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How will we be remembered in 200 years?
翻訳: Mariko Edwards 校正: Satoshi Tatsuhara
I happen to live in a little town, Princeton, in New Jersey,
200年後 どのように私たちを思い返すでしょう?
which every year celebrates the great event in Princeton history:
the Battle of Princeton, which was, in fact, a very important battle.
毎年 プリンストン史上とても重要といわれる --
It was the first battle that George Washington won, in fact,
プリンストンの戦いを祝います 実に重要で
and was pretty much of a turning point in the war of independence.
ジョージ ワシントンが初めて勝った --
It happened 225 years ago.
It was actually a terrible disaster for Princeton.
The town was burned down; it was in the middle of winter,
and it was a very, very severe winter.
町は全焼しました 季節は真冬です
And about a quarter of all the people in Princeton died that winter
from hunger and cold, but nobody remembers that.
プリンストン市民の25%ほどの人が その冬に
What they remember is, of course, the great triumph,
飢えと寒さで亡くなりました でも誰も覚えていません
that the Brits were beaten, and we won, and that the country was born.
覚えているのは 大勝利を収めて
And so I agree very emphatically that the pain of childbirth is not remembered.
イギリス人を打ち負かし 我々が勝ち 国が生まれたことです
It's the child that's remembered.
出産の痛みはすぐに忘れ 生まれた子だけが記憶に残るということが
And that's what we're going through at this time.
I wanted to just talk for one minute about the future of biotechnology,
今 私たちは同じような経験をしています
because I think I know very little about that -- I'm not a biologist --
so everything I know about it can be said in one minute.
生命科学者ではありませんから この分野には疎くて
知識を全て披露しても 1分足らずです
What I'm saying is that we should follow the model
that has been so successful with the electronic industry,
that what really turned computers into a great success, in the world
as a whole, is toys. As soon as computers became toys,
when kids could come home and play with them,
おもちゃです コンピューターがおもちゃになって 子どもたちが
then the industry really took off. And that has to happen with biotech.
There's a huge --
電子産業は成長を始めました バイオテクノロジーも見倣うべきです
非常にたくさん --
-- there's a huge community of people in the world
who are practical biologists, who are dog breeders,
pigeon breeders, orchid breeders, rose breeders,
people who handle biology with their hands,
鳩のブリーダー ランのブリーダー バラのブリーダーなどが
and who are dedicated to producing beautiful things, beautiful creatures,
plants, animals, pets. These people will be empowered with biotech,
植物 動物 ペットなどの美しい生物を熱心に作り出しています
and that will be an enormous positive step
彼らがバイオテクノロジーを手にすれば かなり役立つはずです
to acceptance of biotechnology.
そうすれば バイオテクノロジーを認知してもらうという点では
That will blow away a lot of the opposition.
When people have this technology in their hands,
you have a do-it-yourself biotech kit, grow your own --
grow your dog, grow your own cat.
Just buy the software, you design it. I won't say anymore,
you can take it on from there. It's going to happen, and
ソフトウェアを買って自分でデザインするのです 後は言わなくても --
I think it has to happen before the technology becomes natural,
想像できると思います 実現に向かっていますし
becomes part of the human condition,
バイオテクノロジーが当たり前になり 治療の一環として利用されたり
something that everybody's familiar with and everybody accepts.
慣れ親しんで 広く受け入れられるようになる前に
So, let's leave that aside.
I want to talk about something quite different,
which is what I know about, and that is astronomy.
And I'm interested in searching for life in the universe.
And it's open to us to introduce a new way of doing that,
and that's what I'll talk about for 10 minutes,
or whatever the time remains.
The important fact is, that most of the real estate
that's accessible to us -- I'm not talking about the stars,
重要な事実があります 私たちの手が届く土地の多くは --
I'm talking about the solar system, the stuff that's within reach
ここで言う土地は 夜空の星のことではなく
for spacecraft and within reach of our earthbound telescopes --
太陽系の話です 宇宙船でたどり着ける距離にあって
most of the real estate is very cold and very far from the Sun.
If you look at the solar system, as we know it today,
宇宙にある土地の大半は とても寒く 太陽から遠く離れています
it has a few planets close to the Sun. That's where we live.
It has a fairly substantial number of asteroids between
太陽の近くには惑星がいくつかあって 私たちはそこに暮らしています
the orbit of the Earth out through -- to the orbit of Jupiter.
さらに 地球の軌道と 木星の軌道の間には
The asteroids are a substantial amount of real estate,
but not very large. And it's not very promising for life,
小惑星も 宇宙にある膨大な土地ではありますが
since most of it consists of rock and metal, mostly rock.
それほど大きくはなく あまり生活できそうもありません
It's not only cold, but very dry.
