字幕表 動画を再生する
Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Morton Bast
翻訳: Yuriko Hida 校正: Reiko Bovee
When we think of games, there's all kinds of things.
ゲームというと 様々な事が頭に浮かびます
Maybe you're ticked off, or maybe, you're looking forward to a new game.
イライラさせられたり 発売日が待ち切れなかったり
You've been up too late playing a game.
夜遅くまで夢中になったり [ ゲームって? ]
All these things happen to me.
私もそうでした [ ゲームって? ]
But when we think about games,
でもゲーム自体には いろいろあります
a lot of times we think about stuff like this:
first-person shooters, or the big, what we would call AAA games,
or maybe you're a Facebook game player.
This is one my partner and I worked on.
Maybe you play Facebook games, and that's what we're making right now.
皆さんのやるような Facebookのゲームを
This is a lighter form of game.
製作しています これは軽い種のゲームです
Maybe you think about the tragically boring board games
that hold us hostage in Thanksgiving situations.
祝日に親戚で集まった時に やらされるようなタイプのね
This would be one of the tragically boring board games that you can figure out.
これはそのひどく退屈な ボードゲームの1つかもしれませんね
Or maybe you're in your living room,
これはそのひどく退屈な ボードゲームの1つかもしれませんね
playing with the Wii with the kids,
and there's this whole range of games, and that's very much what I think about.
I make my living from games, I've been lucky enough to do this
since I was 15, which also qualifies as I've never really had a real job.
私は いつもゲームのことを考え
But we think about games as fun, and that's completely reasonable,
but let's just think about this.
So this one here, this is the 1980 Olympics.
きちんとした仕事に ついたことはないわけです
Now I don't know where you guys were,
通常ゲームと言うと 娯楽ですが
but I was in my living room.
It was practically a religious event.
And this is when the Americans beat the Russians,
and this was -- yes, it was technically a game.
私はリビングに居ました あれは奇跡的なイベントでした
Hockey is a game.
これはアメリカが ロシアに勝った瞬間です
But really, was this a game?
もちろん ホッケーは実質上は ゲームです
I mean, people cried.
しかしこの試合は 単なるゲームと言えるでしょうか?
I've never seen my mother cry like that at the end of Monopoly.
皆 感動して泣きました 母がモノポリーを終えて
あんな風に泣いたのは 見たことがありません
And so this was an amazing experience.
Or, if anybody here is from Boston --
So when the Boston Red Sox won the World Series
after I believe, 351 years --
when they won the World Series, it was amazing.
偶然スプリングフィールドに 居たのですが
I happened to be living in Springfield at the time,
傑作だったのは -
and the best part of it was,
女子トイレのドアを閉めたら「頑張れソックス!」とあって 「ありえない!」とびっくりしました
you would close the women's door in the bathroom,
女子トイレのドアを閉めたら「頑張れソックス!」とあって 「ありえない!」とびっくりしました
and I remember seeing "Go Sox," and I thought, really?
近所全体もです 家の外に出てみると
Or the houses, you'd come out, because every game,
well, I think almost every game, went into overtime, right?
外に出てみると どの家も明かりがついているんです
So we'd be outside, and all the other lights are on in the whole block.
近所中です 学校の出席率も下がったとか
And kids -- the attendance was down in school,
kids weren't going to school, but it's OK, it's the Red Sox, right?
でも良いんです レッドソックスだから
I mean, there's education, and then there's the Red Sox,
学校も大切だけど レッドソックスも大切
and we know where they're stacked.
So this was an amazing experience,
and again, yes, it was a game, but they didn't write newspaper articles,
これも単なるゲームですが そう新聞に書かれたり
people didn't say, "You know, really, I can die now, because the Red Sox won."
誰も言わなかった 皆こう感じていたのです
And many people did.
So games, it means something more to us.
ゲームとは 私達にとって何かもっと大きなものです
It absolutely means something more.
So now, this is an abrupt transition here.
