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  • Translator: Jenny Zurawell Reviewer: Morton Bast

    翻訳: Mieko Akai 校正: DSK INOUE

  • When I was about 16 years old


  • I can remember flipping through channels at home during summer vacation,

    夏休みの最中で 家でTVのチャンネルを変えていました

  • looking for a movie to watch on HBO --


  • and how many of you remember "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"?


  • Oh yeah, great movie, right? -- Well, I saw Matthew Broderick on the screen, and so I thought,

    いい映画でしたよね?  画面のマシュー・ブロデリックを見て こう思いました

  • "Sweet! Ferris Bueller. I'll watch this!"

    「やった! フェリス・ビューラーだ これを観よう!」

  • It wasn't Ferris Bueller. And forgive me Matthew Broderick,

    でも「フェリスはある朝突然に」ではありませんでした マシュー・ブロデリックにも謝ります

  • I know you've done other movies besides Ferris Bueller, but that's how I remember you; you're Ferris.

    他の映画にも出演しているのに 彼を見るとフェリスだと思ってしまうのです

  • But you weren't doing Ferris-y things at the time; you were doing gay things at the time.

    その時の彼は フェリスとは全く違う ゲイの役だったんですけどね

  • He was in a movie called "Torch Song Trilogy."


  • And "Torch Song Trilogy" was based on a play about this drag queen who essentially was looking for love.

    舞台が映画化されたもので 愛を探し求める ドラッグクイーンの物語です

  • Love and respect -- that's what the whole film was about.

    愛とリスペクトが 映画のテーマです

  • And as I'm watching it, I'm realizing that they're talking about me.

    映画を観ているうちに 自分の話だと気づきました

  • Not the drag queen part -- I am not shaving my hair for anyone -- but the gay part.

    ドラッグクイーンではなく ゲイということについてですよ 僕は毛を剃ったりしませんから

  • The finding love and respect, the part about trying to find your place in the world.

    愛とリスペクトを求め 自分の居場所を探すという部分です

  • So as I'm watching this, I see this powerful scene that brought me to tears,

    涙が溢れ出た 印象的なシーンがありました

  • and it stuck with me for the past 25 years.

    それはこれまでの25年間 僕の頭を離れませんでした

  • And there's this quote that the main character, Arnold, tells his mother

    これは主人公のアーノルドが 母親に言う台詞です

  • as they're fighting about who he is and the life that he lives.


  • "There's one thing more -- there's just one more thing you better understand.

    「もう一つ あとたった一つだけ  わかっておいて欲しいことがある

  • I've taught myself to sew, cook, fix plumbing, build furniture,

    僕は裁縫も 料理も 水道修理も 家具の作り方も勉強した

  • I can even pat myself on the back when necessary,


  • all so I don't have to ask anyone for anything.

    そうすれば 誰にも頼らないで済むから

  • There's nothing I need from anyone except for love and respect,


  • and anyone who can't give me those two things has no place in my life."


  • I remember that scene like it was yesterday; I was 16, I was in tears, I was in the closet,

    そのシーンを昨日の事のように思い出します カミングアウトしていなかった16歳の僕は泣きました

  • and I'm looking at these two people, Ferris Bueller and some guy I'd never seen before,

    フェリス・ビューラーと 見たこともない男が

  • fighting for love.


  • When I finally got to a place in my life

    その後 僕は自分らしい人生を歩み始めました

  • where I came out and accepted who I was, and was really quite happy, to tell you the truth,

    カミングアウトして自分を認めました 本当に幸せでした

  • I was happily gay and I guess that's supposed to be right because gay means happy too.

    僕はハッピーなゲイでした ゲイにはハッピーという意味もありますからね

  • I realized there were a lot of people who weren't as gay as I was --

    でも 僕のように「同性に惹かれる」という意味ではなく「ハッピー」という意味で

  • gay being happy, not gay being attracted to the same sex.


  • In fact, I heard that there was a lot of hate and a lot of anger

    僕のようなゲイや ゲイのライフスタイルに対して

  • and a lot of frustration and a lot of fear


  • about who I was and the gay lifestyle.


