字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Game a-hard? ( >д oh ( >д oh *moaning* ( >д Well, you haven't played Getting Over It made by Bennett Foddy. If that name doesn't mean anything to you, ゲーム ムズすぎィ? Then excuse me, I guess you are not a YouTuber. With such amazing titles as Corp- ヘェ? Clop, remember Clop? And here we are with his latest title, Getting Over It. ヘェェ!? It's supposed to be hard if you're a 'lil baby. 「Getting Over It」 を知らねェだろ I have no - *laughs* Bennett Foddy作 I have no idea how you play, all right? I'm moving this with my mouse. Oh, okay. Easy! この名前を聞いて ピンとこないなら… If you can't beat this game, お前はYouTuberじゃない You might have as well quit life, and - and do something else. Look at this, look at this! 素晴らしいゲームを作ってる 「QWOP」とか Speed running it. I'm speed running it. I wanna know the backstory to this game. *Laughing* 「CLOP」もそうだな *ayy* *ayy* *ayy* *ayy* *ayy* そして今回 新作が出たんだ There it is. 「Getting Over It」 Look at that. My core body strength. 難しいらしいぜ What? お前が赤ちゃんだったらの話だがな What is happening? どうやって…www Yup. 操作方法 分からんw 今マウスで動かしてる Yes. お なるほど Nothing - These things doesn't happen to me, okay? 簡単! Shit. こんなゲームも クリアできないヤツは… Hup! とりあえず人生やめて 他の事をしろ Oh my god. 見ろよ Don't patronize me, game. Okay? 見ろよ これ! I know exactly what I'm doing. Okay, there seems to - oh wait スピードランだぞ! There's a new attacker, clearly. Wreckin'. Oh, oh this is gonna be bad. Fuck. スピードランだ! It's fine. You know what, it's fine. I see - I see what I must do, okay? I must launch myself up there, どうしてこうなったのか 詳しく知りたいなww Which is easy. This is easy. ( “やり直す”ことより嫌な事はない ) Could the gameplay be a little easier, please? I mean harder. You know - EEE oh ちょちょちょちょちょ… ( 期限の前日に… ) There it is, you've got to keep the momentum going, clearly. You gotta pop until you don't stop, ちょちょちょちょちょ… ( 課題のファイルを消してしまったり ) And if you don't stop ( 片道1時間かけて通勤した後 ) Then you ain't pop. Now, for the love of God, don't fall down- ( 財布を忘れたことに気づいたり ) Alright, we gotta launch ourself up here. よし… ( カジノで金を稼いで… ) Look at that. Smooth. ( カジノで金を稼いで… ) Smooth McGroove- FUCK YOU. Why would you put a hand there? ( 全額 赤に賭けたのに 黒になったり ) It's not, it's really not a problem. Don't you worry about me Benny. Mr. Foddy. Don't you worry about it. 見たか~ ( 全額 赤に賭けたのに 黒になったり ) *aye aye aye* Okay, so this bit seemed a little tricky. Because I will do the move ( 全額 赤に賭けたのに 黒になったり ) That will save the universe. 俺の身体能力! ( 全額 赤に賭けたのに 黒になったり ) *KAAAA* ( 結婚式のためにクリーニングした… ) *MEEEEEEEEE* ( とっておきのシャツに食べ物をこぼしたり ) *HAAAAAAAAAA* は…? ( とっておきのシャツに食べ物をこぼしたり ) *MEEEEEEEEEE* ( ようやく友達を説得したのに… ) *HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!* ( そいつの考えが全く変わってなかったり ) Look at that. Now, 何の話? ( そいつの考えが全く変わってなかったり ) Let's not fall down. ( “やり直す”のは “始める”より難しい ) Stop. だな ( “やり直す”のは “始める”より難しい ) I know what the task is. ( もし心の準備ができてないなら ) Hup! うん ( もし心の準備ができてないなら ) Listen, nothing is too sheer! Nothing is too shitty! Schwifty, ( 例えば すでに機嫌が悪いとかなら ) Get schwifty. なに… ( 例えば すでに機嫌が悪いとかなら ) Nothing! NOOOO! ( プレイしないほうがいい ) *SAD MUSIC PLAYS (ENYA - ONLY TIME)* ( 都合がいい時に来てくれ ) NO! ( 僕は待ってるから ) I'm alive. I'm alive. Okay, alright. We're fine. 俺は別に… そんなこと起きてないぞ We're fine. ( よし ) We're fine. クソ ( よし ) Why would you make a game that made me lose this much progress? ( 一緒に来てくれてありがとう ) SKRRRAAA! Easy buddy, easy buddy, easy. ( いつでも休憩していいからね ) Use your core strength. Think about your pecs after all this. よッ! ( いつでも休憩していいからね ) Easy, easy, please, please, please. If anyone struggled with this game, they need to be assassin- Oh. ( いつでも休憩していいからね ) This is such a dumb game. ( 安全な場所を見つけて ゲームを閉じるんだ ) Hup! ( 大丈夫 セーブは僕に任せろ ) Yes! うっわ… ( 失敗も全部セーブするから ) Look at that buddy, look at that. Thank you. I want to thank my- Oh god. Oh god. ( 失敗も全部セーブするから ) That looks really hard up there. Can I stand on this coffee cup? No, な… I can't. Thank you, coffee cup for serving no purpose but to piss me off. いちいち世話を焼くな! I shall go down here. 自分でできるわ! Now we're gonna play a little slower, game. A little slower, but that's okay. お…これは? I'm going to - uhhh 難しそうだな Carefully pull myself up, because you don't want to make mistakes. なんとか… 駄目か Not at this point, because we clearly have a checkpoint here. This is - クソ Yes? Yeah. Yeah- I know. 