
このように ごく単純な過程から
we can create an astounding variety of forms.
驚くほど多様な形を 創る事ができます
Now, we can take this form and use the same process
同じ過程を使って この形から
to generate three-dimensional structures,
but rather than folding things by hand,
we'll bring the structure into the computer,
and code it as an algorithm.
アルゴリズムとして コード化します
And in doing so, we can suddenly fold anything.
そうする事で 今や 何でも折ることができます
We can fold a million times faster,
we can fold in hundreds and hundreds of variations.
ものすごい種類の形を 折ることができます
And as we're seeking to make something three-dimensional,
we start not with a single surface, but with a volume.
面からではなく 立体から始めます
A simple volume, the cube.
If we take its surfaces and fold them
again and again and again and again,
then after 16 iterations, 16 steps,
we end up with 400,000 surfaces and a shape that looks,
for instance, like this.
And if we change where we make the folds,
if we change the folding ratio,
then this cube turns into this one.
We can change the folding ratio again to produce this shape,
面の比率の変化により こんな形にも
or this shape.
So we exert control over the form
by specifying the position of where we're making the fold,
but essentially you're looking at a folded cube.
基本的には折った立方体です これでちょっと
And we can play with this.
We can apply different folding ratios to different parts
異なる部分を 異なる面比率で折ると
of the form to create local conditions.
部分的に 紙の状態を変えられます
We can begin to sculpt the form.
And because we're doing the folding on the computer,
we are completely free of any physical constraints.
So that means that surfaces can intersect themselves,
つまり 紙を交差させて ありえないほど
they can become impossibly small.
We can make folds that we otherwise could not make.
その方法でしかできない 折り目が作れます
Surfaces can become porous.
They can stretch. They can tear.
伸縮可能だし 裂くこともできます
And all of this expounds the scope of forms that we can produce.
以上の方法で 幅広い形を造れるようになります
But in each case, I didn't design the form.
でも 私はどの形も設計していません
I designed the process that generated the form.
In general, if we make a small change to the folding ratio,
通常は 面比率を少し変えると
which is what you're seeing here,
then the form changes correspondingly.
But that's only half of the story --
99.9 percent of the folding ratios produce not this,
99.9%の場合 このような ちゃんとした形にはなりません
but this, the geometric equivalent of noise.
こうなってしまいます 「ノイズ」つまり失敗作です
The forms that I showed before were made actually
お見せした形はすべて 試行錯誤の結果
through very long trial and error.
A far more effective way to create forms, I have found,
形を創る もっとずっと 効率的な方法は
is to use information that is already contained in forms.
形に既に含まれた情報を 使うことだとわかったのです
A very simple form such as this one actually contains
この画像のような とても単純な形でも
a lot of information that may not be visible to the human eye.
実際は 目には見えない沢山の 情報を含んでいます
So, for instance, we can plot the length of the edges.
例えば辺の長さを 決められます
White surfaces have long edges, black ones have short ones.
白い面には長い辺 黒い面には短い辺
We can plot the planarity of the surfaces, their curvature,
また 面の平面度や 湾曲率や半径など―
how radial they are -- all information that may not be
instantly visible to you,
but that we can bring out, that we can articulate,
この方法で引き出して イメージ化し
and that we can use to control the folding.
折り方を決めることが できるのです
So now I'm not specifying a single
ここでは 折り目ひとつひとつの
ratio anymore to fold it,
but instead I'm establishing a rule,
I'm establishing a link between a property of a surface
ある面の設定と その面の折り方を
and how that surface is folded.
And because I've designed the process and not the form,
形ではなく 過程を設計するので
I can run the process again and again and again
何度も何度も その過程を繰り返して
to produce a whole family of forms.
形の集合を 生み出すことができます
These forms look elaborate, but the process is a very minimal one.
これらの形は精巧に見えますが 過程は最小限です
There is a simple input,
it's always a cube that I start with,
and it's a very simple operation -- it's making a fold,
とても単純な動作です 一回折って
and doing this over and over again.
そして何回も何回も 同じことを繰り返すだけです
So let's bring this process to architecture.
How? And at what scale?
I chose to design a column.
Columns are architectural archetypes.
They've been used throughout history to express ideals
歴史上 美や技術の理想を
about beauty, about technology.
A challenge to me was how we could express
さて どうすれば
this new algorithmic order in a column.
この新しいアルゴリズムで 円柱が造れるでしょうか
I started using four cylinders.
Through a lot of experimentation, these cylinders
たくさん実験した結果 これらの円筒は
eventually evolved into this.
And these columns, they have information at very many scales.
これらの円柱には 非常に 多種多様な情報が含まれます
We can begin to zoom into them.
The closer one gets, the more new features one discovers.
近づけば近づくほど 新しい特徴が見つかります
Some formations are almost at the threshold of human visibility.
人の目に見えるか限界に 近い形もあります
And unlike traditional architecture,
it's a single process that creates both the overall form
たった1つの過程で 全体の形と
and the microscopic surface detail.
顕微鏡サイズの細部の 両方が創れます
These forms are undrawable.
An architect who's drawing them with a pen and a paper
建築家が ペンと紙で描こうとすれば
would probably take months,
細部を含め 全体を描くのに
or it would take even a year to draw all the sections,
何か月 いや 1年かかるかもしれない
all of the elevations, you can only create something like this
through an algorithm.
The more interesting question, perhaps, is,
are these forms imaginable?
これらの形は 想像可能でしょうか?
Usually, an architect can somehow envision the end state
建築家は 普通 造っているものの
of what he is designing.
