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  • Translator: Bob Prottas Reviewer: Nhu PHAM

    翻訳: Takamitsu Hirono 校正: Tomoyuki Suzuki

  • I want to talk to you about,


  • or share with you, a breakthrough new approach


  • for managing items of inventory inside of a warehouse.


  • We're talking about a pick, pack and ship setting here.

    商品を選択し 梱包して 出荷するまでを ご紹介します

  • So as a hint,


  • this solution involves hundreds of mobile robots,

    このソリューションには 何百もの可動式ロボットが関わります

  • sometimes thousands of mobile robots,


  • moving around a warehouse. And I'll get to the solution.

    倉庫の中を動き回ることもあります そして問題が解決できます

  • But for a moment, just think


  • about the last time that you ordered something online.


  • You were sitting on your couch


  • and you decided that you absolutely had to have this red t-shirt.


  • Soclick! — you put it into your shopping cart.

    -クリック!- そしてショッピングカートに入れます

  • And then you decided that green pair of pants


  • looks pretty good tooclick!

    とてもいいと思って -クリック!-

  • And maybe a blue pair of shoesclick!

    もしかしたら青い靴も -クリック!-

  • So at this point you've assembled your order.


  • You didn't stop to think for a moment that


  • that might not be a great outfit.


  • But you hit "submit order."


  • And two days later, this package shows up on your doorstep.


  • And you open the box and you're like, wow, there's my goo.

    箱をあけて 「わぁ 品物が届いた」 と言うでしょう

  • Did you ever stop to think about how those items of inventory

    あなたはこれらの商品が 倉庫にある箱の中から

  • actually found their way inside that box in the warehouse?

    どのように仕分けされたのか 考えたことがあるでしょうか?

  • So I'm here to tell you it's that guy right there.


  • So deep in the middle of that picture,


  • you see a classic pick-pack worker


  • in a distribution or order fulfillments setting.


  • Classically these pick workers will spend 60 or 70 percent of their day

    典型的には これらの梱包作業員は 一日の60~70%を

  • wandering around the warehouse.


  • They'll often walk as much as 5 or 10 miles


  • in pursuit of those items of inventory.

    10キロから20キロほども 歩くこともしばしばです

  • Not only is this an unproductive way to fill orders,

    これは注文を処理するための 非生産的な方法であるだけでなく

  • it also turns out to be an unfulfilling way to fill orders.

    在庫を見つけられず 注文を処理できないこともあります

  • So let me tell you where I first bumped into this problem.

    最初に私がこの問題に 直面したときの話をさせてください

  • I was out in the Bay area in '99, 2000, the dot com boom.

    私は99年、2000年のドットコムブームのとき サンフランシスコの湾岸エリアにおり

  • I worked for a fabulously spectacular flame-out called Webvan.

    驚くほどに華々しく営業停止することになる Webvanで働いていました

  • (Laughter)


  • This company raised hundreds of millions of dollars with the notion that

    Webvanは「生鮮食品をネットで配送」 のコンセプトで

  • we will deliver grocery orders online.


  • And it really came down to the fact that we couldn't do it cost effectively.

    低コストで実現出来ないという現実に ぶち当たってしまいました

  • Turns out e-commerce was something that was very hard and very costly.

    e-コマースの実現は難しく とても費用のかかるものだったのです

  • In this particular instance we were trying to assemble 30 items of inventory

    この事例では 我々は30個品物を 棚から集めて箱詰めし

  • into a few totes, onto a van to deliver to the home.


  • And when you think about it, it was costing us 30 dollars.

    そして検討した結果 30ドルもかかったのです

  • Imagine, we had an 89¢ can of soup

    考えてみてください 89セントのスープの缶詰めを

  • that was costing us one dollar to pick and pack into that tote.


  • And that's before we actually tried to deliver it to the home.

    これは実際 トラックが家に向けて 出発する前のコストです

  • So long story short, during my one year at Webvan,

    かいつまんで言えば 私がWebvanにいた1年間に

  • what I realized by talking to all the material-handling providers

    全ての物流業者と話をしていて 気がついたのは

  • was that there was no solution designed specifically to solve each base picking.

    ばら売り商品の梱包に どの会社も 対応できていないということでした

  • Red item, green, blue, getting those three things in a box.

    赤、緑、青 これら3つの商品を 1つの箱に入れるというようなことです

  • So we said, there's just got to be a better way to do this.

    もっと良い方法があるに違いないと 我々は話していました

  • Existing material handling was set up to pump

    当時あったやり方は 商品を入れる小売店向けの

  • pallets and cases of goo to retail stores.

    パレットやケースを 倉庫に配置することでした

  • Of course Webvan went out of business, and about a year and a half later,

    もちろんWebvanは倒産しましたが その後1年半の間

  • I was still noodling on this problem. It was still nagging at me.

