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  • Translator: Fran Ontanaya Reviewer: Morton Bast

    翻訳: Daisuke Minagawa 校正: Reiko Bovee

  • What I'm going to do is, I'm going to explain to you


  • an extreme green concept


  • that was developed at NASA's Glenn Research Center

    NASAのグレン研究センターで 開発された

  • in Cleveland, Ohio.


  • But before I do that, we have to go over


  • the definition of what green is,

    何がグリーンなのか 定義しましょう

  • 'cause a lot of us have a different definition of it.

    人に依ってはグリーンの 定義が違うからです

  • Green. The product is created through

    グリーンとは環境的 かつ社会的な配慮の元に

  • environmentally and socially conscious means.


  • There's plenty of things that are being called green now.

    グリーンと呼ばれているものは 山ほどありますが

  • What does it actually mean?


  • We use three metrics to determine green.


  • The first metric is: Is it sustainable?


  • Which means, are you preserving what you are doing for future use


  • or for future generations?


  • Is it alternative? Is it different than what is being used today,

    代替手段か? 今日使っている物と違うか?

  • or does it have a lower carbon footprint


  • than what's used conventionally?


  • And three: Is it renewable?


  • Does it come from Earth's natural replenishing resources,


  • such as sun, wind and water?


  • Now, my task at NASA is to develop


  • the next generation of aviation fuels.


  • Extreme green. Why aviation?

    究極のグリーンが なぜ航空用に?

  • The field of aviation uses more fuel than just about

    他のあらゆるものと比べても 航空機は燃料を

  • every other combined. We need to find an alternative.

    最も使っているので 代替燃料を見つけ出す事は

  • Also it's a national aeronautics directive.


  • One of the national aeronautics goals is to develop


  • the next generation of fuels, biofuels,


  • using domestic and safe, friendly resources.


  • Now, combating that challenge


  • we have to also meet the big three metric


  • Actually, extreme green for us is all three together;

    3つの条件全てを満たすのが 我々の究極のグリーンです

  • that's why you see the plus there. I was told to say that.

    なので+がある という事です

  • So it has to be the big three at GRC. That's another metric.

    グレン研究センター(GRC)の ビッグ3は別の定義です

  • Ninety-seven percent of the world's water is saltwater.


  • How about we use that? Combine that with number three.

    塩水を使うというのはどうでしょう? 三番目と組み合わせます

  • Do not use arable land.


  • Because crops are already growing on that land

    耕地に適した土地は 既に利用されているので

  • that's very scarce around the world.


  • Number two: Don't compete with food crops.


  • That's already a well established entity, they don't need another entry.

    耕地は既に確立されていて 新しい物を加える必要はありません

  • And lastly the most precious resource we have on this Earth


  • is fresh water. Don't use fresh water.


  • If 97.5 percent of the world's water is saltwater,


  • 2.5 percent is fresh water. Less than a half percent


  • of that is accessible for human use.

    人間が利用出来るのは その0.5%以下です

  • But 60 percent of the population lives within that one percent.

    人口の60%は 地球の水の1%内で 生活しているからです

  • So, combating my problem was, now I have to be extreme green

    私が挑戦しているのは 究極のグリーンであり

  • and meet the big three. Ladies and gentlemen,

    さらにこのビッグ3条件を 満たすという事です

  • welcome to the GreenLab Research Facility.


  • This is a facility dedicated to the next generation


  • of aviation fuels using halophytes.

    塩生植物を使い 研究に専念しています

  • A halophyte is a salt-tolerating plant.

    塩生植物は塩分に対して 耐性のある植物です

  • Most plants don't like salt, but halophytes tolerate salt.

    多くの植物と違い 塩気のある土壌でも育ちます

  • We also are using weeds


  • and we are also using algae.


  • The good thing about our lab is, we've had


  • 3,600 visitors in the last two years.


  • Why do you think that's so?


  • Because we are on to something special.

    我々が特別な研究に 取り組んでいるからです

  • So, in the lower you see the GreenLab obviously,


  • and on the right hand side you'll see algae.


  • If you are into the business of the next generation

    もしあなたが次世代の 航空用燃料のビジネスに

  • of aviation fuels, algae is a viable option,

    参加するのなら 藻は価値ある選択です

  • there's a lot of funding right now,


  • and we have an algae to fuels program.

    ラボには藻を使った 燃料プログラムがあり

  • There's two types of algae growing.

    今 2種類の藻を培養しています

  • One is a closed photobioreactor that you see here,

    この写真の1つは 閉鎖型光バイオリアクターで

  • and what you see on the other side is our species

    もう一方に見えるのは 我々が育てている

  • we are currently using a species called Scenedesmus dimorphus.