  • Now, I'm sitting here trying to figure out "the gay lifestyle," "the gay lifestyle,"

    その 「ゲイのライフスタイル」 について考えました

  • and I keep hearing this word over and over and over again: lifestyle, lifestyle, lifestyle.

    「ゲイのライフスタイル」という言葉をよく耳にします ライフスタイル・・・

  • I've even heard politicians say that the gay lifestyle is a greater threat

    「ゲイのライフスタイルは深刻な脅威だ」 と言った政治家さえいます

  • to civilization than terrorism.

    社会にとっては テロよりも 大きな脅威だと言うのです

  • That's when I got scared.


  • Because I'm thinking, if I'm gay and I'm doing something that's going to destroy civilization,

    だって僕はゲイですから自分が 文明を破壊してしまうんじゃないかと思ったんです

  • I need to figure out what this stuff is, and I need to stop doing it right now.

    いったいゲイのライフスタイルって何なのか? そんなに恐ろしいものなら今すぐに止めなければ!

  • (Laughter)


  • So, I took a look at my life, a hard look at my life,

    それで 自分の生活というものについて考えてみました よくよく 考えました

  • and I saw some things very disturbing.


  • (Laughter)

    超有害なゲイのライフスタイル (笑)

  • And I want to begin sharing these evil things that I've been doing with you,


  • starting with my mornings.


  • I drink coffee.


  • Not only do I drink coffee, I know other gay people who drink coffee.

    僕ひとりが飲むだけではなく 他のゲイの人たちも飲みます

  • I get stuck in traffic --


  • evil, evil traffic.


  • Sometimes I get stuck in lines at airports.


  • I look around, and I go, "My God, look at all these gay people!

    僕は見回してこう言います 何でこんなにゲイが大勢いるんだ!

  • We're all trapped in these lines! These long lines trying to get on an airplane!

    飛行機に乗るために みんなが長い列に並んでいるんです

  • My God, this lifestyle that I'm living is so freaking evil!"


  • I clean up. This is not an actual photograph of my son's room; his is messier.

    掃除もします ちなみにこれは息子の部屋じゃありません 彼のはもっと散らかっています

  • And because I have a 15-year-old, all I do is cook and cook and cook.

    15歳の息子がいますので 僕は1日中 料理に追われています

  • Any parents out there of teenagers? All we do is cook for these people --

    十代のお子さんがいる人はいますか? あの人たちは 何であんなに食べるのでしょう

  • they eat two, three, four dinners a night -- it's ridiculous!

    ひと晩に2食 3食 4食は食べる バカみたいに!

  • This is the gay lifestyle.


  • And after I'm done cooking and cleaning and standing in line and getting stuck in traffic,

    料理して 掃除して 列に並び 渋滞にはまった後に ー

  • my partner and I, we get together


  • and we decide that we're gonna go and have some wild and crazy fun.


  • (Laughter)


  • We're usually in bed before we find out who's eliminated on "American Idol."

    「アメリカンアイドル」の脱落者が分かる 時間には寝ています

  • We have to wake up and find out the next day who's still on

    翌朝 誰が残ったのか教えてもらいます

  • because we're too freaking tired to hear who stays on.

    疲れていて 起きていられないんですよ

  • This is the super duper evil gay lifestyle.

    これが 超有害なゲイのライフスタイルです

  • Run for your heterosexual lives, people.

    皆さんは 安全な異性愛の生活に逃げてください

  • (Applause)


  • When my partner, Steve, and I first started dating,

    パートナーのスティーブと付き合い始めた頃 ー

  • he told me this story about penguins.


  • And I didn't know where he was going with it at first.


  • He was kind of a little bit nervous when he was sharing it with me, but he told me that


  • when a penguin finds a mate that they want to spend the rest of their life with,

    ペンギンは一生を共にしたい相手を見つけると ー

  • they present them with a pebble -- the perfect pebble.


  • And then he reaches into his pocket, and he brings this out to me.

