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  • Four years ago today, exactly, actually,

    翻訳: Mai Takashima 校正: Ayumi McMullen

  • I started a fashion blog called Style Rookie.


  • Last September of 2011, I started an online magazine

    『スタイルルーキー』という ファッションブログを始めました

  • for teenage girls called

    2011年9月には 10代の女の子向けオンライン雑誌

  • My name's Tavi Gevinson, and

    『ルーキーマグ・ドット・コム』を 始めました

  • the title of my talk is "Still Figuring It Out,"

    私の名前は タヴィ・ジェヴィンソン

  • and the MS Paint quality of my slides

    今日は 「まだまだ模索中」 というタイトルでお話します

  • was a total creative decision in keeping with today's theme,

    お絵かきソフトで 作ったようなスライドはー

  • and has nothing to do with my inability


  • to use PowerPoint. (Laughter)


  • So I edit this site for teenage girls. I'm a feminist.


  • I am kind of a pop culture nerd, and I think a lot about

    さて このサイトは 10代の女の子向けで 私はフェミニストです

  • what makes a strong female character,

    それに ポップカルチャーオタクの私は

  • and, you know, movies and TV shows,


  • these things have influence. My own website.


  • So I think the question of what makes a strong female


  • character often goes misinterpreted,

    私は 「強い女性」の特徴が

  • and instead we get these two-dimensional superwomen


  • who maybe have one quality that's played up a lot,


  • like a Catwoman type,


  • or she plays her sexuality up a lot,


  • and it's seen as power.


  • But they're not strong characters who happen to be female.


  • They're completely flat,

    これらの強い登場人物が たまたま女性だった訳ではありません

  • and they're basically cardboard characters.


  • The problem with this is that then


  • people expect women to be that easy to understand,


  • and women are mad at themselves

    女性を単純なものに とらえようとしていることです

  • for not being that simple,

    そして女性は 単純になれない自分にー

  • when, in actuality, women are complicated,


  • women are multifaceted -- not because women are crazy,

    実際 女性は複雑で

  • but because people are crazy,

    様々な側面があるのに… それは女性がクレイジーだからではなく

  • and women happen to be people. (Laughter)

    そもそも 人間はクレイジーだから

  • So the flaws are the key.

    たまたま女性が 人間だっただけなんです(笑)

  • I'm not the first person to say this.

    ここで鍵となるのは 「欠点」です

  • What makes a strong female character

    今までも よく言われてきました

  • is a character who has weaknesses, who has flaws,

    では 「強い女性」とは何か?

  • who is maybe not immediately likable,


  • but eventually relatable.

    すぐには 好きにはなれない

  • I don't like to acknowledge a problem

    でも 次第に親しみが持てる人だと思います

  • without also acknowledging those who work to fix it,


  • so just wanted to acknowledge shows like "Mad Men,"

    この問題に 懸命に取り組まれている例も紹介します

  • movies like "Bridesmaids," whose female characters


  • or protagonists are complex, multifaceted.

    『ブライズメイズ』のような映画では 主人公や登場する女性たちは

  • Lena Dunham, who's on here, her show on HBO


  • that premiers next month, "Girls,"

    ここにも書いていますが HBOで来月 放送が始まるー

  • she said she wanted to start it because she felt that


  • every woman she knew was just a bundle of contradictions,

    彼女いわく 作品のきっかけはどの女友達も

  • and that feels accurate for all people,

    みんな矛盾の塊みたいと 感じたからだそうです

  • but you don't see women represented like that as much.

    男女問わず人は 矛盾を抱えているはずなのに

  • Congrats, guys. (Laughs)

    女性が そのように表現されることはごく稀です

  • But I don't feel that — I still feel that there are some types


  • of women who are not represented that way,

    でも 私はいまだに十分は表現されていないー

  • and one group that we'll focus on today are teens,


  • because I think teenagers are especially contradictory

    その例として 今日は 10代に焦点を当てます

  • and still figuring it out,


  • and in the '90s there was "Freaks and Geeks"


  • and "My So-Called Life," and their characters,


  • Lindsay Weir and Angela Chase,

    『アンジェラ 15歳の日々』に出てくる

  • I mean, the whole premise of the shows

    リンジー・ウィアーと アンジェラ・チェイスみたいに

  • were just them trying to figure themselves out, basically,

    これらの番組は そもそも

  • but those shows only lasted a season each,

    登場人物たちが自身を模索することを 描くことにありましたが

  • and I haven't really seen anything like that on TV since.


  • So this is a scientific diagram of my brain — (Laughter) —

    それ以来 同じような番組を 見たことはありません

  • around the time when I was,

    さて これは科学的に解析した 私の脳内です(笑)

  • when I started watching those TV shows.


  • I was ending middle school, starting high school --


  • I'm a sophomore now


  • and I was trying to reconcile


  • all of these differences that you're told you can't be

    ”どちらかしか なれない”ものを

  • when you're growing up as a girl.

    どうにかできないか と考えていたのです

  • You can't be smart and pretty.

    女の子は こう聞いて育ちます

  • You can't be a feminist who's also interested in fashion.