    この問題は私の頭から離れず 私を悩ませ続けていました

  • And I started thinking about it again.


  • And I said, let me just focus briefly on what I wanted as a pick worker,

    自分が梱包作業員だったら 何を求めるのか つまり

  • or my vision for how it should work.


  • (Laughter)


  • I said, let's focus on the problem.

    さあ 問題解決に集中しましょう

  • I have an order here and what I want to do is I want to put

    注文を受けて 私がすべきことは

  • red, green and blue in this box right here.

    赤、緑 そして青をこの箱に入れることです

  • What I need is a system where I put out my hand andpoof! —

    手を伸ばすと -ピュッ- たちまち商品が現れて

  • the product shows up and I pack it into the order,

    梱包できる そんなシステムが欲しいのです

  • and now we're thinking,


  • this would be a very operator-centric approach to solving the problem.

    -この問題を解決するには オペレーター中心の思考が必要ではないか?

  • This is what I need. What technology is available to solve this problem?

    これが私が必要としていること では どんな技術で問題解決ができるのだろうか-

  • But as you can see, orders can come and go, products can come and go.

    でもお分かりのとおり 注文は 次から次へと入り 商品も常に流れています

  • It allows us to focus on making the pick worker the center of the problem,

    だから この問題の中心には作業員を置き

  • and providing them the tools to make them as productive as possible.

    彼らに可能な限り生産性を上げる方法を 提供することに集中すべきなのです

  • So how did I arrive at this notion?

    どうやってこのコンセプトに たどり着いたかですが-

  • Well, actually it came from a brainstorming exercise,


  • probably a technique that many of you use,


  • It's this notion of testing your ideas.


  • Take a blank sheet, of course,

    もちろん まっさらな状態から 始めますが

  • but then test your ideas at the limitsinfinity, zero.

    アイディアの検証には無限とかゼロといった 極端な場合を想定します

  • In this particular case, we challenged ourselves with the idea:

    このケースでは  我々は次のアイディアを試しました

  • What if we had to build a distribution center in China,


  • where it's a very, very low-cost market?


  • And say, labor is cheap, land is cheap.

    つまり 労働力も土地も安い土地があったら

  • And we said specifically,


  • "What if it was zero dollars an hour for direct labor


  • and we could build a million- square-foot distribution center?"

    100万平方フィートの配送センターを 建てられるなら?」

  • So naturally that led to ideas that said,


  • "Let's put lots of people in the warehouse."


  • And I said, "Hold on, zero dollars per hour,

    でも 「ちょっとまてよ 時給ゼロだが

  • what I would do is 'hire'

    私の仕事は “雇用”

  • 10,000 workers to come to the warehouse every morning at 8 a.m.,

    毎日8時に倉庫に来て 倉庫に入り

  • walk into the warehouse and pick up one item of inventory

    在庫から1品取り上げたら 後は立っているだけの

  • and then just stand there.


  • So you hold Captain Crunch, you hold the Mountain Dew,

    あなたは キャプテンクランチ あなたは マウンテンデュー

  • you hold the Diet Coke.

    あなたは ダイエットコーク

  • If I need it, I'll call you, otherwise just stand there.

    必要な時に呼ぶので それ以外は立っていてください

  • But when I need Diet Coke and I call it, you guys talk amongst yourselves.

    私がダイエットコークを と言うと 皆さんは互いに相談します

  • Diet Coke walks up to the frontpick it, put it in the tote, away it goes."

    するとダイエットコークが前に歩いてきて 掴んでケースに入れて終わり

  • Wow, what if the products could walk and talk on their own?

    おぉ もし商品が自分で歩いて話せたら?

  • That's a very interesting, very powerful way


  • that we could potentially organize this warehouse.


  • So of course, labor isn't free,

    もちろん 現実とこんな理想には差があります

  • on that practical versus awesome spectrum.


  • (Laughter)


  • So we said mobile shelvingWe'll put them on mobile shelving.

    これを「動く棚」と呼びます- 我々は動く棚に商品を載せ

  • We'll use mobile robots and we'll move the inventory around.

    動くロボットを使い 在庫を移動させます

  • And so we got underway on that and then I'm sitting on my couch in 2008.

    当時まだ発想は不完全だったのですが 2008年にソファーに座っていたときです

  • Did any of you see the Beijing Olympics, the opening ceremonies?


  • I about fell out of my couch when I saw this.

    私はこれを見て ソファーから転げ落ちそうになりました

  • I'm like, that was the idea!


  • (Laughter and Applause)

    (笑) (拍手)

  • We'll put thousands of people on the warehouse floor, the stadium floor.

