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  • You think I can't beat...

  • This easy game?


  • EASY!

  • Ohhhh

  • How many times have I died?

  • Oh

  • OH that's right

  • He hasn't died

  • Oh, oh look at--

  • Look at him!

  • He's doing it...

  • Perfectly.

  • I wonder how.

  • It's not like I've done this

  • a million fucking times...

  • by now.

  • *soft laugh*

  • Oh, you cheeky bastard. Huh?

  • You thought you could...

  • do a little...

  • (???) on me?

  • Can you fuck off?

  • If you think this game is hard...

  • Then I'll tell you what;

  • You might want to check your

  • privilege there, buddy.

  • If this game was life,

  • this game would be...

  • s t r a i g h t w h i t e m a l e.

  • Oh, shit

  • Now.

  • Let's go to the fucking place...

  • where dreams are died-- *nice grammar*

  • dead.

  • Dreams DIE here.

  • Oh look!

  • Mr. Orange we meet again.

  • Goodbye

  • Goodbye Mr. Orange.

  • Goodby--

  • Oh Jesus

  • *sighs*

  • This bit sucks so fucking much.

  • I'm legit just sick of it.

  • *A B S O L U T E C O N C E N T R A T I O N*

  • sssss---

  • Easy.

  • That was not easy you fucking idiot,

  • listen to me.

  • Okay,

  • all right,

  • watch this.

  • ~Acceptance Of Consequences~

  • Easy.


  • Ohh..

  • I'm out of mouse space *This is where he knew...*

  • what the f- *He fucked up.*

  • DO I DO?!!

  • STOP

  • you've--no.

  • Do I need a hanger ship for my mousepad?!

  • I ran out of space.

  • What do I do?

  • What the fuck mouse?!

  • I'm adding an extra

  • because this is ridiculous.

  • This mountain makes no sense, by the way

  • Fuck you.

  • you know what fuck off, please.

  • Get me back up

  • Stop sliding, please

  • Okay,

  • double mouse

  • strat clearly doesn't work.

  • Okay?

  • Slow...

  • Slow...

  • Slow- *slides off*

  • Oh god

  • stop

  • I don't know how people do this, bit.

  • I just don't understand it

  • I keep sliding down no matter what I do

  • and I don't have that big of a mouse mat.

  • I'm sorry

  • So I'm gonna have to go with the (???) strat

  • (???) strat doesn't work

  • No keep falling.

  • I don't care

  • Razor

  • You make the worst fucking mouse pad

  • I've ever seen.

  • How can you fuck up a mouse pad?

  • It's not that fucking hard.

  • This fucking bit...

  • *Fucking bit... Kinky.*

  • Can suck my fucking--

  • Keep falling keep falling. *hint of malice*

  • I dare you.

  • (Extreme noises up ahead)

  • *The usual violent cat that hisses at you*

  • HAH!


  • UHHHH!


  • *Crazed laughter with a spice of relief*

  • OH WOW!

  • Wow everybody!

  • He did it!!!

  • He did it!!!

  • Yatta!

  • BAAAH!

  • You thought I couldn't do it?



  • Go away Edgar.

  • Oh, okay

  • All right.

  • I get it.

  • Oh, it's gonna be hard now because you--


  • fuck off

  • easy

  • Hey a little thumbs up

  • isn't that cute?

  • oh now--now it's when the game really gets hard pewds

  • Now it's when to b--

  • Fuck Off.

  • Thank you...

  • thumbs up.

  • Thank you.

  • I think I'm actually stuck with it

  • oh wow

  • that is a

  • Tiny little thumb



  • You tried to scare me,

  • but I don't get scared

  • ever

  • Not sure how to do this bit,


  • Oh no

  • hey hey hey hey thumbs


  • Oh, this time is gonna be easy.

  • I done it once before

  • should be easy to do this again, man

  • Yeah, boy.

  • I'm coming up

  • I want the world to know

  • you gotta let it show

  • coming--

  • I'm coming up

  • I want the--*gibberish*

  • EHHH

  • I want the world to know *DEMON CHILD VOICE*

  • you've gotta let it show *AHHHHHH*

  • *Is that demon child... Masturbating?



  • What once seemed impossible,

  • is now extremely doable!

  • Just like your mother! *horns blazing*

  • *Laugh of a corrupt nobleman*

  • Hey tiger.

  • Listen here.

  • I ain't got time for you.

  • while making this game;

  • "How--can we make that, can we make it steeper?

  • please?

  • Let's make it steeper"

  • Hello

  • Mr. Thumb

  • We meet again!

  • It's been written

  • Mr. Thumb

  • Why did you do that?

  • That is just stupid

  • Keep falling

  • I fucking dare you

  • you know what?

  • you know what?

  • see if I give a shit

  • keep falling

  • you think I care?

  • You think I fucking care?

  • take me back.

  • Take me back all the way

  • Can't even--

  • oh

  • Oh no, I keep--

  • shut the fuck up

  • I'm back baby.

