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  • Hey There! Welcome to Life Noggin!

    どうも!Life Noggin へようこそ!

  • Technology and innovation are coming full speed towards us from so many directions all over the world.


  • It's actually really exhausting.


  • But, Which Country Has The Best Technology?

    しかし、どの国が 1 番の技術を持っているのでしょうか?

  • Each country in this global tech race has something special to offer.


  • Different countries have different specialties and deciding which one has, quote, the best technology comes down to what you value most.


  • Technologyis just using scientific knowledge for normal, everyday purposes.


  • So, the termBest Technologycan consist of many things - electronics, infrastructure, scientific advances, internet, you name it.

    だから、「 1 番の技術」とは色々なものを含めています。 - 電子工学、インフラ設備、科学の進歩、ネットワークなどいろいろ。

  • If your personal definition ofbest technologyrevolves around electronics, Japan may be your pick.

    もしあなたにとって、「 1 番の技術」は電子工学の領域にあると思うなら、日本があなたの選択かもしれません。

  • It's been named one of the top five economies developing cutting-edge digital technology and for good reason, too.

    なぜなら、日本は最先端のデジタル技術を持つトップ 5 にあげられ、それには納得いく理由があるからです。

  • Japan has the highest quality of silicon for silicon processing chips, helping advance the world of electronics.

    日本のシリコン プロセッサ チップ用のシリコンは最も高い質を誇り、世界中の電子工学の進化に貢献しています。

  • And Japan is a leader in robot production.


  • They've had great success using robots to reduce costs in their auto industry.


  • And Tokyo's public transit system is one of the best and most reliable in the world, with their fastest trains going 200 miles an hour!

    そして、東京の公共交通機関システムは世界一頼りになるものとして認められます。最高時速はなんと 200 マイル!

  • Let me do some quick calculations here...


  • [mumbling] Carry the one.


  • That's very fast!


  • If you prefer great technology in the form of futuristic, green buildings and innovative city design, then Singapore may have the best tech for you.

    もしあなたが未来についての産業、環境保全の建築と革新的な都市発展計画を重視しているなら、シンガポールの技術が 1 番でしょう。

  • This quickly rising, superstar of a country is less than 300 square miles and filled to the brim with tall buildings, with little land left.

    この急速に発展を遂げている、国土面積 780 平方メートル弱のこのスーパー国には、高層ビルがあちらこちらで建てられ、残された土地は僅かです。

  • To offset the greenery lost from development, buildings are covered with flowers, shrubs and even trees.


  • There are parks on top of buildings and bridges connecting the city's green spaces.


  • Plus, Singapore has some pretty solid internet so you could easily share pics of this amazing place.


  • In early 2017, their internet connection speed peaked at 185 megabytes per second, the highest peak in the world.

    2017 年初め、シンガポールのインターネット接続は最速で毎秒 185 メガバイトに達しました。世界一です。

  • The United States is often thought of as the leader in tech, what with Silicon Valley and all, but it seems to be slipping down the ranks.


  • Government-funding for scientific research and development for new tech has been falling for decades.


  • Electronics like the smart phone you might be watching this on wouldn't be around if it weren't for government-funded research.


  • The US is also failing to provide tech workers.


  • It's estimated there are 3 million more STEM jobs available than there are people to fill them.

    応募する人よりも約 300 万以上多くの就職機会があると推定されています。

  • It's not all bad though.


  • The US does produce the most advanced degrees in science and engineering and publish the most high-impact scientific publications.


  • Plus, the US ranks second on the Global Competitiveness Index, which takes innovation, economy, and infrastructure into account.

    さらに、革新、経済とインフラを含める世界競争力指数では、アメリカは第 2 位です。

  • So we've got all that going for us.


  • You might be wondering where China comes into play in this conversation.


  • China is a huge leader in the tech industry in a variety of ways and they're gaining traction on the US.


  • In terms of government spending for scientific and technological research, they're the 2nd biggest spenders and are quickly catching up to the united states.

    政府が科学と技術の研究について費やした金額から言うと、中国は世界 2 位の金額を投入しており、アメリカに僅差まで近づいています。

  • As for everyday tech, their devices are more intelligent too.


  • China has the most machine-to-machine communication of any country in the world.

    中国は世界で 1 番の機械間のコミュニケーション技術を持ちます。

  • This means that more of their devices are sending messages to each other.


  • Think, a car talking to a home security system talking to a television.


  • And I'm trying to get in on that conference call because it sounds like it'd be a great conversation.


  • With so many technologically-advanced countries, it's hard to say which one isbest”.

    これらの技術先進国を並ぶと、どれが 1 番か決めかねます。

  • But Is it is cool to see all the technology being developed to help better the world and people's everyday lives.


  • The countries listed in this video are just a few examples.


  • But which country do you think is the most technologically advanced?

    あなたは、どの国が 1 番の技術を持っていると思いますか?

  • Let us know in the comment section below.


  • And are you curious to know what would happen if we built a new continent?


  • Then check out this video!


  • First things first, you would need to find a spot to build in international waters, meaning the part of the world that is not claimed by anyone else.


  • You need to be at least 200 miles from any existing countries territorial sea baseline.

    あなたが少なくとも、他の国の領海基線から 200 マイル離れていないといけません。

  • As always, my name is Blocko!


  • This has been life noggin!

    今日の life noggin でした!

  • Don't forget to keep on thinking.


Hey There! Welcome to Life Noggin!

どうも!Life Noggin へようこそ!

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