ほとんどが岩や金属で 特に岩が多いからです
So the asteroids we don't have much hope for.
また 寒いだけでなく乾燥もしていますので
There stand some interesting places a little further out:
the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.
しかし もう少し遠くを見ると興味深い場所がいくつかあります
Particularly, there's a place called Europa, which is --
木星の衛星や 土星の衛星です
Europa is one of the moons of Jupiter,
特に興味深いのがユーロパという --
where we see a very level ice surface,
which looks as if it's floating on top of an ocean.
So, we believe that on Europa there is, in fact, a deep ocean.
And that makes it extraordinarily interesting as a place to explore.
Ocean -- probably the most likely place for life to originate,
just as it originated on the Earth. So we would love to explore Europa,
海というのは おそらく生命誕生の確率が最も高い場所です
to go down through the ice,
地球と同じことです だからユーロパの氷の下を
find out who is swimming around in the ocean,
whether there are fish or seaweed or sea monsters --
whatever there may be that's exciting --- or cephalopods.
魚や 海草や 海の怪獣がいるのか見てみたいのです
But that's hard to do. Unfortunately, the ice is thick.
何がいても興奮します イカやタコなどの頭足動物でもいいです
We don't know just how thick it is, probably miles thick,
しかし実現は困難です 残念ながら氷が厚すぎるのです
so it's very expensive and very difficult to go down there --
厚さは不明ですが おそらく何キロにも及ぶので
send down your submarine or whatever it is -- and explore.
That's something we don't yet know how to do.
非常に高価で 極めて難しいのです
There are plans to do it, but it's hard.
Go out a bit further, you'll find that beyond the orbit of Neptune,
計画は持ち上がっても 実行は難しいのです
way out, far from the Sun, that's where the real estate really begins.
もう少し遠く 海王星の軌道よりも遠く
You'll find millions or trillions or billions of objects which,
太陽からはるか遠くに行けば 真の土地が見つかります
in what we call the Kuiper Belt or the Oort Cloud --
何百万 何十億 あるいは何兆もの天体がある --
these are clouds of small objects which appear as comets
カイパーベルトや オールトの雲と呼ばれる場所です
when they fall close to the Sun. Mostly, they just live out there
太陽に向かってくるときに 彗星として観測されるような --
in the cold of the outer solar system,
but they are biologically very interesting indeed,
because they consist primarily of ice with other minerals,
which are just the right ones for developing life.
So if life could be established out there,
つまり 生命誕生に適した構成なのです
it would have all the essentials -- chemistry and sunlight --
everything that's needed.
必須の要素はそろっています 化学的条件や太陽光といった --
So, what I'm proposing
is that there is where we should be looking for life, rather than on Mars,
although Mars is, of course, also a very promising and interesting place.
火星ではなく そこで生命を探したほうがいいということです
But we can look outside, very cheaply and in a simple fashion.
火星も もちろん非常に期待の持てる興味深い場所なのですが
And that's what I'm going to talk about.
太陽系の外れを 安く簡単に探査することができるのです
There is a -- imagine that life originated on Europa,
and it was sitting in the ocean for billions of years.
ユーロパに生命が誕生して --
It's quite likely that it would move out of the ocean onto the surface,
just as it did on the Earth.
生命が海を抜け出し 表面に出てくる可能性は十分にあります
Staying in the ocean and evolving in the ocean for 2 billion years,
finally came out onto the land. And then of course it had great --
20億年間 海の中で生活し 進化して --
much greater freedom, and a much greater variety of creatures
やっと陸上にでてきた後には もちろん
developed on the land than had ever been possible in the ocean.
And the step from the ocean to the land was not easy, but it happened.
海の中なら考えられなかったほど 多様な生き物に進化しました
Now, if life had originated on Europa in the ocean,
it could also have moved out onto the surface.
There wouldn't have been any air there -- it's a vacuum.
It is out in the cold, but it still could have come.
You can imagine that the plants growing up like kelp
外は寒い世界ですが 出てくる可能性があります
through cracks in the ice, growing on the surface.
氷の割れ目を通って伸びてきて 表面でさらに成長する --
What would they need in order to grow on the surface?
They'd need, first of all, to have a thick skin to protect themselves
from losing water through the skin.
So they would have to have something like a reptilian skin.
But better -- what is more important
is that they would have to concentrate sunlight.
しかし それより重要なのは
The sunlight in Jupiter, on the satellites of Jupiter,
is 25 times fainter than it is here,
木星や その衛星を照らす太陽光は
since Jupiter is five times as far from the Sun.
地球を照らす光より25倍も弱いのですが それは木星が --
So they would have to have -- these creatures, which I call sunflowers,
which I imagine living on the surface of Europa, would have to have
either lenses or mirrors to concentrate sunlight,
so they could keep themselves warm on the surface.
