字幕表 動画を再生する
Hello. Actually, that's "hello" in Bauer Bodoni
翻訳: Shigeto Oeda 校正: Naoko Fujii
for the typographically hysterical amongst us.
こんにちは タイポグラフィーにうるさい方のために言うと
One of the threads that seems to have come through
この「こんにちは」には バウアー・ボドニ書体が使われています
loud and clear in the last couple of days
この数日を通して 強調されている
is this need to reconcile what the Big wants --
the "Big" being the organization, the system, the country --
「大きなもの」と「小さなもの」の 調和の必要性です
and what the "Small" wants -- the individual, the person.
組織やシステム、国家といった 「大きなもの」が望むことと
And how do you bring those two things together?
個々の人といった 「小さなもの」が望むことの調和です
Charlie Ledbetter, yesterday, I thought, talked very articulately
about this need to bring consumers, to bring people
昨日 チャーリー・リードビーターは
into the process of creating things.
消費者や個人を もの作りのプロセスに 参加させることの重要性を
And that's what I want to talk about today.
So, bringing together the Small to help facilitate and create the Big,
I think, is something that we believe in -- something I believe in,
「小さなもの」を集めて 「大きなもの」の創造を促し手助けすること
and something that we kind of bring to life
through what we do at Ideo.
そしてまた IDEO(アイディオ)での仕事を通じて
I call this first chapter -- for the Brits in the room --
the "Blinding Glimpse of the Bleeding Obvious."
最初の項目を イギリスの皆さんにちなんで
Often, the good ideas are so staring-at-you-right-in-the-face
that you kind of miss them. And I think, a lot of times,
しばしば いいアイディアは 当たり前のように目の前にあるため
what we do is just, sort of, hold the mirror up to our clients, and sort of go,
"Duh! You know, look what's really going on."
思うに多くの場合 私たちがしているのは 鏡をクライアントに向けて
And rather than talk about it in the theory,
「実際に起きていることを見てください」 と言うようなことです
I think I'm just going to show you an example.
We were asked by a large healthcare system in Minnesota
to describe to them what their patient experience was.
私たちはミネソタにある 大きな医療グループから
And I think they were expecting --
患者の経験が どのようなものか 調査せよと依頼されました
they'd worked with lots of consultants before --
I think they were expecting some kind of hideous org chart
with thousands of bubbles and systemic this, that and the other,
数千もの丸や システム的なあれやこれやが書き込まれた
and all kinds of mappy stuff.
ぞっとするような組織図や いろいろな種類の地図状のものを
Or even worse, some kind of ghastly death-by-Powerpoint thing
with WowCharts and all kinds of, you know, God knows, whatever.
あるいは更に悪いことに 目を引くグラフその他諸々から成るパワーポイントで
The first thing we actually shared with them was this.
止めを刺されたプレゼン資料を 想定していたのかもしれません
I'll play this until your eyeballs completely dissolve.
This is 59 seconds into the film.
皆さんが飽きるまで この映像を再生しましょう
This is a minute 59.
I think something happens. I think a head may appear in a second.
この辺で何かが起こると思います 頭が一瞬見えると思います
We showed them the whole cut,
and they were all completely, what is this?
映像を最初から最後まで見ても 彼らは これが何なのか全く理解できませんでした
And the point is when you lie in a hospital bed all day,
映像を最初から最後まで見ても 彼らは これが何なのか全く理解できませんでした
all you do is look at the roof, and it's a really shitty experience.
要するに病院のベッドに一日中いるとき 出来ることといったら
And just putting yourself in the position of the patient --
天井を見ることくらいで これは非常につらい経験だということです
this is Christian, who works with us at Ideo.
そして自分を患者の立場に置くことは ―
He just lay in the hospital bed,
これはアイディオで一緒に働く クリスチャンです
and, kind of, stared at the polystyrene ceiling tiles
for a really long time.
ポリスチレンの天井のパネルを 本当に長い時間
That's what it's like to be a patient in the hospital.
And they were sort, you know, blinding glimpse of bleeding obvious.
Oh, my goodness. So, looking at the situation
そしてこれは 「あまりにも当たり前のこと」のひとつでした
from the point of view of the person out --
なんということでしょう 従って状況を
as opposed to the traditional position of the organization in --
外部の人間の目から見ること つまり
was, for these guys, quite a revelation.