    スセネデスムス・ジモルファス という藻の一種です

  • Our job at NASA is to take the experimental and computational

    我々のNASAでの仕事は 実験的 計算的方法をとり

  • and make a better mixing for the closed photobioreactors.

    閉鎖型光バイオリアクターで よく混ぜる事です

  • Now the problems with closed photobioreactors are:


  • They are quite expensive, they are automated,

    非常に高価で 自動化され自由が利かなく

  • and it's very difficult to get them in large scale.


  • So on large scale what do they use?

    では大規模培養には 何を使うのでしょうか?

  • We use open pond systems. Now, around the world

    今 世界中で開放型ポンドシステムを使い 藻が培養されていますが

  • they are growing algae, with this racetrack design

    それは ご覧頂いているような

  • that you see here. Looks like an oval with

    競技場トラックの様な形をした 水車がある楕円形のものです

  • a paddle wheel and mixes really well,


  • but when it gets around the last turn, which I call turn fourit's stagnant.

    最後の4周目には 流れが悪くなります

  • We actually have a solution for that.


  • In the GreenLab in our open pond system


  • we use something that happens in nature: waves.


  • We actually use wave technology on our open pond systems.

    開放型ポンドシステムでは 波のテクノロジーを使い

  • We have 95 percent mixing and our lipid content is higher


  • than a closed photobioreactor system,

    閉鎖型光バイオリアクターよりも 高くなります

  • which we think is significant.


  • There is a drawback to algae, however: It's very expensive.

    しかし藻には欠点があります とても価格が高いのです

  • Is there a way to produce algae inexpensively?


  • And the answer is: yes.

    答えは イエスです

  • We do the same thing we do with halophytes,


  • and that is: climatic adaptation.


  • In our GreenLab we have six primary ecosystems


  • that range from freshwater all the way to saltwater.


  • What we do: We take a potential species, we start at freshwater,


  • we add a little bit more salt, when the second tank here


  • will be the same ecosystem as Brazil

    次のタンクはブラジルと 同じ生態系になり

  • right next to the sugar cane fields you can have our plants

    サトウキビ畑のすぐ隣でも この植物を育てられます

  • the next tank represents Africa, the next tank represents Arizona,

    その隣のタンクはアフリカ その隣はアリゾナ

  • the next tank represents Florida,


  • and the next tank represents California or the open ocean.

    その隣はカリフォルニアか外洋と 似た環境になっています

  • What we are trying to do is to come up with a single species

    我々がしようとしている事は 世界中どこでも

  • that can survive anywhere in the world, where there's barren desert.

    砂漠のような不毛の地にも 適応できる一種を探し出す事で

  • We are being very successful so far.


  • Now, here's one of the problems.


  • If you are a farmer, you need five things to be successful: You need seeds,

    農業には 5つの成功の条件があります

  • you need soil, you need water and you need sun,


  • and the last thing that you need is fertilizer.


  • Most people use chemical fertilizers. But guess what?


  • We do not use chemical fertilizer.


  • Wait a second! I just saw lots of greenery in your GreenLab. You have to use fertilizer.

    こんなにたくさん植物があるなら 化学肥料を使っているはずだ

  • Believe it or not, in our analysis of our saltwater ecosystems

    と思われるかもしれませんが 塩水生態環境の分析結果では

  • 80 percent of what we need are in these tanks themselves.

    必要とされる物の80%は これらのタンクの中にあります

  • The 20 percent that's missing is nitrogen and phosphorous.

    欠けている20%は 窒素とリンです

  • We have a natural solution: fish.

    これは自然界のもので解決します 魚です

  • No we don't cut up the fish and put them in there.

    刺身にせず そのまま タンクの中に入れます

  • Fish waste is what we use. As a matter of fact


  • we use freshwater mollies, that we've used our climatic adaptation technique

    淡水モーリーを使って 真水から海水にわたって

  • from freshwater all the way to seawater.

    気候適応の技術を 利用してきました

  • Freshwater mollies: cheap, they love to make babies,

    淡水モーリーは安価で 子作りが大好き(笑)

  • and they love to go to the bathroom.


  • And the more they go to the bathroom, the more fertilizer we get,

    彼らが排泄するほど 多くの肥料が手に入り

  • the better off we are, believe it or not.

    うまく行くのです 信じられないでしょうが

  • It should be noted that we use sand as our soil,


  • regular beach sand. Fossilized coral.


  • So a lot of people ask me, "How did you get started?"

    “どうやって始めたんだ?”と 皆さんお訊ねになります

  • Well, we got started in what we call the indoor biofuels lab.

    室内バイオ燃料研究室と呼ばれる 種苗研究室で始めました

  • It's a seedling lab. We have 26 different species of halophytes,


  • and five are winners. What we do here is

    5種が残りました ここで何をしているかというと

  • actually it should be called a death lab, 'cause we try to

    苗を酷な環境に入れています 死んでしまうのもいるので

  • kill the seedlings, make them rough

    ここは「死のラボ」 と呼ばれるべきかもしれません

  • and then we come to the GreenLab.


