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How many Creationists do we have in the room?
翻訳: Kayo Mizutani 校正: Masahiro Kyushima
Probably none. I think we're all Darwinians.
And yet many Darwinians are anxious, a little uneasy --
おそらく誰もいないでしょう 我々は皆ダーウィン信棒者ですね
would like to see some limits on just how far the Darwinism goes.
それでも 多くのダーウィン信奉者は少々不安を抱えていて
It's all right.
You know spiderwebs? Sure, they are products of evolution.
The World Wide Web? Not so sure.
クモの巣を知っていまね?そうです これらは進化の産物です
Beaver dams, yes. Hoover Dam, no.
What do they think it is that prevents the products of human ingenuity
ビーバーダム そうです フーバーダムは 違います
from being themselves, fruits of the tree of life,
and hence, in some sense, obeying evolutionary rules?
And yet people are interestingly resistant
to the idea of applying evolutionary thinking to thinking -- to our thinking.
面白いことに人は 進化的考えを
And so I'm going to talk a little bit about that,
keeping in mind that we have a lot on the program here.
今日 話すことは沢山あるのですが まずは
So you're out in the woods, or you're out in the pasture,
and you see this ant crawling up this blade of grass.
あなたは森にいるか 牧草地にいます
It climbs up to the top, and it falls,
そこで アリが草の葉に這い上がるのを見ます
and it climbs, and it falls, and it climbs --
上まで這い上がり そして落ちます
trying to stay at the very top of the blade of grass.
這い上がって落ち また這い上がり
What is this ant doing? What is this in aid of?
What goals is this ant trying to achieve by climbing this blade of grass?
いったい このアリは何をしているんだ?何の役割があるんだ?
What's in it for the ant?
アリは 葉に登る事でどんな目的に達しようとしているんだ?
And the answer is: nothing. There's nothing in it for the ant.
Well then, why is it doing this?
答えは: アリの為になる事など 何もありません
Is it just a fluke?
じゃあ いったい 何でこんなことをするんだ?
Yeah, it's just a fluke. It's a lancet fluke.
It's a little brain worm.
そう 吸虫です ランセット吸虫
It's a parasitic brain worm that has to get into the stomach of a sheep or a cow
それは 小さい脳虫です
in order to continue its life cycle.
Salmon swim upstream to get to their spawning grounds,
and lancet flukes commandeer a passing ant,
crawl into its brain, and drive it up a blade of grass like an all-terrain vehicle.
So there's nothing in it for the ant.
脳に潜り込み まるでオフロードカーのように葉の上を運転します
The ant's brain has been hijacked by a parasite that infects the brain,
だから アリにとっては何の意味もないのです
inducing suicidal behavior.
Pretty scary.
Well, does anything like that happen with human beings?
This is all on behalf of a cause other than one's own genetic fitness, of course.
さて こんなことが人間にも起こりうるでしょうか?
Well, it may already have occurred to you
that Islam means "surrender," or "submission of self-interest to the will of Allah."
あなたの心に こう浮かんだことがありますか
Well, it's ideas -- not worms -- that hijack our brains.
Now, am I saying that a sizable minority of the world's population
そうです 我々の脳をハイジャックするのは 虫ではなく アイデアです
has had their brain hijacked by parasitic ideas?
さて私は 世界人口の相当数の少数派が寄生的な考えに
No, it's worse than that.
脳を乗っ取られていると 言っているのでしょうか?
Most people have.
いいえ もっとひどいです
There are a lot of ideas to die for.
Freedom, if you're from New Hampshire.
自由 あなたがニューハンプシャー州から来たなら...
Justice. Truth. Communism.
Many people have laid down their lives for communism,
正義 真実 共産主義
and many have laid down their lives for capitalism.
多くの人が 共産主義のために命を懸け
And many for Catholicism. And many for Islam.
These are just a few of the ideas that are to die for.
多くはカトリック教議 そして多くはイスラム教のため
They're infectious.
これらは 死ぬに値するアイデアのほんの少しの例です
Yesterday, Amory Lovins spoke about "infectious repititis."