    その話をしてから 彼はこれをポケットから出して僕に渡しました

  • And I looked at it, and I was like, this is really cool.

    僕はそれを見て 僕はすごく感激しました

  • And he says, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

    そして彼はこう言いました 「残りの人生を一緒に過ごしたい」

  • So I wear this whenever I have to do something that makes me a little nervous,

    緊張するようなことをする時は 必ずこれを身につけています

  • like, I don't know, a TEDx talk.

    例えば このTEDxトークですね

  • I wear this when I am apart from him for a long period of time.


  • And sometimes I just wear it just because.


  • How many people out there are in love? Anyone in love out there?

    恋をしている人は何人いますか? 恋をしている人はいますか?

  • You might be gay.


  • (Laughter)


  • Because I, too, am in love, and apparently that's part of the gay lifestyle that I warned you about.

    僕だって恋をしているのだから それもゲイのライフスタイルです

  • (Applause)


  • You may want to tell your spouse. Who, if they're in love, might be gay as well.

    パートナーにも言った方がいいですよ その人が恋をしているのならその人もゲイかもしれないから

  • How many of you are single? Any single people out there?

    シングルの人は何人いますか? シングルの人?

  • You too might be gay! Because I know some gay people who are also single.

    あなたもゲイかもしれませんよ! 僕にはシングルでゲイの知り合いもいますから

  • It's really scary, this gay lifestyle thing; it's super duper evil and there's no end to it!

    ゲイのライフスタイルは本当に恐ろしい 超有害で 数え挙げたらきりがない

  • It goes and goes and engulfs!

    いくらでもありますよ 怖くなるほどね!

  • It's really quite silly, isn't it?


  • That's why I'm so happy to finally hear President Obama come out and say

    だから オバマ大統領がこう言ってくれた時 僕は本当にうれしかった

  • that he supports --


  • (Applause)


  • that he supports marriage equality.


  • It's a wonderful day in our country's history; it's a wonderful day in the globe's history


  • to be able to have an actual sitting president say, enough of this --

    アメリカや世界の歴史にとって 素晴らしい出来事です

  • first to himself, and then to the rest of the world.


  • It's wonderful.

    彼は自分にそして 世界に向かってついに言ったのです

  • But there's something that's been disturbing me since he


  • made that remark just a short time ago.


  • And that is, apparently, this is just another move by the gay activists


  • that's on the gay agenda.


  • And I'm disturbed by this because I've been openly gay now for quite some time.


  • I've been to all of the functions, I've been to fundraisers,

    ゲイだと公言してずいぶん経ちますが ずっとそれが気になっているんです

  • I've written about the topic, and I have yet to receive my copy of this gay agenda.

    集会にも出ているし 資金集めのイベントにも参加してます

  • (Laughter)

    記事だって書いているのに 「ゲイアジェンダ」のコピーが送られて来ないんです

  • I've paid my dues on time,


  • (Laughter)


  • I've marched in gay pride flags parades and the whole nine,


  • and I've yet to see a copy of the gay agenda.

    ゲイ・プライド・フラッグのパレードにだって はるばる行って参加したのに

  • It's very, very frustrating, and I was feeling left out, like I wasn't quite gay enough.

    それなのにゲイアジェンダのコピーを 見たこともないなんて

  • But then something wonderful happened: I was out shopping, as I tend to do,

    非常に不満ですし のけ者にされた気がします ゲイとして失格な気がします

  • and I came across a bootleg copy of the official gay agenda.

    でも 素晴らしいことが起きました いつものように買い物をしていた時のことです

  • And I said to myself, "LZ, for so long, you have been denied this.


  • When you get in front of this crowd, you're gonna share the news.

    その時 思ったんです 存在しないと思っていたけれど ー

  • You're gonna spread the gay agenda so no one else has to wonder,

    みんなの前に立ったら この話をしようと

  • what exactly is in the gay agenda?


  • What are these gays up to?

    そうすれば ゲイアジェンダって何だとか

  • What do they want?"