In this case, the process is deterministic.
私のやり方の場合 過程で結果が決まります
There's no randomness involved at all,
but it's not entirely predictable.
There's too many surfaces,
there's too much detail, one can't see the end state.
細部があまりにも多くて 出来上がった状態が見えません
So this leads to a new role for the architect.
ここで建築家に 新しい役割が生まれます
One needs a new method to explore all of the possibilities
that are out there.
For one thing, one can design many variants of a form,
1つの形から様々な バリエーションが創れますし
in parallel, and one can cultivate them.
同時に 発展させることもできます
And to go back to the analogy with nature,
最初にお話しした 自然に例えれば
one can begin to think in terms of populations,
one can talk about permutations, about generations,
バリエーション 系列などを考慮し
about crossing and breeding to come up with a design.
かけあわせて 形を生み出すのです
And the architect is really, he moves into the position
こうなると 建築家はもう
of being an orchestrator of all of these processes.
オーケストラの指揮者的な 位置づけになります
But enough of the theory.
At one point I simply wanted to jump inside
this image, so to say, I bought these red and blue
赤と青の3Dメガネを 買ったこともありました
3D glasses, got up very close to the screen,
スクリーンに触れるほど 接近しましたが
but still that wasn't the same as being able to
中で歩き回ったり 手で触ったり
walk around and touch things.
So there was only one possibility --
to bring the column out of the computer.
コンピューターから 円柱を取り出すことです
There's been a lot of talk now about 3D printing.
3Dプリントなんかが 今話題ですね
For me, or for my purpose at this moment,
でも 現時点で 私の目的にとっては
there's still too much of an unfavorable tradeoff
イマイチでした 妥協を強いられるからです
between scale, on the one hand, and resolution and speed, on the other.
小さいが細かく速く作れるか 大きくて遅いかのどちらかなので
So instead, we decided to take the column,
and we decided to build it as a layered model,
made out of very many slices, thinly stacked over each other.
積み上げて 円柱を造り上げました
What you're looking at here is an X-ray
of the column that you just saw, viewed from the top.
円柱を上から見ている X線の写真です
Unbeknownst to me at the time,
because we had only seen the outside,
the surfaces were continuing to fold themselves,
to grow on the inside of the column,
無数の細かい構造が できていました
which was quite a surprising discovery.
これが分かったときは かなり驚きました
From this shape, we calculated a cutting line,
and then we gave this cutting line to a laser cutter
to produce -- and you're seeing a segment of it here --
一部お見せしますと 個別に切れた
very many thin slices, individually cut, on top of each other.
沢山の薄い層が 重なりあっていますね
And this is a photo now, it's not a rendering,
これは実際の写真です CGではありません
and the column that we ended up with
after a lot of work, ended up looking remarkably like the one
完成した実際の円柱と コンピューターで
that we had designed in the computer.
デザインした円柱は 驚くほど似ていました
Almost all of the details, almost all of the
細かく入り組んだ 表面のディテールの
surface intricacies were preserved.
ほとんどが そのまま実現しました
But it was very labor intensive.
There's a huge disconnect at the moment still
現状では バーチャルと現実の差は
between the virtual and the physical.
It took me several months to design the column,
円柱作りには 数ヶ月かかりましたが
but ultimately it takes the computer about 30 seconds
コンピューターで 1600万の面を
to calculate all of the 16 million faces.
The physical model, on the other hand,
その一方 実際作ったモデルには
is 2,700 layers, one millimeter thick,
1ミリの層が2700枚重なり 重さは700キロ
it weighs 700 kilos, it's made of sheet that can cover
この会場いっぱい覆えるほど 大きな一枚の
this entire auditorium.
And the cutting path that the laser followed
それを レーザーで切った長さは
goes from here to the airport and back again.
ここから空港までの往復の 距離と同じくらいでしたが
But it is increasingly possible.
作りやすく なってきた方です
Machines are getting faster, it's getting less expensive,
機械はより速く より安く
and there's some promising technological developments
技術発展の面でも この先期待できそうな
just on the horizon.
These are images from the Gwangju Biennale.
グワンジュ ビエナル展での 写真です
And in this case, I used ABS plastic to produce the columns,
円柱を造るのに ABSプラスチックを使い
we used the bigger, faster machine,
より大きくて速い 機械を使いました
and they have a steel core inside, so they're structural,
they can bear loads for once.
Each column is effectively a hybrid of two columns.
柱はそれぞれ 二本の円柱でできていて
You can see a different column in the mirror,
if there's a mirror behind the column
that creates a sort of an optical illusion.
So where does this leave us?
さて ここから何が言えるでしょうか?
I think this project gives us a glimpse of the unseen objects that await us
建築家が 皆 ものを設計するのではなく
if we as architects begin to think about designing not the object,
ものを生み出す過程の設計に 注目し始めれば
but a process to generate objects.
誰も見たことのないものを 創り出せるということです
I've shown one simple process that was inspired by nature;
自然がヒントになった 簡単な過程をお見せしましたが
there's countless other ones.
他にも数えきれないほどの 過程が存在します
In short, we have no constraints.
Instead, we have processes in our hands right now
それどころか 想像もしなかったような構造を
that allow us to create structures at all scales
大小あらゆる規模で設計できる そんなプロセスを
that we couldn't even have dreamt up.
私たちは 今もうすでに 手にしているのです
And, if I may add, at one point we will build them.
そして そんな建築が きっといつか実現するでしょう
Thank you. (Applause)
ありがとうございました (拍手)