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  • Hi everyone.

    みなさん こんにちは!

  • Welcome back to Lavendaire.


  • It's Aileen.


  • Today I'm going to talk about time management and organization:


  • how to make time for everything you want to do.

    どうやって、じぶんのやりたいこと全部を やる時間を作るか―

  • And I know that sounds pretty daunting


  • because I'm sure a lot of us want to do a lot of things.

    私たちはみんな、たくさんのことを やりたいと思ってますもんね。

  • If you're anything like me,


  • you probably have a huge list of to-dos, but also list of things

    長い「やることリスト」があって、 さらに

  • you wish you could do if you had the time for it.

    「時間があったらやりたいことリスト」 もあると思うんです。

  • Today I'm going to share some tips and also an exercise you can do

    今日はみなさんがスケジュールを整理整頓して、 やりたいこと全部できるように

  • to help you organize your schedule to make time for everything that you want to do.


  • By the way: I'm doing another giveaway with Skillshare.

    ところで、今日はまたSkillshareのプレゼント企画を したいと思います。

  • You guys loved

    みなさん前回のプレゼントを 喜んでくださったようなので

  • the previous Skillshare giveaway, so I knew that I wanted to do it again.


  • Stick around to the end of the video for more giveaway details.


  • My first tip on how to make time for everything you want to do is to cut down distraction

    やりたいこと全部やるための最初のコツは 注意力散漫な時間をなくすこと。

  • time.

    00:00:53,840 --> 00:00:58,810 私たちはだいたい、スケジュールがパンパンで ほかのことやるには時間がなさすぎる

  • I think that, most of us, we feel that our schedules are so full, we have no time for


  • anything,


  • when in reality there are so many parts of our day where we lose track on social media,

    フェイスブックやらインスタやらの SNSに

  • whether you're on Facebook, Instagram, wherever.

    気づかないうちに夢中になっていることが よくあるんです。

  • You don't notice it

    でもたまにはそれをやめてみると、 15分時間ができる。

  • but sometimes you just trail off, and there goes fifteen minutes


  • and another fifteen minutes there.

    実は計画なしで、けっこうな時間を だらだらしているものなんです。

  • You actually waste a lot of time getting distracted.

    だから大事なのは、 自分がいまやっていることに集中して

  • So the best thing is to learn how to focus and make the most of your time


  • with what you're doing, right now.

    方法としては ポモドーロタイマーを使うこと。

  • Some techniques are: You can use a Pomodoro timer,

    25分間にタイマーをセットして、 あなたはその間集中してなにかやります

  • which is a 25-minute timer to set, and then you focus down for 25 minutes.


  • You can't really do anything else for 25 minutes.

    注意力散漫に過ごしちゃってるなと思ったら 自分が一日どういう意識で動いているのか、

  • Start to take note of where your attention goes throughout your day,


  • whether you're actually being productive or not.


  • If you're getting distracted,

    自分が道をはずれて新しいサイトやらなんやら見始めた って気づいたら

  • if you find yourself trailing off, opening new tabs, and just looking at random things,


  • then I highly recommend you either go on a social media detox

    特定のウェブサイトをブロックできるアプリを 使ってみることをおすすめします。

  • or download those apps that block certain websites.


  • Or find some way, Pomodoro technique or something else,

    自分がもっと時間を賢く集中して 使えるような方法を探してみる。

  • that will help you use your time more wisely and focus down.


  • Also: Studies have proven that you're more effective when you focus on one thing at a

    00:02:08,569 --> 00:02:10,100 同時にいろんなことできると思っちゃだめですね。

  • time.


  • Multitasking is a myth.


  • It's actually not more effective or productive.


  • It's so much better to focus on one thing at a time,

    次に紹介するエクササイズは、 私自身も実践しているもので

  • instead of constantly switching between different tasks.

    自分のやりたいこと全部を計画した 理想の一日・一週間プランを作るんです。

  • Next thing I'm going to share is this exercise that I use for myself

    00:02:30,030 --> 00:02:34,120 これは自分のスケジュールの大枠をつくる ためのもので、

  • to plan out my ideal day and my ideal week, filled with all the things that I would want

    やるべきことがそのスケジュールの中で 物理的に実行可能なのかどうか

  • to do.

    そして自分がそれをこなせそうなのか わかるようにするんです。

  • This is just an exercise that will help create a guideline for your schedule,

    そんなにスケジュール固めて大丈夫なの って思う方もいると思うんですけど、

  • because it actually helps to see how physically things can fit into your schedule

    これはあくまでも大枠に過ぎない ってことを覚えておいてくださいね。

  • and how you can actually make it work.