  • So, without further ado, I will present to you, ladies and gentlemen --

    一体奴らは何を求めているんだとか 誰も気をもんだりしなくてよくなります

  • now be careful, 'cause it's evil -- a copy,

    話はこの辺にして  実物をお見せしましょう

  • the official copy, of the gay agenda.

    気をつけてくださいね 有害ですから

  • (Music)


  • The gay agenda, people!

    ゲイアジェンダ (音楽)

  • (Applause)


  • There it is!


  • Did you soak it all in? The gay agenda.


  • Some of you may be calling it, what,

    じっくり見ましたか? これが「ゲイアジェンダ」です

  • the Constitution of the United States, is that what you call it too?

    これを ええっと・・・あれ 何だっけ

  • The U.S. Constitution is the gay agenda.

    「合衆国憲法」と呼ぶ人もいますが  皆さんもそうですか?

  • These gays, people like me, want to be treated like full citizens

    合衆国憲法こそが ゲイアジェンダなんです

  • and it's all written down in plain sight.

    僕のような同性愛者は ただ国民としての権利を求めているのです

  • I was blown away when I saw it. I was like, wait, this is the gay agenda?

    ここに書かれているのが 国民としての権利であることは一目見ればわかります

  • Why didn't you just call it the Constitution so I knew what you were talking about?

    見た時はショックでした 待てよ これがゲイアジェンダなのかと

  • I wouldn't have been so confused; I wouldn't have been so upset.

    なぜ最初から合衆国憲法だと 言ってくれなかったのでしょう

  • But there it is. The gay agenda.

    そうすれば 僕は混乱も動揺しなくて済んだのに

  • Run for your heterosexual lives.

    でも これがそうなんです ゲイアジェンダです

  • Did you know that in all the states where there is no shading that


  • people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered


  • can be kicked out of their apartments

    ゲイ レズビアン バイセクシャル トランスジェンダーは ー

  • for being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered?

    色のついていな州では ー

  • That's the only reason that a landlord needs to have them removed,


  • because there's no protection from discrimination of GLBT people.

    大家は その理由さえあれば住人を追い出せます

  • Did you know in the states where there's no shading that


  • you can be fired for being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered?


  • Not based upon the quality of your work,

    その州では ゲイ レズビアン バイセクシャル トランスジェンダーは解雇されることもありえます

  • how long you've been there, if you stink,

    仕事がデキるとか デキないとかは関係なく

  • just if you're gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered.


  • All of which flies in the face of the gay agenda,

    ゲイ レズビアン バイセクシャル トランスジェンダーなら 解雇できます

  • also known as the U.S. Constitution.

    合衆国憲法とも呼ばれるゲイアジェンダの目の前で ー

  • Specifically, this little amendment right here:


  • "No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities

    特に この短い修正条項に注目してください

  • of citizens of the United States."


  • I'm looking at you, North Carolina.

    免除権を制限する法を作り  あるいは強制してはならない」

  • But you're not looking at the U.S. Constitution.


  • This is the gay agenda: equality. Not special rights,


  • but the rights that were already written by these people --

    ゲイアジェンダは平等を求めているだけです 特別な権利ではありません

  • these elitists, if you will.


  • Educated, well-dressed,


  • (Laughter)

    きちんと教育を受けた 着飾った人たちが

  • some would dare say questionably dressed.


  • (Laughter)

    変な服だと思う人も いるかもしれませんが

  • Nonetheless, our forefathers, right?


  • The people that, we say, knew what they were doing when they wrote the Constitution --


  • the gay agenda, if you will.

    彼らは全てを考えた上で 憲法を書いたと言われています

  • All of that flies in the face of what they did.


  • That is the reason why I felt it was imperative that


  • I presented you with this copy of the gay agenda.

    だから お見せしようと思いました

  • Because I figured if I made it funny, you wouldn't be as threatened.


  • I figured if I was a bit irreverent, you wouldn't find it serious.

