字幕表 動画を再生する
Those of you who have seen the film "Moneyball,"
翻訳: Maki Sugimoto 校正: Tamami Inoue
or have read the book by Michael Lewis,
映画 『マネーボール』を 観たことがある方や
will be familiar with the story of Billy Beane.
マイケル・ルイスの原作を 読まれた方なら
Billy was supposed to be a tremendous ballplayer; all the scouts told him so.
ビリー・ビーンの話を よくご存知でしょう
They told his parents that
「君は偉大な野球選手になるだろう」と スカウトは誰もが言いました
they predicted that he was going to be a star.
But what actually happened when he signed the contract -- and by the way, he didn't
きっとスター選手に なると言いました
want to sign that contract, he wanted to go to college --
which is what my mother, who actually does love me,
ちなみに彼は大学に進学したかったので 契約したくなかったのです
said that I should do too, and I did --
大学と言えば 私を愛する母の勧めに従って私も―
well, he didn't do very well. He struggled mightily.
He got traded a couple of times, he ended up in the Minors for most of his career,
さて 彼はあまり活躍できず とても苦労しました
and he actually ended up in management. He ended up as a General Manager of the
数回のトレードを経て キャリアの大半を
Oakland A's.
マイナーリーグで過ごし 結局オークランド・アスレチックスの
Now for many of you in this room, ending up in management, which is also what I've done,
is seen as a success.
マネジメントを任されるようになることは ―私も任されていますが
I can assure you that for a kid trying to make it in the Bigs,
going into management ain't no success story. It's a failure.
でもはっきり言って 大リーグで成功したい若者からすれば
And what I want to talk to you about today, and share with you, is that our
管理職になるなんて 成功ではなく敗北です
healthcare system, our medical system, is just as bad at predicting
今日 皆さんにお伝えしたいのは
what happens to people in it -- patients, others --
我々の医療システムは 患者や他の人たちの健康状態の将来を
as those scouts were at predicting what would happen to Billy Beane.
And yet, every day
ビリーの将来を予測した あのスカウト達と同じです
thousands of people in this country
are diagnosed with preconditions.
We hear about pre-hypertension, we hear about pre-dementia,
病気の予備群と 診断されています
we hear about pre-anxiety, and I'm pretty sure that I diagnosed myself with
高血圧予備群とか認知症予備群とか よく耳にします
that in the green room.
We also refer to subclinical conditions.
さっき楽屋にいた自分の自己診断です (笑)
There's subclinical atherosclerosis, subclinical hardening of the arteries,
私たちは無症状の健康状態にも 言及します
obviously linked to heart attacks, potentially.
無症状のアテローム硬化症 つまり動脈硬化症は
One of my favorites is called subclinical acne.
明らかに心臓発作に つながる可能性が高いです
If you look up subclinical acne, you may find a website, which I did,
which says that this is the easiest type of acne to treat.
無症候性ニキビを検索すると あるウェブサイトに
You don't have the pustules or the redness and inflammation.
最も治療しやすいニキビと書かれています (笑)
Maybe that's because you don't actually have acne.
膿や発赤や 炎症もありません
I have a name for all of these conditions, it's another precondition:
I call them preposterous.
こういった現象全体を指す言葉があります pre- が付く言葉で
In baseball, the game follows the pre-game.
preposterous (本末転倒)です
Season follows the pre-season.
野球では 試合は試合前から シーズンはシーズン前から
But with a lot of these conditions, that actually isn't the case, or at least it isn't the
case all the time. It's as if there's a rain delay, every single time in many cases.
しかし 先の予備群たちは違います 常に先に進むわけではありません
We have pre-cancerous lesions,
まるで多くの試合が 雨天順延ばかりのような事態です
which often don't turn into cancer.
And yet,
if you take, for example, subclinical osteoporosis, a bone thinning disease,
the precondition,
たとえば無症候性骨粗鬆症 つまり骨が痩せる病気の
otherwise known as osteopenia,
you would have to treat 270 women for three years
in order to prevent one broken bone.
1カ所の骨折を予防するためには 270人の女性を3年間も
That's an awful lot of women
when you multiply by the number of women who were diagnosed
with this osteopenia.
And so is it any wonder,
given all of the costs and the side effects
of the drugs that we're using to treat these preconditions, that every year
we're spending more than two trillion dollars on healthcare and yet
100,000 people a year -- and that's a conservative estimate -- are dying
毎年 2兆ドル以上も ヘルスケアに費やしているのに
not because of the conditions they have,
控えめに見積もって 毎年10万人が
but because of the treatments that we're giving them and the complications of those treatments?