    毎日こなさなきゃいけない絶対のスケジュール じゃないんです。

  • Even though it might seem rigid to some of you,

    最初のステップは、「いうまでもなくやるべきこと」 を書き出すこと。

  • just remember that this exercise is just to be used as a guideline,


  • not like a strict schedule that you're supposed to follow every day.


  • First step is to decide on your non-negotiables.


  • These are the things that you have to do


  • or the things that you absolutely want to do, you need to do.


  • Decide on all of those.


  • Most likely, it's school, it's work, and then maybe you have


  • some other things that you're like, "No, this is non-negotiable.


  • I have to do this thing

    次に、夢見る人になって あなたがやりたいこと全部を書いてください。

  • in my life in my schedule."

    00:03:23,701 --> 00:03:26,920 理想の人生、あるいは理想の一週間の中で。

  • Make a list of all of those non-negotiable things.


  • Next, bring out the dreamer in you and write down a list of all the things that you want

    項目のそれぞれに一日または一週間の中で どれくらい時間をかけたいのか、

  • to do


  • in your ideal life, in your ideal week.

    例えば、私は朝ジャーナルを書くのが 好きなんだけれど

  • While you're making that list,


  • estimate the amount of time that you want to spend on each item on that list,


  • per day or per week.

    00:03:47,590 --> 00:03:50,960 週1・2時間くらいはヨガがしたい。

  • For example: I love to do morning pages.

    それに 同じくらい勉強と、 Skillshareとかのオンラインレッスンもやりたい。

  • That's something that I want to do every day for twenty minutes.

    さあ、いよいよあなたの理想の一週間を デザインします。

  • I also want to meditate, but I would say I would meditate at least five to ten minutes,


  • minimum.

    日曜日~土曜日もしくは月曜日~日曜日 どちらでもいいですが

  • I'd also want to spend an hour or two a week doing yoga.

    一週間のうち起きてから寝るまで 活動している時間を書き出します。

  • And an hour or two a week learning, taking online classes, like on Skillshare.

    00:04:09,120 --> 00:04:10,290 つぎにやるのは

  • Now it's time to design your ideal week.


  • We're going to map out


  • all of your waking hours in a week, from the moment you wake up

    学校でも仕事でも、 入れられそうなものは入れちゃいましょう。

  • to the moment you go to bed, Sunday through Saturdayor Monday through Sunday,

    まちまちな部分もあると思うから できる範囲でいいですよ。

  • however you want to count it.


  • What you're going to do is:


  • First, you're going to put in your non-negotiables.

    00:04:32,009 --> 00:04:34,509 朝か夕方に組み込むべきだと 私が思う理由は

  • Schedule them,


  • whether it's your school schedule, your work schedule, whatever you can put in there.

    00:04:40,999 --> 00:04:42,400 用事で走らなきゃいけないこと、ありますよね

  • I know some things are very flexible, but just do the best that you can.


  • Next, we're going to look at your list of things that you'd ideally want to do.

    でもたいていは朝か夕方に 時間を捻出できるものだと思います。

  • And then we're going to see if we can incorporate them into either your morning routine


  • or your evening routine.

    朝のジャーナルを書いたりコーヒーを飲んだり なんだりできるわけです。

  • The reason I think it's best to incorporate these things


  • into your morning or evening routine is because, in the middle of the day,

    夕方にあなたがくつろいでいるとき、 時間がたっぷりありますね。

  • some many things could come in and out.

    私の場合は、朝か夕方 これでだいたいうまくいきます。

  • You might have errands you need to run.


  • There's just life responsibilities.


  • Usually, you can carve out time for yourself


  • in the morning and in the evening, whether you want to wake up earlier

    ヨガをスタジオで習っていて、 お気に入りのクラスが日中あるなら

  • to write morning pages and have your coffee or whatever.


  • Or in the evening,

    00:05:15,770 --> 00:05:18,289 あなたの計画にはどうするのがベストか、 あなたが一番よく分かっているはず。

  • when you're winding down, that's when you have a lot of me time.


  • That's the method that works easier for me.

    朝か夕方に組み込めそうだったら、 そうしたらいいってことです。

  • Sometimes it works out

    でも日中に入れちゃったほうがよさそうだと思ったら そうしてくださいね。

  • to put something in the middle of your day.


  • For example: exercising.


  • If you're taking yoga at a studio and your favorite class is at this time, then that's


  • your time.


  • You know?

    「いうまでもなくやるべきこと」 の一つにしちゃいましょう。

  • You know what's best for your schedule.


  • But my recommendation is:

    その時間ひま?と聞いてきても 「ごめん、その時間はオンライン授業を見たいんだ」

  • If you can fit it into morning and evening routines, do that.


