字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント Oh Look what we have here they have a Canon Rebel T 7. I I am filming this with the Canon t3i so I've come a long way Canon great job a Canon m6 this might be my new volume camera no screens are impulsive hmm And it's also so light what you could do it like a side-by-side comparison I know so I'm back at home with the new Canon EOS m 6 I believe this was recommended to me by a friend Jessie. Thank you so much. Uh yeah so far I don't really know what to think about it other than that it's a lot lighter I don't know how the sound is or what the quality difference is so I guess it was just a test This is using the new camera. I am currently on my way to the west side doing a couple things out there first We are going to the hourglass event they came out with a new highlighter. I'm really excited to try them out They are cream and then after gonna have dinner with Ashley and VIN, and we're going to talk about our goals for 2018 So yeah, it's gonna be a very full night, and then when I get back home. We are celebrating Robyn's belated birthday, it's been a really long time since they've all been together, so it's gonna be nice Hello everybody it is 5:30 p.m.. About to have a shot of coffee and then head off to dinner having a belated birthday dinner with this wine got a salad and (In Korean) Happy birthday! Thank you, thank you Happy birthday! Thanks (laughs) This is one of my guilty pleasures. (Dad in Korean) May we get service? Service. Oh yeah Oh and another one of my guilty pleasures California roll (In song) Happy birthday to you Thank you - Make a wish! - Blow it out blow it out make a wish Hello everybody I am back in the office Today was a very very productive day filmed the b-roll for the thrift haul video and the speaking portion And that's why my office is a mess again. I'm so sad. I feel like I just cleaned it. Oh yeah right now I'm gonna start editing my vlog for you guys for the Sunday video. It is my goal to start uploading two times on YouTube Later on I'm going to my friend Kelly's house to help her clean her house. I think if I Wasn't doing YouTube I would definitely be doing something in like the service industry or even like cleaning houses I freaking love to organize Especially when it's not my stuff like I would love to be a part of the hoarders cast just to like excavate like an entire property and just Redecorate it and reorganize yeah, that's what I'm doing today And then we're gonna have dinner with Anna Jessy and Claire and Ben so it's gonna be good to have a little reunion See every see some familiar faces Oh My goodness But to just you know getting back what we just worked out. We got a little breakfast burrito Let's dig in Like she's amazed with my new long never amazing. It's still light feel it Wow Taking over. I will show you the spread. I'm having a house meeting at my house, so You have Annie's plate We have chips and salsa Annie's soul these are amazing and Greek yogurt dip and Sebastian If there is a heaven on earth it is this place oh yes Their plates are around to full place of salads meanwhile us Praising ourselves you know Yes, you gotta eat this all your better That looks pretty ambitious as well Very reasonable, it's a feed they make the best college in the world Huh This will do hi guys. I am in the car I am Currently on my way to go shoot with my friend Rebecca if you guys have been watching my channel for a long time then you Know who? She is she is one of my friends that I met at Community College. It's actually really like so pure How we met I remember It was like during one of our really long breaks, and I just saw her sitting down on one of the planters And she had really cool style and I was like I'm just gonna go out to her and say that I like her outfit and become friends with her. That was my objective Because when I got out of high school. I was like you know what a lot of my high school friends have left But I'm gonna try and create a new community. She became my friend, and we just hit it off We had a lot of the same interests. I am obsessed with this bookshelf You've got little knickknacks. Oh My gosh. I'm getting a lot of inspiration for my bookshelf Honestly, and there's the woman of the hour But I Becca Hi Stella Hey, baby, cute the living room is it's like a spread and kinfolk or something We've made our selects and now that is gonna do her thing on Lightroom Do you remember the first time we met Becca? Yeah? I was yeah, so I was sitting on Oh mylanta. Yeah, I was like a planter uh-huh Oh sitting on a planter, and you're like. Hi you look lonely Do you want to hang out with you? Oh? Yeah sure oh My god see I like stone cold just gate went up to her You're like you look like you want some friends and like this day that Something like that that is a miracle and like some night life like that first year in college someone comes up to you I was like do you want to be their friend? I don't think yeah sure this is this happening. I do not Like second-guess whether or not they're gonna think you're weird