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  • What I'd like to talk about is really the biggest problems in the world.

    翻訳: Natsuhiko Mizutani 校正: Kayo Mizutani

  • I'm not going to talk about "The Skeptical Environmentalist" --

    私の話は 世界最大の難問についてです

  • probably that's also a good choice.


  • (Laughter)


  • But I am going talk about: what are the big problems in the world?

    (笑い) しかし

  • And I must say, before I go on, I should ask every one of you

    世界の重大な問題とは何か について話します

  • to try and get out pen and paper


  • because I'm actually going to ask you to help me to look at how we do that.


  • So get out your pen and paper.


  • Bottom line is, there is a lot of problems out there in the world.


  • I'm just going to list some of them.

    要するに 世界にはたくさんの問題があります

  • There are 800 million people starving.


  • There's a billion people without clean drinking water.


  • Two billion people without sanitation.


  • There are several million people dying of HIV and AIDS.

    20億人の人は 衛生施設なしで生活しています

  • The lists go on and on.


  • There's two billions of people who will be severely affected by climate change -- so on.


  • There are many, many problems out there.

    20億の人々が気候変動で深刻な影響を受けます ― など

  • In an ideal world, we would solve them all, but we don't.

    実に多くの問題が山積みです 理想的な世界なら

  • We don't actually solve all problems.

    全ての問題が解決されますが 実際は違います

  • And if we do not, the question I think we need to ask ourselves --


  • and that's why it's on the economy session -- is to say,

    となると よく考えなければならない事があります

  • if we don't do all things, we really have to start asking ourselves,


  • which ones should we solve first?

    全部ができないとき どの問題を最初に解決すべきか

  • And that's the question I'd like to ask you.


  • If we had say, 50 billion dollars over the next four years to spend

    これが 皆さんに伺いたかった問いかけです

  • to do good in this world, where should we spend it?

    仮に 今後4年で500億ドルの費用をかけて

  • We identified 10 of the biggest challenges in the world,

    世界の役に立てるとしたら どこに使うべきなのか

  • and I will just briefly read them:


  • climate change, communicable diseases, conflicts, education,


  • financial instability, governance and corruption,

    地球温暖化 伝染病 紛争 教育

  • malnutrition and hunger, population migration,

    金融不安 統治と汚職

  • sanitation and water, and subsidies and trade barriers.

    栄養不良と飢餓 移民

  • We believe that these in many ways

    衛生と水 補助金と貿易障壁です

  • encompass the biggest problems in the world.


  • The obvious question would be to ask,


  • what do you think are the biggest things?


  • Where should we start on solving these problems?


  • But that's a wrong problem to ask.

    どこから これらの問題解決にあたればよいでしょうか?

  • That was actually the problem that was asked in Davos in January.

    しかし その問いは間違っています

  • But of course, there's a problem in asking people to focus on problems.

    1月のダボス会議でも 実際にそういう事が問われてましたが

  • Because we can't solve problems.

    その欠点は 問題にフォーカスさせてしまう事なのです

  • Surely the biggest problem we have in the world is that we all die.

    なぜなら これらの問題は解決できないからです

  • But we don't have a technology to solve that, right?

    この世で最大の問題といえば 誰もがみな死ぬという事です

  • So the point is not to prioritize problems,


  • but the point is to prioritize solutions to problems.

    大事な事は 問題に順位をつけないで

  • And that would be -- of course that gets a little more complicated.


  • To climate change that would be like Kyoto.

    そうすると 少し複雑な話になってきます

  • To communicable diseases, it might be health clinics or mosquito nets.

    地球温暖化であれば 京都議定書が解決策でしょう

  • To conflicts, it would be U.N.'s peacekeeping forces, and so on.

    伝染病に対しては 診療所や蚊よけネットです

  • The point that I would like to ask you to try to do,

    紛争に対しては 国連の平和維持軍です

  • is just in 30 seconds -- and I know this is in a sense


  • an impossible task -- write down what you think

    ある意味では 非常に困難なお願いなのですが

  • is probably some of the top priorities.


  • And also -- and that's, of course, where economics gets evil --


  • to put down what are the things we should not do, first.


  • What should be at the bottom of the list?


  • Please, just take 30 seconds, perhaps talk to your neighbor,

    リストの一番下に来るのは 何でしょうか

  • and just figure out what should be the top priorities

    30秒です 隣の方とお話して頂いても結構です

  • and the bottom priorities of the solutions that we have


  • to the world's biggest issues.