  • But if it makes more sense to put it in the middle of your day, then do that as well.

    もう決まって動かせないスケジュールだ と思うようにしましょう。

  • But just do your best to build out your ideal week.

    ところでこのエクササイズのために私が作った ワークシートはダウンロードできます!

  • Also, for those activities that you decide you want to do once a week or twice a week,


  • assign those activities to specific days.


  • Carve out a space in your schedule to do that thing,

    ところでこの理想の一週間を作るときは、 休憩時間も取っておいてくださいね。

  • and make that time non-negotiable as well.

    用事の間に余白の時間を作っておくのは とっても大切。

  • For example: If a friend calls you

    予定を超パンパンに詰めちゃいけませんよ、 現実はあなたの予定通りに運ぶとは

  • and asks you if you're free during that time, you're like, "No, that's my online class-taking


  • time."


  • You have to set aside that time and act as if it's a part of your real schedule.

    それから余白の時間も作っておきましょう。 何か起きた時のためにね。

  • By the way, you can download this weekly worksheet that I created for this exercise.

    もうひとつ私がトニー・ロビンズから学んだことで 紹介したいのが「N.E.T時間」。

  • Just click right here in the upper right corner.

    「N.E.T」は no extra time のことで 「余分時間なし」という意味です。

  • Or down below, you'll find the link, as well.


  • As you're creating this ideal week, make sure to leave some time for rest, okay?


  • It's always important to have space between these events.

    こういうものは、 ほかのものを同時にやりながらできますよね。

  • Don't pack it super tight, because you know, in reality, things don't always go according

    いろんなこと一気にやるのは よくないってさっき言いましたよ、 でもこれは一つの例外です。

  • to plan.


  • So just keep that in mind, schedule time for self care, social events,


  • and just space, in case anything happens.


  • Another thing I want to bring up I learned from Tony Robbins, called "N.E.T. time".

    語学学習のテープを聞いたりできますよね。 私も最近やってて

  • "N.E.T." stands for "no extra time".


  • We all have to do things that are pretty mundane,


  • like driving, doing chores, showering, going to the gym, running errands.

    それにジムに行ってる時にはお気に入りのテレビを そこで見て、時間を節約できますよね。

  • That's time that you can actually use to do something else at the same time.

    自分で「余分時間なし」を実践する方法を 見つけ出して

  • I know earlier, I said no multitasking, but this is like the one exception.


  • It's when you're doing something that's kind of mindless.

    ありふれたことをやる間、時間をうまく利用して 人生を最大限にしてほしいです。

  • Like when you're driving,


  • you can use that time to listen to audiobooks, listen to a podcast,

    あなたは確かにそれをやらなきゃならない、 でも同時に

  • or listen to language learning tapes, which is what I've been doing lately,


  • and I've been loving it.

    さてさて、あなたは予想できうる理想の一週間を 計画することができました。

  • And I also play podcasts when I'm showering.


  • And when you're at the gym, you can save that time for watching your favorite TV show.

    00:07:45,259 --> 00:07:46,569 時間をうまくやりくりしさえすれば。

  • Think about ways that you can incorporate N.E.T. time, where you're taking advantage

    これが私がこのエクササイズを行って 感じたことです。

  • of


  • your time, doing something that's enhancing your life, while you have to do those


  • mundane things like cleaning and washing the dishes, because life is life.


  • You have to do those things, but you can also listen to something else, while you're doing


  • that.


  • Alright, now that you've scheduled your ideal week, most likely,

    もしそうでないなら、予定表に戻って 作業をもう少し削らないといけませんね。

  • you'll be able to see that it is possible to fit all these things that you want to do


  • in your week,


  • if you just manage your time better.

    あなたはこれからの人生 延々とそのスケジュールで

  • That's how I felt after doing this exercise.


  • But I know that some people out there might be a little real ambitious,


  • so maybe your schedule is looking a little packed.

    そしたら2か月後とかには ちがうものを勉強したくなるかもしれない。

  • So be real with yourself here.

    2か月以内には新しい趣味に チャレンジできるかも、

  • Does this schedule look doable?

    ただ今のあなたの毎日のスケジュールに 入れられないだけで。

  • Did you leave enough space for yourself?

    このエクササイズを一週間単位じゃなくて 一年単位で使うこともできますよ。

  • If not, then it's time to go back and cut out more tasks.


  • Decide what is something


  • that you can let go of, decide what's something that you can save for later,


  • because remember: It doesn't mean that this is the schedule you have to do


  • for the rest of your life.