Otherwise, they would be at a temperature of minus 150,
which is certainly not favorable for developing life,
そうでもしなければ マイナス150度という環境は
at least of the kind we know.
生命の発達には適さないのです 少なくとも --
But if they just simply could grow, like leaves,
little lenses and mirrors to concentrate sunlight,
しかし 太陽光を集める小さなレンズや鏡が
then they could keep warm on the surface.
They could enjoy all the benefits of the sunlight
and have roots going down into the ocean;
life then could flourish much more.
So, why not look? Of course, it's not very likely
that there's life on the surface of Europa.
探査しましょう もちろん ユーロパの表面に --
None of these things is likely, but my,
my philosophy is, look for what's detectable, not for what's probable.
There's a long history in astronomy of unlikely things
私の理念は 確実なものではなく発見可能なものを探すことです
turning out to be there. And I mean,
the finest example of that was radio astronomy as a whole.
This was -- originally, when radio astronomy began,
電波天文学が 一番いい例です
Mr. Jansky, at the Bell labs, detected radio waves coming from the sky.
And the regular astronomers were scornful about this.
ベル研究所のジャンスキー氏は 空から飛来する電波を検出しましたが
They said, "It's all right, you can detect radio waves from the Sun,
一般の天文学者は この報告をこう言ってばかにしました
but the Sun is the only object in the universe that's close enough
and bright enough actually to be detectable. You can easily calculate
that radio waves from the Sun are fairly faint,
この宇宙で 太陽だけだ
and everything else in the universe is millions of times further away,
簡単な計算で分かるけど 太陽の電波でさえとても弱い
so it certainly will not be detectable.
So there's no point in looking."
And that, of course, that set back the progress of radio astronomy
だから 調べる意味など無い」
by about 20 years.
そのせいで 電波天文学の発展は
Since there was nothing there, you might as well not look.
Well, of course, as soon as anybody did look,
which was after about 20 years,
ところが 誰かが実際に調べてみると --
when radio astronomy really took off. Because it turned out
20年ほど後でしたが --
the universe is absolutely full of all kinds of wonderful things
radiating in the radio spectrum, much brighter than the Sun.
宇宙には 太陽からよりもはるかに強く放射された --
So, the same thing could be true for this kind of life,
電波という とてつもなくすばらしいものがあふれているからです
which I'm talking about, on cold objects: that it could in fact
be very abundant all over the universe, and it's not been detected
just because we haven't taken the trouble to look.
実は こんな生命が宇宙にあふれているのではないでしょうか
So, the last thing I want to talk about is how to detect it.
There is something called pit lamping.
最後に どうやって発見するかお話します
That's the phrase which I learned from my son George,
ピット ランピングという手法があります
who is there in the audience.
You take -- that's a Canadian expression.
If you happen to want to hunt animals at night,
you take a miner's lamp, which is a pit lamp.
You strap it onto your forehead, so you can see
炭坑作業用ランプを持って行きます これがピット ランプです
the reflection in the eyes of the animal. So, if you go out at night,
you shine a flashlight, the animals are bright.
You see the red glow in their eyes,
夜中に外に出て懐中電灯をつけると 動物が照らされて
which is the reflection of the flashlight.
And then, if you're one of these unsporting characters,
you shoot the animals and take them home.
スポーツマン精神に欠ける人は そうやって
And of course, that spoils the game
動物を射ち殺し 家に持って帰ります
for the other hunters who hunt in the daytime,
so in Canada that's illegal. In New Zealand, it's legal,
because the New Zealand farmers use this as a way of getting rid of rabbits,
カナダでは違法です ところが ニュージーランドでは合法です
because the rabbits compete with the sheep in New Zealand.
ニュージーランドの農民は この方法でウサギを駆除するからです
So, the farmers go out at night
with heavily armed jeeps, and shine the headlights,
and anything that doesn't look like a sheep, you shoot.
重武装したジープで外に出て ヘッドライトをつけて
So I have proposed to apply the same trick
to looking for life in the universe.
宇宙で生命を探すときも 同じような手法をとればいいと
That if these creatures who are living on cold surfaces --
either on Europa, or further out, anywhere where you can live
寒い表面に生息するこういった生物は --
on a cold surface -- those creatures must be provided with reflectors.
ユーロパでも もっと遠い天体でも 寒い表面に生息可能などんな天体でも
In order to concentrate sunlight, they have to have lenses and mirrors --
このような生物は 反射体を必要とします
in order to keep themselves warm.
And then, when you shine sunlight at them,
the sunlight will be reflected back,
just as it is in the eyes of an animal.
So these creatures will be bright against the cold surroundings.