    何千人もの人達を 倉庫のフロアー スタジアムのようなフロアーに配置します

  • But interestingly enough, this actually relates to the idea

    興味深いことに これは彼らが創造した

  • in that these guys were creating some incredibly powerful, impressive digital art,

    信じられないほどパワフルで 印象的なデジタルアートと関連しています

  • all without computers, I'm told,


  • it was all peer-to-peer coordination and communication.


  • You stand up, I'll squat down.

    あなたが立って 私がしゃがむ

  • And they made some fabulous art.


  • It speaks to the power of emergence


  • in systems when you let things start to talk with each other.


  • So that was a little bit of the journey.


  • So of course, now what became the practical reality of this idea?


  • Here is a warehouse.


  • It's a pick, pack and ship center that has about 10,000 different SKUs.

    10,000の商品を扱う  仕分け、梱包、配送センターです

  • We'll call them red pens, green pens, yellow Post-It Notes.

    例えば 赤ペン 緑ペン  黄色のポストイットノート

  • We send the little orange robots out to pick up the blue shelving pods.

    小さなオレンジのロボットを送り出し 青の棚を取ってこさせます

  • And we deliver them to the side of the building.


  • So all the pick workers now get to stay on the perimeter.

    全ての梱包作業員は倉庫の縁に とどまっています

  • And the game here is to pick up the shelves,


  • take them down the highway and deliver them straight to the pick worker.

    ハイウェイを通って 梱包作業員に届けます

  • This pick worker's life is completely different.

    この梱包作業員の様子は (普通とは)全く違います

  • Rather than wandering around the warehouse, she gets to stay still


  • in a pick station like this


  • and every product in the building can now come to her.

    そして 全商品が彼女の元に届きます

  • So the process is very productive.

    そのため プロセスはとても生産的です

  • Reach in, pick an item, scan the bar code, pack it out.

    手を伸ばして 取り上げ バーコードをスキャンして 梱包

  • By the time you turn around,


  • there's another product there ready to be picked and packed.

    他の商品が次に取り上げられ 梱包されるのを待っています

  • So what we've done is take out all of the non-value added

    私たちは付加価値のない 移動、探すこと、浪費、待ち時間という

  • walking, searching, wasting, waited time,


  • and we've developed a very high-fidelity way to pick these orders,

    また我々は  商品のUPCバーコードをスキャンし

  • where you point at it with a laser, scan the UPC barcode,

    さらにどの箱に梱包をするのか ランプで示すことで

  • and then indicate with a light which box it needs to go into.

    箱の選択を 確実に行う方法を生み出しました

  • So more productive, more accurate and, it turns out,

    だから より生産的で 正確であり

  • it's a more interesting office environment for these pick workers.

    梱包作業員にとっても 好ましい職場環境になったのです

  • They actually complete the whole order.

    実際に 彼らは全ての注文を こなしています

  • So they do red, green and blue, not just a part of the order.

    そこでは 赤 、緑、青も仕分けています

  • And they feel a little bit more in control of their environment.

    そのため 彼らは従来よりも 仕事環境を管理できていると感じています

  • So the side effects of this approach


  • are what really surprised us.


  • We knew it was going to be more productive.


  • But we didn't realize just how pervasive this way of thinking


  • extended to other functions in the warehouse.


  • But what effectively this approach is doing inside of the DC


  • is turning it into a massively parallel processing engine.

    多数の並列処理エンジンに とって代わられています

  • So this is again a cross-fertilization of ideas.


  • Here's a warehouse and we're thinking about

    ここが倉庫で 我々は 並列処理を行う

  • parallel processing supercomputer architectures.

    スーパーコンピューターのような 構成について考えています

  • The notion here is that you have


  • 10 workers on the right side of the screen

    スクリーンの右側にいる 10人の作業員は

  • that are now all independent autonomous pick workers.

    それぞれ独立して作業を行う 梱包作業員です

  • If the worker in station three decides to leave and go to the bathroom,

    もしステーション3の作業員が トイレに行こうと決めても

  • it has no impact on the productivity of the other nine workers.


  • Contrast that, for a moment, with the traditional method of using a conveyor.

    これに対して 伝統的なコンベヤーを使う方法では

  • When one person passes the order to you,


  • you put something in and pass it downstream.

    あなたは何かを箱に入れて 次の作業員に渡します

  • Everyone has to be in place for that serial process to work.

    連続した作業のためには 全員が配置についている必要があります

  • This becomes a more robust way to think about the warehouse.

    ここから倉庫をもっと安定的に 操業する方法に思い至ります

  • And then underneath the hoods gets interesting in that we're tracking

    また 舞台裏には 人気商品を管理する

  • the popularity of the products.