  • The amazing part of this process -- and of course, I mean,


  • I would love to -- I only have 18 minutes,

    このプロセスで驚くべきところは --- 実際のところ

  • I've already given you quite a substantial amount of my time, right?

    18 分しかないので…よろしいでしょうか

  • I'd love to go into, and get you to think about this process,


  • and that's actually what we did.

    このプロセスの詳細について 一緒に見て行きましょう

  • And I also strongly encourage you,

    これがまさに 我々の実施した事なのです

  • and I'm sure we'll also have these discussions afterwards,


  • to think about, how do we actually prioritize?


  • Of course, you have to ask yourself,


  • why on Earth was such a list never done before?


  • And one reason is that prioritization is incredibly uncomfortable.


  • Nobody wants to do this.

    ひとつの理由は 優先順位付けは実に不愉快だからです

  • Of course, every organization would love to be on the top of such a list.


  • But every organization would also hate to be not on the top of the list.

    どの組織も リストの1番になりたいし

  • And since there are many more not-number-one spots on the list


  • than there is number ones, it makes perfect sense


  • not to want to do such a list.


  • We've had the U.N. for almost 60 years,


  • yet we've never actually made a fundamental list


  • of all the big things that we can do in the world,


  • and said, which of them should we do first?


  • So it doesn't mean that we are not prioritizing --


  • any decision is a prioritization, so of course we are still prioritizing,


  • if only implicitly -- and that's unlikely to be as good

    全ての決定は何かを優先し 暗黙のうちに

  • as if we actually did the prioritization,


  • and went in and talked about it.

    我々が行ったように優先順位を付けて 各々を議論した場合ほど

  • So what I'm proposing is really to say that we have,


  • for a very long time, had a situation when we've had a menu of choices.


  • There are many, many things we can do out there,


  • but we've not had the prices, nor the sizes.

    我々ができる事は メニューにたくさん載っていますが

  • We have not had an idea.

    しかし 値段もサイズも書いてないのです

  • Imagine going into a restaurant and getting this big menu card,


  • but you have no idea what the price is.


  • You know, you have a pizza; you've no idea what the price is.


  • It could be at one dollar; it could be 1,000 dollars.

    ピザはありますが 値段の見当もつかないのです

  • It could be a family-size pizza;

    1ドルかもしれませんし 1000ドルかもしれません

  • it could be a very individual-size pizza, right?


  • We'd like to know these things.


  • And that is what the Copenhagen Consensus is really trying to do --


  • to try to put prices on these issues.

    コペンハーゲン コンセンサスの試みでは

  • And so basically, this has been the Copenhagen Consensus' process.


  • We got 30 of the world's best economists, three in each area.

    そこで基本的に こんな手順で進めました

  • So we have three of world's top economists write about climate change.

    世界で最高の経済学者を30人選びました 各領域に3人です

  • What can we do? What will be the cost

    そして 3人の経済学者が地球温暖化についてレポートします

  • and what will be the benefit of that?

    何ができるか 費用はいくらか

  • Likewise in communicable diseases.


  • Three of the world's top experts saying, what can we do?


  • What would be the price?


  • What should we do about it, and what will be the outcome?

    何ができて 費用がいくらで

  • And so on.

    どう行動すべきか そして結果はどうなるか

  • Then we had some of the world's top economists,


  • eight of the world's top economists, including three Nobel Laureates,

    引き続いて また世界最高の経済学者たちの中から

  • meet in Copenhagen in May 2004.


  • We called them the "dream team."


  • The Cambridge University prefects decided to call them


  • the Real Madrid of economics.


  • That works very well in Europe, but it doesn't really work over here.

    経済学のレアル マドリッドと呼んでいます

  • And what they basically did was come out with a prioritized list.

    ヨーロッパでは通じますが アメリカではダメですね

  • And then you ask, why economists?

    さて 経済学者たちは 優先順位のリストを作り上げました

  • And of course, I'm very happy you asked that question -- (Laughter) --


  • because that's a very good question.

    よくぞ聞いてくれました (笑)

  • The point is, of course, if you want to know about malaria,


  • you ask a malaria expert.

    まず マラリアについて知りたければ もちろん

  • If you want to know about climate, you ask a climatologist.