    面白おかしく話せば 皆さんも驚かないと思ったからです

  • But when you see the map, and you see our state of Michigan --

    ちょっと違う角度から話せば 受け入れやすいだろうと思ったからです

  • it's legal to fire someone

    でも あの地図にあった通り このミシガン州では ー

  • for being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered,

    ゲイ レズビアン バイセクシャル トランスジェンダーという理由で

  • that it's legal to remove someone from their home


  • because they're gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered,


  • then you realize that this whole conversation about marriage equality

    ゲイ レズビアン バイセクシャル トランスジェンダーだというだけで

  • is not about stripping someone's rights away,


  • it's about granting them the rights that [have] already been stated.


  • And we're just trying to walk in those rights that have already been stated,

    すでに憲法に書かれている権利を 保証する話です

  • that we've already agreed upon.

    我々は 憲法に書かれている権利を 行使しようとしているだけです

  • There are people living in fear


  • of losing their jobs


  • so they don't show anyone who they really are


  • right here at home. This isn't just about North Carolina;

    だから 彼らは本当の自分を誰にも見せません

  • all those states that were clear, it's legal.

    この州の話です ノースキャロライナ州だけではありません

  • If I could brag for a second,

    色のついていない州では それが合法なんです

  • I have a 15-year-old son from my marriage.


  • He has a 4.0.

    僕は結婚していて 15歳の息子がいます

  • He is starting a new club at school, Policy Debate.


  • He's a budding track star;

    学校では 政策を議論するクラブを 立ち上げようとしています

  • he has almost every single record in middle school for every event that he competed in.


  • He volunteers.

    出場した全ての大会で 中学生の記録を更新しました

  • He prays before he eats.


  • I would like to think, as his father -- and he lives with me primarily --


  • that I had a little something to do with all of that.

    彼は主に僕と生活しているので 僕は父親として

  • I would like to think that he's a good boy,

    自分が その全てに少しでも影響していると思いたい

  • a respectful young man. I would like to think that


  • I've proven to be a capable father.


  • But if I were to go to the state of Michigan today,

    自分が父親としての役割を 立派に果たしていると思いたい

  • and try to adopt a young person who is in an orphanage,

    しかし 現在のミシガン州では

  • I would be disqualified for only one reason:


  • because I'm gay.


  • It doesn't matter what I've already proven, what I can do with my heart.


  • It's because of what the state of Michigan says that I am

    立派な子供を育てる心を持っていても 関係ありません

  • that I am disqualified for any sort of adoption.


  • And that's not just about me,


  • that's about so many other Michiganders, U.S. citizens,


  • who don't understand why what they are


  • is so much more significant than who they are.


  • This story just keeps playing over and over

    ゲイであることの方が重要なのかを 理解できずにいます

  • and over again in our country's history.

    この話は 何度も何度も

  • There was a time in which, I don't know,


  • people who were black couldn't have the same rights.


  • People who happened to be women didn't have the same rights, couldn't vote.

    黒人に平等な権利が認められない 時代がありました

  • There was a point in our history in which, if you were considered disabled,

    女性に平等な権利が与えられず 投票できない時代がありました

  • that an employer could just fire you, before the Americans with Disabilities Act.


  • We keep doing this over and over again.


  • And so here we are, 2012,


  • gay agenda,


  • gay lifestyle, and I'm not a good dad


  • and people don't deserve to be able to protect their families

    ゲイのライフスタイルだとか 僕が良い父親ではないだとか

  • because of what they are, not who they are.


  • So when you hear the words "gay lifestyle" and "gay agenda" in the future,

    ゲイだという理由でです 人格は関係ありません

  • I encourage you to do two things:

    今度皆さんが「ゲイのライフスタイル」とか 「ゲイアジェンダ」とかいう言葉を耳にしたら

  • One, remember the U.S. Constitution, and then two,


  • if you wouldn't mind looking to your left, please.

    まず 合衆国憲法を思い出して下さい 次に

  • Look to your right.


  • That person next to you is a brother, is a sister.


  • And they should be treated with love and respect.

    あなたの隣にいるのは あなたと同じ人間です

  • Thank you.


Translator: Jenny Zurawell Reviewer: Morton Bast

翻訳: Mieko Akai 校正: DSK INOUE


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