ある日 思いがけない変化がありました
There was three years where I actually did have a real job, sort of.
実は3年間 きちんとした仕事をしていました
I was the head of a college department teaching games,
so, again, it was sort of a real job,
ゲームを教えて まあ きちんとした仕事です
and now I got to talk about making them as opposed to making them.
実際にゲーム作るのではなく 作ることについて教えました
Part of the job of it, when you're a chair of a department,
ディナーにも行きました 主任の仕事ですね
is to eat, and I did that very well --
食べることは 得意でした
and so I'm out at a dinner with this guy called Zig Jackson.
この ジグ・ジャクソンという人と そんなディナーで会って
So this is Zig in this photograph, this is also one of Zig's photographs.
この写真がジグです 本人の写真です
He's a photographer.
And he goes all around the country taking pictures of himself,
and you can see here he's got Zig's Indian Reservation.
自分自身の写真を撮るのですが ご覧のように
And this particular shot --
this is one of the more traditional shots.
この写真は一般的なものですね レインダンサーです
This is a rain dancer.
And this is one of my favorite shots here.
So you can look at this, and maybe you've even seen things like this.
This is an expression of culture, right?
実は 彼の「人種侮蔑」シリーズの一枚なのです
And this is actually from his Degradation series.
And what was most fascinating to me about this series
is just, look at that little boy there, can you imagine?
We can see that's a traditional Native American.
彼の人種を変え 黒人の男性だとして
Now I just want to change that guy's race.
彼の人種を変え 黒人の男性だとして
Just imagine if that's a black guy.
「そこに行って 黒人のおじさんと 写真を撮るから」と
So, "Honey, come here, let's get you a picture with the black guy." Right?
誰がしますか するわけありません
Like, seriously, nobody would do this.
不思議なものです ジグ自身ももインディアンなので
It baffles the mind.
不思議に思っていました 彼のお気に入りの一枚は
And so Zig, being Indian, likewise it baffles his mind.
私のお気に入り 持ってきてはいませんが
His favorite photograph --
my favorite photograph of his, which I don't have in here --
is Indian taking picture of white people taking pictures of Indians.
So I happen to be at dinner with this photographer,
and he was talking with another photographer
about a shooting that had occurred,
and it was on an Indian Reservation.
He'd taken his camera up there to photograph it,
but when he got there, he discovered he couldn't do it.
He just couldn't capture the picture.
ゲームデザイナーとして 興味深い問題です
And so they were talking back and forth about this question.
難しいトピックのゲームを作るべきかどうかなんて 考えたこともありません
Do you take the picture or not?
難しいトピックのゲームを作るべきかどうかなんて 考えたこともありません
And that was fascinating to me as a game designer,
私達は楽しいものを作るのです [ ゲーム業界以外どのメディアも難しい問題を扱う ]
because it never occurs to me,
恐怖ものもあるけれど それは刺激的だから [ ゲーム業界以外どのメディアも難しい問題を扱う ]
should I make the game about this difficult topic or not?
Because we just make things that are fun
これは私の娘 メイザです ある日
or will make you feel fear, that visceral excitement.
7歳の時ですが 学校から帰ってきて
But every other medium does it.
いつものように聞きました 「今日は何習ったの?」
So this is my kid.
いつものように聞きました 「今日は何習ったの?」
This is Maezza, and when she was seven years old,
「奴隷貿易について習ったの」と 言うのです
she came home from school one day,
ついにこの時がきました メイザの父親は黒人なのです
and like I do every single day, I asked her, "What did you do today?"
いつかは来ると分かっていましたが 予想はしていませんでしたね
So she said, "We talked about the Middle Passage."
Now, this was a big moment. Maezza's dad is black,
and I knew this day was coming.
彼女は話し始めました お子さんのいる方は
I wasn't expecting it at seven, I don't know why, but I wasn't.
Anyways, so I asked her, "How do you feel about that?"