いままでの組織の内から見るやり方とは 逆に捉えることは
And so, that was a really catalytic thing for them.
彼らにとって 非常に驚くべき経験でした
So they snapped into action.
だからこそ それは彼らにとって示唆に富むことでした
They said, OK, it's not about systemic change.
It's not about huge, ridiculous things that we need to do.
必要なのはシステム全体の変更ではない と彼らは理解しました
It's about tiny things that can make a huge amount of difference.
やるべきなのは壮大で 途方もないことではなく
So we started with them prototyping some really little things
大きな差を生み出すことができる 小さなことなのだと
that we could do to have a huge amount of impact.
そこで私たちは 大きなインパクトを与えられる
The first thing we did was we took a little bicycle mirror
and we Band-Aided it here, onto a gurney, a hospital trolley,
最初にしたことは 自転車用の小さなミラーを
so that when you were wheeled around by a nurse or by a doctor,
you could actually have a conversation with them.
これで運ばれるときに 医者や看護師とコミュニケーションをとれます
You could, kind of, see them in your rear-view mirror,
これで運ばれるときに 医者や看護師とコミュニケーションをとれます
so it created a tiny human interaction.
Very small example of something that they could do.
Interestingly, the nurses themselves, sort of, snapped into action --
said, OK, we embrace this. What can we do?
The first thing they do is they decorated the ceiling.
「この方針に賛成です 私たちに何ができるか考えましょう」 と
Which I thought was really -- I showed this to my mother recently.
最初に看護師たちがしたのは 天井を装飾することでした
I think my mother now thinks that I'm some sort of interior decorator.
私はこれが本当に― 最近母にこれを見せました
It's what I do for a living, sort of Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen.
母は私がインテリアデザイナーだと 思っているでしょうね
Not particularly the world's best design solution
そのとおり ローレンス・ルウェリン=ボーエンの類ですね―
for those of us who are real, sort of, hard-core designers,
but nonetheless, a fabulous empathic solution for people.
Things that they started doing themselves --
しかし 人びとにとっては すばらしくまた共感できるアイディアです
like changing the floor going into the patient's room
彼らが自分たちで始めたこと ―
so that it signified, "This is my room. This is my personal space" --
was a really interesting sort of design solution to the problem.
「ここは私の部屋です 個人的な空間です」 とわかるようにすることは
So you went from public space to private space.
And another idea, again, that came from one of the nurses -- which I love --
公共の空間からプライベートな空間が 生まれました
was they took traditional, sort of, corporate white boards,
もうひとつ看護師が思いついた アイディアで 私のお気に入りはこれです
then they put them on one wall of the patient's room,
会社で使うような 普通のホワイトボードを
and they put this sticker there.
So that what you could actually do was go into the room
and write messages to the person who was sick in that room,
これによって 部屋に入って
which was lovely.
その部屋の患者に メッセージを書き残すことができます
So, tiny, tiny, tiny solutions that made a huge amount of impact.
I thought that was a really, really nice example.
小さな小さなアイディアが 大きなインパクトを作り出しました
So this is not particularly a new idea,
kind of, seeing opportunities in things that are around you
身の回りにあるものの中に 改善のヒントを見つけ
and snapping and turning them into a solution.
It's a history of invention based around this.
I'm going to read this because I want to get these names right.
Joan Ganz Cooney saw her daughter -- came down on a Saturday morning,
名前を間違わないよう メモしてきました
saw her daughter watching the test card,
ジョーン・ガンツ・クーニーは ある土曜日の朝起きて階下に降りたとき
waiting for programs to come on one morning
and from that came Sesame Street.
試験放送のテストパターンを 見ているのに気づき
Malcolm McLean was moving from one country to another
and was wondering why it took these guys so long
マルコム・マクリーンは 国から国へと移動するなか
to get the boxes onto the ship.
And he invented the shipping container.
George de Mestral -- this is not bugs all over a Birkenstock --
was walking his dog in a field and got covered in burrs,
ジョルジュ・デ・メストラルは― サンダルに付いているのは虫ではありません
sort of little prickly things, and from that came Velcro.