これらは 伝染性です
It was a term of abuse, in effect.
昨日 アモリー ラビンズ氏が「伝染性反複」について話しました
This is unthinking engineering.
あれは実質上 言葉の乱用です
Well, most of the cultural spread that goes on
is not brilliant, new, out-of-the-box thinking.
さて 広がり続ける文化の大半は
It's "infectious repetitis,"
目覚しくも 新しくも 斬新な考えでもありません
and we might as well try to have a theory of what's going on when that happens
それは 伝染性反複です
so that we can understand the conditions of infection.
そして 我々は それが起ったとき 伝染条件を理解する為
Hosts work hard to spread these ideas to others.
I myself am a philosopher, and one of our occupational hazards
宿主は これらの考えを他に広めるために、一生懸命に動きます
is that people ask us what the meaning of life is.
私は哲学者ですが 職業病の一つは
And you have to have a bumper sticker,
生命の意味は何かと 人々が尋ねることです
you know. You have to have a statement.
So, this is mine.
The secret of happiness is: Find something more important than you are
and dedicate your life to it.
幸福への秘訣は あなたより重要な何かを見つけ
Most of us -- now that the "Me Decade" is well in the past --
now we actually do this.
我々のほとんどは 「自己中心主義の時代」を過去のものとし
One set of ideas or another
have simply replaced our biological imperatives in our own lives.
あるアイデア またはその他が
This is what our summum bonum is.
It's not maximizing the number of grandchildren we have.
Now, this is a profound biological effect.
それは 孫の数を増やす事ではないのです
It's the subordination of genetic interest to other interests.
And no other species does anything at all like it.
Well, how are we going to think about this?
これは 他のいかなる種にもかつてなかったことです
It is, on the one hand, a biological effect, and a very large one.
さて 我々はこれについてどう考えるべきでしょう?
一方では 非常に大きな生物学的影響を及ぼします
Now, what theories do we want to use to look at this?
Well, many theories. But how could something tie them together?
では どの理論を使って これを見ていきましょうか?
The idea of replicating ideas;
多くの理論がありますが これらを結びつけるものは?
ideas that replicate by passing from brain to brain.
Richard Dawkins, whom you'll be hearing later in the day, invented the term "memes,"
and put forward the first really clear and vivid version of this idea
あとで彼の話を聞けますが リチャード ドーキンスは 「ミーム」という単語を発明し
in his book "The Selfish Gene."
最初に このアイデアを 彼の著書「利己的な遺伝子」で
Now here am I talking about his idea.
Well, you see, it's not his. Yes -- he started it.
今 私はここで彼のアイデアについて話しています
But it's everybody's idea now.
わかりますか 彼が始めたアイデアは 今では彼のみのものでなく
And he's not responsible for what I say about memes.
I'm responsible for what I say about memes.
そして 私がミームを語ることは 彼の責任ではなく
Actually, I think we're all responsible
私がミームを どう語るかは 私に責任があります
for not just the intended effects of our ideas,
アイデアが 意図した効果のみでなく
but for their likely misuses.
So it is important, I think, to Richard, and to me,
that these ideas not be abused and misused.
だから リチャードや私にとって これらのアイデアが
They're very easy to misuse. That's why they're dangerous.
And it's just about a full-time job
それは誤用されやすく だから 危険なのです
trying to prevent people who are scared of these ideas
from caricaturing them and then running off to one dire purpose or another.
アイデアを風刺化し、さらに ひどい目的や その他に入り込むのを
So we have to keep plugging away,
trying to correct the misapprehensions
そして 我々は 誤解を訂正するために
so that only the benign and useful variants of our ideas continue to spread.
アイデアの中でも 害の無い 便利な変異形のみが広がり続けるよう
But it is a problem.
We don't have much time, and I'm going to go over just a little bit of this and cut out,
しかし 問題があります
because there's a lot of other things that are going to be said.
あまり時間がないので ほんのさわりだけ話します
So let me just point out: memes are like viruses.
That's what Richard said, back in '93.
要点を言いますと ミームはウィルスのようなものです
And you might think, "Well, how can that be?