because you're actually gonna make their day And you might be friends with them for as long as we've been Friday Here is my Green Goddess smoothie and Alexa got the peanut butter You guys, this is truly a miracle I am going away to San Francisco for a couple of days, and I'm only flying with the carry-on I Can't even think of the last time I traveled like this, but yeah Amy inspired me to travel light, and so I am normally I always have like two bags No matter how long the trip is I'll always have a carry-on and then I'll have a big boy so excited It's just breeze by oh I also can bring my Global Entry card because I'm traveling alone So let me go grab that yes. I'm heading to San Jose slash, San Francisco to go visit Sarah I Haven't seen her since the holidays and so we Thought we would do kind of like a I don't know like a trip together because I haven't seen her in such a long time check this globe one tree out I Am flying into San Jose, which is where she lives And then she's gonna show me where she works where she lives and so I can finally see what? Her son of the world looks like and then we are traveling all the way to Oakland I think it's like an hour drive, and then we're gonna stay at an Airbnb But yeah this week, it should be super fun. I'm so excited So yeah, I gotta get an uber right now because I'm about to be late So I just landed in San Jose, and I saw Sarah's lovely little home, and she packed her bags And now we are here in San Francisco, and we are our lovely Airbnb here in Rock Ridge it is perfect for two people here is the bed we'll be sleeping on a Little desk area, which will be nice in the daytime a cute little kitchen space got a kettle we can make some tea perhaps and We've got a full fridge with a microwave so yeah, Sarah is just gonna finish getting ready And then we're gonna do a night out in the town oh Man last night was so much fun. We haven't dinner. Oh, that's cute. I like it Last night was so much fun. We started off. Where do we start off? Oh here the golden squirrel? Yeah Because there were squirrels everywhere, I was like well really gone for the theme we danced so much Yeah Minutes was just our high school. Yeah, there's no litter they're playing like hip-hop songs from our era from like 2005 I didn't know that was the thing Yeah, right, but we literally knew every single song you want really wait Lisa that was a ho I Loved him too because there's so many rooms there was like three different. Yes, and they're both They're all distinct as well, and then our friend super moon always playing the mainstage And then we saw the yin yang twins. I woke up and I was like Cuz I just walk to Trader Joe's Shamim oranges. She's like what do I hear joy? I was like I fell I was gonna ask have eyedrops you wanted, but I didn't want to get you out of your like half Sleeping that place is promising for the eyedrops you need they might be overpriced. What are we doing today? we're gonna go get chicken sandwiches and a big sale Betty Betty and Strawberry shortcake, and then we're gonna go All right Oakland Cemetery yeah Here we have the famous fried chicken sandwich at bake sale Betty. I love this sandwich you better have some hot sauce on the side We're eating we walked for years, you know how good the wrong way, I directed us the opposite way so I added an extra mile Here we are we walked all the way to the cemetery how you feelin So we have our apple pie from base el Betty, and we're gonna have it on a bench here Like we didn't bring horse Hello everybody it is Monday afternoon I am back from the Bay Area, and if feels good to be back home But honestly who used one extra day in the Bay that would have been nice I think I was just really enjoying my time over there Sara's one of those friends were even if I don't speak to her in like months When we do see each other it's like no time Has passed I'm really happy that I made an effort to go out and see her because we took the love language test in Like during Thanksgiving and her number one was quality time, and I believe mine was quality time as well and so I Just knew well if I want to make if I want to fulfill this love language like I have to go make an effort to Fly out more today is just a day of just getting my life back together. I've cleaned the house I Have put all my luggage away. Just basically my normal routine that I do when I get back from a big trip I'm gonna go see my therapist today And I'm really excited because I try and see her at least two or three times a month if you have like quite a cluttered Mind like I do it feels really good to just release it out to a professional I mean I recommend therapy to everybody if you have the time and you have the funds to save up and go to therapy I highly recommend it I even asked my therapist if she had a therapist and she told me that she has one so I mean That speaks volumes. Also there are definitely Cheaper alternative alternatives for a therapist and were my first one I got with my health care, and it was only 40 bucks per session, and I know I know it's still like 40 dollars