  • You can't care about clothes if it's not for the sake


  • of what other people, usually men, will think of you.

    「周りの人や 特に男性からー

  • So I was trying to figure all that out,


  • and I felt a little confused,

    だから 私なりにどう受け止めればいいのか

  • and I said so on my blog,


  • and I said that I wanted to start

    だから ブログにそう書きました

  • a website for teenage girls

    そして 「10代の女の子向けのー

  • that was not this kind of one-dimensional


  • strong character empowerment thing

    しかも 女性のある一面だけをー

  • because I think one thing that can be very alienating


  • about a misconception of feminism is that

    なぜなら フェミニズムが 敬遠される誤解の一つに

  • girls then think that to be a feminist, they have to live up to

    女の子たちの こんな思いがあるからです

  • being perfectly consistent in your beliefs,


  • never being insecure, never having doubts,


  • having all of the answers. And this is not true,

    不安になっても 疑念を抱いてもダメ

  • and, actually, reconciling all the contradictions I was feeling

    全てに答えを持っていないといけない でも これは違います

  • became easier once I understood that feminism

    実際 フェミニズムを知ることで 私は 自らの矛盾に折り合いがー

  • was not a rulebook but a discussion,


  • a conversation, a process,

    フェミニズムは 規則ではなくて

  • and this is a spread from a zine that I made last year

    話し合い 対話 プロセスなんです

  • when I -- I mean, I think I've let myself go a bit

    これは 私が去年作った ネットのミニコミ特集記事です

  • on the illustration front since.

    そう このあたりから ちょっとイラストを使いすぎに

  • But, yeah.


  • So I said on my blog that I wanted to start this publication


  • for teenage girls and ask people to submit

    ブログに書きました 10代の女の子向けの連載を

  • their writing, their photography, whatever,

    始めたいと思ってるから スタッフになりたい人は

  • to be a member of our staff.

    作文 写真 なんでもいいから

  • I got about 3,000 emails.

    送ってね と

  • My editorial director and I went through them and

    これに対して 3000通ものメールがありました

  • put together a staff of people,


  • and we launched last September.


  • And this is an excerpt from my first editor's letter,


  • where I say that Rookie, we don't have all the answers,

    これは 私が書いた 最初の編集者からのメッセージ

  • we're still figuring it out too, but the point is not to


  • give girls the answers, and not even give them permission

    私たちも まだ模索中だから」目的は―

  • to find the answers themselves,

    女の子たちに 答えを教えたり自らが模索するー

  • but hopefully inspire them to understand that


  • they can give themselves that permission,


  • they can ask their own questions, find their own answers,


  • all of that, and Rookie, I think we've been trying to make it


  • a nice place for all of that to be figured out.


  • So I'm not saying, "Be like us,"

    居心地の良い場を作ろうと 私たちは努力しています

  • and "We're perfect role models," because we're not,


  • but we just want to help represent girls


  • in a way that shows those different dimensions.

    実際に そうじゃないから ただ 女の子たちが

  • I mean, we have articles called


  • "On Taking Yourself Seriously: How to Not Care What People Think of You,"

    例えば 掲載している記事には 「自分を大事に」

  • but we also have articles like,


  • oops -- I'm figuring it out!


  • Ha ha. (Laughter)


  • If you use that, you can get away with anything.


  • We also have articles called


  • "How to Look Like You Weren't Just Crying in Less than Five Minutes."


  • So all of that being said, I still really appreciate


  • those characters in movies and

    とは言うものの やっぱり

  • articles like that on our site,

    映画や 私たちのサイトにあるような記事で

  • that aren't just about being totally powerful,


  • maybe finding your acceptance with yourself


  • and self-esteem and your flaws and how you accept those.

    自分との折り合いを探し 自尊心と欠点を

  • So what I you to take away from my talk,

    どう受け入れるのか 模索している女性像です

  • the lesson of all of this, is to just be Stevie Nicks.

    今日 覚えて帰ってほしいことは単純

  • Like, that's all you have to do. (Laughter)


  • Because my favorite thing about her,


  • other than, like, everything, is that


  • she is very -- has always been

    全部ですけど 何よりも

  • unapologetically present on stage,

    彼女は これまでずっと

  • and unapologetic about her flaws


  • and about reconciling all of her contradictory feelings


  • and she makes you listen to them and think about them,

    矛盾する感情にも 悪びれず 堂々としていて

  • and yeah, so please be Stevie Nicks.

    自らの声を聴き自らについて 考えさせてくれる人だからです

  • Thank you. (Applause)

    だから スティービーを目指してください

Four years ago today, exactly, actually,

翻訳: Mai Takashima 校正: Ayumi McMullen


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級 日本語 TED 女性 女の子 矛盾 欠点 フェミニズム

TED】タヴィ・ジェヴィンソン。10代の若者たちは、ただそれを理解しようとしている (Tavi Gevinson: A teen just trying to figure it out) (【TED】Tavi Gevinson: A teen just trying to figure it out (Tavi Gevinson: A teen just trying to figure it out))

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日