  • But if you want to know which of the two you should deal with first,

    気候の問題については 気象学者に聞きます

  • you can't ask either of them, because that's not what they do.


  • That is what economists do.


  • They prioritize.

    彼らの仕事ではなく 経済学者の仕事だから

  • They make that in some ways disgusting task of saying, which one should we do first,


  • and which one should we do afterwards?

    何を先に着手して 何が後かを示すという

  • So this is the list, and this is the one I'd like to share with you.


  • Of course, you can also see it on the website,

    さあ これがそのリストです 皆さんと共有したいと思います

  • and we'll also talk about it more, I'm sure, as the day goes on.

    もちろん ウェブサイトでも見られます

  • They basically came up with a list where they said


  • there were bad projects -- basically, projects


  • where if you invest a dollar, you get less than a dollar back.

    中には 「不可」のプロジェクトがあります

  • Then there's fair projects, good projects and very good projects.

    それは投資した1ドルが 返ってこないプロジェクトの事です

  • And of course, it's the very good projects we should start doing.

    それから「可」と「良」の そして「優」のプロジェクトがあります

  • I'm going to go from backwards


  • so that we end up with the best projects.

    さてここでは 下位から進めて

  • These were the bad projects.


  • As you might see the bottom of the list was climate change.

    ここに示すのが 「不可」のプロジェクトです

  • This offends a lot of people, and that's probably one of the things


  • where people will say I shouldn't come back, either.


  • And I'd like to talk about that, because that's really curious.


  • Why is it it came up?

    でも私はこの話がしたい おかしいと思いませんか

  • And I'll actually also try to get back to this


  • because it's probably one of the things


  • that we'll disagree with on the list that you wrote down.


  • The reason why they came up with saying that Kyoto --


  • or doing something more than Kyoto -- is a bad deal


  • is simply because it's very inefficient.


  • It's not saying that global warming is not happening.


  • It's not saying that it's not a big problem.


  • But it's saying that what we can do about it

    それが重大な問題ではない というのでもありません

  • is very little, at a very high cost.


  • What they basically show us, the average of all macroeconomic models,


  • is that Kyoto, if everyone agreed, would cost about 150 billion dollars a year.


  • That's a substantial amount of money.

    京都議定書に全ての国が同意したとして 費用は年間1500億ドルです

  • That's two to three times the global development aid


  • that we give the Third World every year.


  • Yet it would do very little good.


  • All models show it will postpone warming for about six years in 2100.

    それでも ほとんど役にたたないのです どのモデルも

  • So the guy in Bangladesh who gets a flood in 2100 can wait until 2106.


  • Which is a little good, but not very much good.


  • So the idea here really is to say, well, we've spent a lot of money doing a little good.

    わずかに改善しますが それほど効果的ではありません

  • And just to give you a sense of reference,

    わずかな改善に 巨額の費用を投入するわけです

  • the U.N. actually estimate that for half that amount,


  • for about 75 billion dollars a year,

    国連の推計によれば この半額にあたる

  • we could solve all major basic problems in the world.


  • We could give clean drinking water, sanitation, basic healthcare


  • and education to every single human being on the planet.

    清潔な飲料水や 衛生施設 基本的な医療施設

  • So we have to ask ourselves, do we want to spend twice the amount


  • on doing very little good?

    もう一度考えてみてください その2倍のお金を

  • Or half the amount on doing an amazing amount of good?


  • And that is really why it becomes a bad project.

    それとも 半額で 問題解決を驚異的に進めますか?

  • It's not to say that if we had all the money in the world, we wouldn't want to do it.


  • But it's to say, when we don't, it's just simply not our first priority.


  • The fair projects -- notice I'm not going to comment on all these --

    お金に限りがあるので 優先順位の一番にはなりません

  • but communicable diseases, scale of basic health services -- just made it,

    ここの全てにコメントはしませんが 伝染病は「可」としました

  • simply because, yes, scale of basic health services is a great thing.


  • It would do a lot of good, but it's also very, very costly.

    単純に規模の問題です 基本的医療サービスは大掛かりになります

  • Again, what it tells us is suddenly

    非常に有用ですが また非常に費用がかかります

  • we start thinking about both sides of the equation.

    再度になりますが 方程式の両辺について

  • If you look at the good projects, a lot of sanitation and water projects came in.


  • Again, sanitation and water is incredibly important,

    「良」のプロジェクトには 衛生施設と水とが入っています

  • but it also costs a lot of infrastructure.