大丈夫 問題ないぞ Okay, I don't know why you tell me this. やることは分かってる 上に行くんだろ No. 簡単だ It's actually a fair point. そんなの簡単だ This is a really tricky one, isn't it? I mean, for the love of God. How even- このゲーム もっと “簡単”にならないのか? Pull yourself together, buddy. 違っ… “難しく” だ Yes! えぇ~と… Easy! All right, we got it. That's a check point. That's definitely a check point. よっしゃ You know this guy is gonna make a slippy stone coming up or something. 勢いつけて行けばいいんだな Why am I stuck here? 上に行くまで 止まっちゃダメだ There we go. 止まると Oh my god dude, I'm like natural-born talent. Please, where's my reward for this game? 上に行けないからな Where's my reward for this game? Because you know, he can do this, right? Then why can't you- Here we go. 頼むから落ちないでくr… There it is! ( このゲームは2002年のゲーム “Sexy Hiking”のオマージュなんだ ) *Burps* Oh my god. Oh, no no no! 上にジャンプするぞ Oh, god. Oh, god, save me! Save me! 見ろ このスムーズな動き… Oh, thank god. “Smooth McGroove”… Because you're not a casual. I appreciate it buddy. (#゚Д゚)<クソが!!!! Oh, look at that. 何やってんだよ!!? Look at that. ( スタート地点に逆戻りだな ) How? Okay. Alright. Alright. Okay. ( あんなに頑張ったのに… 本当に腹立つよな ) One day, I'll get out of this urn and life will be magic. My fau - Ahh. こんなの 何でもないよ Life will be magic one day. 心配するな Benny Okay. Is this in any way Mr. Foddy Entertaining? I've just really- I'm actually enjoying the game. It's really interesting. 大丈夫だ It- it works. ちょっと… It works really well. ここはちょっと 厄介だな… Ah, fuck. But goddamn, it's frustrating. It's like- it seems like it's easy. よし… 俺は今から But it's really not. It's really not. Oh my god. 宇宙すら救う技を見せる…! This game is gonna kill people. I know it. This game is gonna hurt people. ( か~~~~~~~ ) People will die over this game. Okay, I got that move down. ( め~~~~~~~ ) Oh, oh, I think we're almost there. I actually think we can do this. Okay, pull, pull buddy. ( は~~~~~~~ ) I know you're stuck. Like he's stuck but, no. ( め~~~~~~~ ) We say no. We are the Knights... that say... ( 波───────!!!!!!! ) Yes! やったぞ Who are you? よし We are the Knights who say.. 落ちるなよ ̶N̶i̶ YES! ( “Sexy Hiking”はB級ゲームの頂点だ ) If I fall down there, to the left... ( そのほとんどが 使い古された お決まりのシステムだが… ) I don't even wanna think about it. やめろ ( そのほとんどが 使い古された お決まりのシステムだが… ) Now, now, relax. ( そのほとんどが 使い古された お決まりのシステムだが… ) Deep breath. No! ( それでいてオリジナルで 難しいゲームになってる ) Relax. ( そのゲームでやるのは ハンマーを使って山を登ること ) Relax. 分かってるよ That's fine, that's fine, that's fine, I will not. ( “登る”ということは… ) All right, okay? We're gonna slowly, slowly, turn it around. Slowly. ( ゲームでも現実でも ) And then we're gonna- ( ある意味 必要不可欠な行為だ ) NO!! ( 必ずしも前に進めるとは限らない ) All right. Okay, okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. We're just gonna lightly push ourself over it. ( ゚Д゚)<ホッ!! ( 必ずしも前に進めるとは限らない ) We're gonna lightly- ( 必ずしも前に進めるとは限らない ) Lightly, ( 険しく 滑りやすい崖もあるだろう ) Okay. よく聞け ( 険しく 滑りやすい崖もあるだろう ) I- I'm doing open-heart surgery here. This is practically- Okay. I got this. 険しすぎる崖なんか無い! ( そしてプレイヤーは ) SKKRRRAA! Yes! ( 落ちて全てを失う恐怖に 常にさらされ続けるのだ ) Stupid game! Damn! I bet Jacksepticeye didn't make it here. そんなクソ崖は無い! ( 落ちて全てを失う恐怖に 常にさらされ続けるのだ ) Oh! Oh! NOOO!! “Schwifty” NO! “ハイ”になろうぜ OHMYGOD. クソくらえだ! OHMYGOD. ダァアアァ(#゚Д゚)アァアアア!!!!!! Shut the fuck up. アカン!! Oh- oh my god. ( うわ…ご愁傷様 ) Can I- I don't trust this. You're gonna fucking let me go down there, aren't you? クソが… ( うわ…ご愁傷様 ) Oh! :(;゙゚'ω゚'):<オォッ Okay! 生きてるっ! Okay. 生きてるぞ No, no, no. Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. よし Eh, eh, that's right. 大丈夫だ He will not divide us! 大丈夫だ He will not- なんで こんな“やり直し” ばかりのゲームを作るんだ There it is. Nice. Yeah, that's it. ( ゚Д゚)<オラッ!! No big deal, I'm just in hell. 簡単だぜェ~ Okay all right, okay, it's easy from here. Nope- oh. 簡単 簡単 ACK- Oh my god... 内なる力を使え! Oh my god... ゴールする頃には 腹筋やべぇぞ NO- AHHHHHHH 簡単だ NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. 簡単だろ Goodbye. おい やめろって
A2 初級 日本語 米 PewDiePie ゲーム マジ 簡単 落ち yes このゲームは苦しむことの真の意味です。/ ♪ Getting Over It / #1 (THIS GAME IS THE TRUE MEANING OF SUFFERING. / Getting Over It / #1) 92 2 :P に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語