And the further out you go in this, away from the Sun,
寒い環境の中に 生物が明るく浮かび上がります
the more powerful this reflection will be. So actually,
this method of hunting for life gets stronger and stronger
as you go further away,
この方法を使うなら 遠くに行くほど
because the optical reflectors have to be more powerful so the reflected light
shines out even more in contrast against the dark background.
So as you go further away from the Sun,
暗闇の中で 反射光がいっそう映えるからです
this becomes more and more powerful.
So, in fact, you can look for these creatures with telescopes from the Earth.
反射光は強力になります つまり --
Why aren't we doing it? Simply because nobody thought of it yet.
But I hope that we shall look, and with any --
we probably won't find anything,
しかし これを機にぜひ見ていただきたいのです
none of these speculations may have any basis in fact.
But still, it's a good chance. And of course, if it happens,
it will transform our view of life altogether.
でも良い機会です 生物が発見されれば
Because it means that -- the way life can live out there,
生命に対する考え方が 根本から変わるはずです
it has enormous advantages as compared with living on a planet.
遠くの天体に生命がいるとすれば 惑星よりその天体の方が --
It's extremely hard to move from one planet to another.
We're having great difficulties at the moment
and any creatures that live on a planet are pretty well stuck.
今 そのようなことは極めて困難ですし
Especially if you breathe air,
ある惑星に生息する生物は なかなか離れられません
it's very hard to get from planet A to planet B,
because there's no air in between. But if you breathe air --
惑星間に空気がないからです 息をしたら --
-- you're dead --
-- as soon as you're off the planet, unless you have a spaceship.
But if you live in a vacuum, if you live on the surface
宇宙船に乗らない限り 惑星を離れた瞬間に死にます
of one of these objects, say, in the Kuiper Belt,
ところが 最初から真空中に住んでいれば --
this -- an object like Pluto, or one of the
smaller objects in the neighborhood of Pluto,
and you happened -- if you're living on the surface there,
and you get knocked off the surface by a collision,
then it doesn't change anything all that much.
You still are on a piece of ice, you can still have sunlight
and you can still survive while you're traveling from one place to another.
And then if you run into another object, you can stay there
and colonize the other object. So life will spread, then,
そして 別の天体に遭遇すると そこに生息して
from one object to another. So if it exists at all in the Kuiper Belt,
繁殖することができます このように天体から天体へと
it's likely to be very widespread. And you will have then
生命が広がるのです つまり カイパーベルトに生命が存在するなら
a great competition amongst species -- Darwinian evolution --
広範囲に存在している可能性が高いのです そうすると --
so there'll be a huge advantage to the species
生物間の競争が激化し ダーウィンの進化が起きて
which is able to jump from one place to another
衝突なしに天体から天体へと --
without having to wait for a collision. And there'll be advantages
for spreading out long, sort of kelp-like forest of vegetation.
I call these creatures sunflowers.
海草のように長くのびる植物の植生を広める上でも 利点になります
They look like, maybe like sunflowers.
They have to be all the time pointing toward the Sun,
and they will be able to spread out in space,
because gravity on these objects is weak.
So they can collect sunlight from a big area.
So they will, in fact, be quite easy for us to detect.
So, I hope in the next 10 years, we'll find these creatures,
and then, of course, our whole view of life in the universe will change.
If we don't find them, then we can create them ourselves.
そうすれば もちろん 宇宙生命に対する考え方が変わります
発見できなくても 作ることができます
That's another wonderful opportunity that's opening.
We can -- as soon as we have a little bit more understanding
of genetic engineering, one of the things you can do with your
take-it-home, do-it-yourself genetic engineering kit --
(Laughter) --
is to design a creature that can live on a cold satellite,
a place like Europa, so we could colonize Europa with our own creatures.
That would be a fun thing to do.
そうやって作り出した生物で ユーロパをいっぱいにするのです
これは おもしろそうですね
In the long run, of course,
it would also make it possible for us to move out there.
しかし 長い目で見ると
What's going to happen in the end,
そうすることで 私たちも宇宙に移住できるようになります
it's not going to be just humans colonizing space,
it's going to be life moving out from the Earth,
moving it into its kingdom. And the kingdom of life,
of course, is going to be the universe. And if life is already there,
it makes it much more exciting, in the short run.
王国とは もちろん宇宙のことです
But in the long run, if there's no life there, we create it ourselves.
短期的には すでに宇宙に生命がいれば かなりの驚きですが
We transform the universe into something much more rich and beautiful
長期的に考えると 生命がいなければ自分たちで作ることになります
than it is today.
宇宙を 今よりも豊かで美しいものに
So again, we have a big and wonderful future to look forward.
Thank you.
私たちが迎える未来は 盛大で素敵な世界なのです