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  • Thinking...

  • What's the most important thing you can do in the next 10 days to improve your speaking?

  • and for this

  • Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book 3 years ago: "Outliers"

  • "Los que Sobresalen" [in Spanish]

  • What does it take to achieve World-Class? What does it take to be truly Excellent?

  • As a musician? As a sportsman? As a speaker?

  • and he looked at multiple different cases

  • Is it talent?

  • do Irish people just have this inmate knack that they can be great public speakers?

  • and people from Chile will never get there

  • the answer is "No".

  • What is it that leads to excellence?

  • in programming?

  • and the answer: 10,000 hours of practice.

  • No matter where you start from, no matter how talented a kid was in school

  • it's the kid that practices 8 hours a day that's now playing

  • as a soloist with the top orchestras of the world

  • Leo Messi wasn't born with a better right knee and a better left foot

  • than anyone else in the world.

  • It's what he chose to do every day after school every weekend

  • that means he is where he is today.

  • The most important Commitment you can make to yourself

  • you can listen to all of this and if you don't do this it's a waste

  • so, as you are considering that €6,000 that you've mentally paid

  • and you are thinking "how do i get a Return on Investment?"

  • Every laptop comes with a webcam

  • I want each of you to decide that you're gonna spend 3 minutes

  • every day for the next 10 days.

  • You can call them workdays so you don't have to do it at the weekend.

  • for 3 minutes every day

  • Start a little program that records

  • and explain a product... explain your CV... explain your vision...

  • explain what is a good life...

  • One speech that i get my students in IESE to do towards the end

  • "A Value You Would Share with a Child as the Basis of A Good Life"

  • So, Day 10 that's your challenge...

  • 3 minutes

  • your answer to what value

  • would you share with a child as the basis for a good life.

  • So, nothing I can do here is going to turn you into a great speaker.

  • No amount of watching YouTube videos of Bill Clinton is going to turn you into

  • Bill Clinton

  • No amount of reading is going to turn you into a writer

  • only by speaking... that you turn into a speaker

  • but there are people who are fifty five years old

  • they've been in more than 10,000 hour's worth of meetings

  • and they're crap at meetings

  • the 23-year-old who started yesterday

  • is better at making meetings run effectively

  • so it's not just about 10,000 hours...

  • it's about deciding that it's important deciding you can get better

  • and the video allows you the feedback that you can watch and see

  • Here, there was...

  • a pottery class in the United States

  • Ceramics. Making pots.

  • and the teacher took half of the class

  • and she said at the end of this term

  • your grade will be given on the weight of pots that you create

  • here is a weighing scales

  • at the end of the class

  • whoever's total production of pots weighs the most

  • will get the highest grade

  • to the other half of the class

  • she said you'll be evaluated on your one most finished piece of pottery

  • the group that were told "sheer weight"

  • what was their way of carrying on everyday they produced 5,6,7 pots

  • they tried random experiments

  • they tried weird things they try different ideas

  • but their hands were on clay from the first moment

  • the group that we're told that they would be evaluated on the most finished pot

  • they read...

  • they thought... they talked about concepts they talked about philosophical ideas

  • they

  • then went to galleries to look at other people's pots

  • and the first time they touched clay

  • was about 3 days before the end of the class

  • all of the best pots

  • were made by the group

  • that focused on weight.

  • So, your way of being in the pottery group that was measured on weight is get

  • the webcam going every day

  • if you do it for 10 days you'll get a lot better

  • if you keep it going...

  • 3 minutes doesn't get you a very quickly to 10,000 hours

  • 10,000 hours... 8 hours a day is 5 years

  • 4 hours a day 10 years 2 hours a day 20 years

  • but... we will all still be alive 20 years from now

  • even 30 years from now

  • Imagine.

  • if you set a target of really practicing tryingtrial

  • and the greatest musicians when you listen to them practice: it's horrible

  • when I play piano I play the pieces I know

  • the greatest musicians when they're practicing are trying things they don't

  • already know. They are trying experiments, they are trying random things

  • So with the webcam don't just give your perfect speech, try random things

  • because no one else has to see it. It can be deleted rather quickly

  • but just be careful that no one gets to your PC while you've got all the silly ones

  • left on the desktop

  • so the first

  • Answer is...

  • This is a waste of time if you don't decide to dedicate 3 minutes

  • for the next 10 days

  • To put into practice, to experiment with some of the ideas



ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

スピーキングの上達 (Improve Your Speaking)

  • 411 104
    Vincent Chang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日