  • What you see in the lower corner


  • is a wastewater treatment plant experiment


  • that we are growing, a macro-algae that I'll talk about in a minute.

    大型藻類を育てています これは後で説明します

  • And lastly, it's me actually working in the lab to prove to you I do work,

    最後に 私が確かにラボで 働いてるのが分かりますね

  • I don't just talk about what I do.

    ちゃんと仕事してる証拠も見せないとね (笑)

  • Here's the plant species. Salicornia virginica.


  • It's a wonderful plant. I love that plant.


  • Everywhere we go we see it. It's all over the place, from Maine

    どこに行こうと 全米で見かけるものです

  • all the way to California. We love that plant.


  • Second is Salicornia bigelovii. Very difficult to get around the world.

    次はサリコルニア・ビゲロビ 世界でも稀に見る植物です

  • It is the highest lipid content that we have,


  • but it has a shortcoming: It's short.

    しかし欠点があります 背が低すぎるのです

  • Now you take europaea, which is the largest or the tallest plant that we have.

    次にユウロペアです 最も大きく背の高い植物です

  • And what we are trying to do


  • with natural selection or adaptive biologycombine all three

    自然淘汰で または生物学的適応させ 3条件を兼ね備えた

  • to make a high-growth, high-lipid plant.


  • Next, when a hurricane decimated the Delaware Baysoybean fields gone

    ハリケーンがデラウェア海岸を直撃した時 大豆畑が失われました

  • we came up with an idea: Can you have a plant


  • that has a land reclamation positive in Delaware? And the answer is yes.

    デラウェアを回復する植物はないだろうか? もちろん答えは イエス です

  • It's called seashore mallow. Kosteletzkya virginica

    コステレツキア・バージニカ というアオイ科の一種は—

  • say that five times fast if you can.


  • This is a 100 percent usable plant. The seeds: biofuels. The rest: cattle feed.

    100%有用な植物で 種はバイオ燃料に 残りは家畜のえさになります

  • It's there for 10 years; it's working very well.

    もう10年になりますが とてもうまく行っています

  • Now we get to Chaetomorpha.

    では今から ジュズモをご覧ください

  • This is a macro-algae that loves


  • excess nutrients. If you are in the aquarium industry


  • you know we use it to clean up dirty tanks.

    利用されているのを ご存知の方もいるでしょう

  • This species is so significant to us.


  • The properties are very close to plastic.


  • We are trying right now to convert this macro-algae into a bioplastic.

    これをバイオプラスチックに 変換しようとしています

  • If we are successful, we will revolutionize the plastics industry.

    成功すればプラスチック製造業に 革命が起こります

  • So, we have a seed to fuel program.

    それで燃料プログラムに使う 種がありますが

  • We have to do something with this biomass that we have.

    このバイオマスを なんとかしなければなりません

  • And so we do G.C. extraction, lipid optimization, so on and so forth,

    次世代の航空に 特化した航空用燃料を

  • because our goal really is to come up with


  • the next generation of aviation fuels, aviation specifics, so on and so forth.

    ガスクロを使っての検出 脂質の最適化等を行っていきます

  • So far we talked about water and fuel,


  • but along the way we found out something interesting about Salicornia:

    研究中 アッケシソウについて 興味深い事が発見されました

  • It's a food product.


  • So we talk about ideas worth spreading, right?

    これは広める価値のあるアイデア ですよね

  • How about this: In sub-Saharan Africa, next to the sea, saltwater,

    サハラ以南のアフリカ 海に隣接した場所、塩水

  • barren desert, how about we take that plant,


  • plant it, half use for food, half use for fuel.

    食料として また燃料として使えたら どうでしょうか?

  • We can make that happen, inexpensively.


  • You can see there's a greenhouse in Germany


  • that sells it as a health food product.


  • This is harvested, and in the middle here is a shrimp dish, and it's being pickled.

    これは収穫物ですが中央にあるのは 塩漬けにされたエビ料理です

  • So I have to tell you a joke. Salicornia is known as sea beans,

    これは冗談ですが アッケシソウは海の豆、 シーアスパラガス

  • saltwater asparagus and pickle weed.


  • So we are pickling pickle weed in the middle.

    つまり草の漬け物(pickle weed)を 漬け(pickle)ています

  • Oh, I thought it was funny. (Laughter)


  • And at the bottom is seaman's mustard. It does make sense,


  • this is a logical snack. You have mustard,

    マスタードと この塩生植物が合わされば

  • you are a seaman, you see the halophyte, you mix it together,


  • it's a great snack with some crackers.