  • So I'd like to show you the top four priorities


  • which should be at least the first ones that we deal with

    さて トップ4をご紹介します

  • when we talk about how we should deal with the problems in the world.


  • The fourth best problem is malaria -- dealing with malaria.


  • The incidence of malaria is about a couple of [million] people get infected every year.

    4位の問題はマラリアです マラリア対策です

  • It might even cost up towards a percentage point of GDP

    毎年 [2-3億人] がマラリアにかかります

  • every year for affected nations.


  • If we invested about 13 billion dollars over the next four years,


  • we could bring that incidence down to half.


  • We could avoid about 500,000 people dying,


  • but perhaps more importantly, we could avoid about a [million] people

    死者を50万人減らせますし もっと重要なのは

  • getting infected every year.

    マラリアの罹患数を1年あたり [1億人]

  • We would significantly increase their ability


  • to deal with many of the other problems that they have to deal with --


  • of course, in the long run, also to deal with global warming.


  • This third best one was free trade.

    もちろん いずれは地球温暖化にも取り組むでしょう

  • Basically, the model showed that if we could get free trade,


  • and especially cut subsidies in the U.S. and Europe,

    基本的に モデルによれば 自由貿易を維持して

  • we could basically enliven the global economy


  • to an astounding number of about 2,400 billion dollars a year,


  • half of which would accrue to the Third World.


  • Again, the point is to say that we could actually pull


  • two to three hundred million people out of poverty,

    大事な事は 2-3億人の人を

  • very radically fast, in about two to five years.


  • That would be the third best thing we could do.


  • The second best thing would be to focus on malnutrition.

    これができる最良の事 第3位です

  • Not just malnutrition in general, but there's a very cheap way

    2番目は 栄養失調の問題にフォーカスします

  • of dealing with malnutrition, namely, the lack of micronutrients.

    栄養失調の中でも 特に微量栄養素の不足については

  • Basically, about half of the world's population is lacking in


  • iron, zinc, iodine and vitamin A.

    基本的に 世界の人口の半数は

  • If we invest about 12 billion dollars,


  • we could make a severe inroad into that problem.


  • That would be the second best investment that we could do.

    この問題に対して 効果的な対策が打てます

  • And the very best project would be to focus on HIV/AIDS.


  • Basically, if we invest 27 billion dollars over the next eight years,

    最良のプロジェクトは HIV/エイズにフォーカスします

  • we could avoid 28 new million cases of HIV/AIDS.


  • Again, what this does and what it focuses on is saying

    2800万人の新たな HIV/エイズ患者を減らします

  • there are two very different ways that we can deal with HIV/AIDS.


  • One is treatment; the other one is prevention.


  • And again, in an ideal world, we would do both.

    一つは治療であり もう一つは予防です

  • But in a world where we don't do either, or don't do it very well,

    そして 理想的な世界であれば両方を行うのですが

  • we have to at least ask ourselves where should we invest first.

    両方をできない あるいは十分にはできないときに

  • And treatment is much, much more expensive than prevention.

    どちらから投資を始めるのか よく考えなければなりません

  • So basically, what this focuses on is saying, we can do a lot more

    治療には 予防と比べてはるかに費用がかかります

  • by investing in prevention.

    そこで 予防に投資する事でより多くを成し遂げられる

  • Basically for the amount of money that we spend,


  • we can do X amount of good in treatment,


  • and 10 times as much good in prevention.


  • So again, what we focus on is prevention rather than treatment,

    予防の効果はその 10 倍です

  • at first rate.

    したがって まず最初にすべき事は

  • What this really does is that it makes us think about our priorities.


  • I'd like to have you look at your priority list and say,

    リストは 我々の優先順位について考えさせるものでした

  • did you get it right?

    皆さんにも ご自分の優先順位を見ていただきたいのです

  • Or did you get close to what we came up with here?


  • Well, of course, one of the things is climate change again.


  • I find a lot of people find it very, very unlikely that we should do that.

    もちろん 気候変動がひとつの論点となるでしょう

  • We should also do climate change,

    見込みがわずかでも 温暖化対策は必要と考える人が多いはずです

  • if for no other reason, simply because it's such a big problem.


  • But of course, we don't do all problems.

    これが大変大きな問題だから というだけで理由は十分

  • There are many problems out there in the world.