  • And we're using dynamic and adaptive algorithms

    我々は動的で適応性のある アルゴリズムを使い

  • to tune the floor of the warehouse.


  • So what you see here potentially the week leading up to Valentine's Day.


  • All that pink chalky candy has moved to the front of the building

    全てのピンクの粉を吹いた キャンディーは建物の前面に配置され

  • and is now being picked into a lot of orders in those pick stations.

    梱包ステーションで 多くのの注文が処理されていきます

  • Come in two days after Valentine's Day, and that candy, the leftover candy,

    バレンタインデーの2日後には この売れ残りのキャンディーは

  • has all drifted to the back of the warehouse


  • and is occupying the cooler zone on the thermal map there.


  • One other side effect of this approach using the parallel processing


  • is these things can scale to ginormous.


  • (Laughter)


  • So whether you're doing two pick stations, 20 pick stations,

    たとえ2つのステーションでも 20のステーションでも

  • or 200 pick stations, the path planning algorithms

    200のステーションでも 最善経路を求め

  • and all of the inventory algorithms just work.


  • In this example you see that the inventory


  • has now occupied all the perimeter of the building


  • because that's where the pick stations were.


  • They sorted it out for themselves.


  • So I'll conclude with just one final video

    話の締めくくりに 最後のビデオとして

  • that shows how this comes to bear

    この仕組みが実際 梱包作業員の一日に

  • on the pick worker's actual day in the life of.

    どのように影響しているか お見せします

  • So as we mentioned, the process is to move inventory along the highway

    お話ししたとおり 在庫がハイウェイを行き来し

  • and then find your way into these pick stations.


  • And our software in the background


  • understands what's going on in each station,

    個々のステーションで何が起きているのか 把握しています

  • we direct the pods across the highway

    我々はハイウェイを行きかう ロボットの一群に指令を出し

  • and we're attempting to get into a queuing system


  • to present the work to the pick worker.

    どのように梱包作業員へ運搬するかも 指示することができます

  • What's interesting is we can even adapt the speed of the pick workers.

    面白いことに作業員のスピードに 合わせることもできます

  • The faster pickers get more pods and the slower pickers get few.

    早い作業員はより多く容器を取りますが 遅い作業員は少なく容器を取ります

  • But this pick worker now is literally having that experience


  • that we described before.


  • She puts out her hand. The product jumps into it.

    彼女は手を差し伸べると 商品が手に飛び込んでくるので

  • Or she has to reach in and get it.


  • She scans it and she puts it in the bucket.

    商品をスキャンして かごに入れる

  • And all of the rest of the technology is kind of behind the scenes.


  • So she gets to now focus on the picking and packing portion of her job.


  • Never has any idle time, never has to leave her mat.

    無駄な時間はなく  持ち場のマットを離れる必要もありません

  • And actually we think not only a more productive


  • and more accurate way to fill orders.


  • We think it's a more fulfilling way to fill orders.

    我々はこれを注文をより確実に遂行する 方法だと考えています

  • The reason we can say that, though, is that workers


  • in a lot of these buildings now compete


  • for the privilege of working in the Kiva zone that day.


  • And sometimes we'll catch them on testimonial videos


  • saying such things as,


  • they have more energy after the day to play with their grandchildren,


  • or in one case a guy said, "the Kiva zone is so stress-free


  • that I've actually stopped taking my blood pressure medication."

    高血圧の薬を飲む必要がなくなった」と 言ってくれます

  • (Laughter)


  • That was at a pharmaceutical distributor, so they told us not to use that video.

    これは医薬系の流通業者だったので ビデオを使うのはやめてくれと言われました

  • (Laughter)


  • So what I wanted to leave you with today is the notion that


  • when you let things start to think and walk

    もし皆さんが自ら考え 行動し 考えを煮詰めれば

  • and talk on their own, interesting processes and productivities can emerge.

    興味深い処理工程と 生産性の向上が生まれると言うことです

  • And now I think next time you go to your front step


  • and pick up that box that you just ordered online,

    インターネットで注文した商品を 玄関先で受け取り

  • you break it open and the goo is in there,

    箱を開けて 商品を見たときに

  • you'll have some wonderment as to whether a robot


  • assisted in the picking and packing of that order.

    梱包の手助けをしていることを想い 驚くことでしょう

  • Thank you.


  • (Applause)


Translator: Bob Prottas Reviewer: Nhu PHAM

翻訳: Takamitsu Hirono 校正: Tomoyuki Suzuki


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語 TED 梱包 倉庫 作業 商品 注文

TED】Mick Mountz: What happens inside those massive warehouses?(Mick Mountz: What happens inside those massive warehouses?) (【TED】Mick Mountz: What happens inside those massive warehouses? (Mick Mountz: What happens inside those massive warehouses?))

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日