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Most people know what it feels like to be in a state of harmony and flow,
where our hearts and minds are working together
and there's a genuine connection with others involved.
It's easy to love this experience of synergy;
but often times, this happens by chance, rather than by design or intention.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to
produce this flow on demand,
in our day-‐to-‐day communications, projects and challenges?
Research shows that when we shift into a coherent state, the heart and brain
operate synergistically, like two systems that mesh into one.
We can learn how to activate and sustain this energy between the heart and the brain
and prevent stress-‐producing patterns,
along with increasing our mental clarity
and discernment capacity.
When we do this, our creative solutions for personal, social and global challenges become
more accessible, providing us with more intuitive access and flow.
Over the past 20 years, the Institute of HeartMath has produced coherence building
that are intentionally simple
and based on scientific research.
Our mission theme is to simplify a process for intuitive connection to the soul's
wisdom and guidance for unfolding who we truly are.
New research suggests that our energetic or spiritual heart
is an access point for our natural inner technology;
the hearts intuitive intelligence which can elevate
our communications, decisions and choices to a much higher level of effectiveness.
One interesting finding from our research
is that when people hold genuine
core heart feelings such as appreciation or compassion,
it naturally increases their heart coherence.
We use the term energetics to refer to the systems that we cannot see or touch --
for example, our thoughts, emotions and intuitions.
The mind and heart feelings are energetics sources that underlie our thoughts
They are primary drivers of our biological systems
nd have a powerful influence on our behaviors, choices and results.
The intuitive, energetic-‐heart is what people have associated with their "inner voice"
throughout history
From our perspective,
the energetic heart communicates a steady stream of intuitive information to the
mind and brain,
which in most cases, we only use a small percentages of,
because our ego choices overrides the intuitive suggestion.
Access to our hearts
intuition varies among people,
yet we all have it.
As we learn to slow down our mind and attune to our deeper heart feelings,
our natural intuitive connection can occur.
Intuition is like energetic gold --
our intuitive insights often unfold more understanding of ourselves, others,
issues and life
than years of accumulated knowledge.
That's why the state of coherence is rapidly gaining interest. In this state,
more and more people are reporting increased access to their heart's intuitive guidance,
realizing it is within them,
and with a little practice,
it's easier to access than they thought.
Research conducted in our laboratories
has confirmed that when an individual is in heart coherence,
the heart radiates a more coherent electromagnetic energy field
that can benefit people, animals and the environment.
A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that when there is coherent group
it results in increased flow,
effectiveness and the potential for higher outcomes.
It seems as though the group participants are not only in-‐sync,
but are communicating on an unseen energetic level.
Our personal coherence can benefit our families, co-‐workers,
friends, pets, and more—
simply by our presence.
From our research, we know that heart coherence is not an idle state;
it reaches out,
it influences and supports others in
many beneficial ways.
Scientific evidence provides support for a global field environment
hat connects all living systems and consciousness.
Many scientists believe that a feedback loop exists between all humans
and the earth's energetic systems.
We are working together with other initiatives to realize the increased
effectiveness of collective intention
and cooperation.
There are growing numbers of organizations with tools and techniques facilitate increased heart connection and collaboration with others.
This evolves into a
collective opening of the heart,
which is a major step towards increasing social
and global coherence.
We call this heart-‐based living.
IHM, through its Global Coherence Initiative Project,
IHM, through its Global Coherence Initiative Project,
14 sensors around the world to measure the earth's magnetic resonances. This global network will enable our scientific inquiry
into the interconnections between the earth's magnetic field
and collective human emotions and behaviors.
Science has shown that the earth's magnetic
field affects humans in profound ways,
but our intention is to study how humans—
as a collective—
affect the earth's magnetic field environment.
Every individual's energy contributes to the global field environment,
and each person's thoughts, emotions and intentions
affects the field.
A first step in increasing the coherence of the field environment
is for each individual to take responsibility
for their own energy.
We can do this by becoming more conscious of the thoughts, feelings and
that we are 'feeding the field' each day.
Our hypothesis is that as enough individuals increase their heart
it leads to increased social coherence.
As a critical mass of cultures and nations become more harmoniously aligned,
this can eventually lead to increased global coherence and sustainable peace.
Doc Childre,
the founder of HeartMath
puts it this way...
"As more of humanity practices heart-‐ based living,
it will qualify the 'rite of passage' into the next level of consciousness...
Using our hearts intuitive guidance will become common-‐sense...
—based on practical intelligence."