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  • The Last Ship Season 3 Trailer #2

  • This is Nathan James actual . Over !

  • Captain ! How is my ship ?

  • Someone says she is never been better .

  • Vietnam has been delivered the cure and it's spreading as we speak .

  • Copy that .

  • You should know, there are some strange forces at work in your part of the world.

  • Until I underdstand it myself,

  • watch you six!

  • I don't want to insult anybody but we are out of here in 30 minutes.

  • Something is wrong.

  • Mickael Slattery, captain of the United States Navy

  • I and 5 members of my crew are prisoners of war.

  • Oh God!

  • America you've been having it all alone for far too long.

  • I ask for all Americans to maintain faith in this time of crisis.

  • We are a little concerned about the new president.

  • The Captain got us through the plague, he'll get us through this.

  • The Chinese ordered the cure

  • letting the virus mutate across Asia.

  • The cure hasn't been getting to the people who need it.

  • If you are implying...

  • I'm a military man Mister President, I don't imply.

  • Democracy is a luxury we can no longer afford.

  • What the hell are you doing to me?

  • We're gonna break into that headquarters of the Chinese President.

  • That's Tiger, man of the state security.

  • Don't worry about Tiger, I'm a wolf.

  • They are everywhere.

  • Your time is running out.

  • We give them nothing, except with my middle finger.

  • Let's bring them home.

  • Torpedo in com.

  • Brace, brace, brace!!!

  • The Last ship, season premiere Sunday 12 at 9/8C on TNT.

The Last Ship Season 3 Trailer #2


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ラストシップ シーズン3予告編#2 (HD) (The Last Ship Season 3 Trailer #2 (HD))

  • 30 2
    Aaron Chen に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日