We've medicalized everything
施された治療とそれによる 合併症で死亡しているのです
in this country.
Women in the audience, I have some
pretty bad news that you already know,
and that's that every aspect of your life
かなり残念なお知らせです お気づきでしょうか
has been medicalized.
皆さんの人生の さまざまな状況が
Strike one is when you hit puberty.
You now have something that happens to you once a month that has been medicalized.
例えば ストライク1 思春期を迎えると
It's a condition;
毎月1度訪れるものも 医療の対象となる―
it has to be treated. Strike two
is if you get pregnant.
That's been medicalized as well.
次にストライク2 妊娠すると
You have to have a high-tech experience
of pregnancy, otherwise something might go wrong.
Strike three is menopause.
さもなければ どこかに問題が生じるかもしれません
We all know what happened when millions of women were given hormone replacement therapy
そしてストライク3 閉経です
for menopausal symptoms
ご存知のように数十年間 多くの女性の更年期障害に対し
for decades until all of a sudden we realized, because a study came out, a big one,
NIH (国立保健研究機構)の資金で行われた 研究の結果が
It said,
actually, a lot of that hormone replacement therapy may be doing more harm than good
その報告によれば 多くのホルモン補充療法では 治療効果よりも
for many of those women.
Just in case,
I don't want to leave the men out --
I am one, after all --
I have really bad news for all of you in this room,
ここにいる皆さんにも 非常に残念な
and for everyone
listening and watching elsewhere:
You all have
例外なく致命的な 状態といえます
a universally fatal condition.
So, just take a moment.
「死の予備群(pre-death)」と言えます (笑)
It's called pre-death.
誰もが危険因子を 抱えています
Every single one of you has it, because you have the risk factor for it,
それは 生きている ということです(笑)
which is being alive.
しかし良い知らせもあります ジャーナリストとして
But I have some good news for you, because
物事を幸せで前向きに 締めくくりたいですから
I'm a journalist, I like to end things in a happy way or a forward-thinking way.
もし私の話が終わるまで 生存できたら―
And that good news is that if you can survive to the end of my talk, which
we'll see if that happens for everyone,
プリバイバー(pre-vivor: 生存予備群)ですね(笑)
you will be a pre-vivor.
I made up pre-death.
もし先に誰かが言っていたら 謝罪しますが
If I used someone else's pre-death, I apologize,
I think I made it up.
プリバイバーは 私の造語ではありません
I didn't make up pre-vivor.
プリバイバーとはある癌患者の支援団体が 癌発症リスクを持ちながら
Pre-vivor is what a particular cancer advocacy group would like everyone who
just has a risk factor,
but hasn't actually had that cancer,
to call themselves.
You are a pre-vivor.
今朝ここに HBOテレビがいました
We've had HBO here this morning. I'm wondering if Mark Burnett is anywhere in the
マーク・バーネット プロデューサー こんなのどうですか
audience, I'd like to suggest
「プリバイバー」というリアリティー番組 (笑)
a reality TV show called "Pre-vivor."
発病したら 島から追放です (笑)
If you develop a disease, you're off the island.
しかし 問題は 我々のシステムは
But the problem is, we have a system
もっぱらこういうことを 促進したものなのです
that is completely --
basically promoted this.
役割を果たし そして皆に予備群名や時には診断名を
We've selected, at every point in this system,
to do what we do, and to give everyone a precondition and then eventually
まず医師と患者の関係を考えましょう 医師のほとんどは
a condition, in some cases.
出来高払いのため 基本的に報酬を増やすため
Start with the doctor-patient relationship. Doctors, most of them,
治療行為や検査や薬剤の処方などが 過剰になりがちです
are in a fee-for-service system. They are basically incentivized to do more --
procedures, tests,
医師は何かをしたいのです 私たちアメリカ人はそこで
prescribe medications.
じっとしていられず 衝動にかられ 薬を欲しがります
Patients come to them,
患者は治療して欲しいのです 病態や治療法を聞きたいのです
they want to do something. We're Americans, we can't just stand
there, we have to do something. And so they want a drug.
They want a treatment. They want to be told, this is what you have and this is how
you treat it. If the doctor doesn't give you that,
あるいは さらに悪いことに
you go somewhere else.
いずれ何かの診断が下されたときに それを検査していなかった医師は―
That's not very good for doctors' business.
Or even worse,
また製薬会社は 常に適応範囲の拡大や
if you are diagnosed with something eventually, and the doctor didn't order that test,
you get sued.