  • Ohhhhhh

  • ohhhhh

  • You thought I was gonna go away did ya?

  • You thought I was gonna fucking go--

  • WHAT THE F--

  • That's fine

  • Not a big deal at all.

  • Ahh, you messed that fucking shit up.

  • Getting a little sweaty now... HAHA

  • *LICKING POWER 9000*

  • Come on bitch

  • What you got?

  • Huh?

  • What you got?

  • Bish show me.

  • Bish show me what you got.

  • oh

  • my

  • god


  • Oh... You like Happy Meals

  • on McDonald's?

  • ohhhh

  • I bet you doooo

  • Edgar, sit the fuck still

  • It's like I'm--uuhuhuhuh

  • enough distractions

  • bish

  • Do you like Happy Meals

  • on McDonaAAAAAAH



  • Listen here.

  • I don't care.

  • You need to go--

  • you need to go Edgar.

  • You need to go.

  • I'm not your dad

  • fuck off

  • Okay, I don't have to pay child services for more...

  • whatever

  • this bit sucks so much

  • that I could become a titty dispenser *Uhhh wut?*

  • you know I'm saying? *No...*

  • Grab the rock *bow chicka bow wow*

  • move it slow *I see what you did there poods*

  • No, no no no

  • no no no no

  • It is fine.

  • You try again.

  • Little poodiepie

  • Just try again

  • my

  • poodie friend

  • ohhhhhhh

  • You've done this many times

  • you can do it again

  • You can do it again pewds

  • Just believe

  • you got your friends,

  • ORRLY?

  • their waiting for you to do it

  • ohhhh

  • Come on poods,

  • Please

  • we want you to do the thing

  • Please just do the thing

  • *His tongue sure is big...*

  • Oh, I'm doing it.

  • Ah, I'm out of mouse space

  • I'm out of my mouse--

  • I am leg--

  • not joking

  • I am at the edge

  • of

  • Them--

  • but I'm at the edge of my--

  • I'm using my hand now.

  • Oh, it does not work

  • Uhhhh

  • NO!


  • I'm back!!! *We slowly witness Felix go coco*

  • *laughs*

  • *He is dying inside you know?*

  • you thought I was gonna quit, did ya?

  • Oh no no no no

  • I'm not just some casual

  • Little youtuber

  • who's like

  • "oh dis game is very hard,

  • Oh, I feel so angry

  • Well cuz the game is a little more trickier than I'm used to

  • so I'm so angry"

  • Oh, that ain't me, man

  • no no no no no

  • that ain't me, man

  • That ain't me

  • That ain't me man

  • that ain't me

  • that ain't me

  • okay?

  • alright everybody

  • Don't go too slow

  • cuz you'll run out of mouse space

  • oh,

  • oh

  • mai wa--

  • I'm--I'm out of mouse space

  • I'm out of mouse space

  • I'm not joking

  • I'm not joking

  • put it down,

  • put it down,

  • put it down,

  • put it down,

  • put a down,

  • put a down

  • put it down (x5)

  • Oh! How nice everybody?

  • oh

  • He's killing it, everybody

  • we're watching live poodiepie

  • fucking suck the...

  • Okay, Wow!

  • Great

  • it's great commentary coming from Pewdiepie

  • He does this for a living

  • He says

  • Wow incredible

  • hello little Catty kudu katta

  • Alright,

  • you want some of this?

  • alright

  • Don't extend your arm.

  • Okay?

  • Do not extend your arms

  • cause you'll flick yourself out

  • And that's what he wants you to do

  • do not do that

  • do not do what he wants you to do

  • Hah?

  • aye yae yae yae

  • careful there, buddy

  • aye

  • You being--be real

  • hey you gotta be...

  • Fuck you,

  • huh?

  • how about that?

  • fuck you

  • Do not extend

  • do not extend your arm, Felix

  • aye, ay, ay, ay,

  • Mr. Pussycat

  • do you wanna--

  • Nahnahnahnah nah fam

  • you're leaning the wrong way

  • oh, no no no no

  • there you go.

  • Ay holmes

  • Do not EXTEND


  • catch it.

  • Catch it.

  • Catch it

  • EASY

  • oh you thought I would die

  • oh, no, no

  • do not extend

  • the arm

  • Don't extend

  • suck a dick.

  • Oh don't even fucking try to do that

  • don't extend the fucking arm

  • Ay Mr. Thumbie

  • oh, that's gonna push me down isn't it?

  • oh?

  • oh, Okay, okay,

  • Okay!

  • Okay, everybody! *Omae wa...*

  • Okay! *Mou shindeiru!*

  • Huh...????

  • N A N I ? ! ?

  • You think this is funny?

  • *ABUSE*

You think I can't beat...


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

E N O U G H !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/ Getting Over It / #5 (E N O U G H ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! / Getting Over It / #5)

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    :P に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日