字幕表 動画を再生する
翻訳: Yasushi Aoki 校正: Kayo Mizutani
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みなさんこんにちは 私はシリーナ
Hi, everyone. I'm Sirena.
11歳です コネチカットに住んでいます
I'm 11 years old and from Connecticut.
(Audience cheers)
正直なところ どうして ここにいるのかわかりません
Well, I'm not really sure why I'm here.
というのも バイオリンが
TED (テクノロジー・エンターテインメント・デザイン)と どう繋がるのか わからないからです
I mean, what does this have to do with technology, entertainment and design?
iPodとか携帯電話とかパソコンなら テクノロジーだと思いますけど
Well, I count my iPod, cellphone and computer as technology,
バイオリンは そうは見えません
but this has nothing to do with that.
So I did a little research on it.
わかったことを ご説明します
Well, this is what I found.
ちゃんと覚えていたらの 話ですけど
Of course, I hope I can memorize it.
(Clears throat)
The violin is made of a wood box and four metal strings.
By pulling a string, it vibrates and produces a sound wave,
which passes through a piece of wood called a bridge,
音はブリッジと呼ばれる 部分を通って
and goes down to the wood box and gets amplified, but ... let me think.
木製の箱に伝わり そこで増幅される
えっと… ちょっと待って…
Placing your finger at different places on the fingerboard
changes the string length, and that changes the frequency of the sound wave.
(Sighs) Oh, my gosh!
指板の異なる位置に 指を置いて
OK, this is sort of technology,
but I can call it a 16th-century technology.
ああ 言えた!
But actually, the most fascinating thing that I found
was that even the audio system or wave transmission nowadays
まあ 一種のテクノロジーだとは 思いますけど
are still based on the same principle of producing and projecting sound.
Isn't that cool?
Design -- I love its design.
I remember when I was little, my mom asked me,
音を作り出している ということです
"Would you like to play the violin or the piano?"
それって すごいですよね?
I looked at that giant monster and said to myself --
"I am not going to lock myself on that bench the whole day!"
デザイン…私は このデザインが好きです
This is small and lightweight.
I can play from standing, sitting or walking.
And, you know what?
バイオリンとピアノの どっちがいいの?
The best of all is that if I don't want to practice,
あの大きな怪物 みたいなのを見て
(Whispering) I can hide it.
一日中あんなベンチに 縛り付けられるのは
The violin is very beautiful.
Some people relate it as the shape of a lady.
But whether you like it or not, it's been so for more than 400 years,
立っていても 座っていても 歩きながらだって弾ける
unlike modern stuff [that] easily looks dated.
それに何よりいいのは —
But I think it's very personal and unique that,
although each violin looks pretty similar,
no two violins sound the same --
even from the same maker or based on the same model.
バイオリンは とても美しいです
Entertainment -- I love the entertainment.
女性の体に似ている という人もいます
But actually, the instrument itself isn't very entertaining.
好きにしろ 嫌いにしろ
I mean, when I first got my violin and tried to play around on it,
400年間ずっと この形だったんです
it was actually really bad,
すぐ時代遅れになる 近頃のものとは大違いですね
because it didn't sound the way I'd heard from other kids --
でもバイオリンは とても個性的で
it was so horrible and so scratchy.
So, it wasn't entertaining at all.
同じ音を出すバイオリンは 2つとありません
But besides, my brother found this very funny:
Yuk! Yuk! Yuk!
エンターテインメント… エンターテインメントは大好きです
A few years later, I heard a joke
でも 楽器自体が
about the greatest violinist, Jascha Heifetz.
After Mr. Heifetz's concert,
a lady came over and complimented him:
"Oh, Mr. Heifetz, your violin sounded so great tonight!"
ひどい音がして 他の子たちのような音が
And Mr. Heifetz was a very cool person,
so he picked up his violin and said,
何かひっかくような 嫌な音で
"Funny -- I don't hear anything."
全然楽しくなんか ありません
でも 弟はこれが すごく気に入ったようでした
Now I realize that as the musician,
エイッ エイッ エイッ
we human beings, with our great mind, artistic heart and skill,
can change this 16th-century technology and a legendary design
何年か経って 偉大なバイオリニスト
to a wonderful entertainment.
ヤッシャ・ハイフェッツの 面白い話を聞きました
Now I know why I'm here.
ご婦人がやってきて 絶賛したそうです
(Music ends)
「ハイフェッツさん 今夜のあなたの バイオリンは 素晴らしい音がしましたわ」
とてもクールな ハイフェッツ氏は
At first, I thought I was just going to be here to perform,
バイオリンを手にとって 言ったそうです
but unexpectedly, I learned and enjoyed much more.
「変ですね 私には 何も聞こえませんが?」
But ... although some of the talks were quite up there for me.
やっと私も演奏家として 理解しました
Like the multi-dimension stuff.
私たち人類には 素晴らしい精神と
I mean, honestly, I'd be happy enough
芸術的な心と 技があり
if I could actually get my two dimensions correct in school.
16世紀のテクノロジーと 伝統的なデザインを
But actually, the most impressive thing to me is that --
well, actually, I would also like to say this for all children
私がここにいる理由が ようやくわかりました
is to say thank you to all adults, for actually caring for us a lot,
and to make our future world much better.
Thank you.
最初は ここで演奏するだけと 思っていたのですが
意外に楽しくて いろんなことを学べました
私には難しすぎるのも いくつかありましたけど
(Music ends)
(Applause ends)
私は学校で2次元が ちゃんとできれば
(Music ends)