We have pharmaceutical companies that are constantly trying to expand
また プリバイバーを発案した患者支援団体の様に
the indications, expand the number of people who are eligible for a given treatment,
病気のリスクや条件を満たすと 多くの人々に思わせると
because that obviously helps their bottom line. We have advocacy groups,
like the one that's come up with pre-vivor,
who want to make more and more people feel they are at risk, or might have a condition,
しかし この話は実は
so that they can raise more funds
ジャーナリスト業に典型的な 特定のプレーヤーを非難する目的で
and raise visibility, et cetera.
But this isn't actually,
私たちはみな 責任を負います
despite what journalists typically do, this isn't actually about blaming
particular players.
実は私はヤンキースを 応援していますが
We are all responsible.
I'm responsible.
できるだけの 応援をしてしまうのです
I actually root for the Yankees, I mean talk about
ありがとう (笑)
rooting for the worst possible
でも みな責任を負います
offender when it comes to doing everything you can do.
Thank you.
「懐疑的に考える方法」とか 「検査をオーダーしない方法」とかの
But everyone is responsible.
I went to medical school,
and I didn't have a course called How to Think Skeptically,
or How Not to Order Tests.
実際に ジャーナリストの役目は
We have this system
そのインセンティブの解明です 経済学者が言うように
where that's what you do.
And it actually took being a journalist
to understand all these incentives. You know, economists like to say,
there are no bad people,
医療技術における 『フィールド・オブ・ドリームス』のシステムです
there are just bad incentives.
つまり いたる所にMRIを増設し 各病院に手術ロボットを設置して
And that's actually true.
「誰もがロボット手術を受けるべきだ」 と語るのです
Because what we've created is a sort of Field of Dreams, when it comes to medical technology.
「それを作れば 彼らが訪れる」という システムを作ってきたのです
So when you put another MRI in every corner, you put a robot
さらに 実際に意図的に
in every hospital saying that everyone has to have robotic surgery.
行ったほうが良い 行かなければいけないと
Well, we've created a system where if you build it, they will come.
But you can actually perversely
そう考えると ジャーナリストになった自分も含めた皆が
tell people to come, convince them
問題の一部であると 私は気づきました
that they have to come.
私は全ての危険因子を医療の対象にして 原稿を書き
It was when I became a journalist that I really realized how I was part of this problem,
and how we all are part of this problem.
毎日 不要な心配を煽っていました
I was medicalizing every risk factor, I was writing stories, commissioning stories,
しかし 抜け出す方法があります
every day, that were trying to,
先週 私が内科医に 診てもらったとき
not necessarily make people worried, although that was what often happened.
But, you know, there are ways out.
彼に言われたことは ここにいる皆さんからなら
I saw my own internist last week,
and he said to me,
こういう話のために 彼のところに通っているのです
"You know," and he told me something that
everyone in this audience could have told me for free,
そう 彼は正しいのです 私はもう十年間も
but I paid him for the privilege, which is that
I need to lose some weight.
Well, he's right. I've had honest-to-goodness high blood pressure
それは本物の病気で 高血圧予備群ではなく
for a dozen years now, same
age my father got it,
and it's a real disease. It's not pre-hypertension, it's actual
hypertension, high blood pressure.
Well, he's right,
but he didn't say to me,
「このスタチンの服用を開始して コレステロールを下げろ」とも言わず
well, you have pre-obesity or
「外に出て減量しましょう 少ししたらまた来てください
you have pre-diabetes, or anything like that. He didn't say,
もしくは 電話で様子を教えて くださいね」と言いました
better start taking this Statin, you need to lower your cholesterol.
No, he said, "Go out and lose some weight. Come back and see me in a bit,
or just give me a call and let me know how you're doing."
ビリー・ビーンも同様のことを 学びました
So that's, to me,
a way forward.
彼にとって本当に役立った選手を見て 学びました
Billy Beane, by the way, learned the same thing.
ヤンキースの様な金持ち球団が 欲しがるような
He learned,
ホームラン狙いで 全部の球を打ちに行く選手は違う
from watching this kid who he eventually hired, who was really successful for him,
that it wasn't swinging for the fences, it wasn't swinging at every pitch
四球を選んで出塁するタイプの選手を 見極めてスカウトすべきだと
like the sluggers do, which is what all the expensive teams like the Yankees like to --
they like to pick up those guys.
This kid told him, you know, you gotta watch the guys, and you gotta go out and find
the guys who like to walk,
医療システムにおいても 私たちが明らかにすべきは
because getting on base by a walk
is just as good, and in our healthcare system
見逃して振るべきでないものか? ということです
we need to figure out,
is that really a good pitch
or should we let it go by and not swing at everything?