犬を野原で散歩させていて ひっつき虫 つまり
And finally, for the Brits, Percy Shaw -- this is a big British invention --
刺のある小さなものだらけになり そこからマジックテープが生まれました
saw the cat's eyes at the side of the road,
そして最後に皆さん イギリスの大発明です パーシー・ショウは
when he was driving home one night and from that came the Catseye.
ある夜 家に帰る途中で
So there's a whole series of just using your eyes,
道路の脇で光る猫の目を見かけて 道路反射鋲を発明しました
seeing things for the first time, seeing things afresh
このように ただ目を使って
and using them as an opportunity to create new possibilities.
初めて見たとき 新鮮な目でものを見直したとき
Second one, without sounding overly Zen,
それを新しい可能性を創造するための 機会として利用した多くの例があります
and this is a quote from the Buddha:
2点目は― 宗教の話じゃないですが
"Finding yourself in the margins, looking to the edges of things,
is often a really interesting place to start."
「自らを周縁に置き そこからものごとを見極めるのは
Blinkered vision tends to produce, I think, blinkered solutions.
ものごとを始めるうえで 本当に興味深い立ち位置である」
So, looking wide, using your peripheral vision,
視野の狭い理解は 視野の狭い解決策を生むように思います
is a really interesting place to look for opportunity.
だから視界の端まで使って 視野を広げてものを見ることは
Again, another medical example here.
解決の糸口を探す とても良いやり方と言えます
We were asked by a device producer --
we did the Palm Pilot and the Treo.
We did a lot of sexy tech at Ideo --
they'd seen this and they wanted a sexy piece of technology
for medical diagnostics.
彼らはそのことを知っていて 医療診断に利用できる
This was a device that a nurse uses
when they're doing a spinal procedure in hospital.
They'll ask the nurses to input data.
And they had this vision of the nurse, kind of, clicking away
on this aluminum device
彼らがイメージしていたのは 看護師が
and it all being incredibly, sort of, gadget-lustish.
When we actually went and watched this procedure taking place --
クリックで操作するもので ガジェット好きにはたまらないものでした
and I'll explain this in a second --
it became very obvious that there was a human dimension to this
that they really weren't recognizing.
彼らは気づいていませんでしたが そこには
When you're having a four-inch needle inserted into your spine --
人間的な次元があるということが 明らかになってきました
which was the procedure that this device's data was about;
人は脊髄に10センチの針を 差し込まれているときに―
it was for pain management -- you're shit scared; you're freaking out.
この装置の扱うデータはすべて この処置に関するもので
And so the first thing that pretty much every nurse did,
これは苦痛を和らげるためのものでしたが― 患者は心底恐れ びくびくしています
was hold the patient's hand to comfort them. Human gesture --
このような状況なので 看護師が皆 最初にしたのは
which made the fabulous two-handed data input completely impossible.
患者の手を握って安心させることでした 人間的な行動です―
So, the thing that we designed, much less sexy
このため両方の手を利用したデータ入力は 全く不可能でした
but much more human and practical, was this.
そこで私たちがデザインしたものは 魅力にはかなり欠けるものの
So, it's not a Palm Pilot by any stretch of the imagination,
but it has a thumb-scroll so you can do everything with one hand.
どう見てもパームには 似ても似つきませんが
So, again, going back to this -- the idea that a tiny human gesture
親指スクロールを備えていて すべての操作が片手で可能でした
dictated the design of this product.
ここでも話は戻ります 小さくとも人間的な動作に着目したアイディアが
And I think that's really, really important.
So, again, this idea of workarounds.
We use this phrase "workarounds" a lot,
sort of, looking around us. I was actually looking around the TED
and just watching all of these kind of things happen
周りをよく見るという意味です このTEDでも私は
while I've been here.
This idea of the way that people cobble together solutions in our life --
and the things we kind of do in our environment
人びとが日常生活で解決策を 継ぎ合わせていく方法に関するアイディアと
that are somewhat subconscious but have huge potential --
私たちが置かれた環境でおこなう どこか無意識ではあるものの
is something that we look at a lot.
We wrote a book recently, I think you might have received it,
called "Thoughtless Acts?"
私たちは最近 『考えなしの行動?』 という本を書きました
It's been all about these kind of thoughtless things that people do,
which have huge intention and huge opportunity.