So she proceeded to tell me,
アフリカへ向かい 海をわたって
and so any of you who are parents will recognize the bingo buzzwords here.
- ここが奴隷貿易の説明です -
"The ships start in England, they come down from England,
they go to Africa, they go across the ocean --
that's the Middle Passage part --
they come to America, where the slaves are sold," she's telling me.
But Abraham Lincoln was elected president,
and then he passed the Emancipation Proclamation,
and now they're free.
Pause for about 10 seconds.
彼女は まるで黒人の人たちが
"Can I play a game, Mommy?"
クルーズに出たかのように 考えているのです(笑)
And I thought, that's it? And so, you know,
クルーズに出たかのように 考えているのです(笑)
this is the Middle Passage, this is an incredibly significant event,
私としてはもっと重きを置いて欲しかったので [ 「マジで?」と思いつつ 何も言わない ]
and she's treating it like, basically some black people went on a cruise,
娘がゲームをしていいか聞いてきた時 言いました [ 「マジで?」と思いつつ 何も言わない ]
this is more or less how it sounds to her.
「いいわよ」(笑) [ 「マジで?」と思いつつ 何も言わない ]
And so, to me, I wanted more value in this,
so when she asked if she could play a game, I said, "Yes."
And so I happened to have all of these little pieces.
I'm a game designer, so I have this stuff sitting around my house.
I said, "Yeah, you can play a game," and I give her a bunch of these,
and I tell her to paint them in different families.
These are pictures of Maezza when she was --
これがボートです あっという間に出来ました(笑)
God, it still chokes me up seeing these.
私が無造作に家族のメンバーを掴むと [ ルール ・ 海を渡るにはサイコロを10回振る ]
So she's painting her little families.
「ママ、ピンクの赤ちゃん忘れてるわよ [ ・ 手持ちの食料は30個 ]
So then I grab a bunch of them and I put them on a boat.
青いお父さんも 全部忘れてるじゃない [ ・ サイコロを振る度に 出た目の数の食料を使う]
This was the boat, it was made quickly, obviously.
青いお父さんも 全部忘れてるじゃない [ ・ サイコロを振る度に 出た目の数の食料を使う]
And so the basic gist of it is, I grabbed a bunch of families,
皆行きたいのに」と言うので [ ・ サイコロを振る度に 出た目の数の食料を使う]
and she's like, "Mommy, but you forgot the pink baby
「誰も行きたくないのよ」と言いました [ ・ サイコロを振る度に 出た目の数の食料を使う]
and you forgot the blue daddy
and you forgot all these other things."
彼女はゲームデザイナーの娘 独特の目で
And she says, "They want to go."
And I said, "Honey, no, they don't want to go.
This is the Middle Passage, Nobody wants to go on the Middle Passage."
So she gave me a look that only a daughter of a game designer would give a mother,
and as we're going across the ocean, following these rules,
she realizes that she's rolling pretty high,
and she says to me, "We're not going to make it."
「そうね」 - 7歳の娘相手に
And she realizes, we don't have enough food,
「何人か海に投げ入れるか 私達が
and so she asks what to do,
and I say -- remember, she's seven --
"We can either put some people in the water
or we can hope that they don't get sick
彼女は言いました - これは 1ヶ月間
and we make it to the other side."
Just the look on her face came over --
now mind you this is after a month of --
彼女が言うには 「本当にこんなことがあったの?」
this is Black History Month, right?
「そうよ」と言うと 「じゃあ もし私が無事に着いても
After a month, she says to me, "Did this really happen?"
- これは弟と妹ですが -
And I said, "Yes." And so she said --
アバロンとドノバンは居なかったかもしれないの?」 「そうね」
this is her brother and sister --
「でもアメリカで会えたでしょう?」 「いいえ」
"If I came out of the woods, Avalon and Donovan might be gone."
「でも もし会えてたなら?一緒に住めない?」 「無理よ」
「パパも居なかったかもしれない?」 「そう」
"But I'd get to see them in America."
