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  • Hello. My name is Nicole Stiver and I'm the Art Therapist here at the Swedish Cancer Institute.

  • In this podcast I will explain what art therapy is and is not,

  • the benefits of art therapy,

  • what to expect during a typical visit, and information for scheduling an appointment.

  • First, however, I would like to start by acknowledging a common reaction to art therapy.

  • Many people are afraid to try making art.

  • They think they're not artistic or creative enough.

  • This is a normal reaction.

  • Most people haven't made art since elementary school.

  • I want to assure you that you do not need art skills or confidence to try art therapy.

  • Anyone can do art therapy.

  • Art therapy is about the process of art making rather than the project itself.

  • Always remember there is no wrong way to make art.

  • Let's talk more about what art therapy is and is not.

  • Art therapy is a healing modality intended to bring together physical

  • emotional and spiritual care

  • by facilitating creative ways for patients to respond to their cancer experience.

  • Art therapy is not an instructional art class. In other words, I don't

  • teach you how to make art.

  • I will help you in becoming familiar with different types of art media.

  • I will encourage you to play and experiment with art supplies.

  • In art therapy I'm not here to judge or interpret your artwork.

  • I will invite you to view your art and find your own meaning about what you've created.

  • Remember, art therapy is therapy.

  • It's a time for you to use art to explore the variety of issues that

  • may come up with illness.

  • Art making itself is therapeutic.

  • It transcends words and triggers different parts of the brain and subconcious.

  • when you make art, you may find that you are able to reach a new depth of

  • understanding about yourself and your experiences.

  • People decide to use art therapy for many different reasons.

  • Art therapy provides outlets for feelings.

  • Art therapy is a wonderful way to learn and practice positive coping skills.

  • A recent study found that art therapy reduced symptoms related to pain and

  • anxiety in patients with cancer.

  • Art therapy increases self-awareness and self-discovery.

  • When you make art you can explore and examine thoughts or emotions that may

  • be difficult to put into words.

  • Many people find that art making decreases stress and increases relaxation.

  • I've heard some people say they're simply relieved to get their worries out

  • of their head

  • and onto paper where they can sort them out or use art to transform them.

  • During illness many parts of life may feel out of control.

  • Making art is one way to regain the sense of control.

  • Art therapy sessions are fifty minutes in length and many patients come weekly.

  • I see people who have just undiagnosed or are in cancer treatment.

  • I also see people who have completed treatments and they're looking for a

  • place to process their experience and rebuild their life after cancer.

  • The visits are self-directed

  • but when needed I will help you by suggesting materials to use or a place to start.

  • In my office you will find a large variety of art supplies available,

  • including colored pencils,

  • pens and markers,

  • chalk pastels, oil pastels, polymer clay acrylic paint, water color paint

  • beads, buttons, fabric, found objects, charcoal,

  • collage images, and a variety of paper.

  • In a typical session you can expect to spend some time talking,

  • some time making art, and some time looking at what you have made.

  • Thank you for listening to the Plugged in to Your Health cancer podcast program.

  • on What to Expect in Art Therapy.

  • Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions about our art therapy

  • services or if you would like to schedule an appointment.

  • My phone number is 206-215-6178 and my office is located in the Cancer Education Center.

  • Thank you.

Hello. My name is Nicole Stiver and I'm the Art Therapist here at the Swedish Cancer Institute.


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B2 中上級

アートセラピーに期待すること (What to Expect in Art Therapy)

  • 55 3
    yangtori に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日