Why do we all follow the line in the street?
そこに含まれる大きな意図 さらに大きな機会に関する本です
This is a picture in a Japanese subway.
なぜ私たちはみんな 道に引かれた線に沿って歩くのか
People consciously follow things even though, why, we don't know.
Why do we line up the square milk carton with the square fence?
人の真似をしているのは意識しています なぜそうするのかを知らなくても
Because we kind of have to -- we're just compelled to.
なぜ四角い牛乳パックを 四角いフェンスに並べるのか
We don't know why, but we do.
ある意味そうしなければならないから- そうせずにはいられないのです
Why do we wrap the teabag string around the cup handle?
何故かはわかりませんが そうしちゃうのです
Again, we're sort of using the world around us
なぜティーパックの紐を カップの持ち手に巻き付けるのか
to create our own design solutions.
ここでも私たちは周りの世界を利用して 問題を解決するための
And we're always saying to our clients: "You should look at this stuff.
This stuff is really important. This stuff is really vital."
私たちはいつもクライアントに 「これを見るべきです」
This is people designing their own experiences.
「本当に重要 不可欠です」 と言っています
You can draw from this.
これは人びとが自分の経験を デザインしているということです
We sort of assume that because there's a pole in the street,
that it's okay to use it, so we park our shopping cart there.
It's there for our use, on some level.
ショッピングカートを そこに置いてもいいと想定します
So, again, we sort of co-opt our environment
ある意味 それは 私たちが使うためにあるのです
to do all these different things.
私たちはこのような いろいろなことをするために
We co-opt other experiences --
we take one item and transfer it to another.
他の経験についてもそう- あるものを選び 他のものに転換します
And this is my favorite one. My mother used to say to me,
他の経験についてもそう- あるものを選び 他のものに転換します
"Just because your sister jumps in the lake doesn't mean you have to."
私の大好きな例は 母がよく言ったものです
But, of course, we all do. We all follow each other every day.
「お姉さんが池に飛び込んだからって あなたまでしなくていいの」
So somebody assumes
実際は皆そうします いつも人の後に続くのです
that because somebody else has done something,
that's permission for them to do the same thing.
And there's almost this sort of semaphore around us all the time.
I mean, shopping bag equals "parking meter out of order."
ほとんどいつもこのようなサインが 私たちの周りにあります
And we all, kind of, know how to read these signals now.
例えば 買い物袋は「パーキングメーター故障中」 の意味だとかです
We all talk to one another in this highly visual way
皆 そのようなサインを読み取れます
without realizing what we're doing.
私たちは皆 何をしているか意識しないまま
Third section is this idea of not knowing,
非常に視覚的な方法で他者と コミュニケーションをしています
of consciously putting yourself backwards.
3点目は このような 「知らない」という アイディアに関してです
I talk about unthinking situations all the time.
Sort of having beginner's mind, scraping your mind clean
私は「考えを持たない」状況について いつも話をします
and looking at things afresh.
初心者のつもりで 自分の先入観をなくして
A friend of mine was a designer at IKEA,
and he was asked by his boss
to help design a storage system for children.
彼は上司から 子供向けの収納システムの
This is the Billy bookcase -- it's IKEA's biggest selling product.
Hammer it together. Hammer it together with a shoe, if you're me,
これがビリー本棚です イケアで最も売れている製品です
because they're impossible to assemble.
私と同じであれば この本棚を組み立てるのは
But big selling bookcase. How do we replicate this for children?
The reality is when you actually watch children,
しかしこれは非常に売れている本棚です どうすれば子供版をつくれるでしょうか
children don't think about things like storage in linear terms.
Children assume permission in a very different way.
子供達の収納に関する考え方は 一筋縄ではいかないことがわかります
Children live on things. They live under things.
子供達はしてもいいことを とても異なった角度から想定します
They live around things,
子供達はものの上でも 下でも過ごします
and so their spatial awareness relationship,
and their thinking around storage is totally different.
So the first thing you have to do -- this is Graham, the designer --
is, sort of, put yourself in their shoes. And so, here he is
そこで最初にすべきことは― これはデザイナーのグレアムです
sitting under the table.
So, what came out of this?
This is the storage system that he designed.
So what is this? I hear you all ask. No, I don't.