    それでも 全ての問題に取り組めるわけではありません

  • And what I want to make sure of is, if we actually focus on problems,


  • that we focus on the right ones.

    お伝えしたい事は ある問題に集中するならば

  • The ones where we can do a lot of good rather than a little good.

    適切な問題に集中するべきではないか という事です

  • And I think, actually -- Thomas Schelling,

    わずかな改善よりは 多くの成果が得られる問題に集中しましょう

  • one of the participants in the dream team, he put it very, very well.

    ドリームチームに参加したトーマス シェリングは

  • One of things that people forget, is that in 100 years,

    次のように 実にうまい事を言っています

  • when we're talking about most of the climate change impacts will be,


  • people will be much, much richer.


  • Even the most pessimistic impact scenarios of the U.N.

    という事が よく忘れられている事の一つです

  • estimate that the average person in the developing world in 2100


  • will be about as rich as we are today.

    発展途上国の平均的な国民は 2100年には

  • Much more likely, they will be two to four times richer than we are.


  • And of course, we'll be even richer than that.


  • But the point is to say, when we talk about saving people,

    もちろん 我々はそれ以上に豊かになっているはずです

  • or helping people in Bangladesh in 2100,

    しかしポイントは 人々を助けるというときに

  • we're not talking about a poor Bangladeshi.


  • We're actually talking about a fairly rich Dutch guy.


  • And so the real point, of course, is to say,


  • do we want to spend a lot of money helping a little,

    すなわち 本当のところ

  • 100 years from now, a fairly rich Dutch guy?

    我々は大金を費やして 少々の支援を100年後の

  • Or do we want to help real poor people, right now, in Bangladesh,


  • who really need the help, and whom we can help very, very cheaply?

    それとも 今のバングラデシュの本当に貧しく 援助が必要で

  • Or as Schelling put it, imagine if you were a rich -- as you will be --


  • a rich Chinese, a rich Bolivian, a rich Congolese, in 2100,

    あるいは シェリングが述べているのですが あなたが

  • thinking back on 2005, and saying, "How odd that they cared so much

    2100年の裕福な中国人やボリビア人 コンゴ人だとして

  • about helping me a little bit through climate change,

    2005年の事を振り返って言うのです 「奇妙な事がある

  • and cared so fairly little about helping my grandfather

    当時の人々は気候変動を心配して 少し支援してくれた

  • and my great grandfather, whom they could have helped so much more,

    しかし もっと助けを必要としていた我々のじいさんや

  • and who needed the help so much more?"


  • So I think that really does tell us why it is


  • we need to get our priorities straight.

    この事から 優先順位を正さないと

  • Even if it doesn't accord to the typical way we see this problem.


  • Of course, that's mainly because climate change has good pictures.


  • We have, you know, "The Day After Tomorrow" -- it looks great, right?

    主な理由の一つとして 気候変動は絵になるのです

  • It's a good film in the sense that

    「デイ アフター トゥモロー」という映画もあります

  • I certainly want to see it, right, but don't expect Emmerich


  • to cast Brad Pitt in his next movie


  • digging latrines in Tanzania or something. (Laughter)

    でもエメリッヒ監督の次の映画で 主演のブラッド ピットが

  • It just doesn't make for as much of a movie.

    タンザニアで便所を掘る映画はどうでしょう (笑)

  • So in many ways, I think of the Copenhagen Consensus

    なんとも 絵になりません

  • and the whole discussion of priorities

    いろいろな意味で コペンハーゲン コンセンサスと

  • as a defense for boring problems.


  • To make sure that we realize it's not about making us feel good.


  • It's not about making things that have the most media attention,


  • but it's about making places where we can actually do the most good.


  • The other objections, I think, that are important to say,


  • is that I'm somehow -- or we are somehow -- positing a false choice.


  • Of course, we should do all things,


  • in an ideal world -- I would certainly agree.


  • I think we should do all things, but we don't.

    全てを行うわけです その事には異論はありません

  • In 1970, the developed world decided we were going to spend

    しかし 実際はそうではない

  • twice as much as we did, right now, than in 1970, on the developing world.

    1970年代には 先進国は今現在している事の

  • Since then our aid has halved.


  • So it doesn't look like we're actually on the path

    その後 援助は半分に減ってしまいました

  • of suddenly solving all big problems.

    ですから すべての大きな問題が直ちに

  • Likewise, people are also saying, but what about the Iraq war?