I mean, a virus is -- you know, it's stuff! What's a meme made of?"
あなたはこう思うでしょう「なんだって どういうことだ?
Yesterday, Negroponte was talking about viral telecommunications
ウィルスって あれだろ! あんなものでミームが出来てるのか?」
but -- what's a virus?
昨日 ニコラス ネグロポンテ氏がウィルス テレコミュニケーションについて話しました
A virus is a string of nucleic acid with attitude.
じゃあ ウィルスってなんだ?
ウイルスとは 行儀の悪い糸状の核酸です
That is, there is something about it
that tends to make it replicate better than the competition does.
でも それ以上の何かがあります
And that's what a meme is. It's an information packet with attitude.
競争相手より 複製しやすい傾向があります
What's a meme made of? What are bits made of, Mom?
そして それがミームの特性なのです 態度の悪い情報パケットです
Not silicon.
ミームは 何でできてるの? ビットは 何でできてるの ママ?
They're made of information, and can be carried in any physical medium.
What's a word made of?
彼らは情報で出来ていて どんな物理的媒体上でも運ぶことができます
Sometimes when people say, "Do memes exist?"
I say, "Well, do words exist? Are they in your ontology?"
If they are, words are memes that can be pronounced.
「じゃあ 単語は存在しますかね? あなたの存在論にそれはありますか?」と言います
Then there's all the other memes that can't be pronounced.
もしあるならば 単語は発音されるミームです
There are different species of memes.
それから 発音されないミームも沢山あります
Remember the Shakers? Gift to be simple?
Simple, beautiful furniture?
And, of course, they're basically extinct now.
And one of the reasons is that among the creed of Shaker-dom
そして もちろん 彼らは現在 基本的に消滅しました
is that one should be celibate.
その理由の1つは シェイカー王国の信条
Not just the priests. Everybody.
Well, it's not so surprising that they've gone extinct. (Laughter)
聖職者だけでなく 皆です
But in fact that's not why they went extinct.
これでは 彼らが消滅するのも驚くにはあたりませんね (笑)
They survived as long as they did
しかし 実際は それが彼らが消滅した理由でありません
at a time when the social safety nets weren't there.
And there were lots of widows and orphans,
people like that, who needed a foster home.
And so they had a ready supply of converts.
And they could keep it going.
And, in principle, it could've gone on forever,
with perfect celibacy on the part of the hosts.
だから ホストの側が完全に禁欲主義でも
The idea being passed on through proselytizing,
原則としては 永遠に続くことができのです
instead of through the gene line.
So the ideas can live on in spite of the fact
that they're not being passed on genetically.
こうして アイデアは 遺伝的に伝わらないという
A meme can flourish in spite of having a negative impact on genetic fitness.
After all, the meme for Shaker-dom was essentially a sterilizing parasite.
There are other parasites that do this -- which render the host sterile.
結局 シェイカー王国のミームは 基本的に不妊化寄生虫でした
It's part of their plan.
他にもこういう寄生虫がいます -- それはホストを不妊症にします
They don't have to have minds to have a plan.
それは 彼らの計画の一部です
I'm just going to draw your attention to just one
of the many implications of the memetic perspective, which I recommend.
ミーム学の見解上 起こりうる影響は沢山ありますが
I've not time to go into more of it.
そこから 注意して欲しいものを 一つ 取り上げます
In Jared Diamond's wonderful book, "Guns, Germs and Steel,"
he talks about how it was germs, more than guns and steel,
ジャレド ダイアモンドの素晴らしい本 「銃、病原菌、鉄」で 彼は
that conquered the new hemisphere -- the Western hemisphere --
新しい半球 西半球 を征服し
that conquered the rest of the world.
When European explorers and travelers spread out,
銃と鉄よりも 細菌だったと述べます
they brought with them the germs
that they had become essentially immune to,
彼らは 彼ら自身には免疫がある
that they had learned how to tolerate over
hundreds and hundreds of years, thousands of years,
彼らは 何百年 何千年に亘って
of living with domesticated animals who were the sources of those pathogens.