これはなんだと皆さんが言うのが聞こえます いや聞こえません
It's this, and I think this is a particularly lovely solution.
So, you know, it's a totally different way of looking at the situation.
こういうものです とてもいいデザインだと思います
It's a completely empathic solution --
ご覧のように これは状況を 全く別の角度で捉えたものです
apart from the fact that teddy's probably not loving it.
But a really nice way of re-framing the ordinary,
and I think that's one of the things.
これは日常的な出来事を捉え直す とてもいい方法です
And putting yourself in the position of the person,
and I think that's one of the threads that I've heard again
そしてその人の立場に 自分を置いてみることです
from this conference is how do we put ourselves
in other peoples' shoes and really feel what they feel?
And then use that information to fuel solutions?
その人と同じように感じるのか そしてその後で
And I think that's what this is very much about.
その情報を使って どう解決策を見つけ出すかということです
Last section: green armband. We've all got them.
It's about this really.
最後の点です 皆さんグリーンバンドをお持ちだと思います
I mean, it's about picking battles big enough to matter
but small enough to win.
「影響力の点で十分大きく 且つ
Again, that's one of the themes
勝てそうな小さい戦いを選ぶ」 ということです
that I think has come through loud and clear in this conference
これはこのカンファレンスで 強調されてきたテーマのひとつでしょう
is: Where do we start? How do we start? What do we do to start?
これはこのカンファレンスで 強調されてきたテーマのひとつでしょう
So, again, we were asked to design a water pump
どこから始めるか どのように始めるか 始めるために何をするか
for a company called ApproTEC, in Kenya.
They're now called KickStart.
And, again, as designers,
we wanted to make this thing incredibly beautiful
and spend a lot of time thinking of the form.
And that was completely irrelevant.
When you put yourself in the position of these people,
things like the fact that this has to be able to fold up
and fit on a bicycle, become much more relevant
than the form of it. The way it's produced,
it has to be produced with indigenous manufacturing methods
形よりも重要になります またこのポンプは
and indigenous materials.
その土地のやり方で その土地の材料から
So it had to be looked at completely from the point of view of the user.
We had to completely transfer ourselves over to their world.
従って全てを 利用者の視点で見る必要がありました
So what seems like a very clunky product
私たちは自分たちを 完全に彼らの世界に置く必要がありました
is, in fact, incredibly useful.
It's powered a bit like a Stairmaster -- you pump up and down on it.
実際には信じられないくらい 有用なものでした
Children can use it. Adults can use it. Everybody uses it.
これは踏み台昇降運動器具のようなもので 踏むとポンプの働きをします
It's turning these guys -- again, one of the themes --
子供達も使えます 大人も使えます 誰でも使う事ができます
it's turning them into entrepreneurs.
それは彼らを― これもテーマのひとつですが
These guys are using this very successfully.
And for us, it's been great
because it's won loads of design awards.
このデザインで多くの賞を獲得し 私たちもすばらしい経験ができました
So we actually managed to reconcile the needs of the design company,
このデザインで多くの賞を獲得し 私たちもすばらしい経験ができました
the needs of the individuals in the company,
私たちはデザイン会社のニーズと 会社のなかの個人のニーズを
to feel good about a product we were actually designing,
and the needs of the individuals we were designing it for.
There it is, pumping water from 30 feet.
デザインしたものを利用する人々の ニーズにも応えられました
So as a final gesture we handed out these bracelets
約10メートルの高さから このポンプで放水しているところです
to all of you this morning.
そこで最後のアクションとして 今朝皆さんにグリーンバンドをお配りしました
We've made a donation on everybody's behalf here
そこで最後のアクションとして 今朝皆さんにグリーンバンドをお配りしました
to kick start, no pun intended, their next project.
私たちが皆さんに代わって KickStartの次のプロジェクトに
Because, again, I think, sort of, putting our money where our mouth is, here.
「スタート」用資金を 寄付させていただきました
We feel that this is an important gesture.
いままでお話ししたようなことに お金を寄付することは
So we've handed out bracelets. Small is the new big.
I hope you'll all wear them.
こうして小さなことが 新しい大きなことになります
So that's it. Thank you.
気に入っていただければ幸いです 以上です ありがとうございました
気に入っていただければ幸いです 以上です ありがとうございました