  • And last, garlic with Salicornia, which is what I like.

    最後にアッケシソウのニンニク和え 私のお気に入りです

  • So, water, fuel and food.


  • None of this is possible without the GreenLab team.

    グリーンラボチーム無くして 実現できないことです

  • Just like the Miami Heat has the big three, we have the big three at NASA GRC.

    マイアミ・ヒートのビッグスリーのように NASA GRCにもビッグスリーがいます

  • That's myself, professor Bob Hendricks, our fearless leader, and Dr. Arnon Chait.

    私とリーダーのヘンドリックス教授 それにシェイト博士の3人です

  • The backbone of the GreenLab is students.


  • Over the last two years we've had 35 different students


  • from around the world working at GreenLab.


  • As a matter fact my division chief says a lot, "You have a green university."

    部門長によく言われます “君たちはグリーン大学”だなってね

  • I say, "I'm okay with that, 'cause we are nurturing

    私はこう答えています “それで良いんです 次世代の

  • the next generation of extreme green thinkers, which is significant."

    究極のグリーン貢献者 育成が重要だからです”

  • So, in first summary I presented to you what we think

    スピーチの初頭に述べた 我々が考えていることは

  • is a global solution for food, fuel and water.

    世界の食料、燃料、水問題の 解決策でした

  • There's something missing to be complete.

    その目的達成には 何かが欠けています

  • Clearly we use electricity. We have a solution for you

    我々は電気を使っていますが それも解決策があります

  • We're using clean energy sources here.

    このようなクリーンエネルギーを 使っているのです

  • So, we have two wind turbines connected to the GreenLab,

    2つの風力タービンが ラボに接続されています

  • we have four or five more hopefully coming soon.


  • We are also using something that is quite interesting


  • there is a solar array field at NASA's Glenn Research Center,

    NASAグレン研究センターにある 太陽電池の設置場所です

  • hasn't been used for 15 years.


  • Along with some of my electrical engineering colleagues,


  • we realized that they are still viable,


  • so we are refurbishing them right now.


  • In about 30 days or so they'll be connected to the GreenLab.

    30日でグリーンラボに 接続できるようになるでしょう

  • And the reason why you see red, red and yellow, is


  • a lot of people think NASA employees don't work on Saturday

    多くの人はNASAの人間は 土曜日は休みだと思いがちですが

  • This is a picture taken on Saturday.


  • There are no cars around, but you see my truck in yellow. I work on Saturday. (Laughter)

    黄色いトラックしか見えませんが これは私のです 私は土曜日にも働いているんです(笑)

  • This is a proof to you that I'm working.


  • 'Cause we do what it takes to get the job done, most people know that.

    殆どの人のように すべき仕事はしますから

  • Here's a concept with this:


  • We are using the GreenLab for a micro-grid test bed

    オハイオ州の スマートグリッド構想のために

  • for the smart grid concept in Ohio.

    マイクログリッドの試験台として グリーンラボを使うのです

  • We have the ability to do that, and I think it's going to work.

    我々にはそれを実現する能力があり 実践できると考えています

  • So, GreenLab Research Facility.


  • A self-sustainable renewable energy ecosystem was presented today.

    今日は自立持続可能な再生可能エネルギーの エコシステムを紹介しました

  • We really, really hope this concept catches on worldwide.

    私はこの構想が世界中に広まることを 本当に願っています

  • We think we have a solution for food, water, fuel and now energy. Complete.

    食料、水、燃料 そしてエネルギーの 完全な解決策がここにあります

  • It's extreme green, it's sustainable, alternative and renewable

    究極のグリーンであり 持続可能で 代替手段で 再生可能

  • and it meets the big three at GRC:


  • Don't use arable land, don't compete with food crops,

    耕地を使わない 農作物と競合しない

  • and most of all, don't use fresh water.

    そして何より 真水を使いません

  • So I get a lot of questions about, "What are you doing in that lab?"

    多くの人にこう質問されます “あなたはラボで何をしているの?”と

  • And I usually say, "None of your business, that's what I'm doing in the lab." (Laughter)

    その時私はこう答えます “君に関係ない 何かしてるのさ”とね(笑)

  • And believe it or not, my number one goal


  • for working on this project is

    私の一番の目的は このプロジェクトで

  • I want to help save the world.


Translator: Fran Ontanaya Reviewer: Morton Bast

翻訳: Daisuke Minagawa 校正: Reiko Bovee


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語 TED 燃料 植物 グリーン 真水 塩水

TED】ビラル・ボマーニ。(Bilal Bomani: Plant fuels that could power a jet (ビラル・ボマーニ:ジェット機の動力源となる植物燃料)) (【TED】Bilal Bomani: Plant fuels that could power a jet (Bilal Bomani: Plant fuels that could power a jet))

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日