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What's the most important thing you can do in the next 10 days to improve your speaking?
and for this
Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book 3 years ago: "Outliers"
"Los que Sobresalen" [in Spanish]
What does it take to achieve World-Class? What does it take to be truly Excellent?
As a musician? As a sportsman? As a speaker?
and he looked at multiple different cases
Is it talent?
do Irish people just have this inmate knack that they can be great public speakers?
and people from Chile will never get there
the answer is "No".
What is it that leads to excellence?
in programming?
and the answer: 10,000 hours of practice.
No matter where you start from, no matter how talented a kid was in school
it's the kid that practices 8 hours a day that's now playing
as a soloist with the top orchestras of the world
Leo Messi wasn't born with a better right knee and a better left foot
than anyone else in the world.
It's what he chose to do every day after school every weekend
that means he is where he is today.
The most important Commitment you can make to yourself
…you can listen to all of this and if you don't do this it's a waste
so, as you are considering that €6,000 that you've mentally paid
and you are thinking "how do i get a Return on Investment?"
Every laptop comes with a webcam
I want each of you to decide that you're gonna spend 3 minutes
every day for the next 10 days.
You can call them workdays so you don't have to do it at the weekend.
for 3 minutes every day
Start a little program that records
and explain a product... explain your CV... explain your vision...
explain what is a good life...
One speech that i get my students in IESE to do towards the end
"A Value You Would Share with a Child as the Basis of A Good Life"
So, Day 10 that's your challenge...
3 minutes
your answer to what value
would you share with a child as the basis for a good life.
So, nothing I can do here is going to turn you into a great speaker.
No amount of watching YouTube videos of Bill Clinton is going to turn you into
Bill Clinton
No amount of reading is going to turn you into a writer
only by speaking... that you turn into a speaker
but there are people who are fifty five years old
they've been in more than 10,000 hour's worth of meetings
and they're crap at meetings
the 23-year-old who started yesterday
is better at making meetings run effectively
so it's not just about 10,000 hours...
it's about deciding that it's important deciding you can get better
and the video allows you the feedback that you can watch and see
Here, there was...
a pottery class in the United States
Ceramics. Making pots.
and the teacher took half of the class
and she said at the end of this term
your grade will be given on the weight of pots that you create
here is a weighing scales
at the end of the class
whoever's total production of pots weighs the most
will get the highest grade
to the other half of the class
she said you'll be evaluated on your one most finished piece of pottery
the group that were told "sheer weight"
what was their way of carrying on everyday they produced 5,6,7 pots
they tried random experiments
they tried weird things they try different ideas
but their hands were on clay from the first moment
the group that we're told that they would be evaluated on the most finished pot
they read...
they thought... they talked about concepts they talked about philosophical ideas
then went to galleries to look at other people's pots
and the first time they touched clay
was about 3 days before the end of the class
all of the best pots
were made by the group
that focused on weight.
So, your way of being in the pottery group that was measured on weight is get
the webcam going every day
if you do it for 10 days you'll get a lot better
if you keep it going...
3 minutes doesn't get you a very quickly to 10,000 hours
10,000 hours... 8 hours a day is 5 years
4 hours a day 10 years 2 hours a day 20 years
but... we will all still be alive 20 years from now
even 30 years from now
if you set a target of really practicing trying… trial…
and the greatest musicians when you listen to them practice: it's horrible
when I play piano I play the pieces I know
the greatest musicians when they're practicing are trying things they don't
already know. They are trying experiments, they are trying random things
So with the webcam don't just give your perfect speech, try random things
because no one else has to see it. It can be deleted rather quickly
but just be careful that no one gets to your PC while you've got all the silly ones
left on the desktop
so the first
Answer is...
This is a waste of time if you don't decide to dedicate 3 minutes
for the next 10 days
To put into practice, to experiment with some of the ideas