  • You can do this now, focus on these items now.


  • And then maybe in two months, you can switch it up and learn something else in two months.


  • You can try out a new hobby in two months, but maybe you don't have that time

    自分の予定表に計画して 実行しさえすればいいんです。

  • to fit everything in your schedule now.

    私たちはよく「あーほんとにあれやりたいのに」 とか言うけれど

  • You can also do this exercise not on a weekly basis, but on a yearly basis.


  • Maybe you want to plan out your months, and maybe you want to have themes

    おわかりのとおり、予定に入れなきゃ きっとそれはできません。

  • for your month where you want to focus on learning Japanese this month,

    このエクササイズは時間をとって 落ち着いて

  • and next month is learning watercolor.

    あなたがやりたいこと全部を 予定に組み込むためのものです。

  • Who knows?


  • But I know that we can make time


  • for the things that we want to do.


  • It all comes down to time management


  • and actually scheduling that time in your planner to make it happen.

    さてさて、今日の動画は 気に入っていただけたでしょうか。

  • Because so many times, we're like, "Oh, I really want to do this," but that day never


  • comes.

    やりたいこと全部できるようになることを 願っています。

  • You know, if we don't schedule it in, it most likely will not happen.

    この動画のスポンサーをしてくださっている Skillshareさん、ありがとうございます。

  • This whole exercise is just about actually taking time to sit down and schedule in

    学ぶための時間を作ろうって 思わせてくれるSkillshare

  • all the things you want to fit into your schedule.


  • Do your best to make it work.

    知らない方のために: Skillshareはオンライン学習のコミュニティで、 15000以上のクラスがあり

  • Obviously, it's a guideline.


  • It's not a strict schedule to follow.


  • Just do your best.

    美術、創作だけでなく、マーケティング、 動画編集、ビジネスなど

  • Alright, I hope you liked today's exercise.

    もう学びたいと思うようなこと何でもが、 ここにはあります。

  • And I hope that, with better time management,

    私はいま、自分の仕事に合っていて、 知恵を貸してくれる授業を見てます。

  • you can make the time to do all the things that you wanted to do.

    00:10:05,960 --> 00:10:08,519 セス・ゴーディンのマーケティングの授業が好き。

  • I want to give a special thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring this video,


  • and for giving us a really good reason to make time for learning,


  • because Skillshare is so awesome.


  • If you don't know: Skillshare is an online learning community with over 15,000 classes,


  • and there are classes in such a wide variety of area.


  • There's so many classes


  • on art and creativity, but also: branding, marketing, video-editing, business.


  • Just anything you could possibly want to learn, you could probably find on Skillshare.


  • I currently love the classes that are geared towards my career, classes that could help


  • me.

    幸運な2名様はSkillshareプレミアムで 1年間無料になります!

  • I love Seth Godin's marketing class.


  • And Gary Vee also has a good social media


  • strategy class as well.

    インスタグラムで 私のアカウント@lavendaireをフォロー

  • If you're interested at all, you want to check out Skillshare.


  • You can click the link down below.

    あなたはSkillshareで何を学びたいのか 教えてください。

  • The first 200 people who click on that link will get


  • two free months of Skillshare Premium.

    当選者には個人的にインスタのDMを送りますから、 チェックしておいてくださいね。

  • So if you want that, act fast.


  • But if you don't get to it in time, don't worry.


  • We're going to be doing another giveaway.


  • We're going to be giving out a free year of Skillshare Premium to two lucky winners.


  • It's the same as last time.


  • What you have to do is: Follow Skillshare on Instagram.


  • Follow my Instagram @lavendaire.

    もっと見たいという方には プレイリストが用意してあります。

  • And then comment on this Instagram photo,


  • what you would like to learn on Skillshare.

    自分の時間とどう付き合うか 考えてみてくださいね。

  • Winners will be chosen on September 10.

    あなたがやりたいと思っていることは 実行できます。

  • I will personally DM you on Instagram if you won, so be on the lookout for that.

    周りのものごとを少し変える必要も 出てくるかもしれないけれど、

  • But in the meantime, act fast.


  • Click the link down below to check out Skillshare Premium


  • for two months, for free.


  • Thanks so much for watching this video.


  • Please subscribe if you haven't already.

  • And if you want to check out

  • more videos on productivity, I have an entire productivity playlist you can check out right

  • here.

  • Yeah, learn how to be better with your time.

  • And it is possible to do the things you want to do.

  • You might have to shift things around a little bit, but I believe that it's possible to have

  • it all.

  • Alright, have a beautiful day.

  • I'll see you next time.

  • Bye!

Hi everyone.

みなさん こんにちは!


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