  • You know, we spend 100 billion dollars --

    同様に イラクの戦争はどうなのだ という人もいます

  • why don't we spend that on doing good in the world?


  • I'm all for that.

    どうして 世界をよくするために その額を使えないのか?

  • If any one of you guys can talk Bush into doing that, that's fine.


  • But the point, of course, is still to say,

    だれか ブッシュ大統領に言ってやってください ぜひ

  • if you get another 100 billion dollars,

    いや それでも さらに

  • we still want to spend that in the best possible way, don't we?


  • So the real issue here is to get ourselves back


  • and think about what are the right priorities.

    結局 問題は もう一度考え直して

  • I should just mention briefly, is this really the right list that we got out?


  • You know, when you ask the world's best economists,

    簡単に述べます 私たちが得たこのリストは本当に正しいのでしょうか?

  • you inevitably end up asking old, white American men.

    世界の最高の経済学者に聞いたという事は 必然的に

  • And they're not necessarily, you know,

    年配のアメリカ白人に聞いた という事です

  • great ways of looking at the entire world.


  • So we actually invited 80 young people from all over the world


  • to come and solve the same problem.

    そこで 実は80人の若者を世界中から集めて

  • The only two requirements were that they were studying at the university,


  • and they spoke English.

    たった二つだけ求めた事は 大学で勉強している事と

  • The majority of them were, first, from developing countries.


  • They had all the same material but they could go vastly

    メンバーの大半は 開発途上国から来ました

  • outside the scope of discussion, and they certainly did,

    同じ資料を渡しましたが 議論のスコープがここから

  • to come up with their own lists.

    大幅に外れてもよい事とし 実際にそうなりました

  • And the surprising thing was that the list was very similar --

    そして 独自のリストを作りました 驚くべき事に

  • with malnutrition and diseases at the top

    リストは とても似たものになりました

  • and climate change at the bottom.


  • We've done this many other times.


  • There's been many other seminars and university students, and different things.


  • They all come out with very much the same list.


  • And that gives me great hope, really, in saying that I do believe


  • that there is a path ahead to get us to start thinking about priorities,

    ここに大きな希望を見出せます すなわち

  • and saying, what is the important thing in the world?

    優先順位を考えれば 前に進む道筋が見えると信じられるのです

  • Of course, in an ideal world, again we'd love to do everything.

    では 世界にとって重要な問題は何でしょう?

  • But if we don't do it, then we can start thinking about where should we start?

    理想的な世界では 喜んですべてに取り組むのですが

  • I see the Copenhagen Consensus as a process.

    そうできないときには 着手する点の検討から始めましょう

  • We did it in 2004,

    コペンハーゲン コンセンサスではプロセスが重要と考えています

  • and we hope to assemble many more people,

    まず 2004年に行いました

  • getting much better information for 2008, 2012.

    そして2008年 2012年には もっと多くの人を集め

  • Map out the right path for the world --


  • but also to start thinking about political triage.


  • To start thinking about saying, "Let's do


  • not the things where we can do very little at a very high cost,

    次のように訴える事を考えてはじめています 「さぁ

  • not the things that we don't know how to do,

    ほとんど効果が上がらず 巨額の費用が掛かる事は止めよう

  • but let's do the great things where we can do an enormous


  • amount of good, at very low cost, right now."

    代わりに 世界の役に立つ大切な事で

  • At the end of the day, you can disagree

    費用もかからない事こそを 今すぐ始めよう」

  • with the discussion of how we actually prioritize these,

    最終的に 我々が実際につけた優先順位に対して

  • but we have to be honest and frank about saying,


  • if there's some things we do, there are other things we don't do.


  • If we worry too much about some things,

    我々が何かを行ったら 手付かずになる別の事もあります

  • we end by not worrying about other things.


  • So I hope this will help us make better priorities,


  • and think about how we better work for the world.

    今日の話が よりより優先順位づけと よりよい世界のために

  • Thank you.


What I'd like to talk about is really the biggest problems in the world.

翻訳: Natsuhiko Mizutani 校正: Kayo Mizutani


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TED】ビョルン・ロンボーグ気候変動よりも大きな世界的優先事項 (Bjorn Lomborg: Global priorities bigger than climate change) (【TED】Bjorn Lomborg: Global priorities bigger than climate change (Bjorn Lomborg: Global priorities bigger than climate change))

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日