病原菌の源である 家畜と一緒に住むことにで
And they just wiped out -- these pathogens just wiped out the native people,
who had no immunity to them at all.
そして これらの病原菌に全く免疫のなかった
And we're doing it again.
We're doing it this time with toxic ideas.
Yesterday, a number of people -- Nicholas Negroponte and others --
今度は 有毒な 思考でです
spoke about all the wonderful things
昨日は ニコラス ネグロポンテ氏 を含む沢山の人が
that are happening when our ideas get spread out,
thanks to all the new technology all over the world.
And I agree. It is largely wonderful. Largely wonderful.
But among all those ideas that inevitably flow out into the whole world
それは賛成です 大変素晴らしいことです
thanks to our technology, are a lot of toxic ideas.
しかし そのテクノロジーのおかげで必然的に全世界に流布する
Now, this has been realized for some time.
これら全てのアイデアの中に 有毒なアイデアもあるのです
Sayyid Qutb is one of the founding fathers of fanatical Islam,
今では これは自覚されています
one of the ideologues that inspired Osama bin Laden.
サイイド クトゥブは 狂信的なイスラム教の創始者のうちの1人で
"One has only to glance at its press films, fashion shows, beauty contests,
ウサーマ ビン ラーディンを奮起させた夢想家の1人です
ballrooms, wine bars and broadcasting stations." Memes.
「人は 報道映像や ファッションショー 美人コンテスト
These memes are spreading around the world
ダンス場 ワインバーそして放送局をちらっと見るだけ」 ミーム
and they are wiping out whole cultures.
They are wiping out languages.
そして 彼らは文化全体を一掃します
They are wiping out traditions and practices.
And it's not our fault, anymore than it's our fault when our germs lay waste
また 伝統や慣習を一掃します
to people that haven't developed the immunity.
そして その細菌が 免疫力のない人々を荒廃させるとき
We have an immunity to all of the junk that lies around the edges of our culture.
We're a free society, so we let pornography and all these things -- we shrug them off.
我々は この文化の端々にあるジャンクの全てに対する免疫があります
They're like a mild cold.
自由社会だから ポルノとか全部 解禁しよう -- 我々はそれら一蹴します
They're not a big deal for us.
But we should recognize that for many people in the world,
我々にとっては 大した事でありません
they are a big deal.
しかし 我々が自覚しなければいけないのは 世界の多くの人々にとって
And we should be very alert to this.
それは 大変なことなのです
As we spread our education and our technology,
我々は 教育やテクノロジーを広めるにあたって
one of the things that we are doing is we're the vectors of memes
that are correctly viewed by the hosts of many other memes
as a dire threat to their favorite memes --
正しく予見しているように 彼らにとって 命に代えても守る
the memes that they are prepared to die for.
Well now, how are we going to tell the good memes from the bad memes?
That is not the job of the science of memetics.
では どのように 良いミームと悪いミームを見分るのでしょう?
Memetics is morally neutral. And so it should be.
This is not the place for hate and anger.
ミーム学は 道徳上中立的であるべきで
If you've had a friend who's died of AIDS, then you hate HIV.
But the way to deal with that is to do science,
もし あなたに エイズで死んだ友人がいたら あなたはHIVを憎みます
and understand how it spreads and why in a morally neutral perspective.
しかし それに対処するのは 科学的にやるべきです
Get the facts.
なぜ どのように広がるかを 道徳的には中立の視点で理解すること
Work out the implications.
There's plenty of room for moral passion once we've got the facts
and can figure out the best thing to do.
一旦事実を掴めば 道徳的情熱のやり場は山ほどあります
And, as with germs, the trick is not to try to annihilate them.
そして 一番良いやり方を考えられます
You will never annihilate the germs.
そして 細菌のように絶滅させようとしないことがミソです
What you can do, however, is foster public health measures and the like
that will encourage the evolution of avirulence.
あなたにできることは 公衆衛生的手段を育むことで
That will encourage the spread of relatively benign mutations
of the most toxic varieties.
それは 最有毒種が 比較的良性に変異した種を
That's all the time I have,
so thank you very much for your attention.
これで 時間切れです