私も泣きました 彼女の父親も 皆で泣きました
"But what if I saw them? Couldn't we stay together?"
私も泣きました 彼女の父親も 皆で泣きました
"So Daddy could be gone."
奴隷船に乗せられていて びっくりしたようですが(笑)
She was fascinated by this, and she started to cry,
ゲームで遊んだので わかったんです
I started to cry, her father started to cry, and now we're all crying.
He didn't expect to come home from work to the Middle Passage, but there it goes.
And so, we made this game, and she got it.
She got it because she spent time with these people.
これがそのゲームです タイトルは
It wasn't abstract stuff in a brochure or in a movie.
And so it was just an incredibly powerful experience.
This is the game, which I've ended up calling "The New World,"
新世界なんて 輝くものではなかったでしょう
because I like the phrase.
でもこの経験から 全世界が見えたのです
I don't think the New World felt too new worldly exciting
興奮しました ゲームを作り始めて
to the people who were brought over on slave ships.
20数年ですが もう一度やってみようと決心しました
But when this happened, I saw the whole planet; I was so excited.
私のルーツはアイルランドです 『シオカン・ラット:あなたに平和を』というゲームには
I'd been making games for 20-some years,
私のルーツはアイルランドです 『シオカン・ラット:あなたに平和を』というゲームには
and then I decided to do it again.
My history is Irish.
So this is a game called "Síochán Leat." It's "peace be with you."
It's the entire history of my family in a single game.
I made another game called "Train."
I was making a series of six games that covered difficult topics,
扱っている問題が何であるか ご自分で確かめてみて下さい
and if you're going to cover a difficult topic, this is one you need to cover,
インディアン強制移住 「涙の道」についてのゲームもあります
and I'll let you figure out what that's about on your own.
And I also made a game about the Trail of Tears.
大変な仕事ですが 現在製作中です
This is a game with 50,000 individual pieces.
大変な仕事ですが 現在製作中です
I was crazy when I decided to start it, but I'm in the middle of it now.
同じことなんです ゲームを通して文化を教えたいのです
It's the same thing.
同じことなんです ゲームを通して文化を教えたいのです
I'm hoping that I'll teach culture through these games.
And the one I'm working on right now, which is --
今作ってて - また泣いてしまいそうです
because I'm right in the middle of it,
and these for some reason choke me up like crazy --
最初はどちらかと言うと ちょっとした算数の問題で
is a game called "Mexican Kitchen Workers."
不法移民の及ぼす 経済的影響についてなどでした
And originally, it was a math problem, more or less.
そして メキシコ文化について学ぶにつれ -
Here's the economics of illegal immigration.
パートナーがメキシコ人ですが -
And the more I learned about Mexican culture --
my partner is Mexican — the more I learned that,
でもメキシコ人にとっては それ以上のものだと分かったんです
you know, for all of us, food is a basic need,
and it is obviously with Mexicans, too, but it's much more than that.
いやだ 本当に泣き出してしまいそうだわ
It's an expression of love. It's an expression of --
God, I'm totally choking up way more than I thought.
美の表現 どれだけ愛しているかを示すもの
I'll look away from the picture.
- 愛を伝える手段 誰もがメキシコのおばあちゃんの話になると
It's an expression of beauty, it's how they say they love you.
- 愛を伝える手段 誰もがメキシコのおばあちゃんの話になると
It's how they say they care,
and you can't hear somebody talk about their Mexican grandmother
私にとって この美しい文化や美しい表現
without saying "food" in the first sentence.
And so to me, this beautiful culture,
this beautiful expression is something that I want to capture through games.
And so games, for a change, it changes how we see topics,
it changes our perceptions about those people in topics,
and it changes ourselves.
We change as people through games,
そして学ぶからです ありがとう(拍手)
because we're involved, and we're playing,
and we're learning as we do so.
Thank you.